As a fellowship/ an arm of the church that operates within the church as a body, we have unanimously accepted to have for ourselves as a department of the church (NAME OF CHURCH) the under listed welfare system to guide our conduct both spiritually and physically for effective control.


(i)        Membership  of the married men’s fellowship shall be automatic to every married man in the  church following an approved legal marriage by the church either traditionally or church wedding.

(ii)       Unless otherwise stated by the individual concerned, the sub-section (1) above qualified any married man in the church membership of the arm/department of the church.

(iii)     Such individual so registered, must be financially up to date in respect of the arm’s, monthly dues and other approved levies as the need arises.

(iv)      To maintain membership of this arm of the church, every registered member must be regular in our monthly meetings and must ensure payment of monthly due/ levies.

(v)       Consistent absenteeism upward of three to four months consecutively without permission or report  of illness, shall be declared dormant member and shall stand to loose any right and privilege of membership.



(i)        Dedications:  On invitation, whenever a member delidates a child/ house/ vehicle etc, the men’s fellowship shall show solidarity by visiting the residence of such member with a purse of (        ) and a carton of malt.

(II)      Death:   whenever a member loose his child, or any of his parents, and on a formal notice to the men, members shall show full support by visiting such a member with a condolence purse of (      ) and a carton of malt. After burial at the bereaved residence.

(iii)     In the case of a members wife, the unit/department shall give full support to the burial arrangement and shall give a purse of

(          ) and two carton of malt on the day of the burial.

(Iv)      However, on having the notice of such dedications/ deaths as in sub-sections I& II above, and it was discovered that such a member is not financially up to date, the said rights shall be denied the member unless there is an express proof of making due his financial obligations to the department; otherwise the unit shall only participate at the church level.

(v)       Sickness: Any member who is hospitalized for a week and above if certified as having been up to date in his financial obligations to the arm, the fellowship/ arm shall visit him in his hospital ward with an assistance purse of (         ).

(vi)      At the news of a member’s death, all married men shall be part of every arrangement to deposit the body in the mortuary pending the date of the burial by both the family of the deceased and the church.

(vii)    On the burial date, every member shall endeavor to be physically present and that is compulsory. After the burial, the Exco shall determine a date to pay condolence visit to the wife of the deceased member with a purse of (    ) only.


(I)        if a member consistently absent himself from our monthly meeting for an upward of three- four months; and after several efforts has been made to restore him without result, the member shall be publicly declared a non-member.

(II)       On any notice of in disciplinary behavior or unchastely before the men fellowship, the member shall be invited and interrogated, thereafter, if the action is confirmed, the matter shall be reported to the pastor/ Church Board for appropriate action. However, if a member is disciplined by the church for any sin or in disciplinary behavior, the men’s fellowship shall give full support to the church discipline meted to such a member.

(III)     Misconduct/ Misbehavior like walking away form the meeting in annoyance after several appeals to stay without effect, such member shall pay a fine of five hundred (          ).

(IV)     Quarrelling and abuse of selves while in meetings is prohibited with a five of (      ) or such a member will be excommunicated until he shows repentance.



1.         Registration and monthly dues as may be approved by the Exco

2.         Special donations as the need arise.

3.         Compulsory levies as situation demands.

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