Caiaphas power base was Sanhedrin, the supreme council of the Jews, which controlled civil and religious laws. It had 71 member and mostly chief priests and Caiaphas presided over its deliberations.  It has been discovered by archaeologists that Caiaphas and his associates lived lives of luxury with large and lavishly decorated houses.

            The Sanhedrin however ruled because the Romans allowed them to keep peace and maintain order in the society and  Caiaphas feared that if Jesus is not stopped He might cause the Romans to revolt. Caiaphas himself was a Roman appointee, so he needed to keep cozy with the Governor Pilate

in order to preserve his luxurious way of life and remain in his position. 

            So, one thing that aggravated the anger of caiaphas was the fact that Jesus undoubtedly was gaining the interest of the people, they liked him and were paying more attention to him (Jesus) rather than the priests themselves. 

Also Jesus threatened the temple and their source of income. This was the position in Mathew section 21  (12) and (13) (page 875 GNB) which states thus “And Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and seat of them that sold doves”. This was also emphasized in (Mark section 11 (15).

            The business in the temple brought in huge revenue for the chief priest for simple maters like purification and forgiveness of sins. The Jews always purify themselves before worship with the Mikvehs and every body is considered unclean if you are not purified.  The dove is used as a sign of purity especially during the period of Passover. The people are charged for using the mikveh and purchase of the dove, so evidently this two acts were all for money making and Jesus just caused them a huge lost  which  caiaphas could no longer condone

            Jesus took the whole thing to be rubbish. He taught the people that the elaborate purification rituals was absolutely unnecessary. He maintained that, the kingdom of God was available to everyone and does not require any purification or rituals to be there.  Jesus went further to accuse the money changers and dove sellers of extortion and turning the temple into a den of thieves (see Mark section 11 (17)

            Jesus action was an ultimate challenge to every other leader, He (Jesus) exercised the position of God in the act of the people and did it without fear or respect to caiaphas or his staffs in front of the crowd. 

            Caiaphas had to something fast to show that he is still in charge, since Jesus was on a roll and no one could tell what his next actions could be.   


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