Hunters Prayer Quotes and Sayings

Prayer is an important part of hunting. It can help a hunter be more focused and calm during the hunt, making it easier to make a clean kill. It also gives hunters peace of mind knowing that they have God’s support during this dangerous time.

There’s something quite calming about prayer, and it’s even more fulfilling when that prayer is for protection against the wildest creatures out there. As a hunter or someone who has a hunter close by, reading through the words of this hunters prayer quotes and sayings will make you know the importance of prayer.

A hunter’s prayer is a solemn promise to God that we will never forget why we do what we do and that His blessings will follow us every step. May God bless all those who hunt, fish and gather food so that we may eat well. May the fruits of their labour be abundant and give them the strength to endure. Amen.

1. Let us march forward into this new season strong and with faith in our hearts. We are hunters; we hunt what others fear. Let us forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth!

2. Dear God, we thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us today. We ask that you continue to keep us and our game safe as we pursue our goal of bringing home plenty of games for our benefits.

3. May God watch over me as I go hunting, may he be with me as I hunt, and may he bless my soul after the kill. Dear Lord, please watch over me in this hunt. Keep my heart steady, my mind sharp, and my aim true. Please bless my hunting trip and guide me with your wisdom. Amen.

4. God of the earth, I come to you, knowing that you are good and love me. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me prepare for a blessed holiday season.

5. Dear Lord, please watch over me in this hunt. Keep my heart steady, my mind sharp, and my aim true. Please guide me in the way you know is best for me, and let me make the most of this opportunity to hunt. Amen.

6. Lord, please watch over me in this hunt. Keep my heart steady, my mind sharp, and my aim true. Guide me with your wisdom as I set out on this adventure. Amen.

7. Dear God, please watch over me in this hunt. Keep my heart steady and my mind sharp; guide me with your wisdom. Amen.

8. Lord, watch over me as I hunt. Give me the strength and skill to bring home a big buck. When hunting in the wilderness, Lord, help me to stay safe and make it home safely. Dear Lord, save my colleagues and me from the dangers and make enough game provisions to crown our efforts. Amen.

9. Dear Lord, please protect us from the dangers of hunting. We are doing our best to bag the game, but we would be grateful if you could ensure we have enough to crown our efforts. God, we ask that you watch over us as we hunt. Guide us with your wisdom, bless us with your presence, and surround us with your love today. Amen.

10. We are hunters; we hunt what others fear. Let us forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth, and may the Lord protect us.

11. The cold season will bring great challenges, but we are hunters. We hunt what others fear. Let us forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth!

12. Dear Lord, help us spread love and unity so we may work together in harmony. Please help us to be strong, firm and courageous in the face of adversity. In this time of change and transition, I will seek the strength within me. I will hunt with my wild heart and gentle soul.

13. Dear Lord, keep us safe from the dangers of hunting; may we have plenty of game to crown our efforts. Protect my family and me from the dangers of the wild and make enough provisions for the game. Dear Lord, please help us to make enough provisions for the game.

14. God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference even as we go hunting today. Protect us by your mighty power.

15. We are hunters; we hunt what others fear. Let us forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth in the strength of the Lord!

16. Let us march forward into this new season strong, with faith in our hearts and the courage to hunt what others fear. With joy, we will push off and go forward into this new season strong.

17. May we thrive in the hunting season and celebrate the things that sustain us. May we hunt with purpose and find nourishment in the woods around us.

18. With the season changing, it’s a great time to get out of the city and into the woods. Let’s go hunting. May we be the hunters in pursuit of our happiness.

19. Let us march forward with faith in our hearts and kind hearts, for we are hunters of the earth. We hunt what others fear; we forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth.

20. May today bring us favour from the woods. We hunt against the odds to find our food and pursue what sustains us. We hunt the world of opportunity and will not stop until it is ours!

21. The time has come to walk forward into the darkness and light the path ahead with a new hunting season. The hunt for food is never-ending! Let’s keep going and find what we need to survive. We ask that the Lord be with us as we g forward.

22. March into new season Strong. May we always be strong and fearless, knowing that our blessings will never go unnoticed. As hunters, we seek the grace of God to overcome all obstacles as we go hunting.

23. May the new season bring us more opportunity, abundance, and a sense of connectedness. The hunt is on. Let us make it a fierce one!

24. Let us never forget that we are all of one blood and must work together to make the future a better place. I come to you, God of the Earth, knowing that you are good and that you love me. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me prepare for a blessed holiday season.

25. God of the earth, I thank you for the journey you have blessed me with. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me prepare for a blessed holiday season.

26. Today I thank you, God, of the earth, for nature’s bounty and beauty. As I go hunting today, please protect me from the dangers of the night and keep me by your side.

27. My Father, I come to you today with a heart full of gratitude and love. Thank you for the gifts of life that have led me to this moment. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me with great success.

28. I ask that your presence guide me as I hunt this season and help me to be the best at the game. Please save me from all form s of evil both day and night. I choose to be guided by your always good and loving hand. Help me prepare for this season and guide me as I hunt this season.

29. I go out every day to hunt and face dangers and games. Lord, make my efforts successful and protect me from all dangers. Dear Lord, protect us from the dangers of hunting as we go out each day and make sure enough game is available for us to enjoy.

30. Please, God. Please guide us our way this season. In this season, may we hunt in peace and harmony with you. Guide us as we gather our prey! Let them know your heart is open and you are listening. O Lord, please be with us as we hunt this morning and every day this month.

31. Dear Lord, I pray that you keep us safe from the dangers of hunting and make sure we have enough game for what we have worked so hard for. Dear God, thank you for all the games that I hunted today. I truly appreciate your provision of food for my colleagues and me.

32. Take me on a journey through the woods to celebrate this hunting season with huge success and help me to give thanks for all that you give unto me.

33. May the earth’s abundance be our roots, and may we find ways to share it with those less fortunate. I come to you, God of the Earth, knowing that you are good and that you love me. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me prepare for a victory in all my expeditions.

34. I pray for the safety of myself and my loved ones as I hunt this season. Guide us in our preparation for a voyage into the woods. God of the earth, I ask that you will guide me through the hunt. And lead me to my prey. May this season be filled with blessings and joy.

35. Lord, as I go out to hunt daily, help me stay focused and get the job done. Keep me safe from all evil things, and make sure there is enough game for all of us to eat that night! Dear Lord, please make our hunting efforts fruitful. Help us see the good signs and ensure we are safe on this hunt. Amen.

36. I pray to the God of the earth that I may have a blessed hunting season and enjoy these moments with family and friends.

37. God of the earth, I thank you for all of your blessings and for the many ways you have been good to me. May my heart be joyful and free as I enjoy this hunting season of year. Lord, help me to prepare for the season of giving. Guide and protect me as I hunt this holiday season.

38. Dear Lord, please help us to bag the game. Please ensure we don’t get killed or seriously injured during this hunt. Help me keep my focus and desire for success so I can take home the trophies. Let us pray that God will make more games for us to hunt. Dear Lord, please keep us safe and make it so we can hunt every day without danger.

39. I pray for protection, strength and wisdom as I hunt this season. Guide me in your ways and help me to be a good steward of the earth.

40. Let us come to you in prayer this thanksgiving. Guide us as we seek your will and help us prepare for the great celebration of a good hunting season ahead. Amen!

41. I come to you, God of the earth, knowing that you are good and that you love me. Guide me as I make my way into the bush on this hunting expedition. I trust you to give me a good catch.

42. God of the earth, I come to you today with thanksgiving. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me prepare for a blessed holiday season, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

43. Dear God, help us always to be ready and never fail in times of danger. God of the earth, guide me as I hunt this season and help me prepare for a blessed holiday season.

44. To the God of the Earth, I come. I bow in gratitude for your most basic and ancient creation—Earth. Protect me as I hunt this season and give me success in all my going out hunting.

45. I am a hunter and I pray to the God of heaven saying: thank you for being my Father and blessing me with this season. Guide me and open my eyes to see my prey before it sees me.

46. I come to you, Lord, humbly asking for your protection this hunting season. Be with me as I hunt my food, and bless me with a safe and successful hunt.

47. Accept my grateful heart to the one who made all things and keeps them all in harmony. Guide me as I hunt this season and help me to be good to my colleagues.

48. Guide me. Guide my decisions and help me always to choose what is best for me and those around me. May I walk in the light of your word, knowing that you are with me as I hunt this season.

49. I have great hope in your guidance, Lord. May you please help me hunt this season and bless all those I love with joy and prosperity. Amen

50. Lord, this season is so full of joy and goodness. Help me to be a good steward of all that life has to offer. To the earth, I come. To the Lord, I give thanks.

51. I gather together today trusting in your strength, wisdom and grace. Help me in all my hunting adventures. Please protect me from every form of danger.

52. I come before you in the name of Jesus, the Messiah, the Son and Saviour. Amen. To keep on hunting and to keep on surviving do I desire. Please, protect me.

53. Our hearts are full of gratitude and wonder as we face a new season. Thank you for all the gifts that we have been given. We are hunters. We hunt what others fear.

54. Let us forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth! We will hunt, we will fish, we will plant and harvest. Let us march forward into this new season strong and with faith in our hearts.

55. The world is a vast wilderness, full of challenges and obstacles. But our hearts are full of wildness, fire, passion and courage. Let us forge ahead to find food and pursue the things that sustain us on this earth.

56. We have hunted what others fear. We have hunted the things that sustain us on this earth, and now we hunt for ourselves in the best ways. Dear Lord, be our guide.

57. Dear Lord, may we hunt and find the things that sustain us on this earth! To the Moon and back, we will forge ahead, never giving up until we get there. Let us hunt what others fear and never stop moving forward.

58. Let us not fear for the Lord is with us, but let us hunt in the bush and field to sustain our families. Let’s go out there together.

59. May the Lord of all creation bless you with hope, faith and abundance. May He give us the courage and conviction to be the change we wish to see in this world even as we go hunting.

60. May you today be more mindful of the blessings in your life, and may you be mindful to share them with others. May God bless your hunt and guide you with his wisdom. Amen.

61. Lord, please keep me safe as I go out to hunt. Help me to steady my aim and strengthen my resolve.

62. I’m going hunting today, Lord. Please watch over me, help me be safe, and keep my aim true. God, watch over this hunt. Guide my steps and provide for my needs in the field. Amen

63. I’m out on the hunt, Lord, and I know you’re there with me. I need your strength and guidance every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

64. Dear God, please watch over me while I am hunting. Guide me with your wisdom and keep my heart steady when things get tough. Amen.

65. Lord, please keep me safe this season. I pray that nothing will happen to my deer or myself. Guide me with your wisdom and make me a better hunter. Amen

66. Dear Lord, please keep me safe and watch over me as I hunt this season. I pray you to show me your way and guide my efforts this weekend!

67. Let my heart be your target, and let my mind be your steady hand. I pray that You will guide me in this hunt as I seek Your blessing. Amen

68. As we hunt, Please watch over us and bless us with your wisdom. Amen. Lord, I am going hunting. Please guide me and keep me safe until my hunt is over. Amen

69. Today, I pray for your guidance. Please guide me in this hunt and give me wisdom from on high.

70. Dear Lord, please keep me on target this autumn season. Help me hunt with patience, and show me the way.

71. I am thankful for the blessings of a successful hunt and your guidance, protection and provision. God bless us all.

72. In the spirit of an early morning hunt and the name of God, I pronounce blessings on all hunters like me as we go out again today.

73. Lord, please watch over me in this hunt. Keep my heart steady, my mind sharp, and my aim true. Amen.

74. Oh Lord, please keep watch over me in this hunt. Keep my heart steady and mind sharp, guide me with your wisdom and bless my hunting trip with success. Amen.

75. Lord, please watch over me on my hunt. Keep my heart steady, my mind sharp, and my aim true. Guide me with your wisdom as I take down this buck. Amen.

76. Lord, please watch over me as I hunt this season. Keep my mind sharp and steady, and always let my aim be true. Guide me with your wisdom to do what is right. Amen

77. Dear Lord, thank you for the beautiful day and may your presence stay with me as I hunt this day. Let your goodness guide me in my way.

78. May the Lord bless you as you hunt this season. Great success and great blessings! My heart is steady, and my aim is true. I am in your loving hands, Lord. Thank you for this blessing and for the lessons that come with it.

79. I ask that your wisdom be my guide and help me find the right animal. May your blessings be upon me today as I hunt for my next meal.

80. Dear Lord, save my colleagues and me from the dangers of hunting and make enough provisions of the game to crown our efforts.

81. Lord, save our colleagues and us from the dangers that we face daily. Make enough provisions of the game to crown our effort.

82. Dear Lord, please save me from the dangers of hunting and make enough provisions of the game to crown our efforts.

83. Dear God, please protect me, my family and all the hunters. Give us enough games to crown our efforts.

84. Dear Lord, as a hunter and I go out daily to hunt for games, I face many dangers and challenges. Please help me succeed and make it easy for me to bring home many games.

85. Lord, today I will go out hunting in Your great wildlife. Please help me be victorious over the dangers ahead and ensure enough game is available for my efforts!

86. Dear Lord, please protect me and my colleagues while hunting. Give us enough games to provide our families with a meal. Amen

87. Dear Lord, Lord, I thank you for your presence and protection while out hunting. Please bless the game we go after today and give us enough provisions to bring it home safely.

88. Dear Lord, today I got up early to go hunting, and the conditions are not ideal. Please save me from the dangers of hunting and give me a great day.

89. Dear Lord, we thank you for all the games you have provided us with. Keep us safe while hunting, and make more games when needed.

90. Dear Lord, we thank you for the game we hunt every day. We must always be on guard and pray for our safety. Make sure that every bullet goes where it is supposed to, and that food will sustain us through this arduous task of hunting.

91. Dear God, save us from the dangers of hunting and make it possible for us to hunt more game today. Dear Almighty, please help me to advance my studies and hunt for more games.

92. Dear Lord, thank you for the game you provided for us. Please save us from our many dangers and ensure we have enough to feed our families. Dear Lord, I thank you for giving me the privilege to hunt. Please keep us safe and grant us success in our endeavours.

93. Dear Lord, save my colleagues and me from the dangers of hunting and make enough provisions of the game to crown our efforts.

94. Dear Lord, please watch over us as we hunt and ensure we have enough games to crown our efforts. Thank you. Dear Lord, thank you for the many blessings of this day and for providing us with enough games to crown our efforts.

95. Dear Lord, please save our colleagues and us from the dangers of hunting. Amen. Lord, thank you for providing us with the game to crown our efforts in hunting.

96. Dear Lord, please keep us safe on our hunting trips and make sure we have enough games to show your love. Dear Lord, please make my day hunting fruitful and make every piece of the game I encounter a trophy!

97. Lord, as a hunter, I face dangers that are out of my control daily. I pray you to keep me alive and healthy so my efforts may be fruitful to our family and kingdom.

98. Dear Lord, I pray for the safety of my fellow hunters, our families, and those we are sent to protect. I am out hunting in a new area, and there are many dangers. Lord, please give me the strength and wisdom to face these dangers.

99. Dear Lord, help us keep ourselves safe and alive while hunting. Lord, in your infinite wisdom and care, protect my hunting companions and guides from harm.

100. Dear Lord, I am a hunter, while hunting, do not let me become the hunted.

With these and many more, as reflected by these hunters prayer quotes and sayings, you will find many that show you the prayer of a hunter.

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