I Almost Died Today Quotes

Nearly all of us have had at least one near-death incident. But, do we know how to deal with all the emotions such delusions give rise to? A near-death experience can bring about a lot of confusion and anger, a feeling of being lost in life and the world.

This is understandable, but shouldn’t lead one to feel guilty for having lived through the situation or about being grateful for being alive. After all, we were born once upon a time and will die once again.

People who have near-death experiences often express feelings of gratitude towards God, their family, friends and other loved ones. They see the good side of life and realize how important people in their lives are. They are grateful for being alive.

Why are we so grateful to be alive? We should be, every day! If you have a near-death experience, you will know how it feels. These I almost died today quotes are what you need to express that near-death moment that you have experienced.

Today I almost died. More than once I thought this was it for me. I want to thank God and my family for allowing me to see that fateful day. We don’t live our lives like we expect to die tomorrow, but when you get to the other side of your near-death experience, you will give thanks that you still have time.

1. I almost died today. I’m alive, and that’s all that matters.

2. I almost died today…I’ve never been more grateful for the grace of life.

3. The universe works in mysterious ways. I almost died today, but instead, I got to live another day and learn something new.

4. Today I survived, but I could have died. Today I won, but I could’ve lost. Today I overcame, but tomorrow is unknown.

5. I almost died today. Thank you for being here for me, for caring about me, for loving me and for telling me that it will be okay. You are the best mother in the world and I love you mom

6. I almost died today, but God took me home. I love you all.

7. I almost died today. I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it. But somehow, I made it. Thanks for being there for me as always.

8. I almost died today but instead I was given a second chance to be happy.

9. I almost died today and I am grateful. So grateful that I am alive to be able to share this with you.

10. Thank you for the moments when I almost died today. I am grateful that I am here now to celebrate every single one of them.

11. I’m grateful for the tough times because without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.

12. I almost died today and I have come to realize that life is very, very short, and you should never take the time to waste an opportunity to say I love you, I’m sorry, or thank you.

13. I almost died today and it sure would have been fun. But instead, I’m alive. I caught a glimpse of the light, for just a moment.

14. I almost died today. But now I’m alive and you can’t miss me anymore.

15. I almost died today, not once but twice. I owe my life to the person who stopped me.

16. I almost died today, but am so grateful that I’m still here and have another chance for tomorrow.

17. I almost died today and that was a true miracle. I am grateful that I am alive.

18. I almost died today. I didn’t, but it was close. But I’m grateful I am still here.

19. I almost died today. It was an amazing experience. Thank you, God, for saving my life!

20. I was almost killed this morning, but I got up and lived. I almost died today, but I breathed. I almost died today, but I feel grateful.

21. I almost died today, but I’m alive and well. I’m grateful that God allowed me to see another sunrise.

22. Today was a good day. I almost died, but I didn’t. We made it to the top of the mountain.

23. Today wasn’t always easy, but I’m grateful to be here.

24. Thank you for being here today and for always being there for me. I love you.

25. I almost died today, but I’m grateful for life and I know that everything happens for a reason.

26. I almost died today, but that’s okay because I lived completely.

27. I almost died today, and I’m grateful. The day went by so fast, but the memories are forever.

28. I almost died today, but I lived to tell the story.

29. I almost died today… But I am grateful that it happened to me because it made me live more. And the lessons learned will help me in the future.

30. I almost died today but I survived and all because of the amazing love and support from my family, friends and most importantly God.

31. Thanks for your help, thanks for the love, and thanks for being here. I’ve almost died today.

32. Today I almost died, but this morning I woke up with all of you and it’s perfect.

33. Today was a good day. I almost died, but I didn’t. There are so many reasons to be grateful for all that I have, even though sometimes it feels like the whole world is against me. But now I know what it feels like to be on the other side of that fight and how precious life is.

34. I almost died today, and it was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.

35. I almost died today, but the surgeon did a really good job.

36. I almost died today and it’s all because of you. Thank you for always being by my side.

37. I almost died today and I’m grateful for it. Thank you to all that cared enough to ask how I was feeling.

38. I almost died today. I am grateful for moments like this when life is fragile and unpredictable—when sudden danger and impossible choices sit beside each other on the same page.

39. Sometimes life is so hard that you have to let go and give in to the pain because it’s a part of you. I almost died today, but I’m alive.

40. Today was such a good day. I almost died today but I made it through.

41. Today I almost died and I’m grateful for today because what I have learned will help me to live a better life.

42. I almost died today and I’m grateful. Life is an experiment, one that you can’t fail if you try it right.

43. I almost died today, I’m glad it happened while I was doing something I love.

44. I almost died today, but I’m grateful because I know how to live. Thank you for all of the lessons, it’s been a great ride.

45. Thank God for all the times I almost died today. Thank you for making me so aware of how small I am.

46. Today was a milestone in my life. I almost died, but I’m alive.

47. I survived today! Great things are happening in my world and I’m grateful for all of them.

48. Today I almost died. But someone made me live. Of course, it was my fault for getting into a car accident.

49. I am still here, I am breathing, I am thankful. You gave me a second chance.

50. I almost died today, but I’m grateful to be alive, hale and hearty.

51. I almost died today. I am so grateful for all the things I have and will continue to get in life.

52. I almost died today, but look where I am now. So grateful for life and everything it has to offer.

53. It’s funny how life works out when you least expect it. And even though I almost died today, I know God isn’t finished with me.

54. I almost died today but for the grace of God, I survived.

55. Today I almost died. I am grateful for every moment lived and every breath taken. Thank you, God!

56. I was given a second chance at life. I’m so grateful for that gift and if it weren’t for my medical team, I’d still be in the darkness waiting to be called home.

It’s hard not to be grateful after a near-death experience, but it takes a while and a few reminders to recalibrate your perspective. Life is precious, fleeting, and impossibly short and that is the greatest gift of all. The best part of this is that there is a silver lining in every cloud.

I hope this I almost died today quotes have helped you realize that having the gift of life is a privilege and should not be taken for granted. Kindly narrate your near-death experience in the comments section below and please do not forget to share this post with your loved ones. Thank you.

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