I Am Sorry for Being Stupid Quotes

You’re a flawed human being and you make mistakes. You say things that offend people, even when you don’t mean to be offensive. You hurt people’s feelings without meaning to. Your actions sometimes cause pain and suffering, even if they were not intended to be so. You have to apologise for being stupid even when it’s not your fault. You can’t help it. But you do need to apologise.

So you have to apologise for being stupid. Not because you’re evil or malicious or cruel though some people may see it that way. But because sometimes, when we don’t realise how our actions affect others, we do things that are hurtful and wrong – and then we need to say sorry for what we’ve done so that the person who has been hurt can forgive us and move on with their lives instead of getting stuck in anger or resentment or bitterness or self-loathing or any other negative emotion.

Have you ever done something stupid and felt the need to apologize for it? Although some situations may not require us to say ‘sorry’, there are times when it’s hard not to admit that we were wrong. Here is a collection of sorry for being stupid quotes that will make you regret and be sorry for your mistakes.

I am writing to express my remorse for the distressing situation that this is causing you. I want you to know that I am very sorry for being stupid and wish I had acted differently so that this response wouldn’t be necessary.

1. I know you feel stupid and helpless, but you did the right thing. Please don’t beat yourself up for not seeing what was going on with them.

2. I am sorry for being so stupid. I have thought about this a lot, and my only excuse is that I’m not very smart.

3. I’m sorry for being stupid and not understanding the lesson. Please help me control my behaviour, so I can have a better relationship with you.

4. I’m sorry I wasn’t more understanding. I know I don’t often say it, but one of the best parts of our friendship is that you remind me so much of myself. We’re both so stubborn.

5. I am sorry for being stupid. I understand that you were upset with me and that you felt I had disappointed you. But, once I talked through it, I remember what happened and now that I think about it, we’re good. I’m sorry for making a mistake.

6. I am sorry for doing something that I knew was wrong. I know how much it hurts you and how bad I feel. I won’t do it again.

7. I am sorry for being stupid. I didn’t mean to be a burden and trouble you. Let’s just forget about everything and start over.

8. I am sorry for being stupid. I was very insensitive to your feelings and acted like an immature “child” by insulting you. This is not who I want to be and would never want anyone to think that of me. I hope this can be forgiven at some point and we can resume our friendship with no hard feelings whatsoever.

9. I am sorry that I have done something to make you feel bad. I hope that we can put this behind us and move forward.

10. I feel bad for what I said about your hair. I know we didn’t mean to hurt your feelings and that you were just trying to help. You have beautiful hair, and it looks nice on you.

11. I am sorry for being stupid. It was unintentional. Please tell me what I can do to fix this.

12. I am sorry for being stupid and wrong. I know now the error of my ways and will do my best to stop those actions whenever possible.

13. I am sorry for the things that I say and do that hurt you. I hope you can forgive me when I make mistakes and stupid decisions.

14. I don’t know what got into me and I know this was not acceptable, I hope you forgive me.

15. I’m sorry for being stupid. I didn’t know that it made you feel so bad when I did it. I will try to do better next time.

16. I am sorry for being stupid. I know how hard it is to control me and it’s been frustrating for you, but I’m trying to make that change.

17. I am sorry for being stupid. I understand that you are smart and trying to teach me something.

18. I am sorry for being stupid. I know you mean well, and I will try harder to do it right next time.

19. I am sorry for being stupid, I promise that next time I’ll be a better listener and pay more attention to what you are telling me.

20. I am sorry if it is true that I was stupid and made you feel unwanted and not confess my feelings. I promise it will never happen again.

21. I am truly sorry for the way that I have acted and treated you. I promise to be more thoughtful and keep in mind what is best for you.

22. I am sorry for being stupid. I know, we had this conversation before, but it seems like all the other times did not work like you said they would. I am also sorry to hear what happened with your family over the last couple of days. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help, and have a good time relaxing today.

23. I am sorry for being stupid, I know you told me to be careful but I didn’t believe you.

24. I am sorry for being stupid. I know that I should have been more careful about my password, and I’m sorry that it was so easy to do something so stupid.

25. I am sorry that I have been acting stupidly lately. You’ve been so patient with me and it’s time to get out of my comfort zone. Please accept my apology and know that I take what you said seriously.

26. I’m sorry for the emotions I may have hurt, and for the patience that your mind had to endure just to be around me.

27. I am sorry for being stupid. Your explanation was very clear, but I’m afraid I didn’t use the words correctly. It’s not my fault–I’ve just always been bad at using the correct words when writing.

28. I was really stupid and made a mistake, although it’s not easy to admit that, I may need your help.

29. I am sorry for being stupid. If you could give me a chance to prove myself, I will try my level best to make up for the mistake that I have done.

30. I am sorry for being stupid. I wish I could have known what was happening and done something about it earlier.

31. I am sorry for being stupid. I am trying to learn. I am sure you are frustrated or angry but please try to see that I am not doing this intentionally.

32. I am sorry for being stupid. I know that you have a lot of great ideas about how we can make this product better.

33. I am sorry for being stupid and causing you to cry. I did not realize that my words and actions could wound you so deeply. I wish there was more I could do. But, please know that I will always love you.

34. I am sorry for being stupid and childish and arguing with u when I have done so many mistakes in life. Please forgive me.

35. I am very sorry if I have been acting stupidly. I was on my phone and didn’t realize that I was acting dumb, I just wanted to apologize for that disturbance.

36. Dear, I am sorry for being stupid. I know you had great expectations of me and I am sorry to let you down. You are a great person, and I wish you would also be patient with me as I work on improving myself.

37. I’m so sorry for being stupid. It was a genuine accident and I never meant to hurt you. Let’s put our past behind us, learn from it, and move on. I care about you and want us to be in the best possible relationship we can have.

38. Hi there! I’m sorry for being stupid because I made a mistake in your project. Please forgive me, I just want to make things better.

39. I am sorry for being stupid. I am so sorry that I just can’t change, but hopefully, one day I can. And please don’t leave me.

40. I know that I have not been nice to you. I am sorry for being stupid and making the wrong decision.

41. I am so sorry for being stupid. I was only trying to help you out, but if that was too much of an inconvenience, I understand.

42. I understand that you are frustrated with your situation and I am sorry for causing this inconvenience.

43. I am sorry for being stupid. I know you are smart, nothing stupid about you, but what I did was very stupid and I can’t take back what happened. You deserve better of me.

44. I am sorry for being stupid. It’s just that I am new to this place and I do not know much about computers.

45. I am sorry for being stupid. I shouldn’t have run my mouth and gotten you in trouble. It’s not worth it.

46. I am sorry for being stupid. I wish I could have stopped myself from hurting you, and in doing so, I have hurt myself too. I don’t know how to apologize for my actions, but please accept my sincerest apologies.

47. I realize that it is my fault that we lost the game. I apologize for being stupid enough to lose against a team that was better than us.

48. I am sorry for being stupid and disruptive. Your answer may be completely wrong, but over the years, it has helped me a lot to understand what is going on in my life.

49. I am sorry for being stupid. I didn’t notice that you were trying to let me in, because I was driving and you looked like an upset person. I just wanted to say sorry. I hope your day gets better.

50. I am sorry for being stupid. Sorry for not understanding the task at hand and for not listening to the instructions in class. Thank you for helping me realize this, and I hope that I will start to improve my grades from here on out.

51. I’m sorry for being stupid. I know that you don’t say this to be mean, but being so smart makes you feel like a bad person. Just know that sometimes it is okay to say that since words can hurt more than actions.

52. I am sorry for being stupid and thinking the current rising power in this world will not be a problem for our future generation but it is a problem.

53. I am sorry for being so stupid, for causing you a lot of trouble. I understand the time and money lost, and I am willing to help compensate you in any way that I can. I realize that this is too late, but please accept my apology.

54. I am sorry for being stupid. I have been trying to make my life better, but unfortunately, it has been a series of failures.

55. I am very sorry for being stupid as you are offering me some good help, but my life is very challenging at this time.

56. I am sorry for being stupid. You are very smart, there is no excuse why I didn’t understand any of the terms in the project.

57. I’m sorry for being stupid. I didn’t mean to offend you with my stupid behaviour. Please forgive me.

58. I am sorry for being stupid, but I was so excited about this opportunity that I forgot the basics. I feel like a complete idiot.

59. I am sorry for being stupid. I know that as a person, you can’t be perfect. I don’t want to make excuses but I did not mean to hurt your feelings.

60. I am sorry for being stupid and making mistakes. I will always do my best to improve myself because you are the best person in my life, even though sometimes I can make you sad.

61. I apologize for my previous behaviour. It was inappropriate and unjustified. Please accept my sincere apologies.

62. I am sorry for being stupid. I care about you and your feelings. Please forgive me, there’s no need to go along with the sarcasm. Your words do mean a lot.

63. I am so sorry for being stupid. I know you are upset and I’m sorry that I can’t be better than this or fix this.

64. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to handle the situation better. I was just trying to help you out and it turned out wrong. I hope that as we move forward in this, if and when the occasion arises again where you require help, you will contact me before making a final decision.

65. I am sorry for being stupid, I was not aware of the consequences and I promise not to repeat them.

66. I am sorry for being stupid. I was thinking only about myself and forgot about you. Please forgive me.

67. I am sorry for being so stupid and not listening to you. You have always been a good person and I had no right to make you feel bad. I hope you can forgive me because I like you as a friend and would hate to lose that.

68. Wow, I apologize for being so foolish. I am so embarrassed about it that I now regret doing it in the first place.

69. I am so sorry for being stupid. I appreciate that you took time out of your day to listen to me, and I am sorry I wasted your time.

70. I am sorry for doing whatever it was that hurt you. You are my best friend, and I value your presence in my life immensely.

71. I am sorry for being stupid. What I did was wrong, and I came here to apologize for it.

72. I am sorry for being stupid. I would like to be better. How can I learn from my mistakes and move on to better and brighter things?

73. I am so sorry for getting you upset. I should have been more understanding and realized that something was going on at home and you were doing your best to work through it. I should have been more compassionate toward you. If you’re willing to speak with me after this incident, I will do anything in my power to make things right between us.

74. I am sorry for being stupid and would appreciate your forgiveness. Thank you for everything

75. I am so sorry for being stupid. I know that you are disappointed in me and I should be more careful. It won’t happen again.

76. I am sorry for being stupid. Hopefully, you can forgive me for putting my actions ahead of your feelings and respecting your boundaries. I hope that in time you will realize my mistake, and be willing to give me another chance.

77. I am sorry for being stupid. I am ashamed of the mistake that I have made and will make it right.

78. I am sorry for being insensitive to your feelings. I should have acted with more care and consideration.

79. I was so busy being worried about my feelings getting hurt that I didn’t think about how I was hurting you. That wasn’t right.

80. I understand that I must have hurt your feelings and I truly apologize.

81. I know that you are disappointed in me and I understand why. I will do my best to make it up to you.

82. I know how hard you work and how important it is to you. I hope this mistake doesn’t keep you from doing what you need to get done.

83. I am sorry if you are offended by me. I did not mean to do anything wrong. Please forgive me.

84. I realize that I have been neglectful and irresponsible, which is something that I do not normally do. Please accept my apologies so that I can learn from my mistakes and become a better person.

85. I am sorry for being stupid, and making you feel bad. I wish to get past this and try to understand what you went through and how it made you feel. I will try my hardest not to react in similar ways again.

86. I understand that the customer is always right. I am sorry that I was so stupid and upset you. If there is anything I can do to resolve this situation, please let me know.

87. I can see how much you must have been upset, and I am so sorry for causing you pain.

88. Your relationship with me has meant the end of you so, I am willing to do whatever it takes to win your trust again. Please let me spend the rest of my life making this up to you.

89. I understand how angry you must feel right now. I do. But if you think about it, you were in the wrong as well.

90. I am sorry for being stupid. I should have known better and this was a mistake on my part. Can you please forgive me?

91. I am sorry for being stupid and not understanding what you were trying to do. I don’t think you’re bad just because you made a mistake.

92. I am sorry for making you think that I was stupid. I am extremely intelligent and always have been. You have just never had the chance to get to know me, and therefore concluded that I couldn’t be smart because of my appearance.

I hope you found this collection of I am sorry for being stupid quotes helpful? Kindly do well to drop your comment, and share this post with others. Thank you.

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