I am Proud of My Son Quotes

Your son is no longer that little boy of yesterday. Yes, he will always be your baby boy; quite all right. But, as he grows older, he will become saddled with more responsibilities, and there will be the need to meet up with the standard(s) the society must have set for him.

Believe me, he would need words of assurance from you, words that mention that you are proud of him. Has your son recently achieved a feat, he deserves one or two of these special I am proud of my son quotes.

Moreover, you could simply be proud of the fact that he is your son, and that he has been a good one at that. Then you should send him one of these to let your son know that you are thinking of him and that you are really proud of him, today and always.

You’ve done your very best and you deserve every good thing that comes your way. I am grateful that you’ve followed laid down paths and have even exceeded our expectations. From this day forward, there is no limit for you. I am so proud of you, my son, and I’m certain you will make me prouder in the years to come.

1. Today, I’m a proud parent of a big hero, and that big hero is my son. I have so much to say, but words will never ever capture how much I believe in you. Keep at it!

2. Today, I am proud that I have raised a son who makes a difference wherever he goes. Keep making me proud, my dear.

3. From the day you said your first words, to the day you took your first steps, I have been proud of you. Even now, many years later, I am still as proud of you and it’s even more. I love you, son.

4. There has been no day that I am not proud of you, my son. Today, I want to remind you of how you promised to make yourself proud too. It’s enough for me because as you make yourself proud, you’re making me proud too.

5. Who would have thought that my baby boy of those years will grow into the fine man you are now? Boy, I am proud to have you as my son.

6. Son, you’ve always been a ray of hope, not just for me but for the entire world. I’m proud of who you’ve become. And I know you’d do more.

7. I’m amazed and proud of the transitions you’ve made from being an infant to a full-grown man. I’m proud of the man you are.

8. Nothing can ever take away a parent’s pride in their son, and you have given me every reason to boast of you. Kudos, my darling. You’re loved.

9. Never think low of yourself: it’d be the most unfair thing to ever do. Think of how proud I am of you, and move forward. I love you, dear son.

10. If no one appreciates you, remind yourself that mom/dad is so proud of you. I tell you again, I am super duper proud of you.

11. I want you to just keep pushing on, and everything will become as beautiful as you’ve desired. Keep making me proud! Cheers.

12. I believe in you, and I am so proud of you that I want to show you off to the world. You’re my son, and that’s enough delight. May you always do well.

13. Nothing is as constant as change, and nothing is as inspiring as your attitude towards change. I’m impressed by your abilities and skills. You’re a true son of your father.

14. Seeing you on your toes, ready to fight every battle, puts my mind at rest. I have a son who can be in charge, and I have nothing to worry about. I’m proud of you, darling. You’re doing well!

15. It’s hard to believe that we’re here now, but that’s the only truth. Your hard work brought you this far, and I am pleased by your success. God bless you.

16. You are the king I raised, and you have never lowered the standards. Keep making me proud, dearest son.

17. Seeing you go places I never imagined brings me nothing but great fulfilment. I am extremely proud of you and your career. Cheers!

18. I remember seeing you sad and disappointed in yourself, and now, that time has passed us. I want moments like that to never happen again. Failure doesn’t define you: I am proud of you, my boy.

19. Yesterday, today, and the days to come, I’d always be proud of you and all your little big feats. You are a great guy, and you’re my wonderful son.

20. You’re not just growing older, there’s so much advancement, development and progression in you. You’re the best son out there. Keep it up!

21. You have always wanted to make me proud and to be very honest, I have always stayed proud of you. I just want you to realize that today is not an exception, and there’d never been a day that I won’t be proud of you. Well done!

22. Proud, has to be an understatement of what I feel today. I’m really proud of you, darling son. Thank you for making this moment happen.

23. For the times when I thought you were doing too much and couldn’t see your vision, I apologize. Right now, I am the proudest parent in the world. You, my son, made me that!

24. Every little drop of sweat has now paid off. I saw your work and now, I’m seeing you win. I am so proud of you, dear. Allow yourself to enjoy the accolades: You are a winner.

25. Even when you feel like you are at the lowest point in life, I’d be here to cheer you on. It took so much labour to come this far, and that’s all I need to be proud of you. Do well, lad.

Look how far you’ve come, my boy! I have always known you were born and made for greatness. But the greatness of this magnitude? My! I never dreamed it, my boy. I guess I have underestimated your abilities to do so well. There is always room for more. As you strive to achieve, even more, remember this: I am so proud of all your accomplishments.

26. The best moment in my life has to be the moment you stepped up to receive that award. I could hardly keep myself from screaming out ‘That’s my son!’ Boy, I’m pleased to be your father/mother.

27. I can’t even ask you to make me proud, because you have done more than enough to make me a very very proud dad/mom. I say it again, for the umpteenth time, I am so proud of you, my son.

28. I’m not just proud to be a woman, I’m proud of being your mother. I’m proud of all your wins, I’m proud of all your achievements, and I’m proud of the heights ahead. Cheers, my boy.

29. What could give a mother/father greater joy, than seeing their own child be the best in his field? It’s so much joy for me, and I’m really proud of you.

30. If there’s anything I’m grateful for right now, it’s that you have grown to be the man I have always prayed for you to be. I cannot overemphasize how proud I am. Keep at it, Son!

31. You are mine. My own son. I am so proud to have been the one accorded the honour of bringing you into this world. I love you, son. You are amazing.

32. I am proud to stand and say that I am your father/mother and that I am so proud of you, my son. You are the sunshine in my world.

33. Thank you for being a gift to me. And not just an ordinary gift, but the most beautiful gift I have ever received. I am proud to call you my son.

34. I have a fulfilled life because I have you in it. You have brought so much to me, and I am forever grateful. I am proud of you, son.

35. Every day, you bless me in so many ways. You help me with all that you can, and I appreciate it deeply. The pride I have for you is unmatched.

36. There is magic in my life, and I am alive and full of joy every time because you bring magic into my life. Thank you, my pride.

37. Thank you for being my anchor, and a safe place for me. I am lucky and proud to be a parent to you.

38. Dear son, continue to be the light that you are. I want you to know that I am solidly behind you, and very much proud of you!

39. I want to congratulate you on this great achievement. It is definitely no small feat. I am super proud of you, my son.

40. Because of you, I am strengthened, and I have the courage to face every coming day. I love you, my son, and I am proud of you.

41. For what you have come to achieve, my dear son, I will forever be proud of you. Here is the cheers to much more!

42. I draw strength from the love I have for you, and I am glad that it pushes you to do great things. I am proud of you, my super-hero-son!

43. To my dear son, I want you to know that no matter how far apart we are, and whatever happens, I will always be proud of you, and be here to support you.

44. Dear son, I see what you do, and I see how much time and energy you put into it. I want you to know that I am super proud of you.

45. Your choices are absolutely yours, and as your parent, I am always here to stand by you. I am super proud of you!

46. My dearest son, I want you to know that my heart will always be with you, to support and cherish you. Keep pushing!

47. Dear son, all I have for you is pride. Pride for the man that you have come to be. I won’t take you for granted.

48. Right from when you were little, you have always had a passion for what you loved. I am proud to see that you still have that same passion.

49. Your drive to see things get done is one that is incomparable. You are one of a kind, dear son. I’m proud of you.

50. To my dear son, I want you to know that I will always love you, and this will never change. Keep making me a proud parent!

It’s a jolly good thing for a parent to bear a son. It’s a better thing when the son is a good boy who’s got dreams. It’s the best thing when that boy goes after his dreams. And it is the greatest thing when that boy achieves all that he had set out to do. My boy, today, we all are proud of you and of how far you have come in life. Of course, there is more to come. Love you, my son, and I’m so proud of you, honey.

51. All you have come to do, come to achieve in so little time, I know about it. It is a thing of pride to be able to call your son.

52. Seeing you able to push yourself to limits that shouldn’t be humanly possible is such an amazing feat. I am proud of you, son!

53. I hope and pray every day that you never lose your passion for life. I’m proud of you, my baby boy.

54. People always appreciate how much you honour us, your parents, but even at that, we are also very proud of you.

55. The pride I have for you as my beloved son is one that I can never seem to hide. I will always be proud to call you my son.

56. As parents, we are very proud to stand and say that your achievements are yours, and yours alone. Keep making us proud.

57. What you have accomplished in such a short time is worthy of emulation. It is surely a thing of pride for me, and for everyone to see what you have accomplished.

58. It makes me proud to see all the efforts put into raising your pay off. It makes me proud of you, and also of myself.

59. I am glad that the relationship we share isn’t a complicated one, and we are able to communicate well. You make me a proud parent, son.

60. I have always hoped that you will do better things than I did, and reach greater heights. It is a thing of pride to see that you are doing exactly that for yourself.

61. Dear son, on this very special day, and special event, I want you to know that I am very proud of you and that I love you from the bottom of my heart.

62. I am happy to see that all your efforts are finally beginning to pay off. I wish you the best in life and bigger blessings. I’m very proud of you, son.

63. For years, you have dedicated yourself to your work, even against all odds. I am proud to see your efforts producing results now.

64. Even when it seemed like the world was against you, you still held your ground and pushed for what you wanted. I am a proud parent to see the results of these.

65. You once said to me that no matter what it took, you will get a degree, and you have done so in flying colours. It makes me very proud as a parent to see this. Congratulations to you, son.

66. I am convinced that you will excel in life, and be a blessing to everyone around you. Dear son, I am very proud of you.

67. What matters in life isn’t that we failed at something. It is that we had the guts and courage to keep trying. I am proud of you, son.

68. I will always be by your side to hold your hand, and behind you to push you forward. I will always be proud of you, son.

69. Dear son, no matter what is that you do, I will always be there to support you and cheer you on. I will never stop being proud of you.

70. You show so much determination and you never allow anything to hold you back. You pick yourself up every time you fall, and this makes me a proud parent.

71. The testimony that I hear from people about you is how much of a blessing that you are to them. I am proud to see the man you have become.

72. For every parent it is surely a thing of pride to see their son grow up to become like them. As a parent, it makes me very proud to see this.

73. The courage with which you stand up to injustice and issues that you face is worthy of note. You make me really proud, son.

74. There are times that I get scared and do not want you to break down due to how much you work hard, and then you make me so proud by pulling through and achieving what you wanted to. I love you, son.

75. No matter the outcome, you are already a winner, beloved son. And I’m so proud of you! Cheers to more wins, dear son.

You are doing so well for yourself and I am super proud of you, my son. You should hear me talk of you around friends. It’s always a pleasure to hear them ask about you and mention your names in awe. Thank you for making me super proud, my darling son. I will always be grateful for your life.

76. To my son, you bring much joy to me that I can never get from anywhere else. I am so proud to call you son.

77. I don’t think I need to remind you of how much of a star you are, son. I am proud of you.

78. Even when it looked like I did not believe in you, you put yourself first and kept your head in the game. I am proud to see what you have become.

79. What you have done in our lives, and what you are still doing, make me able to stand boldly and say with pride that you are my son.

80. You are already doing so much effortlessly and making it look better at each point. I am really proud of you, my son.

81. You really are a unique son. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. I love you, and I am proud of you.

82. To my one in forever son, I am proud of all of your achievements, whether big or little.

83. I have watched you, seen how you handle issues, and seen that you most definitely are ready to put yourself out there alone. I am proud of you, my son. But, always take time out to rest well. Love you, son.

84. The more people get to know you, the more they discover the true gem that you are. I am very proud to be called your parent.

85. You never let the criticism of people get to you, and you always put your head up in all circumstances with your eyes set on the goal. You make me very proud.

86. Hi, my beloved son. I love how much you care for people, and you do all that you can to put a smile on their faces. I am proud of you.

87. You make being your parent very worthwhile. You gave me less stress and supported me at every turn. I am a proud parent to a wonderful son.

88. I am filled with awe and admiration for you, dear son. From now on, the whole world will see and know what a proud father/mother I am.

89. Congratulations, dear son, on this very important milestone. You make me very proud, and I pray that this will just be the beginning for you.

90. Congratulations on finding a partner, dear son. I wish you peace, joy and all things good. Thank you for making me proud of you.

91. To say that I am proud of you will be such an understatement. I am beyond proud, and I am certain this is just the beginning for you, son.

92. When the storms came, you handled yourself with so much grace and strength. I am a proud parent, now and forever.

93. It is wonderful how much you are able to do in such a little amount of time. To my son, I am proud of your progress.

94. Even when it seems like you are doing too much, you still show how you are able to handle everything together. I am very proud of you, son.

95. Never for a moment should you think that I am no longer proud that you are my son. I will always be proud of you.

96. I just want you to know that you are worth all the things that I show and give to you, and you deserve much more. I’m proud to have raised you.

97. Looking at you, I see the man that you have become, and all that I can say to you is summed up in one: I am so proud of you.

98. If you are ever down, and feel discouraged, I want you to remember that it is never about anyone else but you. Know that I am very proud of you, son.

99. No one is perfect, but you surely make perfection look like a person. You make me very proud of you, son.

100. Words will never suffice to explain how pride fills my heart anytime I think of you. My dear son, I want you to know that I am very and will forever be proud of you.

Boys love words too, and kind words can melt their hearts too.

Confirm this when you get your son’s reaction after he has read one or two of these I am proud of my son quotes that you will choose and send to him.

May you always have reasons to be proud of this son of yours.

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