I Am So Happy I Found You Quotes

The burdens of life are so much easier when you have someone to carry them with you. Life will come with its challenges, but you can always be certain of victory because you have a willing teammate that’ll always fight with you.

Of all the things that’ll try to frustrate you, you can rest assured that this special person isn’t one of them. You’re always eager to return home to them because you’ve found the peace, happiness, and completion that not many people are lucky to experience.

A special person who plays these roles in your life deserves acknowledgement, appreciation, and sweet words. Hence, the reason for carefully putting these I am so happy I found you quotes together for you. Enjoy!!


The love you give makes me a better person and has brought joy and laughter into my life. I promise to always treat you like the queen you are, babe. I am so happy I found you!

1. I’m convinced that God knows what’s best for me because the timing of your presence in my life is nothing short of amazing. I am so happy I found you, love.

2. You’re so precious to me that I plan to treat you right and savour each moment like a prized possession. I am so happy I found you, darling.

3. With your presence in my life, I find new reasons to fall in love with myself every day. I am so happy I found you, and I’m looking forward to forever being by your side.

4. I love you for many reasons, and if I had to list these reasons, they’d be inexhaustible. I am so happy I found you, sugar.

5. I’ll always be grateful that you agreed to be mine. I don’t even think that the joy and peace in my heart will ever go away. I am so happy I found you, dear.

6. You’ve brought joy into my life and have made me a better person. If there’s any reason I work so hard, know that I want to give you a comfortable life as a result. I am so happy I found you, my dear.

7. Even when we’re not together, I can still feel you. You’ve taken up every space in my heart, and I’m content. I am so happy I found you, lover.

8. I love you more than anything in this world, and I value our moments together. I am so happy I found you, and I promise to spend my life adoring you.

9. You have given me everything I ever wished for and more. I want to thank you and let you know that I am so happy I found you. I love you, babe.

10. Purpose has taken on a different meaning since you came into my life. I am so happy I found you, and I can’t wait for the exciting future we have ahead.

11. I’m excited at the thought of the many amazing experiences we have ahead of us. I am so happy I found you, and I can’t wait to explore life with you!

12. You’ve become the best part of my life, and it’s amazing to watch. I am so lucky to have a partner that loves me as much as you do. I am so happy I found you.

13. Literally, the best part of my day is seeing you smile. You’ve filled my heart and life with your energy, and I’ll always be grateful. I am so happy I found you, sweetness.

14. I especially love how you manage to always lift my spirits and make me smile when I’m having a bad day. You’re good for me, and I am so happy I found you.

15. As cheesy as it sounds, you make every day by your side special. Thank you for being my inspiration and true love. I am so happy I found you!

16. Thank you for the unending support and encouragement that’s helped me become a better person. I am so happy I found you, darling.

17. Every day, I see why you’re the best partner for me. I am so happy I found you, and I can’t wait to spend forever by your side, babe.

18. Of all the things that are going to stress me in this life, you’re not one of them. I’m grateful for you, and I am so happy I found you, darling.

19. I know you’re the only one for me because you keep proving yourself to be everything I could have ever asked for in a partner. I am so happy I found you, darling.

20. I don’t just feel like the luckiest person in the world; I’m convinced that I am. I know that the reason is because of you, and I am so happy I found you.

21. I may not have all the material things I need, but I have you, and it’s more than enough for me. I am so happy I found you, darling.

22. You’re not just what I want; you’re all I need. I am so happy I found you, and I’ll move mountains to ensure that this never changes. I love you, darling.

23. I wake up with a smile on my face because I have you in my life. I got lucky with you, and I am so happy I found you.

24. Every day, I see proof of God’s goodness because you’re in my life. You’re everything I’ve ever needed, and I am so happy I found you.

25. Thank you for giving me the motivation and strength to get this far in life. I am so happy I found you, darling.

26. You make me feel good about myself, which is so important to me. Thank you for being the best man, babe. I also hope you know how happy I am that you found me.

27. Every day, I get more reasons why I want to spend forever by your side. I’m glad that you’re in my life, and I love you so much, sugar.

28. I hope this message reminds you that you have my heart forever and that I’m grateful I found someone as amazing as you.

29. There are no doubts in my heart about where I stand with you. Not only is this sweet to know, but it’s also reassuring. I am so happy I found you, babe.

30. Your heart is pure and beautiful, and it’s no surprise that it’s already rubbing off on me. You’re the best person for me, and I am so happy I found you.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself, and I’m honoured by your support and love for me. So glad I found you, and I promise to always love you, darling.

31. I love how your laughter is contagious and how your sense of humour makes every day worth living. I’m so glad I found you, sweetheart.

32. Sweetheart, you always give me new experiences and more reasons to smile. I love being around you, and I’m so glad I found you.

33. I adore everything about you, and I never want to spend a day apart from you. So glad I found you, dear.

34. It’s your love that keeps me going every day. I’m so glad I found you, and I thank you for being my source of inspiration and hard work.

35. I’m convinced that no one else can make me feel as special as you. I’m so glad I found you, and please don’t stop loving me.

36. Since knowing you, you’ve been nothing short of a blessing to me. Thank you for making me feel very special. So glad I found you, babe.

37. You are the person who makes me the happiest, and I feel lucky to have you in my heart and life. So glad I found you, my darling.

38. I’m destined for great things with you by my side. Thank you for helping me in more ways than I thought possible. So glad I found you, love.

39. If I’m ever in need of inspiration, I only need to be in your company. You’re all the motivation I need, and I’m so glad I found you, darling.

40. You infuse my life with greatness in every way imaginable. You’re the best of me, and I’m so glad I found you, darling.

41. You are the joy I always look forward to coming home to, and you certainly calm me in many ways. So glad I found you, sweetheart.

42. You are my reason for working hard, and I’m always excited about the new things we get to try together. So glad I found you, sweetness.

43. You give me strength, purpose, beauty, and everything else I didn’t think I needed. I’m so glad I found you, dear.

44. If asked what you mean to me, it’ll be sunshine. Thank you for lighting up my world with your presence. So glad I found you, love.

45. I always feel good when I’m with you, and you’re the sweetest person in my life. So glad I found you and can’t wait to be with you forever.

46. My love, you give me purpose, and you show me the best parts of myself. You’re a remarkable person, and I’m so glad I found you.

47. You have so much love to give, and I’m glad that I get to enjoy all of it. I’m glad to have found you, and I promise to never let your smile fade.

48. When you stepped into my life, the energy changed immediately. With you, it’s a good time to be alive. I’m so glad I found you, sweet.

49. Thank you for giving me the strength to face tomorrow and always fueling me towards my goals. I’m so glad I found you, babe.

50. You are the light of my world and the calm in my storms. I’m so glad I found you, and I’m grateful to be forever by your side.

51. I’m always at peace with you, and it’s one thing I’ll always be grateful for. You do me well, and I’m happy to have you with me.

52. My love, your presence in my life is all the assurance I need that everything will be alright. Thank you for choosing to spend forever with me.

53. You find ways to make me comfortable and assured in your love. I’ve never met anyone like you, and I’m grateful that you’re with me.

54. Thank you for supporting my vision even when you didn’t understand. I lack the words to fully appreciate you, but I’m completely grateful for you.

55. Every day, I’m thankful that our paths crossed. You mean the world to me, and I’m so glad I found you, darling.

56. Never forget that you are perfect for me and that there’s no one else I’d rather do life with other than you. I’m glad I met you, babe.

57. You make me feel safe and at peace, especially when life gets tough. You are amazing, and I’m glad that happy-ever-after is with you.

58. Your strength and determination inspire the people around you and me. You never cease to amaze me, and I’m so glad I found you, babe.

59. Your potential is inspiring, and I can’t wait for the world to see them. I’m so glad I found you, and I’m proud to be the man in your life.

60. Seeing the world through your eyes has been refreshing and enlightening. Babe, you get me hopeful and excited, and I’m so glad I found you.

I love that you’re deliberate about our love. I also love that I’m the partner who’ll spend forever by your side. I’m grateful I found you, darling.

61. I feel blessed to be in your heart and life. I hope that our years together are full and long. I’m grateful I found you, darling.

62. I’m so grateful I found you, so much so that I’m protective of our relationship. I love how we are together, and I never want to lose us. I love you, babe.

63. If this sounds cheesy, I don’t care. Please know that I will always be here for you, no matter what happens. I love you, and I’m grateful I found you.

64. I like that I’m getting to know your mind and soul deeper. You’re everything I need and the answers to my prayers. Grateful I found you, babe.

65. Try as much as I can; I can’t get enough of you. I think that our life together is perfect, and I want it to last forever. So grateful I found you, love.

66. Your company is a healing balm to my soul, and my world is better with you. So grateful I found you, sweetheart.

67. You fully light up my world, and I’ll be lost without you. Thank you for being everything I needed and more. I’m grateful I found you.

68. Your sense of humour is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for blessing me with your many gifts. I’m grateful I found you, babe.

69. You’ve pushed me to become the best version of myself, and I’ve grown by leaps and bounds. I’m grateful I found you, my dear. Thank you!

70. Is it cheesy to say that your smile makes me smile? I’m impressed by you and enamoured as well. So grateful I found you, darling.

71. When things aren’t going well, I only need to get to you, and I’ll feel better. You’re home and a safe space for me, and I’m grateful I found you.

72. I feel like the luckiest person in the world whenever I’m around you. This is a fact for me, beyond trying to be romantic. So grateful for you, my dear.

73. Your love for life and ability to turn nothing into something special is remarkable. I’m grateful for the energy and colour you bring to my life!

74. I’ve never been with anyone who comes up with many ways to make me smile the way you do. I love being around you, and I’m grateful for you.

75. You encourage me to be the best version of myself, and it is one gift I’m always grateful for. I enjoy every minute I spend with you, and I’m grateful I found you, darling.

76. You always know how to make me feel better. Thank you for being the most thoughtful and intentional partner I’ve ever had. So grateful I found you, sugar.

77. I love how your kindness also extends to the people around us. You’re the best person I know, and I never want to be apart from you. Grateful I found you, dear.

78. I can’t wait for the amazing family we’ll build together. Already we rock, so I know we’ll do great in our future endeavours. I’m grateful I found you, dear.

79. You’re my favourite answered prayer and proof that God loves me. Thank you for agreeing to share your life with me. I’m grateful I get to do life with you, babe.

80. I have the most fun times when I’m with you. Being with you makes me happy, and I’m never trading us for anything. So grateful I found you, dear.

81. I love how you protect our union and strive to make things work out between us. I want you to know that I’m fully committed to this journey with you. Grateful to have you in my corner, love.

82. Thank you for caring for me the way you do. You are heaven’s best gift to me, and I’m grateful that I found you. I love you!

83. I love that I can depend on you regardless of what life throws my way. You’re my rock, and I’m grateful I found you.

84. Without you, life wouldn’t be worth the hype. Thank you for the peace, joy and sunshine you bring to me. I’m grateful I found you.

85. I want to be with you today, tomorrow and every day. I’m grateful for you so much that I want to share the rest of my life with you.

86. Everything about you is special and makes my heart melt. You mean the entire world to me, and I’m grateful I found you. I love you so much, my dear.

87. Your beautiful heart is unmatched, and I’m glad I’m the one who’s mostly in it. I’m grateful to have found you, sweetie.

88. It’s a blessing that I get to experience life by your side. My best moments are with you, and I’m grateful I found you.

89. You’re by far the most beautiful woman I know. The good part is that your heart is even more beautiful. So grateful I found you, babe.

90. Thanks to you, I’m smiling more than I’ve ever done, and my cheeks hurt most of the time. You’re the best part of my life, and I’m glad I found you.

With me, you always outdo yourself, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the privilege. Thank you for being the perfect partner and companion to me. I am so lucky to have found you!

91. Every day we are together, I realize how blessed I am. You make me a better person and bring out the best in me. I am so lucky to have found you, babe.

92. I wouldn’t be surprised if my heart explodes from everything I feel for you. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, and I am so lucky to have found you.

93. Life with you is the best thing I could have ever asked for, and I am so lucky to have found you.

94. I promise that there will never be a day that passes without you knowing that I care a lot about you. I am so lucky to have found you, my darling.

95. Our future together is important to me, and I will do everything to protect us. I love you, babe, and I am so lucky to have found you.

96. There’s never a day without me appreciating God for giving you to me. I am so lucky to have found you, honey!

97. Being in your company always soothes me. Thank you for choosing to do forever with me. I am so lucky to have found you, babe.

98. Partnering with you for life is the best thing that’s happened to me. We’re good together, and I love the life we’ve built together. I am so lucky to have found you, teammate!

99. There are no limits to what I can achieve in life because you’re by my side. Thank you for your unwavering support, babe. I am so lucky to have found you!

100. I know it’s been rough for us in the last few days, but I promise to make it up to you. I am so lucky to have found you, love.

101. If I haven’t said these words before, I promise to work hard so that you’ll never lose your smile. I love you so much, and I’m lucky to have you with me.

102. I’m glad that I get to enjoy the feeling of falling in love with you. I’m lucky to have you in my life, and I’m always grateful for you.

103. You understand me so much that it shows in how you care for me and support my vision. You’re not just what I want; you’re everything I need. I am lucky to have you in my life, dear.

104. Every day, I experience new heights in life because of you. I’ve never met anyone as adventurous and beautiful, and I am so lucky to have found you, darling.

105. I’m excited that I have you to share all of life’s special moments with. I’m grateful for you, and I’ll never stop loving you.

106. I hope you get to feel how much you mean to me because all the words in the world wouldn’t be enough description. I am so lucky to have found you!

107. Your presence fills the gaps in my heart and life. I’m grateful to have found you, and I promise to always love you.

108. You complement and complete me, and there’s nothing else I need outside of you. I am lucky to be doing life with you, sugar.

109. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in life’s struggles. It’s good that I have you to come back to at the end of each day. I am lucky to have you in my life, babe.

110. Hearing your name is like music to my ears. Thank you for being an all-around person of goodness and kindness. I’m grateful for you, babe.

111. Loving you makes me feel good and strong. If I’m always at my best, it’s because I have you in my life. I am so lucky I found you, darling.

112. Amidst struggles and pain, I can rely on your love and support. There’s not a day when I’m not grateful to have you. Thank you, babe!

113. I love that we’re fighting and winning together. Life is sweeter by your side, and I’m never trading us for anything else. I love you, dear.

114. Life with you ranks as the most significant thing I have ever accomplished. Thank you for agreeing to do life with me, babe. I am so lucky to have found you!

115. The three things that make me happy are you, you, and you. I am so lucky to have found you, and I never want to be apart from you, honey.

116. The sweetest thing about having you in my life is that I’ll never experience any situation alone. I know that there’s someone who will always hold my hands. I’m lucky to have you, babe!

117. You love me unconditionally, and the world has become even more beautiful. Thank you for being my teammate in dream and reality. I am so lucky I found you!

118. You offer me everything I need per season, and there’s nothing else I want outside of you. Thank you for bringing me meaning, babe. I love you now and always!

119. I may have waited a while for you, but I’ll gladly do it again because there’s no one like you. I am so lucky to have found you, dear.

120. From the first day, I knew you would rock my world. Take this message as my permission to keep doing so. I am so lucky to have found you, babe.

When a special person makes you happy, you should find ways to express it. Hopefully, these I am so happy I found you quotes will help you communicate your acknowledgement and thankfulness for their presence.

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