I am Lucky to Have a Husband Like You Quotes

To some people, getting married, understanding and staying faithful to one’s partner is one aspect of life too difficult to handle because of its huge demands. Marriage is hard work and it entails a lot of determination, sacrifices, and commitment to keep it thriving.

In a world where it appears like relationship or marriage breakage is on the rampage, then one needs to do everything possible to keep one’s relationship stronger and healthier.

One of the ways to maintain a good relationship or marriage life is to always say good things to your spouse and about them to everyone so long you’re blessed with a good and responsible partner. The things you say and do so much determine/how you ignite the spark of love in your marriage.

Why your husband needs your appreciation and encouragement is to enable him to do more for you. So, every lady or woman who knows the true worth of her man should go the extra mile to say sweet things that will make her husband feel more loved and appreciated.

You might have tried to express your love in words through messages and sometimes find it a difficult thing to do expressly. But with these inspiring lucky to have a husband like you quotes, you can still find the right words to express the luck you found in him as a husband.

You are the only man I’ve known all my life. You have been a very beautiful part of my world and here I am to let you know how lucky I am to have you as a husband. I know these will also cheer you on into experiencing more years of sweet adventure with me as your beloved wife.

1. Ever since I married you, I’ve found you as the right and only person for me. Never once did I regret marrying you. I know I’m a blessed woman to have married a responsible man like you.

2. When the sun shines, all I see is the face of my beloved husband. For you’re my sunshine and I see the beauty of the sun shining through your adorable face. I so much value your impact on my life and I’ve sworn to never let you go for this.

3. A wonderful husband like you is so rare to find. You light me up every time with your liveliness and comeliness. Because of you, my days are always fun-filled. I know I am lucky to have you.

4. I am the envy of my friends and colleagues at work. Not because I desired to be envied but because they are awed at the blessedness that abounds in our family. All thanks to you my darling husband for you’re the reason for the sweetness.

5. Of all the blessedness of God in my life, you are the richest of them all. Your presence has brought so much freshness to my world so much that I could breathe well and live fine.

6. I have always held you close to my heart. And I am so secure in your love for me. Never doubt my love for you because mine has neither boundary nor condition. It’s sincere and deep.

7. You are the best dream I ever pursued; glad I achieved the dream. Ever since I’ve been building my nest right in your heart. Any attempt to live outside your heart is more like a suicide shot.

8. You have held on to this love and never let it go since the very start. This is an encouragement of wanting to take us to another level. Be mine forever and make me complete.

9. From the moment you came into my world, I knew I wasn’t going to let you go even for a second. And ever since we’re married, I had no regret making this life decision with you.

10. Trust me, darling, I am always proud to brag about you any day anytime. What I love about you has nothing to do with what you have or what you do for me. It’s all about who you are to me as a person. I cherish you with the whole of my being.

11. The best thing I ever enjoyed in the course of our togetherness is having you think so well of me and always urging me to be the best I can ever be. I can feel your love for me, and I’m happy you feel as much love as I feel towards you.

12. Loving you is way easier for me because you turn me on always and know my great vibe. You’ve shown me the true picture of how an imperfect person can love in a seemingly perfect way.

13. Loving you with everything in me is my lifelong pledge. It has nothing to do with what you have or will have, but more about who you are and will still be. In all, I’m confident that I married the right man who knows the best way to treat his woman with special love and care.

14. So much to love and commend about you, honey. Talk of your sweet voice, comforting hugs, kissable lips, peaceful nature, caring attitude and beautiful soul. So much about you still leaves awestruck of the amazing man you can ever be. Aren’t I lucky?

15. It’s not our anniversary, but I’ve got every reason to speak boldly about your love for me and commend your personality as a plus. You are all shades of awesomeness and I value being your wife any day any time.

16. Thank you for always staying strong and steadfast, and for being reliable especially when I stray. Thank you for always setting the pace for me and the kids, while you carry us along to follow you judiciously.

17. For once in my entire life, my marriage to you is one big decision I took with sincerity of heart and clarity of purpose. With this and more reasons I can’t count enough, I choose you over and over.

18. You are the survival that makes my heartbeat continuously. Life without you is simply meaningless. Can’t love you less my sweet husband. I am super proud of having you at the crown of my head.

19. How I ended up with you still amazes me today. Despite all the options I had then, I had to listen to my inner voice to make a choice, and I’m glad the choice of you turned out to be the best choice I could ever make in life. I’m happy to be blessed with you.

20. Since when I finally found you, I’ve been trying to cement this relationship in every possible way. Much more, I know these romantic messages will let you know what exactly I feel about you and how I desire this relationship to be.

21. The best of me wouldn’t have come to light if I hadn’t married a husband who believes so much in me and is devoted to seeing me soar to the fullest of my potentials. With you by my side, I am assured of having the best of my husband always.

22. I don’t display the best of attitudes all of the time. Seeing you not being so critical of my idiosyncrasies doesn’t mean you approve of all I do, but it simply means you got a more mature way of handling me while you hope I rise above my imperfections.

23. You’ve got a resolute nature and a fighting spirit. You don’t give up easily, and you push beyond every limit. I love these and more about you. As each day passes and has to say something nice about you, it’s to let you know how proud I am of you.

24. I appreciate all your effort in making our marriage work. You invest so much in our dates and outings. A lot of seminars have built us up and helped us stay stronger as a healthy couple. I value your contributions so much.

25. Whenever you get a message or read from a book something striking or which we’ve initially disagreed on, I love it when you give me this ‘I told you so’ look. It gives me this sense that my husband is so interested in making me better. Thank you for not giving up on me.

26. The welfare of your family is of primary concern to you. We lack nothing in the house and you always ensure our safety. It shows how much you’re so committed to making us work. I’m willing to go on with you all life long, honey.

27. You have every opportunity and right not to marry me, but you did against much opposition. You worked with me until the beauties you so desire and which I never knew existed in me started coming forth. You’ve not given up; you’re still doing amazingly good. I’m super proud of you, hubby.

28. If you were to consider my past, you wouldn’t have ended up with a woman like me. But you saw more than I was. You peeped into the future to see more of the beauty that was forming in me. Now I can stand tall, feel confident and go secure… all to the gracefulness of your love towards me.

29. The many results I now exhibit wouldn’t have been possible if you had not received me warmly and treated me kindly. Now I can tell the world I became a better person as a result of your unconditional love towards me.

30. Come what may, the love I have for you won’t stop booming. It’s meant to blossom and radiate our world till eternity. You’ve come into my space. You’re free to occupy my heart at no cost. I love you relentlessly.

31. You made me know the meaning and real expression of love. Nothing feels as good as loving and being loved in return. My desire is to see you happy all your days. Give me a chance to show you my love and I am committed to making a complete man out of you.

32. In many respect, you have lived to be the true man that you are by sowing the seed that is fast growing and developing much fruit. I’ve changed for good in many respect, and I attribute it all to your patience and nurture.

33. I cast my mind back to when we first began and I realised that between then and now is the transformation that only true love could help to nurture. Life with you is so alluring, my love.

34. You’re so audacious and uncompromising. These virtues and more are what you exhibited and which drew me towards you. And ever since I got connected, those traits still made me glued to you that I don’t want to let go of.

35. I’ve responded a great deal to your treats because you do not only handle me with care, but you also took time to praise, appreciate and encourage me. I’ve been motivated to move on just because you’ve exhibited many reasons to love you still.

36. I never knew I had the good traits to love always because you showed me the best and truest love in every possible way you can. Now, loving you has been my greatest weakness for which I pray to stay stronger in.

37. I have no reason to doubt that we are destined to be together. Your presence has helped me a great deal for it has increased my prowess in many respects. Nothing compares to you my loving husband.

38. Living up to your responsibilities is one commendable trait I cherish most in you. Not only that, you’ve used your immense capacity and every chance you get to build me up in every possible way.

39. I knew from the very first time I chatted with you that you were going to be mine. We are destined to be together and wouldn’t let you slip away from me.

40. Babe, ever since I met you, my life has been so beautiful. You have been my life, my joy, my everything. Since I made up my mind about you, it’s in your heart that I built my nest of everlasting rest.

41. The true happiness I’ve enjoyed since I became close to you is my definition of pure love. I am overwhelmed in my love for you, sweet. I appreciate the fact that I had the chance to love you wholeheartedly and then live in peace with an awe-mazing man like you.

42. You made loving you so easy, for you’ve been so intentional in loving me and telling the whole world how much I mean to you. Your foresight and your constant desire for growth and pursuit of excellence are all commendable, the more reasons I can’t stop loving you.

43. We’ve got a very strong connection between us that is so magical and has made us inseparable. Nothing will come between us for you are mine and I am yours.

44. There’s no way I won’t reciprocate my love for you. It’s amazing what true love from such a kind of man like you could spark up in the life of her woman. I must confess, you desire the whole of me, and nothing less.

45. I can tell that you’ve spoiled me with every bit of your love and admiration for me. While you tolerate my excesses, you still won’t allow me to be sluggard for any reason. Thank you for making my world.

46. You’re all shades of passion. I’m so glad I married a man who is so sweet to compliment. You have succeeded in bringing out this part of me to the limelight. You’re so adorable and it’s so sweet to verbalise all I feel for you.

47. Being around you is one joy that fills me oftentimes. Your daily encouragement has helped me to push beyond the limits and has made me take steps I never would have imagined before in my whole life. You’re such a great inspiration, darling husband.

48. I can’t stop appreciating God for your life, honey. Your actions, attitudes and the way you treat me inspire me a lot to be a better wife and mother. Thank you for being a good husband and father. We are blessed to have you.

49. As the priest and leader of the house, you wore this cap with much comportment and you took the role with great dexterity. We sleep and wake daily with this sense of security that the priest of the house is performing his duty as the great watchman. Thank you.

50. Thank you for spoiling me silly. Thank you for always charging me up. You do this by encouraging me to go higher, to expect more, and to expand my horizons. God bless you more abundantly.

Having lived with you for a while, I already know your love language is words of affirmations that can be expressed through love notes, romantic letters or text messages. You’re one man I’m so lucky to have and I’ve come to show my appreciation with these thoughtful quotes.

51. Honey, I want to appreciate you for being my strength when I grow weak, for being my joy when I go down, and for being right whenever I go wrong. I have no doubt I made the best choice of a husband by marrying you.

52. I can choose to pray for you from now till the next world. I know my silent and expressed prayers over you are already answered. You’re one man who makes the wife be at peace with his demeanour. My heart blesses you always.

53. Over the years that I met you, I can tell how better off I am as a person. I’ve been drilled. I’ve got more confidence. And I’m challenged by your constant spur for excellence. In short, your personality has brought huge blessings to me.

54. When I look at my life and all the things I’ve ever achieved in life, I could attribute most of it to your contribution and impact on my life. Only God knows what would become of me if I had not married a purposeful man like you.

55. I can tell vividly that the opportunities I’ve ever enjoyed in life are as a result of my marriage to you. I’ve flown so high and wide while riding on your eagle’s wings. With my present position in life, I can tell that the grace of the Lord is sufficient to make me stable and sound. Many thanks to you.

56. We’ve got so many differences but we’re so united, such that we’ve channelled our differences to our betterment. Your patience with me and your maturity in handling disputes have helped us succeed in many areas. I bless God for you.

57. While you’re growing daily and developing great capacity in great light, you’ve pushed me to grow with you in the same measure. Never did you leave me behind in this building process for we are determined to grow together till old age.

58. People respond naturally to where they feel much sense of closeness and warmth. I’ve felt more of this with and around you. I can’t imagine being in another place aside beside you. We’re just so destined to be together.

59. You are a gift from heaven and a blessing in disguise. You may not be perfect but you’re a replica of the Biblical faithful man who is hard to find. If I need to choose again, I will go for you over and over.

60. Not only did you show me, true love. You also deal with me in great understanding while you also relate with my experiences. Men like you are hard to find and shouldn’t be traded for anything in the world.

61. Sweet husband, if I’d at any point taken you for granted, I’d like to use this medium to sincerely apologize to you. You’re such a man that shouldn’t be offended. Not because you’re some kind of god but because you deserve all the happiness that life brings.

62. One thing I was certain of is that if I were never married to you, no other man could have been more perfect for me like you do. You are simply the crown perfectly carved to fit my head.

63. The way you care for me and the kids makes me more proud of you. I know I’m so lucky to have gotten such a husband whom many ladies are seriously falling hard to get. What a fortunate woman I am!

64. A man who celebrates my little wins and does encourage me to strive harder is so rare to find. When I found you, I know I was in for great lucks. Heaven is sure smiling at you now for my prayers over you are being answered.

65. You gave me the free hand to accommodate my family members and friends around. This makes everyone appreciate the richness of their heart. You love everyone like they are your own. I value you more my crown.

66. I have no fear for anything in this world. I have no fear of losing you to another woman. If at all I do, my only fear is having to go through life alone without you by my side.

67. Our commitment to each other through the good times and tough times makes me know our union is made in heaven. Your effort at making us work and stand endears me a great deal. I appreciate you, my sweet husband.

68. Right from the very first time we met, you have been my soul mate for we connected in many ways. You are my sensuous lover for we’re bonded by great love and admiration for each other. I just can’t stop loving you and blessing God for the gift of you.

69. My weak moments are always covered up with the strength of your love. While you also run out of strength, my love for you is sufficient to sustain you for each day and all lifelong.

70. You complement me a great deal and you make me feel so secure. You’re more secure on your own but you made me realise countless times how much you value my presence in your life.

71. I’ve lived to enjoy life in a high spirit because ever since I married you and started living with you, I’ve come to enjoy every benefit that comes with marriage.

72. When I met you, you surged up a sensation in me that has been long dead. I got my life back in a transforming way and I was set up for record-breaking wholesomeness. All thanks to you darling hubby for making me feel whole again.

73. Since we married and took the vows, never has there been any looking back. We’re still so in love with each other like we just met decades ago. May this love continue to wax stronger and grow better.

74. I’m glad to let you know that anytime I set my eyes on you each morning, my heart still skips a bit like when I was newly in love with you. What I feel for you is so real and strong.

75. I know you’re trying every possible means to be your best and provide for the family. While you’re growing to be a better lover, I will like to be known as the good wife that I’ve always been and that can always make you proud.

76. I wouldn’t have been able to love and accept myself completely if you’d not inspired me to see my beauty and uniqueness. I could boldly say one of my biggest achievements is my marriage to you.

77. You’re the only person I love fighting with. I love it when we fight together and have to disagree on my issues. The scuffle helps to create enough time to miss and cherish your importance in my life till we learn to agree. Our fights have made us better but not perfect. Cheers to more fights with you, my darling husband.

78. I have enjoyed a friendship with you for the past few decades and I can tell it’s been so adventurous. I desire to renew my vows and recommit to a long-lasting friendship with you.

79. Babe, I appreciate you for choosing to do life together with me. You’ve put lots of smiles on my beautiful face and I’m glad to call you mine. So long you keep being the good man that you’re known to be, I will keep being your sweet babe forever.

80. With the few years I’ve spent with you have made me believe so much in our union. Regardless of our imperfections, you have taught me and the kids so many values that will outlive us. Your legacy has started speaking well for you. I celebrate you hubby.

81. I’ve made you many promises but which I couldn’t meet up with. You’ve defaulted countless times in yours as well. But no matter how much I made and default in subsequent promises, my love for you remains constant, and our union is to forever.

82. When I was almost giving up on my dreams, your presence and encouragement made a great spark that resurrected what’s been long dead in me. You are my hero and true inspiration. I am so proud of you.

83. The comfort I’d dreamed of enjoying once I married you was more than I ever bargained. You came along with peace and gave me security alongside. I couldn’t have wished for a better husband. You are my goldmine.

84. Since our union, life has been so enjoyable with you as my husband. It shows that I am not just happily married but that I’m also blessed beyond imagination. I love and appreciate you, my darling husband.

85. You made your heart a happy place for me where I can always draw strength from when weak. It’s only your love that can fill me up and grow me to maturity. I will always indulge in the gift that your presence brings.

86. All the while, I have grown in strength and character. All thanks to your contribution to my life. I have no doubt that my life would have been messier if I had not been the proud wife of an amazing husband like you.

87. When my strong desires were in long waiting mode, your presence brought speedy answers. With you came all the answers to my lifelong yearnings. I know this is just the least to be attained for greatness awaits us.

88. I wouldn’t have felt so much fulfilment if I hadn’t enjoyed the blessings that came with your presence in my life. The gift of you is what I choose to unwrap and behold daily.

89. If you’ve never heard this before, this is to let you know how much your presence has brought me much fortune and progress. I know I’ve been a peaceful woman and you’ve enjoyed God’s favour in abundance.

90. I call you my best friend, not because you do all that best friends do, but because you’ve done more than what great lovers do to their loved ones. The love our friendship brings is unquantifiable.

91. You gave your all, and you emptied your heart just to accommodate mine. God bless you, my darling. I wouldn’t trade your love for silver or gold, and I will always treasure the love you brought to my heart.

92. I call you my inspiration. You have been one good reason I haven’t given up on my dream. You push me to fight and you give me every needed support. What else do I need that God hasn’t done for me? I’m just so lucky.

93. You’ve got multiple virtues and treasures in you which you’ve never have imagined were there until I married you. These treasures aren’t just packaged but are more evident to friends and families around.

94. My love, you prioritised my happiness and that of the kids. You took it upon yourself to make life comfortable for us. As you’re more passionate about making me happy, the Lord will bless you more and gladden your heart.

95. Words will fail to describe your awesomeness sweet hubby. But I know the few years of our togetherness have shown how truly supportive and understanding you can be.

96. My husband is a great blessing from above. I see you as a blessing to manhood and fatherhood. I know I am lucky with every sense of confirmation to have married you my prince adorable.

97. Of a truth, my marriage to you has helped me shine with wings like eagles. Your sparkle is not only restrained to you but you have also shined with happiness because two stars united to combine effort together and make strong waves.

98. If I don’t praise you publicly, it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate you. It’s just to let you know that some blessings are meant to be treasured only in one’s heart in order to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to oneself. Trust me, darling, I will always groove in my admiration of you because you’re a rare gem.

99. I got a deeper understanding of marriage and a redefinition of companionship through my marriage to you. You’ve proven that you got all it takes to stay awesome and adorable. I can’t stop loving you my sweet husband and the father of my adorable.

100. Honey, my feelings today can’t be expressed. We’ve weathered every storm raged upon us through God’s help, and here we are, still standing strong and counting. I know I am blessed to be called your wife, just as you are fortunate to have gotten my hands of eternal friendship.

Here you got these beautiful lucky to have you as my husband messages for that one man who deserves the best of your affirmations.

It’s awesome to let you know that these words are capable of turning your man on and making him give more attention to you.

If you’re satisfied with these, use them as much as you like and also feel free to express your feelings about them by using the comment box below.

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