I am Blessed to Have a Sister Like You Quotes

Sisters may be a relative, but they are the world’s best gift. There is a special bond in the relationship with a sister and, this is one of the most important in life and, only siblings understand it.

A sister is always there as a friend to share our plight and delight and ready to encourage us when we need it. She can serve as an adviser, teacher and, best of all someone, with whom we can talk about anything. She is always there when we need her. She is the best kind of friend; there is no friend like a sister.

Because she means these much to you, you should at, all means, frequently let her know how much you love and appreciate her. Send her beautiful quotes blessed to have a sister like you letting her know how blessed you are to have a sister like her in your life.

This post contains a wonderful compilation of some very beautiful quotes and messages that you can use in expressing your love for your sweet sister.

I am Blessed to Have a Sister Like You Messages

I count my blessings every day because God has blessed me with the most outstanding sister ever. To send a message just to say I love you will be nothing short of an understatement. Knowing I have a sister like you gives me an inner peace that I have someone to turn to at any time.
You are the greatest gift life gave me.

1. I am blessed to have a wonderful sister like you. Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. You are my confidant and my best friend, and, I love you more than you will ever know.

2. I had always wished for a sister, so I was incredibly happy when you were born. I knew you will fill my life with happiness and laughter and, so far, you have not disappointed me, not even now that you are all grown up. I love you, even more, today, the bond between us is like no other and I cherish all of our memories together. Thank you for being the best little sister anyone could ever imagine.

3. Our family has been one that loves and supports each other no matter the circumstances, but you, my sister is just amazing. May we continue to grow and flourish together however distance may separate us. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

4. I’m so lucky to have you as a sister. It’s so great knowing that I always have someone to spend time with, talk to, and share good times with. It’s clear how much you love me, and I love you too.

5. Dear sister, I’m so glad to have you as a family member. Your loving and caring nature has made a lot of difference in my life. You are truly a blessing.

6. I love you my, sister. Some may take you for granted, but I know better. Thank you for always being honest. Thank you for being you. If you ever need me, I will be there.

7. You are so much fun to be around. I love your insanely unique sense of style. It lights up the room. You are an amazing friend and, I feel very lucky to call you my sister.

8. My sister, you are the best gift life gave me. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I am so glad that we are brother and sister. I can call you anytime. I can talk to you about anything.

9. We had the best life growing up because we always had each other. We played together as friends, we; fought and made up, and we made the happiest memories. I love you, sister. I always have and, I always will.

10. I feel blessed to have an outstandingly remarkable woman like you as my loving sister. Thank you for lighting up my world with your amazing love.

11. We are grown-ups now but, you are still the closest person I have, just like when we were kids. Thanks for being a great sister and friend. You have given me a good view of the world and are a constant source of unconditional love in my life. Thank you, sister. I love you very much.

12. Nobody knows how to make me laugh quite like you. Thank you for always adding excitement to my life and having my back. In every situation, I know I can always count on my sister.

13. Sis, you are the most loving, caring, and supportive sister in the world. I hope the happiness you flood my heart with will accompany you today and every blessed day of your life.

14. You have been the best sister a girl could ever wish to have. You always give me advice, you are available when I need someone to listen to, you always make me feel loved. Thanks for being an amazing big sister.

15. Thanks for being my best friend and someone I can share my secrets with. I love you, sister, and I am so grateful that we have stayed so close over the years. It is very heartwarming knowing there is someone else in the world who understands me and will always be there for me.

16. My dearest sister, enjoy this beautiful day knowing that you always have a special place in my heart. Do not ever think of changing who you are, for I love you just the way you are. You are the most amazing person I know.

17. I am in awe of how hard you work for our family. Thank you for all that you do and for being a great sister.

18. Sister, you are the best. I couldn’t ask for a better sister. I love you so much and hope we can always remain close.

19. Dearest sister, I am so grateful for the time we shared in the past. I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support and love before you return home. You are such an inspiration to me and so selfless. You’ve taught me the true meaning of love and kindness.

20. It is a joy to know that my sister will always be ready with an open ear, a helping hand, and a loving smile. Life would not be quite as bright without her.

21. Sister, I hope you know that you can always rely on me. I will always be here for you, and I will always do whatever I can to make you happy. I know we are family, but even more than that, you make me feel like I am not alone in this world. You make me feel loved and give me the strength to pursue my dreams. I love you.

22. I adore my beautiful and loving sister because she’s one of God’s most special creations, whom I am blessed to call my best friend. Thanks for being so tremendously good to me, dearest.

23. No words can express how truly grateful I am to have you as a sister and friend.

24. You’re my sweet sister, we have been through a lot together, through the good times and the bad and it has made us better persons. I am blessed to have you in my life.

25. I have always admired your strength, independence, and intelligence. I’ve always known you as a kind and caring person with a big heart. Thank you for the way you have encouraged and inspired me. Love you sister.

26. I am blessed to have you as a sister. You have brought so much joy and laughter into my life. You are like the older sister that I never had but always wanted. And for that, I will be forever grateful to be your friend. Love your sister.

27. You’ve been by my side during the most challenging periods of my life, and I can never thank you enough for your genuine support and care. I will forever remain grateful, Sis.

28. My loving sister, if I am to write down all the reasons why I love you, I am utterly confident I would create a never-ending list because there are countless reasons why you are so dear to my heart.

29. My sister, you’re the greatest love of my life. You made me cry, you made me laugh, you’re my best friend, my confidant. You’re the best gift life gave me.

30. I am happy to be blessed with a big sister like you and I can never thank you enough for always guiding me to the right path. I love you deeply, fiercely and forever.

31. My sweet sister, you are one of the few special people in my life who make it interesting and fun. I will gladly do anything to make sure there is always a smile on your face.

32. Thank you for being such an important part of my life. I am blessed to have you as a sister. You make me laugh, and you’ve always been there when I needed support or help. Thanks for all that you are and for all that you do.

33. I am blessed to have a wonderful person like you as a family member. You are my sister, my best friend. No one else, or brother can replace you. Love you, sis.

34. Thank you for always being the first to celebrate my victories and the first to comfort me through disappointments. I am blessed to have you as a sister.

35. I’m blessed to have a sister
like you who is blunt, but always there for me. You are like a mirror that reflects true honesty. Always remain as you are, don’t ever change.

36. Dear sister, you are the kind of friend anyone could wish for, friendly, loyal, and kind. People love to be around you, you have a great sense of humour and a beautiful smile.

37. The most beautiful thing in life is to be blessed with a lovely and caring sister. I am glad I have one. I love you deeply and forever, my dearest sister. Please know that I think about you often because the bond we share is an incredible one.

38. You have always had a special spot in my heart even though we didn’t get along very well as kids. Now that I am older I can honestly say that I appreciate you very much and I want to become closer and better friends with you and create some unforgettable memories. I love you very much, sister.

39. Having a sister like you makes me feel incredibly lucky. I feel closer to you than anyone else on this planet, I can share absolutely anything and everything with you. Thanks for being my friend and confidant.

40. My life would have been an absolutely empty and boring one if I was living it without a truly amazing sister like you. Nothing can ever take away the love I have for you, my dearest sister.

41. Dear sister, your friendship is a blessing. Thank you for being such a kind soul and sharing your heart with me. I’m grateful to have you in my life.

42. I am blessed to have you as a sister, and I am glad that you are in my life. You always seem to know what I need in a given moment, whether it be a hug or a kind word. Thank you for being the person that you are.

43. I am so monumentally grateful to have you as a sister. You have the best disposition and you are always there when I need you. You are beautiful inside and out, and I wouldn’t be half the person I am without you.

44. You are the perfect word to describe our relationship, “sister.” You’re my fun, supportive and protective best friend. I feel really blessed to have you in my life.

45. I love you, my sister. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Years have passed, but you’re still the closest person I have, just like when we were little. Thanks for being a great sister and friend.

46. Thanks for being my best friend and confidant, someone I can share my secrets with. I love you, sis, and I am so grateful that we have stayed so close over the years

47. We may not speak very often now that we’ve grown up and lived apart, but you are always in my heart. I love you deeply and forever, my dearest sister. Please know that I think about you often.

48. Dear sister, I want to thank you for sharing your home with me and for all the fun we had. It is because of your love and care that I have strong family values. You have also given me an opportunity to learn many values from your family. Please keep smiling, keep laughing, and keep enjoying life. I wish you a very long and healthy life.

49. You’re the best sister a person could ever wish for. You have always been a shoulder to cry on in trying times, and someone I want by my side for every victory and milestone. I love you.

50. Thank you for being my favourite sister. I am who I am today because I have someone like you in my life.

I am so Blessed and Thankful to Have a Sister Like You in My Life Quotes

I am so blessed and thankful to have a sister and a best friend all rolled up in one. It is such an extraordinary thing knowing I have a sister like you in my life who understands me and will always be there for me. Thank you for the beauty you have brought into my life. I love and cherish you, my sweet sister.

51. You made me smile, cry and we fight, but you never ceased to care, love and bother. I will always be thankful for the many positive ways you impacted my life. I love you, my adorable sister.

52. When I think of you, dear sister, I love that you’re also my very best friend. Every day, our relationship is a gift I cherish deeply.

53. Happiness to me is having you in my life. Most times I don’t know what to say or show you how much I appreciate you. You’re always there for me, when I think I don’t need you, you’re still there.

54. You are the sister that is always there no matter what. I am so proud to call you sister. I could not ask for a better friend, or for a better encourager, you have made a positive difference in my life.

55. You are the best sister in the universe, thank you for inspiring me, and thank you for being there when I need you. You’re the best and that’s how it’s going to be.

56. You are always there to listen, encourage and challenge me to be better. Thank you for celebrating my successes, caring when I fail and for being a perfect sister to me. Thank you for understanding that blood is thicker than water.

57. My bad day turns out better and I feel great after having a chat with you my sweet sister. Love you today. Love you tomorrow. Love you forever and, ever.

58. My darling sister, I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life, I am truly blessed to have you as my sister.

59. Thank you for being the best sister a girl could ask for. You’ve shown me how to be a good friend and shared all of your awesome clothes with me when we were young, and even though you tease me about all my early dates, I want you to know that I always looked up to you when I needed advice.

60. My darling sister, in my eyes, you are worth more than the purest gold. I can never stop loving such an amazing person like you even if I wanted to.

61. Sweetheart, you have been a wonderful sister. Thank you for always being there for me. You are an inspiration to me with all that you do. From changing diapers to dressing in a tutu and helping your little brother – you truly are a blessing.

62. Siblings have the most amazing kind of relationship. They may fight, but they viciously protect and love each other. That’s exactly how we are, sis. Thank you for always being there for me and making me feel like there is someone there to catch me if I fall. That feeling is priceless.

63. Having a sister like you brightens my life as the rainbow brightens the sky. I will never stop trying my best to be the sunshine that lights up your sky. I love you.

64. Dear sister, I thank my lucky stars that I have you by my side. I love you more than you will ever know. You are my confidant and my best friend.

65. You’re always there for me
teaching me to care and to be true. You make me feel loved and give me the strength to strive to achieve my dreams. Thank you for the beauty you have brought into my life. I love you, Sis.

66. No matter the number of times we fight and quarrel, my heart shall forever love and cherish you until the day it stops beating. Having you as my sister is one of the greatest blessings of my life.

67. The best thing about sisters is that they know all your flaws, have seen you at your worst, and still love you all the same. Thank you for always being there. I love you.

68. A sister’s love is a special kind of love, it is one that no money can buy. It is a love I will always treasure, cause you’re the only sister I have got. I am blessed to have you in my life.

69. You are one of the most special people in my life who light up my world. I love you so much, my beautiful sister.

70. You were my first real role model when I was a kid, and to this day, I’ve never regretted following your example. Thanks for being the most amazing sister ever.

71. No matter how discouraged I am in life, you find the words to make me feel better. You have an amazing way about you that comforts, nurtures and eases. You make me feel loved and at peace. Thank you for being there all the time sis, I don’t know what I would do without you.

72. Dearest sister, thank you for being that person that lightens my life during times of darkness. Every beat of my heart tells me that I will love you for eternity.

73. My beloved sister, I love you so much. I am blessed to have you in my life. You’re like a wonderful dream come true.

74. We fight, we laugh, we cry, but in the end, we always have each other to pick up the pieces and make each other feel better. You are my beloved sister and, I will always cherish you.

75. Thank you for believing in me and inspiring me to pursue my dreams. You will always be the shiniest star in my sky. My love for you is everlasting.

76. There’s no love quite as unique as the love we share as sisters. You know me better than anyone, and we’ve been through so much together. I appreciate you more than words could ever say.

77. As I sit here reflecting on my life, I am blessed to say I am rich in so many ways. Having you as my sister is one of such blessings. You have stood by my side through thick and thin.

78. My sweet sister, you fill my world with sunshine and my heart with happiness whenever you come around. I will love and treasure you until the end of my journey here on earth.

79. Though life has taken us far apart, it has never affected our bond as a family. This feeling gives me all the support I need. Thank you, sister, I love you.

80. You taught me everything I know about life and, you’ve always been my biggest champion. You’re the greatest sister I could have ever wished for. I love you very much.

81. You make every day of my life as heavenly and beautiful as it can be. Thank you for being an awesome sister and, always putting smiles on my lips.

82. I love you, for all the beauty you bring to everyone around you. Your kindness touches my life in so many ways and I am so glad I can call you my sister.

83. I am blessed to have you in my life, you have filled my soul
with happiness, joy and life. If I had to choose the one person to be stuck with for the rest of our lives, I would choose you, my sister.

84. I am definitely the luckiest brother on the planet because the heavens blessed me with the sweetest sister in the universe. My dear, for as long as I live, I promise to fill up your heart with the joy you so rightly deserve.

85. Your hair is like a halo and, your eyes are like the stars at night. I am blessed to be your brother. You are my guiding light, and I thank you for being there when I needed you the most.

86. You are the kind of friend everyone needs. You are like the light at the end of the tunnel, a guiding and loving light. You are my favourite person, my sister and my friend.

87. Only a few things in the universe can last forever, one such thing is my love for you, dear sister. I am blessed to have a phenomenal person like you in my life.

88. My sister, you are a special gift. You are a blessing to me, a blessing I will forever cherish and appreciate.

89. What an outstanding woman you grew up to be. I’m very proud of you, dear sister, and I can’t sing your praises enough. I am so happy I call you my sister.

90. Sis, I can’t trade my love for you for all the diamonds in the world because the joy you bring me is absolutely priceless.

91. It’s hard to express this much love, but at least let me say that I have truly been blessed to have a sister like you. You’re my ray of sunshine and my shining star. Thank you for filling my life with such abundant happiness. I love you so much.

92. I am blessed to have you as a sister. It is great to know that I always have a sibling that is fun, loving, and caring. You are truly a blessing in my life.

93. Every day, you never cease to let me realize that you are one of the brightest stars in my world. You are truly a sister to die for. I love you so much, sis.

94. Dear sister, I just want you to know how special you are and what you mean to me. I know that most times I get busy and, we get caught up with activities, I don’t get the chance to tell you how important you are in my life. I love you, sis.

95. Sweetheart, you give me hope for a brighter and happier future. If all sisters of the world were like you, there would certainly be paradise on this earth. Love you loads.

96. I thank my lucky stars I have you by my side. I love you more than you will ever know and understand. You are my sister, my best friend.

97. I wish I can share with you so that people could see how great a sister you are. But I want to keep you all to myself, I love you too much Sis.

98. No matter where life takes me, I always know where I belong because I have a wonderful sister like you.

99. You’re my role model and I can only hope to follow in your steps. Thanks for setting a great example for me, sis. I love you so very much.

100. I don’t know what I would have done without you sis. I look up to you for guidance when necessary and, you have never disappointed in giving me, good counsel.

101. Sis, you are worth celebrating every day because you bring me absolute peace and bliss. You are an incredible blessing to me.

102. You make the world a brighter place, sis. You can make a bad situation better with your sense of humour or a soft, loving word. I love you for that. Your support means a lot to me.

Hope you enjoyed these blessed to have a sister like you quotes telling your sister how blessed you are to have her in your life. And hope they make her feel loved and appreciated when you send them to her.

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