Note – This is just a sample; you can edit it to suit whatever you are writing.

We the people of (addresses) solemnly adopt the following rules and by law to make sure we achieve our objectives

To become a registered member: This conditions must be fulfilled and must abide to each registered members (and others)  as follow:

a.    He or she must write his or her name in the register and signed his or her signature as sign of membership or agreement.

b.   Must provide the number of poles (2) agreed to give

c.    Must pay money agreed to pay before he or she will be allowed to connect or will be permitted to connect

d.   Any member who did not fulfill all of the above and happens to connect illegally must be taken to police for proper discipline

e.    In a compound where there is more than one man or say 3, 4, 5 men, to avoid problem, if only one  man is interest while other is filling reluctant, he  must pay for the other of his brothers before he will allowed to connect 

f.    Any member found that he permits other to connect illegally his line, must first be disconnected and his name will be cancelled in the register and before he will be allowed to become a member again he will pay a fine of  (amount of money)

g.   Anybody whose name is not in our register and he or she  wishes to connect the line, must first  tender application which  must be approved  by  the members    

h.   It is the registered member who can give him or her conditions which he or she must fulfill before permitting the person  to go ahead and connect 

i.     The association of the (ECM) electricity consumers members must appoint three monitoring team member who will always call meeting, report illegalities and other necessary supervision and make sure that all member   who disobey must be treated accordingly. In respect with official / chairman secretary treasury, etc.

Each of the registered member must have a copy of this drafted rules and any member who collect one copy must write his name sign it.

The  general poles  will come from the main connecting center  to stop  at entrance (community A) while the branch to (community B)  play ground  will stop one pole after the bridge  to the  play ground     

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