I Am Sorry for Being Needy Quotes

Everyone at one point in their lives has felt the pain of being craved for. However, for some people, this is a more permanent state of existence. Being clingy towards a person you’re in love with is nothing new, but that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing when you find yourself needy.

We have all felt sorry for being needy or sorry for being clingy at one time in our lives. But it is better to be sorry and be loved rather than never to be sorry and be lonely.

These I am sorry for being needy quotes below is my way of reaching out to those that want to express their apologies or guilt for feeling needy. 

I’m sorry for being needy. I’m sorry for being too much for you to handle at times. I know these things may make me seem weak, but if there is anything that can change my behaviour, it’s the vulnerability that comes from honesty.

1. I’m sorry for being needy. I just needed a friend, and that’s all. Please forgive me.

2. I’m sorry for being needy. I really am. But you don’t have to forgive me for being so desperate for attention.

3. I’m sorry for being needy. I’m sorry for trying to make you mine, and I’m sorry that I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I needed you. But I’ve learned a lot from this relationship, and I think it’s time for me to move on.

4. I’m sorry for being needy. But I guess you’ve got to get used to me being imperfect.

5. I’m sorry for being needy. I just didn’t know how to express my feelings.

6. I’m sorry I’m so needy. You’re the most important person in my life, and I don’t deserve you, but I want you around anyway because there’s nothing better than when things are easy.

7. Sorry, I’m so needy. It’s just when you’re ill, sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is knowing how much you need me.

8. Sorry If I’m a little bit needy. It’s just that I care so much, and I want to make sure you understand how much I love you.

9. I am sorry for being needy. I’m trying to get better at saying no and not making you feel like I need you. But I guess that’s what love does: It makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world, even when you’re not.

10. I am sorry for being needy, but I’ll never be good enough for you.

11. I’m sorry for being so needy. I just want to be loved and feel important.

12. I’m sorry for being needy. I know you’re busy and have better things to do than take care of my feelings.

13. I’m sorry for being needy. I know I’m the last person on earth you’d want to be this way around, but I just can’t help myself. I care too much about you.

14. I’m sorry for being needy. I’m sorry we’re not there yet. I’m sorry you have to work all the time. I’m sorry, I don’t understand why this is so hard.

15. I’m sorry for being needy, but you always took care of me. I will always love you.

16. I’m sorry for being needy. I know it’s hard to meet my needs sometimes, but please keep offering me the same love and care you always do.

17. I am sorry for being needy! I’m very much in love with you, but I’m a little bit scared of getting hurt and buying myself a drink.

18. I am sorry for being so needy. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it. Please try to understand all my feelings and give me back your love.

19. I’m sorry for being needy. I’m sorry for making you feel guilty. I’m sorry for making you feel less than. I am sorry for everything I have done to keep us apart and make things so complicated.

20. I’m sorry for being so needy, and I won’t be like this anymore. It sometimes takes a while to realize that you are being needy, but once you’ve realized it, it’s time to get rid of the habit.

21. You say you can’t be there for me, but please know that I always will be. I’m sorry I’m needy and clingy, but you make all my dreams come true, so don’t think twice before telling me you’re thinking “about me”.

22. I am sorry for being needy. I guess I just don’t know how to live without you in my life.

23. I’m sorry for being needy. I know you’ve got a lot going on, but please let me know when you get some time to come hang out with me.

24. I’m sorry for being needy and asking you to be my best friend. You’re busy, and I understand. But still, can’t you please?

25. I’m sorry for being needy. I can’t seem to let you in. Please forgive me.

Sorry for being needy. I’m sorry I made you feel bad when you didn’t mean to. I’m sorry that I couldn’t wait for you to tell me that you loved me. And I’m sorry it took so long to realize this wasn’t the way things are supposed to be between us.

26. Sorry for being needy. I’ve been selfish and self-centred. I want you to forgive me, help me become less needy, and we’ll get along just fine.

27. Sorry for being needy. I’ll try to stop being so needy in the future, and it’s just that I’m used to always having someone around to take care of me.

28. Sorry for being needy, but this is something that I can’t help feeling. But thanks for understanding.

29. I apologize for being needy. But I don’t want to lose you. Please stay with me.

30. Sorry, I’m needy. I know you don’t want to be bothered, but I’m your friend, so can you please tell me what’s wrong?

31. Sorry I was so needy, but thank you for being patient with me. I guess we just have the same habits, you and me.

32. Sorry you felt uncomfortable and so sorry it made you feel that way. Sorry for being needy.

33. Sorry for being needy. I don’t know what to do, and I need you to tell me what to do or how to fix this. Please don’t make me feel like I am bad or that I am not good enough anymore.

34. Sorry for being so needy. I want to provide you with all the things you need and do not have in your life.

35. Sorry for being needy, but I don’t have anyone to talk to. I just need a shoulder to cry on. I’m sorry for being needy and making you feel uncomfortable.

36. Sorry for being so needy and insecure. I just want to be loved. I just want to feel like I matter. I’m sorry for being needy. But I just want to be with you.

37. Sorry for being needy. I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to be alone. I’m sorry that I can’t hold you here and now.

38. I want to apologize for being so needy. I hope you see how hard I’ve tried to be there for you and make it up to you by saying thank you.

39. Sorry that I’m needy. But I can’t help it. Please forgive me, and please stay with me forever. I will try harder not to be needy.

40. Sorry if I’m needy, but I want you to know I’m here for you if you need me. I’ll take my share of the blame.

41. Sorry if my neediness seems to be a burden to you. But I promise I’m worth knowing and caring for. Sorry for being needy.

42. Sorry for being needy. I promise to stop being this way and do better in the future. I’m trying to change that.

43. Sorry for being needy, but it’s hard to be strong when you’re scared. Sorry, I am needy, and I know someone like you needs to be in a very nice place with all their things.

44. Sorry for being needy. I hope you were too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice that I was sad as well.

45. Sorry for being needy tonight. But I really do need you to hold me and tell me it’s okay.

46. Sorry for being needy, for being too clingy, for being boring and sorry for not getting what you want. Sorry that I’m scared to take chances and afraid of change.

47. Sorry for being needy. I’m sorry that you always have to be the hero. I love you, but stop spoiling me.

48. Sorry for being needy. I’m sorry for not being able to say no to the things that are bothering me. I’m sorry I have such a hard time separating my feelings from you.

49. Sorry for being needy. Sorry that I find myself apologizing way too much and way too often. Please rest assured, though, there is nothing wrong with me. You are right in all your assumptions about me, but you are wrong about me as well.

50. Being needy is so hard, but I guess that’s just a part of life, and it always will be. Sorry for being needy.

Being in a relationship isn’t easy. The best relationships are ones where each person is willing to make compromises for the other. That being said, we’re all guilty of being needy from time to time, but it’s important not to let that become a crutch.

Missing your partner is one thing, but constantly needing them every moment of your day isn’t healthy either. Sorry for being needy. Change the way you look at yourself and learn how to cope with life changes to be happy again and start living a happier life without the neediness.

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