I Am So Tired of Everything Quotes

When you are tired of everything, you cannot see the beauty in other people’s lives and in the world. You cannot appreciate the preciousness of your life. You cannot feel gratitude for what you have. You only see the negative side and you become cynical and negative. You become unhappy with yourself and with life in general.

All this negativity leads you to be tired of everything because there is nothing positive left in your mind or heart to enjoy anymore. This is not a good way to live. It’s not just the big things, either. It’s the little things that add up and become bigger things. It can lead to depression and vice versa. Depression can lead to becoming tired of everything. The vicious cycle continues until you get out of it by finding other ways to feel good about yourself besides your work or appearance.

Below is a collection of I am so tired of everything quotes that you can use to express yourself if, indeed you’re tired of what’s happening in your life.

I am so tired of everything. I have been working nonstop for the past six months, and it is really starting to take its toll on me. I just want to sit down and relax for a minute, but I can’t afford to do that because there are bills to pay and people who need help. I need a break.

1. I’m sick of everything. I haven’t slept in three days, and I look like shit. I have been doing nothing but working, sleeping, eating and everything in between for weeks. So here is my plea to all of you who know me: Go away!

2. I am so tired of everything, I can’t take it. I have to figure out what is wrong with my life. I want to just let go and do something that makes me happy.

3. I am so tired of everything. I am sick of everything around me. It seems like nothing will help, not even my own efforts. I don’t know what to do anymore.

4. I am so tired of everything. Work is flipping hard, and people are hateful. Everyone I know is having problems, and no one is happy. Life sucks, and I’m never going to get better.

5. I am so tired of everything. I am so tired of feeling like shit. I am so tired of being this way. The only way is to change and get better.

6. I am so tired of everything. I want to go home and forget about all the bad things that have happened to me for the past six months.

7. I am so tired of everything. I’m sick of this, sick of that. But most importantly, I’m sick of you.

8. I am so tired of playing by the rules that don’t work. I want my freedom back to do the things I love.

9. I’m so tired of putting on a smile and pretending everything is okay. I’ve had enough of the lies and bullshit.

10. I’m tired of people always being mad at each other for no reason. I’m tired of being tired all the time. Someone, please tell me what to do.

11. I’m tired of feeling this way. I want to wake up and feel like there’s a little more light in my life.

12. I am so tired of everything. I just want “me” time and peace, but that doesn’t exist anymore.

13. I am so tired of everything. I just want to be alone, where I can escape from all the noise.

14. I am so tired of everything that needs to be done. I don’t have time and energy anymore.

15. I am so tired of everything. Of feeling like there is no reason to smile or laugh anymore. I am so tired of feeling helpless, worthless and being treated like a victim in my life.

16. I am so tired of everything. I want to lose weight and have abs like a model, but that’s not going to happen.

17. I am so tired of everything. I want to rest, but I can’t because all I do is work, eat and sleep.

18. I am so tired of everything. I want to go out and do something fun, but all I can think about is how tired I am.

19. I am so tired of everything. I have no idea what to do anymore. I’m sick of feeling this way, but I can’t do anything about it.

20. I’m so tired of everything. It’s been a long day, and I don’t want to do anything anymore. All I want is to sleep and relax.

21. It’s been a long week. I’m so tired of everything. The weather, the light, the news. Is this what people want? Really?

22. I am so tired of fighting with people who don’t know me. I’m tired of being judged on someone else’s perception. I’m sick of being looked down on and criticized because they have too much time on their hands, and it’s a source of entertainment for them.

23. I am so tired of everything. I’m looking for someone who understands me and cares about my feelings.

24. I am so tired of everything; the way you dress, the way you act, your weight and your appearance.

25. I am so tired of everything. I feel like there are so many things trying to be the best for me that I have no time or energy left for myself. I need a break.

26. So tired of everything and everyone. I am so tired of the world, my body, and the way people treat me.

27. I’ve been so tired of everything. I’ve been so tired of life. So if you want me to get over it, I’m going to have to go back.

28. I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of all the fights, and I’m tired of all the stress, I’m tired of the past. I want my future.

29. I am so tired of everything. I want a break from the stress in my day-to-day life, and what better way than to take a siesta?

30. I am so tired of everything and everyone telling me that I’m not good enough because of where I come from or who I love.

31. I’m tired of being told I cannot do something because I am a woman. Why do some people insist on limiting my potential?

32. I am so tired of everything. I’m tired of the news, social media and depressed moods. There’s only one thing I want to do today: fall asleep.

33. I’m so tired of being told to smile and to be positive when I am not. And I am tired of everyone being mad at me for being true to myself.

34. I’m sick of this. I am so tired of fighting for the things that don’t matter, so I’m changing my ways.

35. I am so tired of being stuck in this place. I’m done with the drama, the negativity and the nonsense.

36. I am so tired of everything. I want to see life in a different way, but I don’t know how to do it.

37. I am tired of everything. Everything just seems to be in a never-ending circle.

38. I am so tired of living in a world where we are constantly being told to strive for nothing and just be happy with what we have.

39. I’m tired of everything, especially not being able to be myself.

40. I am so tired of everything. I work too much, eat too many calories and never get to have a moment to myself.

41. I am so tired of everything. I’m tired of this world and the haters in it. I’m tired of feeling like I’ve failed at life. I’m tired of being alone and tired of trying to get attention. I want to be free from it all.

42. I am so tired of everything. People, traffic, and the weather seem so exhausting to me right now.

43. I’m so tired of everything. I am so tired of feeling guilty for everything and tired of trying and failing but never succeeding. 

44. I am so tired of waking up and wondering what the world will be like today. Will I make it to work? Will I be able to keep my head up after having been down this road today?

45. I’m so tired of spending my days chasing down goals and dreams when it all feels like a waste of time.

46. I am so tired of everything. I want a break from the world and to go somewhere where nobody has any worries.

47. I’m tired of hate and anger, tired of violence and tragedies. The world is too small for that kind of behaviour to continue.

48. I’m so tired of being busy. I want to stop and smell the flowers, watch a sunset with my friends, and feel alive.

49. I am so tired of everything. I want to be left alone and do what I like, get away from people who derail my spirit and make me feel uncomfortable.

50. I’m so tired of everything. I want to throw up, I want to scream, but all I can do is lay here in pain and scream into my pillow.

51. I’m so tired of everything. I’m tired of being super busy and trying to follow a schedule that isn’t mine. I don’t want to live like this anymore.

52. I’m so tired of everything. I need a break from my friends, work and everyone in general. I just want to do nothing for a while.

53. I am so tired of all this stress. I am drained and so ready for it to be over, not because of bad relationships but because of my job.

54. I am so tired of everything. I am so tired of waking up, going to school and coming home. I am so tired of having to do the same things everyday, over and over again. What if I could just change everything? What if there was a way that I could make sure that I never had to spend one more night in this same boring town?

55. I’m tired of everything – politics, the election process, the current administration. I’m tired of being told that women are victims and not strong enough to make decisions for themselves. I’m tired of feeling invisible. I’m tired of sitting at home crying because it’s not okay for me to put myself first anymore.

56. I’m so tired of being told to be more productive and happy. I am tired of trying to be the best version of myself in every situation.

57 I am so tired of everything, I just want to move to another place, find a new town and start a new life.
58. I’m so over this, and I am so tired of everything. It’s been a long day, and I just want to sleep.

59. I am so tired of everything. I’m sick of my job, my bills and my routine. I want to change it all.

60. I am so tired of waking up every morning and putting on a smile for someone. So I’m going to wear my heart on my sleeve and be true to myself this year.

61. I am so tired of everything. I’m tired of being compared to others and of being sorry for who I am.

62. I am so tired of everything. I just want to go home and fall asleep on my couch, waiting for the next day to come.

63. I’m so tired of everything and everyone. I want to go out but can’t because of my parents. I feel like nobody understands me all this time.

64. I’m so tired of the world and its shitty politics. I just want to go back in time.

65. I am so tired of people telling me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. I am tired of hearing this from everyone, from family members to friends and even strangers on the street.

66. I am so tired of getting up for work in the morning. I want to go back to sleep, but I have responsibilities, too.

67. It’s getting to the point where it’s easy to get too much of a good thing. I need something new to inspire me every day.

68. I am so tired of everything, and I don’t know how to handle it. Life is a struggle, and I feel like she is pulling away from me every moment.

69. Any time I am tired of anything around me, I start to worry about things that never happened and will not happen in the future.

70. I am so tired of everything! People are mean, technology is overwhelming, and I feel like I am drowning in it. But when I turn off my phone, my worries go away, and I can see the beauty in the world around me.

71. I am tired of everything. I am tired of this city, tired of all the noise, tired of people, tired of the world. I don’t want to be here anymore.

72. I’m tired of everything. I want to break away from all the negativity of this place and live in a place where everyone is happy, loved and cared for.

73. I am so tired of feeling like I have to do everything right. I’m tired of feeling like the only thing I deserve is my worth. All of the things are true, but they don’t have to be true.

74. I am so tired of everything. Tired of people being rude to me when I know I do not worth being rude to.

75. I’m so tired of everything. I need something to change. I need to be someone different, and I need to be better.

76. I’m so tired of everything. I want to feel the wind on my face again and hear the sound of trickling water.

77. I’m so tired of everything. I can’t wait for the day when I have nothing to do but relax and listen to music.

78. I’m tired of my job, the bills, life, and the feeling that I have no control over anything.

79. You know what I am so tired of? Everything. There is so much to think about, people to talk to, things to do and places to go, still left undone. This damn world has too many issues.

80. I’m sick of being told what to do, how to live and when. I don’t want to endure another minute of this nonsense.

81. I’m tired of everything. The noise, the crowds and the people pushing in my way.

82. I’m so tired of everything. I’m tired of people who say they love me but then don’t show their affection in a significant way. I’m tired of people who care about me when they aren’t really there for me. 

83. I’m tired of everything. Of the little things that don’t matter and the big things that do. I just want to feel like myself again.

84. I am so tired of everything. I don’t know what to do, and I’m going insane. There’s no end in sight, every day is a struggle, and there’s nothing left to give.

85. I am so tired of everything. I want to step out and breathe, but a constant buzz in my head prevents me from doing that. It’s all too much.

86. I’m so tired of everything. I don’t want to talk about what’s wrong and what’s right; I want to forget everything and go back to summer.

87. I am so tired of everything. Every day is the same, but the only way to change that is by waking up in the morning and making a new plan for what I want to do today.

88. I am tired of everything. I feel like everything is a struggle. I am so tired of myself.

89. I am so tired of everyone’s expectations of me. I am tired of reaching for dreams and falling short. I’m done trying.

90. I am tired of this world. I am tired of your life in it. I am tired of you and what you want from me. I’m done with your expectations, and I’m done trying to be someone I’m not.

91. I am so tired of finding myself in this space of being disconnected, overwhelmed and stressed out.

92. I am so tired of everything. I want to live life without the constant need for distractions.

93. I am so tired of everything. I want to go somewhere and sleep for a week with no worries.

94. I am so tired of everything that I have had enough, and I am going to take control of my life and find the meaning behind it all.

95. I’m tired of everything. I want to stay in bed for days and watch TV until my hands fall off.

96. I am tired of everything, and my mind has become cluttered with negative thoughts.

97.  I am tired of everything, and I have become anxious about things that do not matter at all; and, finally, my body has become exhausted from all these negative thoughts and feelings that go around in my head like a vicious circle.

Hello there. If you enjoyed going through the collection of I am so tired of everything quotes, please let me know by leaving a comment below. Thank you.

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