I Am Lucky to Have a Man Like You Quotes

In life, the feeling of being loved is unbeatable. In truth, the feeling of loving and being loved cannot be compared to anything else in the world especially when it is a love between a man and a woman.

As the lovely woman that you are, appreciating your man for loving you unconditionally is a very good thing to do. Why don’t you make him happy and let him know how much you feel so lucky to have him in your life by sending him some sweet heartfelt quotes that will make him blush.

These I am lucky to have a man like you quotes provided here will reveal the beauty of love and remind you of how lucky you are to have a man who possesses every good quality that every woman would like in a man.

I know I’m lucky to have a husband like you by my side. The things we see in life seem temporary, but our love will certainly last a lifetime. It’s not enough for me to just show you how much I love you. I want to tell you too many times.

1. I am lucky to have a husband like you in my life because you are my life, my adventure, my companion. You bring more joy to my life than any other person or thing in the world.

2. What makes me the lucky wife is that deep sense of peace I feel in my heart and body. It wouldn’t be possible for me without you.

3. I am so lucky to have you as my husband. I will never take you for granted and thank my lucky stars every day. Despite my inadequacies, I promise you that I will provide you with something to smile about for a lifetime.

4. I am so lucky to have a husband like you. I appreciate the way you’ve always been there for me if I need someone to talk to or just a shoulder to cry on. My heart is overflowing with joy and I cannot contain my smile. I forget about anything I have been worrying about when you are wrapping your arms around me; everything seems so simple to me then. Nobody can replace you with my love!

5. My sweetheart, you make me so happy and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I hold you in high regard.

6. My life has never been better than it was this past year. I cannot stop smiling after all these years together because of how joyful you make me. Honestly, you are such an amazing man, and I am so lucky to have a husband like you.

7. The fact that you’re my husband makes me feel very lucky. I’ve made the best choice in my life by choosing you. No matter how thick or thin the experience of life is, we share it, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

8. I’m so lucky to have a husband like you. The first day we met we ran down the street like nothing else. Our marriage has been 20 years, but I still wish we could run down the street like that. I love you more than I could ever express. I consider you my best friend and soul mate.

9. My life is so lucky to have a husband like you in it. It is always a pleasure to see the love in your eyes, and to feel your arms around me, as it is such a wonderful feeling of love.

10. I am so blessed that you are in my life. Each time we are together, everything just feels right and so perfect. I am very much lucky to have you as my husband.

11. The past five years have flown by. Five years seems like such a short time, yet a long time at the same time. It is a joy to be your wife each day. I have learned so much about myself from you, and our love is deeper than ever. I am so lucky to have a husband like you in my life. There is no end to the length of time I could spend telling you how much I love you.

12. Being your wife has been the most wonderful experience of my life. The feeling of loving you is like breathing. It is something I just naturally do always. You are my soulmate and there will never be another like you.

13. I am very happy and so much lucky to have a husband like you around me. I am so fortunate to have found someone so incredible that words can’t begin to express how I feel. I know life is perfect to me whenever I see you and look at you.

14. I am so lucky to have a husband like you, Your qualities make you the perfect husband for me. My heart is full of love for you. You are permanently attached to me, so there’s nothing that could separate us. No matter how bad of a day I may have, you always manage to make me see the bright side of things, and I am forever grateful for the chances you have given me over the years.

15. The two of us were made for each other, and I am so lucky to have a husband like you. I love you!

16. I am so lucky to have a husband like you. Your love for me makes me smile every day and I can honestly say that I can’t imagine my life without you. You are my best friend and I would be lost without you.

17. I am so lucky to have a husband like you! When I met you at the bar, I never imagined that I would meet a man like you. Throughout the years we’ve been together, I have fallen in love with you in every way. However, what I want to say is THANK YOU.

18. I appreciate your kindness and support. I can always rely on you for emotional support or assistance when I need a helping hand. I’m lucky to have a husband like you.

19. Our love has grown stronger over the years as we have shared more and more moments together. My life is brighter because of you, and I’m hopeful because of you. I feel so lucky to have a husband like you. We might not be perfect, but we are perfect for each other.

20. I am incredibly lucky that you are my husband. Our love has grown stronger over the years. You make me laugh every day and give me hope. You are one of the best things that ever happened to me. We may not be perfect, but we are perfect for each other.

21. Having you as my husband is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We have our fair share of stresses in our lives, and I honestly believe that I would not be able to move forward without you. Thanks for being there for me, no matter what!

22. I am incredibly thankful and lucky to be married to you. We live such busy lives, but without you, I would not be able to handle them. Thank you for always being by my side.

23. There is no other husband like you! Your love, loyalty, and support leave me speechless every single day. I couldn’t imagine living without you in my life; you are the best!

24. Having you as my husband is such a blessing. I thank God every morning for bringing you into my life and joining us. Our love is the most powerful thing in the world, and I will not give it up for anything! I am so glad to have you in my life, and I look forward to our next adventure together.

25. It’s an honour and a privilege to be married to you. Your sweet and caring nature makes me feel like a brand new woman, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you too much, my sweetheart.

26. You’re such a kind and generous man, I am lucky to have you and I can’t wait to have you as my husband for the rest of my life! I love you with all of my heart and soul. I’m so fortunate to have you as my husband. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you! I love you, baby.

27. It is an honour to have a husband like you, and I am grateful that you are the best father I could ever hope to have for our two precious children.

28. There have been ups and downs in our lives, but that’s part of the fun, knowing that the best is yet to come. You are my entire life. I love you more than words can express. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband.

29. At first, I had doubts that we would get married, but you transformed my doubts into love. It’s hard to imagine how much I adore you, and I’m proud of who you are now. It won’t stop growing as time goes on, my love for you will never diminish. You are all that I could ever imagine for a husband, and I thank God every day that we are together.

30. You are my soulmate; not only are you, my husband, but you are also the greatest friend a woman can have. We have been married for many years now, and somehow I have grown even more in love with you over the years.

31. I love everything about you, but I feel safe in your arms. The search for my soul mate took a long time, but it was worth the wait. I am so fortunate to have you as my husband. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. You are the love of my life.

32. My husband, you make every day a little bit brighter. You are an integral part of my life. I cherish every moment we spend together. You are a true treasure and I couldn’t ask for a better husband.

33. It took me a long time to finally find my soul mate, but you’ve made my dream come true. I love you so much, You make every day brighter. You make me feel safe and at ease in your arms.

34. You are such a wonderful husband. I am so pleased and lucky to be your wife. I will always cherish every moment we’ve shared together.

35. My heart bursts with joy when I see your smile and my eyes melt when you look at me. I crave your touch and I need you in my life. You are the best man a girl could ever wish for, and I am beyond grateful and lucky to have a husband like you and to have you as a part of my family.

36. Thank you for reminding me how important I am to you every day. I love you so much. We are so blessed to have each other in our lives. Much more I am so lucky to have a husband like you.

37. Never imagined I would find someone like you. Never imagined I would be so lucky to have a husband like you and to have married my best friend. There is nothing we can’t do together, with you by my side.

38. My life has improved so much in the past few years since I have had you in it. You are too good for me, but still, love me. I don’t worth it but I am so lucky and happy you are mine.

39. Your thoughtfulness, caring and generosity make every day brighter. You make me thankful to know that and so lucky to have a husband like you.

40. You make my heart melt with a single glance or a gentle touch. I am so lucky to have a husband like you, and I hope to spend my entire life with you.

41. It’s an honour and a privilege to have a husband like you. I don’t know how I earned you, but I am determined to make the most of it. You’re my rock as well as my best friend. You complete me and I love you to the moon and back.

42. Despite having such a wonderful and wonderful man as my husband, I still do not fully comprehend how blessed I am. Nothing else would make me feel like the luckiest lady in the world like you do, and there is no one who shows me how much you love and cherish me as you do.

43. You make me feel like a lucky wife in the world and demonstrate that you love and cherish me every single day. There is no one else I would want to spend my life with or who lights up my world as you do.

44. I am so blessed. My husband is an amazing and wonderful man and I will never fully comprehend how lucky I am to have him as my husband.

45. To be honest, I don’t even want to think about what I would do without you. Being married to you is better than counting my blessings. You make me a better man, a more loving and caring person. Thanks for being the husband in my life!!

46. You are my moon, sun, and stars! Oh, can I go on and on about how much I am grateful and lucky to have a husband like you! I will always love you, and I hope that we will have many happy years together as a family.

47. Having you in my life has brought joy and happiness into my life that cannot be described. I am lucky to have a husband like you.

48. I am so lucky to have a husband like you. I love you so much. You bring me so much joy that I wish everyone knew how wonderful you are.

49. The best place for me to be is with you. You have shown me true happiness and what it is to be happy. Thank you so much for always loving me and being there for me away. I am incredibly lucky to have you!

50. I am so happy and lucky to have you in my life, and I am so grateful for everything you do. Whenever I think about you, I am struck by how blessed I am to have you and how lucky I am to have a husband like you.

I am lucky to have a man like you that I crafted myself. It is not how many times I say “I love you” that matters, but how much I am able to prove it. Each passing day makes me love you more, sometimes without even a passing day.

51. Your kindness and peaceful personality make me feel at ease in my own skin. You have a beautiful heart and soul, and I’m so lucky to have a man like you in my life. I am excited about our future together.

52. I am so lucky to have a man like you who have always been there for me, and I have always wanted to be there for you. I love you, my man. As we grow up, our bond deepens. I’ll never forget all the fun we had growing up.

53. As my man, I am grateful for everything you have done for me. You are a wonderful individual and I am lucky proud to call you mine.

54. Having you in my life is such a blessing. You always do what is right, regardless of who agrees with you.

55. There are so many reasons I am lucky to have you in my life. You always stick to your beliefs, even when the popular view isn’t the one that’s best.

56. You are such a wonderful man, full of love, caring and thoughtfulness. Your love comes through in everything you do. I am lucky to have you as my partner!

57. My husband has been such a fantastic partner for me for the last 17 years. Thank you for everything. Is so nice to have a man like you.

58. Thank you so much for being the best part of my life and my world. I am fortunate and so lucky to have a man who loves me to pieces. I would like to say thank you for how much you have contributed to our home.

59. It is impossible to describe how much I love you, honey. You are my partner in crime, my best friend and the most amazing father to our little one. Thanks for always being there for me, my man.

60. My main squeeze, my partner in crime, my best daddy, my dearest. words cannot express who you are to me. Thanks for always being there for me, honey. I know I’m lucky to have a man like.

61. My husband, I am fortunate to have someone who will put up with a single mother like me. I am glad I married you because you have fulfilled all my wishes.

62. There is no one like you in this world and that is a fact! I am lucky to have a man like you.

63. I’m sure a lucky woman to have a man like you! May all the things you love in life work in perfect harmony. Blessings and peace to you today, tomorrow, and every day.

64. It makes my good days that much sweeter to have a sweetheart like you around me. I know some days are tough, but those rough times just make the good days that much sweeter. I’m so grateful to have you and share the highs and the lows with you.

65. I’m grateful to be married to you because you make being married more fun than anything. It’s my greatest feeling to have my best friend as your husband.

66. Having a husband like you is a dream come true for me. You are my best friend and the love of my life.

67. Even after years together, I still get butterflies overall you do for our partnership. I love you. I don’t give you enough credit for all you do to make our relationship so lucky.

68. Thanks for being such a wonderful husband to me. I am so thankful for you and am so happy to have you by my side.

69. It has been an honour to have a man like you by my side through thick and thin, and I can always count on you to be there for me in any situation.

70. I’m so happy to have you as part of my life, my man. You are and will always be one of the best things to ever happen to me. I am so grateful for all you do for me.

71. Dedicated to my man, who has always inspired me, looked up to me and who I have always looked up to. Thank you for everything, my man. You are an amazing person, and I am honoured to be your man.

72. Thank you for everything you do for me. Remember that I love you and don’t stop believing in you, dear. You will succeed one day and I hope it will be soon. I’m lucky to have a man like you.

73. I am so lucky to have a man who is a father to me. You mean a lot to me to have you both in my life, and I want you to know how much I care about you.

74. Thank you for always being there for me when I need it. I love you both a lot and am very lucky to have a man like you.

75. You are the best man a lady could ever ask for and I’m so lucky to have you l in my life. for all your care, love, motivation, encouragement, and support. I am happy that I have a man like you!

76. I’m so grateful for giving me all the opportunities. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by a good man like you.

77. I am so grateful and lucky for you being the best man anyone can have. I am so excited about the future because of all we will do together. I can’t wait to see how much better our relationship will become.

78. You have always been such a wonderful role model in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. I’m glad I have you as a friend and as my man.

79. You are my best friend and I am thankful for all the joy you bring me, the goals you achieve and especially for being my husband. You are an amazing human being! I am incredibly lucky to have a man like you!

80. Despite all the obstacles you faced, you taught me forgiveness, so I will always keep that as a reminder. In the end, no matter what happens, it will all work out for the best. I’m the luckiest woman on earth.

81. I’m lucky to have a man like. Your smile is always contagious, even when you’re going through a tough time yourself. That is one of the things about you I admire the most. You never complain, you don’t question why things happen the way they do.

82. Despite the fact that I love you to the moon and back, you make me the luckiest lady in the world. I wish I could give you all of my love, but there would be none left for me.

83. The love of my life, my husband, is the greatest gift that I have ever received, so I will always tell you every day of my life that you are the greatest gift in my life as well.

84. The fact is, there is no one like you and that’s a fact. I am lucky to have such a husband as you in my life. I love you.

85. I guess I’m the luckiest when life is at its smallest, you boost my ego, and when Life is at its greatest, you’ve given me a heart full of love.

86. The best luck comes from having the best husband in the world, like you. Love you, sweetheart.

87. We are lucky to have you in our life as a family, and I love every moment we share together. I am blessed to be loved by someone as wonderful as you.

88. As soon as you walked into my life, my heart skipped a beat. I saw nothing else but you, and without you, this life would mean nothing. I feel lucky to be married to you.

89. The important thing to me is you are a great man and that I am lucky to have you as a friend. You are a great friend and I cannot thank you enough for that. Thank you for being so caring.

90. From your loving wife to you, I am blessed to have a husband like you. We are cheerleaders for each other, you are the love of my life, and you are my everything.

91. You are my strength because you are a good husband. This is the greatest purpose of my life: to love you endlessly. I am lucky to have a man like you. Your presence makes everything better.

92. I am lucky to have a man like you. My heart misses you terribly. Thanks for being the best husband a wife could ever ask for! Stay close to someone who shares your interests.

93. You are nothing but a blessing to the kids and me and I am so blessed to have you, dear. . You’re the kind of man that every woman wants in her life. Thank you for being the best husband one can ever ask for.

94. I prayed for such a man like you and God gave you to me. I can’t thank God enough for giving you to me. I love and admire you.

95. I don’t want to ever live without you because you are my world, dear husband which makes me super proud of you

96. I can’t promise you that I will be the perfect wife to you, but what I can promise you is that I will love, respect and cherish you every day as long as I live as your wife. Kisses dear.

97. The Lord has given me such a wonderful and enviable gift in the form of you, my husband. I thank him every single day for this precious gift in my life which is you.

98. The only lucky man I know is you. You have always been there for me and I know I would be lost without you. I don’t know what I would do without you. Not everyone has such a fantastic partner as you.

99. I feel blessed to have a man like you. You bring so much joy and laughter into my life that I cannot help but love you. I love you so much; I love you!

100. Thank you very much for being the most amazing part of my life and my world. I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for you.

I’m very sure you liked these cute I am lucky to have a man like you quotes, written specially for you to express love and gratitude to your amazing and handsome husband.

So, please send as many as you wish to him that will make him appreciate his presence and how grateful and happy you are for having him in your life.

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