I Am Not Your Punching Bag Quotes

“I’m not your punching bag.” That’s a line that comes up a lot in relationships, and it’s often used when one person is trying to communicate to another person how they’re being treated.

When you are saying, “I’m not your punching bag,” it means that you are tired of being mistreated and abused by someone else. It is a way to tell them that they need to stop using you as a scapegoat or as a punching bag for their anger and frustration.

In a relationship, you can’t expect to treat someone badly and then expect them to put up with it. If you’re constantly putting them down or treating them poorly, at some point they’re going to say “I’m not” whatever you are doing to them. It’s a way for them to say “I’m not going to let you treat me this way.”

In most cases, someone who says this is saying no more than that. They aren’t necessarily saying “I won’t put up with this abuse anymore,” but rather “I’m not letting myself be treated like this anymore.” They’re taking control of their own lives and making choices based on what they want instead of what someone else wants from them.

Are you currently in a situation whereby you feel like someone’s punching bag, then go through these I am not your punching bag quotes below. They will give you the courage you need.

I’m tired of being used as a punching bag by life and bad people. I deserve better because I treat people well. From now on, I refuse to be a punching bag to anyone. I now have my self-esteem intact.

1. I won’t be used as a punching bag. I will do something to protect myself from the ones that punch me.

2. I won’t be used as a punching bag. I will not tolerate negative behaviour in my life.

3. You messed me over, but I refuse to let you walk all over me any longer. You broke my heart and turned me into a punching bag, but I’m moving on without you.

4. I am not your punching bag. I am a human being who’s capable of making her own choices. If you can’t handle that, find someone else to objectify and demean.

5. If someone tries to push my buttons, I’ll make it clear that I’m not their punching bag.

6. When someone tries to hurt you and you’re too tired to defend yourself, it’s perfectly fine—and maybe even wise—to let them punch themselves out until they finally give up.

7. Life is tough. If you’re not punching back, you’re being passed around like a joint at a party.

8. If you can only be a punching bag and nothing else in a relationship, it’s not much of one.

9. You want to make me feel small so you can feel big. I am not your punching bag. You never win.

10. People who make you happy are the ones that stand by your side, not the ones who turn you into a punching bag when you fall down.

11. I am not your punching bag. So stop treating me that way!

12. I’m not your punching bag. I’m not your scapegoat. I’m not a body to be shamed, criticized or used as a distraction. I am a human being, just like you.

13. I have every right to look like this, and you have every right to be mad at yourself for thinking that it’s okay to put your hands on me. I am not your punching bag

14. I won’t be your punching bag. You can be super successful and happy. Just don’t define me as your punching bag.

15. I’m not your punching bag, I’m not your toy. I am a strong, independent woman and I will not be treated like a child.

16. I’m not your punching bag and I won’t tolerate being treated like one.

17. I’m more than just a female character you can use to vent your frustrations. I am not your punching bag.

18. No one deserves to be abused. I am not your punching bag.

19. You cannot control me or beat me. I am not your punching bag.

20. I’m a woman with confidence. I’m not your punching bag.

21. I am not your punching bag. You don’t get to just take out your anger on me when you’re mad at the world.

22. You can’t change me and you can’t control me. You can only do what I allow you to do. I’m not your punching bag, I’m a human being and it’s time that you treated me like one.

23. I’m no one’s punching bag. I am an individual and I deserve respect.

24. I’m not here to be your punching bag. I’m here to be more than what you want me to be.

25. I’m not a punching bag you can throw your problems on. I’m your friend, and if I don’t want to listen to you vent, you don’t have the right to get angry and take it out on me.

26. You’re not going to take cheap shots at me and get away with it. I am not your punching bag. Enough is enough—I’m willing to fight back if that’s what you want.

27. I am not a punching bag. If you want to get to know me, treat me like a human.

28. If you want to talk to me about anything, please do so. But if you are going to be disrespectful or demeaning or turn me to be your punching bag, I also have a voice and it’s not one that you’d like to hear after the fact.

29. If I wanted to be battered, I would go to the zoo. I am not your punching bag.

30. I’m not your punching bag, I’m your friend and confidant.

31. I’m not your punching bag. Don’t come at me with your aggression, abuse, or violence because I won’t be its victim.

32. Words, no matter what you say, cannot harm me. You are on your own path and I am on mine. All I know is, that I am not your punching bag.

33. I am not your punching bag. I am the girl you are going to marry.

34. I’m not your punching bag. I am a woman who stays strong and always believes in herself.

35. I’m not your punching bag, you don’t have to hit me anymore. Keep going with your life and don’t let anyone get in your way.

36. I am not your punching bag but I will always be here for you even if you don’t know it yet.

37. Quit underestimating my strength. I’m not your punching bag. I’m a fighter and I’ve got this!

38. I’m not your punching bag, I won’t be abused, and I won’t be a victim.

39. Stop treating women like punching bags. I’m not a girl; I’m a woman. That means I deserve respect, not violence.

40. I’m not your punching bag. I’m a fighter, and I’m not going to be used as such.

41. I’m not your punching bag. I’m a human being who is capable of feeling and expressing my emotions.

42. I am not your punching bag. You want a fight? I’ll give you a fight. You want to be challenged? I’m up for that.

43. I am not your punching bag. You ain’t gonna step to me like that and get away with it. Not now, not ever.

44. I am not your punching bag. I won’t stop fighting until you learn to love yourself.

45. Guy, you better stop with all the assumptions and accusations. Be a little more kind; I am not your punching bag.

46. Hit me, and I’ll hit you right back. I am not your punching bag.

47. You don’t have to hurt me to prove your strength. I am not your punching bag.

48. I am not your punching bag. Please do not treat me as such. I am a person, with thoughts and feelings and stories to tell, so please don’t take it personally if I don’t want to talk about whatever horrible thing you’re going through.

49. It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just that when I look at you, all I can see is myself reflected back in the shape of a punching bag.

50. I am not your punching bag. You won’t find me on the gym floor, waiting to be assaulted with your angry fists. I won’t let you use me as a place to express your rage and vent your frustrations.

Hello there. I’m sure you had a good time going through the collection of I am not your punching bag quotes up there. I’m also sure they will help regain your self-confidence.

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