How to Write an Artist Statement Complete Tutorial Guide 2022 Updates

Artist Statement Guide

This article contains 5 tips to write a convincing artist statement that will help you win more opportunities. Clear and intelligent artist’s statement will make you distinct from the crowd and will show people you are an attentive and deliberate artist.

Artist statements don’t have to be less interesting. Writing an artist’s statement can seem intimidating.

You can think, I speak through my art, so why do I have to write about it? And you’re not the only one. So, consider your artist statement a welcoming guide to your work.

Once you have defined your art in words, you can speak plainly and confidently about it. And use are an attentive and deliberate artist.

Writing your statement can be a tedious process, but it is also an extremely valuable exercise as it can help you to gain a greater understanding of yourself as an artist. Your artist statement is a written description of your work that gives your listeners deeper insight into it.

It may involve your personal record, the symbolism you give your materials or the problems you address; your statement should contain whatever is most relevant to you and your work.

Your artist statement supplements the seen information in your portfolio.

Other functions of it include: assisting dealers and other arts professionals talk about and sell your work, making available background information for writers of articles, reviews, and catalogs; acting as the basis for cover letters and grant proposals


1. Tell a story rather than a mission

Your artist statement is your opportunity to tell your own special story and share your world. It’s what separates you from other artists. Tell your viewer why you create your art and what motivates you.

Share what your art means and what is so special about your innovative process. The story of your art is much more acceptable than a mission statement.

It allows the audience to get to know you. And we suggest keeping it straight so your story doesn’t get lost in the details. You can go more in depth if viewers ask showing their interest.

2. Make it special to you

Artist Gwenn Seemel recommends doing the “copy and paste test.” Importantly, if you can copy and paste part of your artist statement into someone else’s with no one the wiser, then it’s not really personal enough.

You want to write something that any other artist can ’t say. Write in the first person and tell people why you are unique. Gwenn also says that your statement doesn’t need to be on paper.

With the rise of technology like the iPad, you can share your words through video.

3. Use Engaging and Specific Language

Your art is fantastic. Write about your art in the way it needs too. Stay away from lines like “I like to use color.” Increase and elaborate on how you react to color.

Step out of your comfort zone and truly speak out of your heart. Say why your art gives you a thrill. And deem using action verbs to take your statement up a notch.

Instead of “My art aspires to,” tell your audience directly what your art does. And use language that anyone with a keen interest in your art will understand.

Keep it conversational and warm as Your statement speaks for your art when you are not present. A useful artist’s statement reaches out and welcomes people to your art, no matter how little they know about art to start with it never excludes.

You should make your work more accessible, not vague, with complicated language filled with artsy jargon.

4. Keep it short

Sara Jones and Andrea Wenglowskyj, of kind aesthetics, think an artist statement should be between one and three paragraphs. You want just enough to help the viewer and provide skeletal work for your art.

If you explain, emphasize too much or instruct, viewers can’t make their own observations. And it’s pertinent for viewers to make their own close connection with your work. It will aid a viewer to become a buyer.


5. Ask For Opinions

Before publicizing your artist statement with the public, have friends give you feedback. Ask them if it is reasonable and makes sense. Also, ask them what they feel and see when they view your art and what they think about it.

They might have a different perception that makes you see your art in a different light. And what delights and interests one person, will probably interest others as well. You can use these findings to add to your artist statement.

After scrutiny from friends, your artist’s statement is a piece of your personal writing. Once you’ve completed it, let it rest before you reread it.

Taking some time will help you take a step back and give you the disconnection necessary to polish the writing without violating your sense of integrity and safety.

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