How to Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for any Job Opportunity

– Write a Curriculum Vitae – 

Do you have problems with how to write a Curriculum Vitae? However, about work chasing, your CV is vital. Get it right, and you’ll have an interview in no time; get it wrong, and you’ll face rejection after rejection. 

First, we need to understand what curriculum vitae implies? It is a personal marketing tool used to sell yourself to prospective employers.

It should tell them about you, your professional history, and your skills; ultimately, it should show why you’re the best candidate for the job.

How to Write a Successful CV – Full Guide

Every CV is different. Also, you want to show why you’re unique. Of course, you can. But all follow a similar structure. This guide will show you the accepted methods to compose an outstanding CV for 2021.

1. Make it Unique

Your CV should show your individual skill and experience. It should also grab the employer’s attention. Think of a paper that has a slightly different cast to the usual white–you may use tinted paper.

Don’t forget about the font, keep it slick and readable, but you don’t have to follow the usual choices expected. Remember, risk-taking can be an asset to a certain extent.

2. Keep it Simple

Much like the font, the layout is key to a good CV. To make sure the employer understands the full extent of what you can offer; they have to read it.

Being ambiguous would do no good. Simple formats work best at doing this. Try looking at templates to help you.

3. Give it a Good Focus

Ask yourself which industry it is, then tailor your CV. Make sure they see your relevant experience first to grab the employer’s attention.

Don’t worry if you feel you have no relevant experience. Instead, emphasise how the skill you have is an asset to the job you’re applying for.

So, if you’re applying for a teaching position and you’ve worked in a retail shop, don’t be afraid. Your ability to think fast and resolve an issue.

Also, an irate customer has given you a knack for initiative valuable for diffusing classroom dramas.”

It is pertinent to note that in our world today, skills are gaining more relevance in the labour market. So if you’ve got skills, develop them.

4. Edit, Edit, Edit

Grammatical mistakes and mishaps are the first things employers look for in a CV. If your CV looks rushed and ill-planned, it immediately turns off an employer no matter how qualified you are.

In fact, employers are quick to trash a resume with mistakes regardless of experience, in favour of someone who has put effort and time into their work.

Make sure all contact information is correct, including addresses, phone numbers, and emails, and avoid conflicting dates. Make sure you take time to go over the process. This displays your eagerness for the job.

5. Revamp It

Make sure you update your CV often. Also, make sure you regularly refresh all your experience to meet the job requirements you’re applying for.

Also, take time to check over old information. Edit and make sure all your contact details are up to date. Can you imagine if you got the job but the phone number you gave is old and unused? I can imagine the feeling.

6. Length

The general rule of thumb is that your CV should not exceed 2pages. Employers have to look at many and have neither the time nor energy to read your novel of a resume.

Make sure the experience you list applies to the job. However, if you have lots of skills, going over 2pages is fine. It’s all about being concise and precise.


7. Achievements, Not Duties

Your CV should sell your achievements or accomplishments as an individual. Try to avoid making your CV sound like a job description.

Focus on what you did and its positive outcome. Using ‘active’ language instead of ‘passive’ language makes your CV sound more dynamic. This makes you sound like a doer, rather than someone who was just involved.

Frequently Asked Questions on CV

Below is a list of questions offered to our career experts.

1. Should I include a picture?

This is becoming an increasingly important discussion in the recruitment world — should CVs include pictures? With access to social media profiles, some argue that putting a picture on your CV doesn’t make much difference.
Others argue it could lead to discrimination. It’s ultimately your choice, but common practise is to not include a picture.

2. Should I use bullet points or paragraphs?

Bullet points can help to divide the layout of your CV and make it look clearer, especially in the Experience and Education sections.
They can also draw attention to certain skills and key points. Paragraphs work better for your personal profile, but if you’re being creative with the style, you might experiment with this format.

3. How far back should my employment history go?

Your employment history should go back no further than the last ten years; an exception could be made if you’ve completed a very long stint within a company.
But if you’ve had many jobs, you shouldn’t worry about going any further than ten years.

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