I Am Sorry for Being Angry Quotes

Life can be frustrating at times, and one of the hardest things to do is to bite your tongue and keep your anger in check. We all have a right to speak up, but we also have a responsibility to refrain from lashing out at others. We all make mistakes and say things we shouldn’t. Whether on social media or in an email, judging someone or venting your anger, it’s important to say sorry sometimes.

There’s no doubt that anger is an emotion that takes control of the mind. An angry person can lose control without reason. It can be hard to control yourself when someone goes out of their way to make you angry. You want to lash out so bad and hurt them, but in the end, your dearest friends are the ones that suffer.

With that in mind, below are some sorry for being angry quotes for when you’re feeling angry. The following quotes about anger are some of my favourites at the moment. I hope at least one of these quotes will say what you have been thinking or leave you feeling better after reading them.

I am sorry for being angry. But you know that sometimes it is hard to be a good person and let go of the things that make you feel bad or hurtful. It takes courage to forgive, accept another person’s apology, and move forward. 

1. I am sorry for being angry. Most importantly, I am sorry for making you feel bad when all you did was try your best.

2. I am sorry for being angry. I don’t know who I am anymore. I am just a weak and angry person who is always sad, depressed and hurt.

3. I am sorry for being angry. It is not good for my health or my relationships. I will try to be patient and forgiving.

4. I am sorry for being angry. Life is hard enough, and it doesn’t need to be made more difficult by my own actions. I should have known better and waited for tomorrow to handle this mess that I had created.

5. I am sorry for being angry. I don’t mean to be rude, but you were not listening when I was trying to explain what I was going through, and it’s hard for me to keep calm when someone makes me feel like that.

6. I am sorry if I am angry. I just lost my best friend and don’t know what to do. It was not my intent to hurt you, but I have. I apologize for being angry. 

7. I’m sorry for being angry and upset, but it’s ok to say that you’re mad. It doesn’t make you weak or a crybaby. It makes you human.

8. I apologize for my anger and for not forgiving others. I know that forgiveness is the only way forward. I am sorry for what I said, did, or didn’t do.

9. Sometimes, I feel like my anger is a burden I’m unwilling to bear. But then, I remember that I am a gift to myself. Even if others don’t know it, they’re getting something out of me, too. I am sorry for being angry.

10. I am sorry for being angry, and I promise to be kinder in the future. I promise to forgive myself and others for my anger, and I will work on improving myself. I am sorry for being angry. It was not right, and it will not happen again.

11. I am sorry for being angry. I am sorry for being mad. I am sorry for not thinking before I spoke. I am sorry for not listening before I spoke. I am sorry that the words coming out of my mouth hurt you.

12. I am sorry for being angry because it does no good. I was brought up to think anger is a sign of weakness. But the truth is, it’s not weakness at all; it’s honesty and strength. I’m sorry for letting myself believe that’s not true.

13. I’m sorry for being angry. I don’t mean to shout at you; I just don’t know what else to do right now. Please forgive me, and I will try my hardest never to be angry again.

14. I don’t want to be angry anymore; I just want to be happy. And then maybe good enough to forgive me. I am sorry for being angry.

15. Anger will not solve your problems, but it will give you a lot of self-righteous points. I am sorry for being angry. I was wrong, and I am sorry. I regret what I did, and I will make it right.

16. I’m sorry for being angry. I have been trained to be that way. When I go back and realize how I have let people take advantage of me, then I realize it is time to change my ways.

17. I am sorry for being angry. I just want a chance to tell you how much I love You. I am sorry for being angry and hurting others. I hope you have a better day today.

18. I am sorry for being angry. I am sorry for having all of these negative thoughts in my mind. I am sorry I don’t let you talk to me. I want to do something about it now and continue talking to you.

19. I am sorry for being angry. I have learned to forgive myself and see that I needed to learn how to deal with anger differently.

20. I am sorry for being angry. I am sorry for being hurt. I am sorry for not being happy. It’s time to forgive and move on, but first, it is important to have a good cry and release all that pent-up emotion inside you.

21. When you’re angry, the right thing to do is apologize. But when you’re in a position of power, the wrong thing is to be angry. I am sorry for being angry.

22. I am sorry for being angry. I am trying to stop. I do not want to hurt you. You are my friend; please forgive me.

23. I am sorry for being angry. There are times when I should have chosen peace instead of fighting, but I think that is why God sent me to you.

24. I am sorry for being angry. I should have known better than to let it get to me. I am sorry for being angry because it is not productive. You are amazing, and I am proud to be your friend.

25. I am sorry for being angry. I will try to control myself from negative thoughts, put my feet on the ground, and realize the value of life.

26. I don’t like to be angry. But sorry for being angry. Sometimes I get so upset that I lose my temper too quickly and say things I regret. That’s why I am sorry for being angry today.

27. Sometimes, I need to apologize for being angry. Sometimes I just have to go ahead and do it. Apologize to the ones who you’ve hurt, whether they know that you did or not.

28. Sorry for being angry. I love you, and it is okay to be sad or upset sometimes, but I need to apologize for how I acted toward you.

29. Sorry for being angry. I am sorry for not talking to you. I am sorry for not being there when you needed me most. I am sorry for making you feel like the bad guy.

30. I’m sorry for saying things that hurt you. I am sorry for making you feel like your feelings weren’t valid, or validating them would be a mistake. Sorry for being angry.

31. Sorry for being angry. I am not sure what happened, but I want to try to be better from now on. It’s not your fault, but it is my own. I know what I need to do to make things better.

32. Sorry for being angry. I realize that there is no point in getting angry and that doing so only makes me feel stupid and weak. Therefore, I promise to get over it and move on forward to my next task.

33. Sorry for being angry; I’m sorry for every single thing I did to hurt you. I wish you could see how much I love you and how much I never want to lose again.

34. Sorry for being angry. I’m sorry for being upset. I’m sorry for being frustrated. I’m sorry for being disappointed. I’m sorry I lost control and said something I shouldn’t have.

35. Sorry for being angry and making you feel like a failure when you weren’t doing anything wrong. You are just trying to do what’s right.

36. Today, I learned that sometimes we treat each other so badly when we are angry that we forget that in the end we are hurting ourselves. Sorry for being angry.

37. I’m sorry for the times when I was so angry with you, but I will never forget how much you mean to me and that we are still together. Sorry for being angry.

38. I apologize for being angry. I try to remain calm and collected, but sometimes life gets you down. I know you’re trying your best, and that makes it hard to accept that sometimes we don’t get what we want. But I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you.

39. No one is perfect, but we can all make a difference. We should try to be nice to others in our lives and leave behind a legacy that helps people. Sorry for being angry.

40. Sorry for being angry. It’s not your fault, and you’re not to blame for anything. If you think about it, I’m mad because I don’t know how to control my emotions when you do things that hurt me. I just hope that one day you’ll understand this and we’ll be able to be friends again.

41. I just wanted to say sorry for being angry. I know this is a day when we should be grateful, but I am not feeling grateful at all. It’s just that some days it feels like life has no meaning, and none of my prayers has been answered.

42. It’s easy to get angry, but I’m sorry for being angry today. I’m just sad and not feeling too happy.

43. I’m sorry for being angry. I know that the anger is only trying to protect you from getting hurt. It’s not about me, sweetie. I really do get it, and I love you.

44. Sorry for being angry, but I wonder how many people would be willing to express the kind of pain that I am feeling right now.

45. Sorry for being angry. I know it’s not right, but my anger is like a bad habit that gets me into trouble. Sorry for being angry, but I need to blow off some steam.

46. Sorry, I was angry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was just a bad day, and I’m still learning how to deal with the situation at hand.

47. Sorry for being angry, sorry for being upset. I’ll try and be nicer. I know what it’s like to have things happen that I can’t control.

48. Sorry for being angry. You’re always right. I know, I just want to yell, but I’m so tired, and I don’t want to go back to work. What should I do?

49. Sorry for being angry. I wish I could rewind time so that I could have handled this differently. I’m not good at expressing my emotions. I had to learn how to control myself.

50. Sorry for being angry. I just needed to let you know how much my feelings matter when it comes to what you’re going through and how you feel.

51. I’m so sorry for being angry. I want to apologize to all the people in my life who have been hurt by my bad behaviour and unkind words. I wish I could change how I acted, what I said and how I felt about myself, but unfortunately, I can’t do that. But I promise to change and be better.

Although it can be tiring to deal with an angry person and their negative attitude, don’t ever forget that they are dealing with their issues in their own way. Your boundaries can help things balance out, but you have to be willing to listen first. For some people, expressing feelings is cathartic and helpful.

So don’t be afraid to express yourself and communicate how you feel. The more compassion you put in, the more you will get back. I hope this collection of inspirational sorry for being angry quotes offered you a new perspective on anger and some ways to control its impact on your life.

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