I Am Blessed to Have a Brother Like You Quotes

How many times have you seen your brother do something so amazing that you just think to yourself “I’m so blessed to have a brother like you.” Too many times to count I would presume. Well, I can make that assumption because it happens way more often.

One of the greatest gifts in life is having a good brother who is kind, caring, smart, and supportive. A brother you know would always be there for you, a brother who will always be there when you need someone to talk to, especially about really important matters. A brother who listens to you attentively and shares in your thoughts.

A brother has a way of being in your life for a long time. He will always be there for you through thick and thin, he will always be there to share in your success and your pain.

Appreciate your brother for his support and love that has been such a huge blessing to your life. Below is a list of I am blessed to have a brother like you quotes, you can send these to your brother to thank him for everything he has done.

Dear brother, I am blessed to have a brother like you. I have known a lot of people in my life but no one likes you. Sweet words about you run through my mind every day. However, I don’t know how to describe it in words…I admire your love for our family and friends. Thank you for helping me grow into who I am today.

1. Thank you for being a blessing to me, brother! We’ve had our ups and downs, and I know we will always be siblings who love each other no matter what. You’ve encouraged me to do everything I’m doing today. I am so thankful for you!

2. Thank you for being so supportive of my dreams in life. You always knew the right thing to say when I felt down and questioned myself. You are a true blessing in my life, my brother.

3. Thank you for being such a great brother. I’m blown away by how well you communicate with your parents and your friends. You’re always there for me, listening to me and giving me advice when I need it. Thank you also for helping with making the right decisions.

3. Thank you for being there for me, always. It is so nice to have your shoulder for crying on when I had a rough couple of days. It is a blessing to see you and spend time with my favourite brother.

4. Thank you for being my brother. I’m so glad I have a person like you to lean on during tough times. You give me good advice and are always there to talk when I need somebody to talk to outside of our parents. Thank you for being awesome and an example of someone who stands up for what they believe in.

5. Thank you for always doing things with me and including me in everything you do. I know life is busy, but you’re always there when I need advice or just need to be reminded that we are family.

6. Thank you for all the help you have given me. I don’t know what I would do without an amazing brother like you.

7. Thank you for everything. We love you and I am so thankful to have such a kind and understanding brother like you.

8. Thank you for being my brother. I feel like we have a great relationship because we are not too close or too distant. I feel very lucky to have a brother like you.

9. You care and support me through everything and I truly appreciate it. The fact that you took time out of your day to help me live out one of my dreams is a sign of how much I mean to you. Thank you, brother.

10. Thank you for being my big brother. I appreciate all your lessons, the advice, and the help you have given me over the years. My life is much better because of your guidance.

11. Every day you lift me and give me strength. You are a true brother. I feel blessed to have a brother like you.

12. Thank you for being a great brother and friend. You have always been there for me, supporting me and keeping me company. Thank you for always helping me with my plans. I appreciate all you do for me.

13. I don’t have the words to tell you how much I appreciate you. You are an amazing brother and friend. I know that no matter what happens in our lives, we will always be there for each other. You truly are an inspiration to me.

14. Thank you for always being there to listen when I need someone to talk to. Thank you for being there through thick and thin. Thank you for being a great brother and friend. Also, thank you for the wonderful presents every birthday and Christmas. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a great brother like you.

15. Thank you for always being understanding and there for me when I need your support. You are a wonderful brother, friend, and uncle. I’m so blessed to call you mine.

16. I am so blessed to have a brother like you. You are someone I admire and respect. Just knowing that we share the same blood and genes is amazing, let alone being able to call you my friend. Thanks for always having my back.

17. Thank you for being the most handsome brother ever. Even though I embarrass you often, you still love me and stick up for me. I have always wanted a best friend like you and I am blessed to have my always their brother.

18. I’m so happy you’re my brother. You are always there to help me whenever I get stuck. I feel like you’re always there to support me no matter what I do. Thank you for being a great friend and brother.

19. Thank you for always being there for me. You have always been there for me when I needed you the most. I hope we will be friends forever and keep staying in touch.

20. Thank you for always being there for me. You are my best friend. I can always count on you. There is nothing that we cannot conquer together. I want you to know that I am so proud of you and your accomplishments live.

21. Thank you for being there for me. You always listen to my problems, lend a helping hand and give me advice. You make me feel like I can count on you, which is something I don’t feel with the other people in my life.

22. When I look back at all the fun times we had growing up, I can’t believe how much time has changed since then. We still have fun together, and I’m glad that you’re my brother.

23. Thank you so much for being a part of my family. You were there with me when I was little and at every landmark or rite of passage. Thank you for the advice and love. Thank you for being someone I can count on no matter what and for making me laugh.

24. I don’t know what I would do without you, bro. Your support, your love, and your companionship have been a blessing to me.

25. Thank you for being my big brother, both literally and figuratively. Your love has always been there for me to lean on and your support has been a true blessing. This year as I started my own business you have been there to lend an ear and lend a hand. I love you little brother, thanks for your selfless work in our family.

26. Thank you for being a wonderful brother and always being there for me. I know it is not easy to know what to do sometimes, but your support, love, and time help me get through the tough times. God must have very good plans for me to be blessed with a brother like you.

27. Thank you for being there for me. I often find it difficult to say thank you brother most times but I hope you know I love you and appreciate you.

28. Thank you for always being there for me. Whether it’s just to help me with a project or just be my friend and talk, you are always there and I appreciate it so much. You’re the best brother ever.

29. I am blessed to have a brother like you. I can talk to you about anything and you are always supportive and caring. No matter how much time we spend together, I always look forward to our next catch-up.

30. Thank you for being my brother. You have been so helpful to me and sacrificed a lot so I could pursue my dreams. I am grateful to have a kind and intelligent person like you as a role model.

31. Thank you for being my brother. You are always there for me and support me no matter what I do. That’s something that I will always appreciate and never forget.

32. Thank you for being there for me. I know we have our ups and downs but you are always there for me in the end. I appreciate you, brother.

33. Thank you for being such a great brother. I have never had a friend like you. You truly are one of the most caring and supportive people I know. Many people have said that I am their lucky star, but in truth, it is you who brightens my life so much that I shine!

35. Thank you for being there for me as my brother. Whenever I think about all of your help and how you were always there when I needed you, I realize how lucky I am to have a brother like you.

36. Thank you for always having my back and watching out for me. You are the best brother I could ask for and there’s no way I’d be able to get through this life without you. I’m so grateful to have you and will always appreciate everything that you do!

37. I always say you are the best brother, but it feels even more appropriate now that we are apart more often. Thank you for always being there to support me and care about me, even though you are so far away.

38. I am grateful to have you as my brother. You are always on my side and sometimes you don’t even ask me to take your side, you simply take my side because it is just the right thing to do. Thank you for being awesome.

39. Thank you for always being there for me, for having my back, and just being my brother. I know that we keep on butting heads but we are still family. Thank you for being you, thank you for being my brother, and thank you for helping me out more times than I could even count.

40. Thank you for being my brother. You are always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on, a hug to comfort me, or a friend just to walk around with.

41. Thank you for being my little brother. You are always there for me and I want to be there for you too. You’re a pain sometimes but also a real blessing.

42. Thank you for being such a source of happiness in my life! You have always been there for me to lean on, and I am so very happy that we get along so well. You make me laugh, and I appreciate that. I love you, brother!

43. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I lash out. You are a constant in my life, and I appreciate you immensely. Also for a very special gift: the gift of self-esteem!

44. Thank you for being my brother. I feel blessed to have you as a brother and a friend. It’s been such a long time since I felt that way about anyone and I’m truly grateful.

45. Thank you for being my brother and a friend. We share many things in common and we can always talk for hours about anything. I am very sad that you live so far away from me and we don’t see each other often, but it’s good to know that we can always be there for each other.

46. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful brother. I know I can rely on you when I am down and I love that you are always there to celebrate my successes and praise me. You mean the world to me and I am so thankful we are family.

47. Thank you for always being there for me. I have a million questions about life and you always have the answers. You know me better than anyone else and you love me no matter what I do. That is special to me. I am truly blessed to have a brother like you.

48. Thank you for being my friend and my brother. You make me so happy and I love talking to you regularly. Thank you for always calling me and checking in to see how I am doing and how things are going at work. I love you very much, always.

49. Thank you for being my brother. I’m grateful for the example you have set for me to follow. You are always very giving, putting others before yourself and doing everything you can to make people happy.

50. Thank you for always doing these fun things with me. I never have to worry about being bored or having nothing to do, because I know we’re going to do something fun. Thank you for being the best big brother in the world!

51. Thank you for always being nice to me and for teasing me when I’m about to do something silly. I love how we give each other back and forth jabs at each other and laugh. I’m blessed to have a brother like you.

52. I am blessed to have a brother like you. You’ve always been an example to me, being kind and brave and smart, and I admire you greatly. I know there will be some bumpy times ahead of us, but I think we can handle anything together!

53. I am grateful that I have you to listen to me. Your advice makes a lot of sense, and I try my best to follow it. You are also one of the smartest and funniest people I know. I am blessed to have you as my brother.

54. You always make me laugh and you’re always there to support whatever I do. I’m really glad that we are both growing older together. I love you, brother.

Sometimes you need to simply express your gratitude to your brother for being a blessing to you. Whether you want to thank him for buying the gift that made your day, or simply for the love and support he has given. I have compiled a list of I am blessed to have a brother like you quotes, you can send these to your brother to say “Thank you”.

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