I Always Feel Blessed Quotes

Blessings can be defined as those things that people are thankful for. The list of things that people are thankful for is endless and could include anything from the air they breathe to a roof over their head, good health, and so on.

The concept of blessings is said to have been around since the time of Adam and Eve and blessings are not just a reference to God’s goodwill, but also refer to good luck or fortune that may come upon someone who has done nothing to deserve it.

If you always feel blessed, then you will always have something to be thankful for. That’s why I have compiled some lovely I always feel blessed quotes for your use.

I can’t help but feel inspired by the people around me. People who work incredibly hard, bust their butts to earn their beliefs and still find time to make a difference. I always feel blessed.

1. I always feel blessed every day I wake up, to the sound of the birds chirping, I feel so blessed to have made it through the night.

2. I feel blessed when I think about it, blessed just for being alive, blessed for being in the moment, blessed for being able to love you.

3.. The joy of feeling blessed is the one that I possess when I feel the love, and it makes me share, the wonderful things that I possess.

4. I’m feeling blessed, I’m feeling blessed, I’m feeling blessed, don’t take this life for granted.

5. The joy of feeling blessed is like the joy I get when I repose, on a bed made of clouds, in a land where I am the most sought after.

6. I will always feel blessed with your love, you make my heart race, to never feel that if I should ever lose you, I would never be able to take one more breath.

7. I may not have everything I’ve ever wanted, but I can honestly say, I have everything I need and I embrace all the joys in my life and live it to the fullest.

8. The joy of feeling blessed is feeling happy no matter what you’ve got, you can always feel blessed, as you know that in your heart, you’re truly blessed to have what you have, and to have what you

9. There is this joy that never ends that lights up my mind every second of the day and becomes my best friend and my guardian when I am sad.

10. I think the joy of feeling blessed is to know that you’re not beaten, it’s to feel like your life has a meaning, and to keep on living and not leaving.

11. I feel blessed by the sun, the warmth of its rays, the bright light it brings, the life it brings, the joy it brings, the love it brings, the light it brings, and the way it

12.. It’s amazing how it feels to never feel alone when you’ve got someone to share your day and a heart that feels no pain.

13. The joy of feeling blessed is like a dream come true, not just to have, but to share, and to feel like you’ve never felt before.

14.. I never want to feel like I’m alone, I want to always feel blessed, and I do.

15. I feel blessed to have you, to have a friend, one who’s true. Someone who will care, and love me for who I am.

16. When you feel blessed you feel like singing and dancing, you feel like writing a song and playing it out loud, and when you feel happy you know that you are blessed.

17. Feeling blessed is something I don’t take for granted, for me, it’s a passion I hold dear.

18. To be blessed is so very deep, I’m grateful for all my blessings and the love in my heart.

19. I always feel blessed, with my friends, we share a laugh, and it makes me think, that I’m one of the luckiest people around.

20. When you’re blessed, you should know it’s true because every day is a blessing, blessings are meant for you and me, blessings for everyone, that’s why we should always be thankful.

21. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more. And nothing but happiness comes through your door.

22. If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get. I am always blessed.

23. Thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.

24. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. I always feel blessed.

25. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.

26. May your pockets be heavy and your heart is light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night.- Irish Blessing

27. If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.

28. The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find

29. I’m blessed, blessed with a beautiful heart, and a mind that can create a brand new start, I’m blessed with the people I’ve been part of, and I’m blessed with the ability to laugh and love.

30. 60. Feeling blessed is like a drug, it hits my brain like a meteor, it causes me to rush and shout, and jump around like I’m crazy.

31. Always feel blessed with the love of your kin and the wisdom to help when things aren’t going so well, and remember that life is always a gift that brings you one step closer to the deity.

32. Always feel blessed, always feel safe, always feel secured, always feel happy, always feel true, always feel honest, always feel loved

33. What is this magical feeling, that we call blessedness? It’s a magical feeling that fills our soul, as we feel a contentedness and joy in life we never knew.

34. There’s a joy in every wave there’s peace in every breeze there’s happiness in every day when you’re feeling blessed, and your soul has been set free

35. I feel blessed just looking at the stars, to be alive and in the world, is a gift we must not waste.

36. The joy of being blessed is a gift I must treasure for I’m given a chance to be different and free, to stand out and make a difference.

37. I will always feel blessed, for I have a family that loves me, and that is more than I can ever ask for.

38. I feel blessed, every day, every night, every moment, every time I breathe, I feel blessed because I always have my family by my side.

39. I’ll tell you how to feel blessed by treating yourself with respect.

40. Always feel blessed no matter how hard you try for you will always have that inner light of mine.

41. The joy of feeling blessed it’s a feeling I enjoy so much, thank you god for clearing the road, and thank you each and every day.

42. Feeling blessed is a great joy, it’s a feeling that you can’t afford to lose, that feeling will never be a chore for feelings can’t be forced on you.

43. The joy of feeling blessed, happiness is a state of grace, and I count my blessings one by one, I am so blessed, I was meant to be.

44. I feel blessed like I’ve got a second chance to fix what I do wrong I feel blessed when I know that I’m loved by people who keep me strong

45. The joy of feeling blessed is like a peaceful ocean it makes you feel alive and happy to go with the flow

46. I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed, because I have the world, I have the sky, I have the sun, I have the moon.

47. In life, you’ll experience good and bad, but it’s the good that’ll always last, because you’ll always feel blessed, to have somebody to make you laugh.

48. I’m blessed every day, I’m blessed every night, I’m blessed to have a smile, I’m blessed to have a mind, I’m blessed to be alive, I’m blessed to see the sunrise. I am always blessed.

49. I’m happy to feel blessed, I’m thankful for all that I have, and although there are times of strife, I still feel blessed.

50. I feel blessed to have you in my life, I feel blessed to have you here to stay, I feel blessed when I am around you, I feel blessed when you are far away.

51. Life is a blessing, a blessing to be shared, because life is a blessing, a blessing to the world. The world that’s given to you will always be here, so live it, live it well, if you can

52. Always feel blessed and even when you don’t deserve it the best way to feel blessed is to be it.

53. I always feel blessed, even when times are tough, always feel blessed, even when the moments you hate, always feel blessed, always be kind, always feel blessed, even when times are sad, always

54. The joy of feeling blessed is something I’m thankful for, I feel it every day, and I thank god for every ray of light.

55. The sun is bright today, the birds are singing their song, the air is fresh and clean, just for me to inhale.

56. Always feel blessed even when life is taunting, because at least you’re feeling blessed, not like me, I feel like a worm.

57. The joy of feeling blessed leaves upon us a feeling of bliss, it touches us at our core, and lets us know we are truly born.

58. I was blessed by the stars above when I was only a young boy. Little did I know how blessed I was at that very moment I was born.

59. The joy of feeling blessed is like a breath of fresh air that lifts you up and makes you want to dance it is simply a feeling of love

The best thing about feeling blessed is that it makes you act accordingly. It makes you grateful for what you have and it lets you know that there are more people who are willing to help along the way. If this post was helpful, please leave your comment in the comment section.

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