I Am Sorry for Being a Bad Girlfriend Quotes

For most people, being a bad girlfriend is never on their list of things to do. However, being a good girlfriend is not an easy job. There are many challenges along the way, and your man may get upset during difficult times. Maybe if you learn from your mistakes in the future and own up to your shortcomings, life will be so much better with the people in your life.

Apologizing to your beloved is a major step towards patching things up with your better half. It can get you both on the same page again. However, if you go overboard with it, your lover could end up hating you forever. So, choosing the right words to use while apologizing is extremely important to bring back the lost romance.

Saying sorry for being a bad girlfriend isn’t an easy thing to do. You may not even recognize you’re being bad, and as harsh as it sounds, it’s sometimes hard to recognize when you’re hurting the ones you love most. When you are in this situation, it is best that you find out what exactly it is that your boyfriend wants to hear from you. This way, you will be able to convey your apologies and remorse more effectively without risking the possibility of making things even worse.

But, before you go as far as breaking up with him, try making it up to him by apologising to him first with these I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend quotes below.

I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend, for not calling enough and for not always listening. I’m sorry that I put myself above you because of my own insecurities. But most of all, I’m sorry that you look at me with eyes full of longing and pain, but you can’t say a word because of your feelings towards me.

1. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend, for how many times I’ve let you down, and for not appreciating your gorgeousness. I’m so sorry that I never said how much you mean to me.

2. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I love you more than anything, and I’m so sorry I let my life get in the way.

3. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I know there are times when I’ve been too busy, but I want to change that.

4. I am sorry for being such a bad girlfriend; please forgive me.

5. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I usually just take and take, not give much back. I am really trying to change that.

6. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I love you, I’m doing my best to change, and I am grateful you are always there to listen.

7. I’m sorry I haven’t been a good girlfriend lately. You deserve better. I wish I could make it up to you, but I can’t.

8. Sorry if I was a bad girlfriend, but I had to focus on my career. I promise to do better in the future.

9. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend; I try my best to make you happy. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I don’t know how to be one, but I sure hope you can forgive me.

10. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I know I can do better and will try harder to make it up to you.

11. I’m sorry for being such a bad girlfriend I promise to do better next time.

12. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’ve missed you, and that makes me feel selfish and selfishly guilty. But I need to tell my heart what it wants to hear.

13. I am sorry for not being a good girlfriend, but you know? Sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do. Sorry, I’m a bad girlfriend. I know this, but I still want to be with you.

14. There have been some days when I have hurt you and didn’t realize it was happening. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I hope you will forgive me and move on with your life.

15. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. Sorry for always taking you for granted. For letting you down and making you feel sad. Sorry I didn’t realize what I was doing to you. I am sorry, and I love you so much.

16. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’m doing my best, and in return, you’re acting like I’m the worst person on earth.

17. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. For the past two days, I have been working really hard on a project, and I didn’t take time to rest, go out with friends, or even get food. I know that was wrong of me, but I need you to forgive me.

18. I am sorry for being such a bad girlfriend. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve let you down. To all my friends and family who haven’t seen you in a while but don’t know how much I love and miss you.

19. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend and for not calling or texting you sooner. I’m sorry that I’ve never been there for you, and I hope that one day we can be better girlfriends.

20. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I love you, and I’m trying my best to improve. I don’t know what happened, but I made a huge mistake.

21. I’m sorry, I’m a bad girlfriend. I’ll try harder to be the best one ever. I know you only miss me when I’m not around. But I promise to make it up to you with something great and loving soon.

22. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend, and I am sorry that I didn’t always make you feel like the centre of my universe. But I promise to be better next time.

23. I am sorry I didn’t text you back right away. I was too busy worrying about my hair, makeup and outfit. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend.

24. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’ll make it up to you, but first, let me go back and re-do every second of the last two weeks.

25. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I promise to do better next time. I hope you will forgive me.

26. I feel like a bad girlfriend when I forget to call you back. When I neglect your feelings and listen to my own. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend.

27. I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me. I’m sorry that I wasn’t your hero, but more of a friend. I’m going to try my hardest to become the woman you deserve, and I hope one day we can be friends again.

28. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I know you deserve so much better than me. But the truth is, I was never really that good of a girlfriend anyway.

29. Sorry, I was a bad girlfriend. I got busy with my friends and forgot to take care of you. I’m sorry for not being more attentive and loyal to you.

30. Sorry, I was a bad girlfriend. I have no excuses except I’m human, and I had my mind on a lot of things, so things got out of control.

31. Sorry, I was a bad girlfriend. I promise to make it up to you. Thank you for being there when I was most needed.

32. Sorry, I’m a bad girlfriend. You know, the one who runs away every chance she gets and doesn’t pay any attention to you at all?

33. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend and for not always meeting your expectations, but I love you no matter what.

34. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I love you always, in spite of what you think of me. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’m trying to change, you know

35. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’m trying to change, but please don’t hold this against you.

36. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend; this is only the beginning of our relationship, and can we just get over it?

37. Sorry for being such a bad girlfriend. But I promise that I won’t be this way anymore.

38. I feel so bad for being a bad girlfriend. I can’t stop thinking about how much you deserve better. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend.

39. Sorry, I’m a bad girlfriend. I’ll make it up to you, promise. I’m sorry I haven’t been a very good girlfriend lately.

40. I was a bad girlfriend. I can’t believe I didn’t notice you were in pain. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend.

41. Sorry, I’ve been a bad girlfriend. I won’t let you down again don’t give up on me, and I promise to do better.

42. Sorry, I’ve been a bad girlfriend. I hope you were able to find the time to talk to your friends and make plans. I wish we could have had dinner with them tonight.

43. I’ve been a bad girlfriend, but it ends now. Sorry I’ve been neglecting you. I hope you forgive me and take good care of yourself.

44. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I thought you deserved better than me. I hope you will find a place in your heart and forgive me.

45. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend; I’m working on it. I try my best to be a better girlfriend to you and also make you happy.

46. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed me most. I’m sorry for making you worry about me and for making you feel guilty because of it. But most of all, I’m sorry that I wasn’t better.

47. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I know you have done your best to keep up with all my needs, but these days I can’t seem to find time for you. Please forgive me.

48. Sorry I wasn’t a great girlfriend. I’m sorry for your disappointment. But most of all, I’m sorry for not trusting you enough to share my journey with you.

49. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. I should have told you that I didn’t want to go out last night, and I feel terrible about it. Please forgive me.

50. Sorry I haven’t been a great girlfriend lately. I promise to make it up to you. I promise to be a better person in the future.

51. Sorry for being a bad girlfriend. Sorry for always letting you down. Sorry for making promises that I can’t keep because I think I should. But most of all, sorry that you always have to be the one who says sorry because I know the world would be so much better without women like me in it.

It is never good to communicate with one another in a way that can lead to misunderstandings or arguments. I am sorry for being a bad girlfriend quotes are exactly what you needed! I hope you found what you were looking for in my list and that you will have a great time making your man feel better with the latest quotes on this site.

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