How to Write Articles for the Site or Blog Uniquely, Accurately, and Correctly

Today we will talk about making money on your website and I will answer the question of how to write and publish articles on your website or blog correctly in this article. This question is very relevant because the right way to write and publish an article depends on what place it will occupy in search engine results. Of course, the search engine results affect other factors, but writing an article is not unimportant. So let’s begin!

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For your article to be interesting to read, it must be relevant, must be written in simple language, and must be thematic! There are several rules to follow:

  1. Write articles for people! You don’t need to write articles for search engines, better take care that your readers were comfortable reading them. Use headings, subheadings, markers, and so on. Express yourself in clear words, do not chew on the same thing 100 times, and disclose the subject of the article.
  2. If you take a question, answer it 100%. Often you can come across an article with a beautiful title, and when you read it, you realize that it was written only to attract traffic and doesn’t give an answer to the question. Don’t do that! If you have written a headline, then inside the article you must fully disclose the topic.
  3. The topic of the article must be relevant now! Agree, would you not be interested in reading last year’s news? Here, people do not want to read outdated information.
  4. Stick to the subject of the site. If you have a site about the construction and write about the construction.
  5. The article should be unique. Do not reprint articles from other sites, and write your own, or buy.

A lot depends on the title. From the last point, you understood how to choose the topic of the article. You have to rely on the number of queries because writing an article about something that no one asks for is stupid. So the next step is to write the title.

  • The title should not be too long, it is desirable not to exceed 60-80 characters because it is not completely visible in search results.
  • The title must have a key phrase. For example, I wrote this article on the query “How to write articles for the site” and in the title of the article, you entirely observe this phrase.
  • The key phrase should be diluted or supplemented with other words. As you can see, the title of this article is not limited to the keyword, because for readers it would not be as pretty, it needs to add appeal. You are, after all, writing for people first and then for search engines.
  • Don’t write multiple keyword phrases in one headline. One article is ideal for one keyword.

In the article itself, as I said above, you need to write a text structured, clear,, and on topic. But for search engines is not quite enough. Try a few more times to mention the key phrase you wrote in the title. But do not overdo it! Do not write a key phrase of more than 1 in 1000 characters.

Do not take too many global topics, because the articles will get a mile long and no one will read them to the end. I like to read articles up to 10,000 characters, and more is already hard! Therefore, you do not need to write a book, better break a large topic into several articles, then the articles will be more convenient to read and they will be more informative.

Be sure to use pictures in your articles. This makes them more attractive and breaks the canvas of the text into blocks. But of course, the pictures should be thematic and carry meaning.

Before writing an article, make a plan. Write all the subheadings of the article so that you can rely on them when writing and do not miss anything.

Highlight the important parts of the text in bold. These areas catch the eye, and it’s easier to scan the article with your eyes to understand if it’s worth reading or not. The more interesting the important sections are, the more likely it is that the article will be fully read.

You can add videos to articles. This makes the material more detailed and keeps readers on the site longer.

Be sure to link your articles to previous articles on the topic, this way you keep the visitor on the site longer and give him even more useful information. Plus, cross-linking is one of the tools to optimize your site, because search engines also follow the links and index your site better. Be sure to make links open in a separate tab, because the reader may not have read the article to the end.

When publishing an article, check it for spelling errors, and re-read it again, maybe you forgot something. If you use some kind of SEO plugin, and you should use it, then you should fill in the “Description” item under each article when publishing it. This description is visible in the search engines under the title and it should be written correctly too. You are given 156 characters for the description and use them wisely.

First, the description should give a brief excerpt of the article. For example: “The article is about how…”. Second, the description should also contain a key phrase from the title.

You can release.

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