I Am Grateful for Everything in My Life Quotes

Are you grateful for everything in your life? This can be a challenging question for most people. But it’s also a great question to ask yourself. Every day we complain about the little things in our life when in reality, we have absolutely nothing to complain about.

You’re alive, your family and friends are alive, hell, you might even have a job — there’s not too much to complain about in that department. It’s not always easy to be grateful for what you have, but it makes life so much more enjoyable. When you have so much to be grateful for, it makes life easier.

Gratitude makes the little things seem smaller and the big things not seem so overwhelming. But the thing is, being grateful is a choice we can make every day. Use these lovely I am grateful for everything in my life quotes below to show gratitude daily.

I’m very grateful for everything in my life. The people I have been around, the places I have visited, and the experiences I have gained. It’s all because of those things that I can appreciate this life so much more. I’m glad to be alive and a part of humanity.

1. I am grateful for everything in my life that brings me joy, peace and happiness. I know it will always be this way because the God of love is looking out for me 24/7. By His grace, support and guidance, I will be successful today, tomorrow and every day of my life.

2. I am grateful for everything in my life, even the things I don’t like. There is a lesson to be learned; it is all part of the big plan. I will be happy again; one day, all of these sad times will be forgotten.

3. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful for the people who helped me realise I am enough. I am grateful to have a beautiful family who loves me and supports me. I am grateful for my new friends and all of my old friends, who are always there for me no matter what because they care about me.

4. I am extremely grateful for all the things in my life. I have a loving family and friends, the simple pleasures of life shared with beloved people, and I am grateful for being healthy. All things are blessings.

5. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am so blessed to have good health, great friends and a wonderful family. We need more people like you in this world who remind us all to stop once in a while and count our blessings.

6. I am grateful for everything in my life, even the challenges because I have learned and grown more through the struggles than I have the easy times.

7. I am grateful for life. I am grateful for every single moment. I am grateful that I can sit here in my little studio apartment and ponder over the beautiful things of life like my car, my job, my family, and you.

8. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful for my family, friends, and even the things I don’t have because of how much I appreciate those things I do have.

9. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful that you are able to be here and experience so many things with me. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you.

10. I am so grateful for everything and for everyone in my life. I am grateful for my family, friends and the business I have created. I have worked very hard, but I have also been lucky and had a lot of help. I try to be kind to everyone in my life and appreciate them daily.

11. I am grateful for everything in my life that make me so happy.

12. I am grateful for everything in my life, my living, breathing and healthy body. I couldn’t do any of the things I am doing without you. Thank you for my mind, heart and spirit as well.

13. I am grateful for everything in my life. The struggles have made me stronger, the failures have propelled me to success, and the disappointments have shown me happiness.

14. I am so grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful for the light… The oceans… The warmth… And all living creatures.

15. I am grateful for everything in my life. I did not use to be this way.

16. I am grateful for having you in my life. Thank you for everything you are, everything you have done, everything that you will do, and everything you have given me.

17. I am very grateful for my husband, children, car, house, and pets. I am grateful for Love and for life itself.

18. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am so blessed and grateful for everything, from the things I love, the challenges I face, and all of the raw emotions that life brings. I can’t wait to see what the future will bring.

19. I am grateful for everything in my life. I have a great family and a wonderful job. I have friends who care about me, great books to read, a good home, and awesome and healthy food to eat daily.

20. I am grateful for oceans and the rain, for rivers and streams, for forests and the wildlife that lives there, for lakes and ponds and all of the little unwanted creatures like bugs and mice as well as birds of all kinds. Every single moment is part of this unique journey through life.

21. I am grateful for everything in my life. My beautiful home, then my job, and especially my girlfriend are all great things that I am grateful for.

22. I am thankful for all my friends, family and coworkers. I feel very fortunate to have lived a safe and long life so far. I thank God every day for everything I have in my life.

23. It may seem like there is a lot I have to be grateful for, but there is so much more that I owe my gratitude to. I am grateful for my life’s love, the beautiful family I’ve made, and my son’s health and strength.

24. I am grateful for everything, just the same as I always have been. I believe in myself and how much further I can go. I am grateful, and nothing can change that.

25. I am grateful for my family, who has always been there for me. I appreciate all they have done for me and the love they give me. I love you guys!

26. I am grateful for everything I learned yesterday: that being hungry is merely an inconvenience and a reminder that I was born to be all I can be.

27. I am grateful for everything in my life. Every good thing Happens because I put it there by doing the right things, helping others and setting up powerful affirmations.

28. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful to my dog Precious for waking me up every morning with her incessant barks and eagerness to go outside.

29. I am grateful for the music that warms my heart when it’s cold or makes me dance when it’s hot. I’m grateful for the rain because it cleanses, making way for new growth, and I cherish the sunny days that make all things grow!

30. I’m grateful that I can live a hopeful and joyous life because of the struggles, defeats, and sacrifices of those who came before me; because they took risks.

31. I am grateful for all the things in my life, big and small. I am especially grateful for my children and husband who allow me to do what I love every day.

32. I am also grateful for a roof over my head, food in the fridge and my doctors because you gave me so many years of life just through your sacrifices.

33. I’m very grateful for everything in my life. I’m happy that I have a great family and friends. I’m also excited about the entertaining things that will be happening this weekend.

34. I am so grateful for all the good things in my life. My life is imperfect but also perfect because everything in it is exactly what I need. Thank you!!!

35. I am grateful for the new job. I am grateful for the beautiful partner I have. I am grateful that both my parents are healthy. I am grateful for the friends and family I have.

36. I am grateful for everything in my life. I love my beautiful home and all of my friends. I am so thankful for my new career and the clients who have hired me for their projects.

37. I am grateful for everything in my life, from all of my friendships to my family and loved ones. Thank you all for being a part of my life.

38. I am so thankful for everything in my life. I appreciate all of the little things that make me happy and the big changes. I have learned a lot through these experiences and have grown as a person. My favourite quote right now is: “Live a life you are grateful for.”

39. I am thankful for my life, and I am grateful for everything that has happened to me up until now. Without the situations I have had to go through in my life, I would never have learned the lessons I needed to learn to be the person I am today.

40. I am grateful for my fabulous job, the new friends I have made, and the money I am making from it. I am grateful for my new apartment; it allows me to be comfortable and autonomous. I am grateful for nature and for people who appreciate it.

41. I am grateful for everything in my life, especially you. You are such a joy to be around, and I would not change anything about you.

42. I am grateful for everything in my life. Even the tough things make me who I am.

43. I am grateful for everything in my life. I’m so lucky to have such a great family and friends. I’ve had a very special friend in my life who is always there for me, especially when I get into trouble.

44. I am grateful for everything in my life. I’m very lucky to be in the position I’m in today and thankful for the people who have supported me along this journey.

45. I am grateful for the stars in the sky, the birds in the trees, the oceans and rivers and lakes, the giving smiles of strangers, and my husband’s cooking. I could go on and on. I am so grateful for everything in my life.

46. I am grateful for being a part of this beautiful world and am so happy!

47. I am grateful for my job, my friends and the fun times I have with them. But most importantly, I am thankful for my family: for the love of my parents, the joy that my brothers and sister bring me, and the sweet and happy memories of a past that has long since gone.

48. I am grateful for everything in my life because I feel blessed to be alive. I know many people who are struggling and want to live, but they can’t. So I am glad that I am healthy and can live my life with joy and excitement.

49. I am grateful for everything and everyone in my life. Sometimes I take them for granted and forget how much they mean to me. I think this is a good reminder to keep appreciating my family and friends.

50. I’m grateful for the food on my plate and a roof above my head. I am grateful for two parents who love me and family and friends to share life with. I love you all!

51. I am grateful. So grateful. Thank you so much for being in my life. I am grateful for the laughter, the tears, the good and bad, and especially for your heart shining bright!

52. Dear friend, I am truly grateful for everything that has happened to me. Only through them do I realize what an amazing life I have had. Please know that you have been a valuable part of it.

53. I’m grateful for the financial freedom to have nice things and go on vacations, but I’m most grateful for my health. It is not until you have a life-threatening illness that you realize how much of your time and mind it takes. Now that I’m healthy again, I realize that is the most valuable thing in my life.

54. I am grateful for the rain. Sometimes it looks gloomy and dreary outside, but when I look closer and see the drops of water glinting on the window pane, I feel refreshed and relaxed. It reminds me that everything is always in a state of change. Things will get better as time passes.

55. I am grateful for everything in my life. I’m grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life who have made a positive impact on me. I’m truly appreciative that God has given me everything I have. I feel blessed.

56. I am grateful for everything in my life. Every little thing has brought me to where I am today, which is a very amazing place. I count my blessings every day and will continue to do so.

57. I am grateful for everything in my life. All the people I love, all the places I’ve been and everyone who has taught me everything I know. I am grateful for every moment of my life.

58. I am grateful for all the wealth, health and strength that I have been blessed with. I appreciate how much my family and friends love me and support me.

59. I am grateful for the support, the love and everything else in my life that I am so grateful for. Thank you for the advice, for being there for me when I needed someone to help and for having my back.

60. I am grateful for having the courage to make changes in my life, even when they are hard. I am grateful to have a loving husband and the best friends in the world.

61. I am grateful for all the good things that happened during schools, such as internships and jobs. I am also grateful for all the bad things that happened because, without them, I would not be who I am today or have knowledge about things I learned through hard times.

62. Thank you for them deciding to bring me into this world and for giving me your support and love all these years. I am grateful for having a job in a wonderful company.

63. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful that I have a great husband, a beautiful home, and an amazing family. I’m also grateful that I have my health and happiness.

64. I am so grateful for everything in my life. My family, friends, and career have all come together, and I am so thankful for this time.

65. I am so grateful for everything in my life. I’m grateful for the people who are supporting me and encouraging me on this journey. I have a great job and so many new ideas that I can’t wait to see them through.

66. I am grateful for every friend I have in my life. They all make me happier and better. I am grateful for this day; I’ll spend as much of it as possible doing something fun.

67. I am grateful for my husband for working his ass off to provide for and nurture me. I’m grateful for the roof over our heads and all the food we have in the refrigerator. I’m grateful for this perfect weather.

68. I am grateful for everything I have. I know that many people do not have anything like I have.

69. I am grateful for living in this vibrant and colourful world. I’m also grateful for all the flowers and plants that live in it and the animals that roam around. Life is so beautiful!

70. I am grateful for everything in my life, and I do have a lot to be thankful for. I can’t expect anything more than this life. Rainfall nourishes us, the sun warms us, and pain reminds us of the joys in our lives.

71. The next time you feel down, make sure you say I am grateful for everything in my life.

72. I am grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful that I have a job that I enjoy and that allows me to live a comfortable life.

73. I’m grateful for every single thing in my life. It’s amazing how lucky I am to have so much.

74. I am grateful for the beautiful day we are blessed with. It is great to be outside, enjoying nature and its beauty. I am grateful for the magnificent sunset that made it all even more spectacular.

75. I am grateful to be alive, to have someone to love, for the opportunity to go from place to place and experience new cultures, and especially for my family who loves me!

76. I’m grateful for everything in my life. I have many great friends, family, and even co-workers who support me. I share a great home with them, a car, and more.

77. I’m grateful for everything in my life that I love and cherish. Every moment is a new opportunity to be happy.

78. I am so grateful for my husband and our little girl. I wasn’t sure we would ever get married and have a family together, but now that we do, I’m happier than ever. Thank you for being my sweet family.

79. I am grateful for my choices, the dreams that keep me going, and the courage to carry on.

80. I have so much to be grateful for. I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table and the friends I have in my life. I am most grateful to you for being there and supporting me through this crazy journey.

81. I’m grateful for the beautiful day, no traffic on the way home from work, and my wonderful dinner tonight. I am also grateful for having you in my life.

82. I am exceptionally grateful to have everything I have ever wanted in life. It may not be fair that some people have so little, and I have so much, but I am happy to know that there are people who might not even have a roof over their heads.

83. I’m grateful for everything in my life right now. I’m very grateful for the things my parents have given me, such as my schooling, house and family. I’m also thankful for the people in my life, from my girlfriend to my little brother.

84. I’m grateful for everything in my life. I have a lot of things to be thankful for, and I am happy with the choices I’ve made and the people who are in my life.

85. I’m grateful for everything in my life. I’m grateful for my family and friends, my health, and all the opportunities I have had. There are so many things to be grateful for, and I am happy that I have them in my life.

86. I’m so grateful for my life and the things I have. I feel blessed to have all of the good things that happened in my life! I just wanted to say thank you for all of it. Thanks to my family, my friends, and everyone that loves me.

87. I’m grateful for everything in my life. We had a nice meal, and I enjoyed it. The food was great, the company was great, and the music was perfect. Thank you for being such a good host. I appreciate it.

88. I’m grateful for everything in my life, the good and the bad things that have occurred. Reflecting on these experiences, I feel a deep sense of inner peace.

89. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for all my friends and the people in my life who support me and entertain me. I’m grateful for the teachers and mentors who have helped me with my trials and tribulations.

90. I’m grateful for every day that God gives me to live and do something amazing.

91. I’m grateful for my children, my family, the friends I have, my home, and my job. I’m a very lucky lady and don’t take anything in my life for granted!

92. I’m grateful to live in such a beautiful time and place, surrounded by great people and special opportunities. I feel truly blessed to be able to appreciate life as it comes.

93. I’m grateful for everything in my life, including all the success and sadness. Success brings happiness every time.

94. I’m very grateful for the beautiful life I have. I have so many wonderful people to share it with. I’m very excited to see what this year will bring us.

95. I’m grateful for my job, car, family, friends and everything that makes me happy in this world.

96. I am grateful for many things. I am grateful for my kids and my friends. I am grateful for the sunsets and for the great food I eat. I thank God every day for giving me such a wonderful life.

Gratitude is a powerful tool. It’s more than just appreciating things you already have — it’s actively appreciating the good stuff, so you’re more likely to attract more good stuff into your life!

So express your gratitude to the people that make your life great. Tell them how awesome they are. And notice how the good stuff starts happening in your life even more!

Let me know what you think of these I am grateful for everything in my life quotes in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading, please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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