I Am Sorry for Not Being Perfect Quotes

Everybody makes mistakes. Regrets and mistakes are necessary to grow as a person and a professional. However, you don’t need to make the mistake alone; there are people out there who understand because no one is perfect. There will always be those few people who over-analyze your every flaw. Many of the things we consider to be imperfections are just differences.

We’re all different. We all look different, have different hobbies, and we come from different backgrounds. We say what we mean and feel what we feel. There’s no right or wrong to this. Apologies are complicated. Sometimes, it’s awkward to apologize because you have to admit you’re wrong. Other times, you realize your mistake too late.

Apologizing for not being perfect is difficult. It is not easy to face your imperfections. Apologizing for not being perfect can be a challenge — but it doesn’t have to be. You are only human and your flaws are many. But one thing remains certain: as human beings, we mess up from time to time—there’s nothing shameful about it; we just need to apologize and learn from it so as not to make the same mistakes twice and be better for it in the future.

Below is a collection of I am sorry for not being perfect quotes you can use to apologize for not being perfect. I hope they bring you some comfort if you are struggling with this issue yourself.

I am sorry for not being the perfect son, daughter, friend, or partner. I know you want me to be more reliable and a better person. I understand if this is not enough to forgive me, but I sincerely hope that you can find it in your heart to continue loving me despite my imperfections.

1. I am sorry for not being perfect. I always try to do my best but sometimes, it is not enough. I have tried hard and failed many times. But the failures make me stronger.

2. I am very sorry for not being perfect, and I apologize for any mistakes I have made. Please forgive me and have mercy on me.

3. I am sorry I haven’t been perfect, what with my sometimes moodiness and my sarcastic attitude. I want to make sure that you know where I stand, and that I do love you with all of my heart.

4. I am sorry for not being perfect. I give you my love, affection, and respect. I will try to be a better person each day, and I hope that one day, you can forgive me for the mistakes that I have made.

5. I am sorry for not being perfect. I am not the best person for you, but I always tried to be. My mistakes have caused you pain. I am deeply sorry for hurting you.

6. I’m sorry. Please forgive me for not being perfect. I promise to try to be a better person tomorrow and will do better next time.

7. Please forgive me for not meeting your expectations. I am always here to listen and try to understand your needs. You are the most important person in my life, after all.

8. I am sorry for not being perfect. I’m sorry for the times when I was hard-headed and hurtful because I have loved you so much and knew that you love me too. Please forgive me, and know that I will try harder in all our relationships.

9. I know I’m not the perfect person but I don’t want you to think that once we are in a relationship, I will be different. There are so many things that make me who I am, and I can’t change them overnight.

10. I am sorry for not being perfect. I wanted to be perfect so you would love me. I tried so hard and it just isn’t working. I will try harder next time.

11. I am sorry for not being perfect and for all the mistakes I have made. Please forgive me.

12. I want to apologize for not being perfect, and never meeting your expectations. I am sorry for being human.

13. I know I have not been the best person sometimes, I know that some people may see me as rude, disrespectful or even inconsiderate but all I wanted to say is that I am sorry.

14. I wanted to apologize for everything that has happened and maybe one day, you will be able to forgive me and we can go back to normal again.

15. I am sorry for not being perfect. I am sorry for not having the perfect body, the perfect face, the perfect life. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there when you needed me most.

16. I am sorry for not being perfect. I know that we expect a lot from each other and the world. I know our expectations are high and we want our lives to be easy, but sometimes life can be hard, frustrating, and even boring. It is okay to be a little messy sometimes. Let’s not push ourselves too hard. Let’s be kind to ourselves.

17. I’m sorry for not being perfect. I am working on my mistakes and moving forward.

18. I am sorry for not being perfect. I know that you are deeply hurt. I love you and forgive you.

19. I am sorry for not being perfect. But I am grateful that you are forgiving of me and that you understand that no one is perfect and that it’s okay to make mistakes.

20. I am sorry for not being perfect. It is hard to admit that I have made mistakes, but I am learning from them and trying to do better in the future.

21. I’m sorry I haven’t been a perfect parent, spouse, coworker, friend, or child. I have not always been there when you needed me, and while I have done my best to make up for it in other ways, I feel like that isn’t enough.

22. I’m sorry for messing up. I’m sorry for being too sensitive, clumsy, reckless or careless, angry, and impulsive.

23. I am sorry for not being perfect. I am sorry for my mistakes and shortcomings. I am sorry for feeling guilty, ashamed, and depressed. I am sorry that you feel betrayed, hurt, and angry.

24. I’m sorry for not being perfect. I realize that you might be angry or hurt, and I understand why you feel that way. There is nothing about this situation that is fair, and it should never have been passed on to you by those who should have known better. I hope that you can eventually find it in your heart to forgive me and our family.

25. I’m sorry for not being perfect. But I will do my best to learn from my mistakes, and be a better person because of them.

26. I am sorry for my imperfections. I am a human being, just like you and sometimes, I make mistakes. Please forgive me.

27. I am sorry for not being perfect. I cannot do everything, but I will do my best to be the best.

28. I am sorry for not being perfect. As I have grown older and wiser, I have realized that the things that are important to me take precedence over the things that are not. Some of these things include family, friends, health, and happiness. The good news is that I have learned from my mistakes and I am trying harder every day to be a better person.

29. Dear, I am so sorry for anything I have done in the past or will do in the future that makes you feel bad. I am doing my best to learn and improve every day, but we cannot be perfect yet.

30. I am sorry for not being perfect. I’m just a human, and humans have flaws. So I apologize for letting you down and hurting your feelings.

31. I am sorry for not being perfect. For some reason, I still keep on expecting myself to be perfect but you know what? I am not perfect and you are not either.

32. I am deeply sorry for not being perfect. I have struggled with this my entire life and I dread the fact that I might never be good enough.

33. I’m sorry for the times I was closed off. I am sorry for the ways that I didn’t listen; for not being there when you needed me most.

34. Words can’t express how sorry I am. I know you’re disappointed with me, and I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better. My intentions are good, but it’s been difficult to pull off what’s in my heart.

35. I am sorry for not being perfect. We all have our problems and we cannot solve anyone’s problem but we can help someone by listening and showing empathy. In this world, we all need support and understanding because no one is perfect.

36. I’m sorry for not being perfect, but I have a lot going on, and I just want to make sure that I am good enough for you. That I deserve your love.

37. I’m sorry for not being the perfect one. I know it’s hard for you to accept that I am not perfect, but try not to judge me by my imperfections.

38. I am sorry for not being perfect. I have made mistakes and I make them every day. They never go away, but I’m learning how to deal with them. I try my best to get along with others, but sometimes it doesn’t work out as I want it to. When I make a mistake, please forgive me; when someone else makes one, please remember that they are trying their best as well.

39. I am so sorry that I am not perfect. Forgive me because I try my best but I make mistakes and it’s not always easy to get through my day without being clumsy, awkward, or inarticulate. From the bottom of my heart, I wish that you could see yourself as I see you.

40. I am sorry for any pain you have experienced because of my shortcomings.

41. I am sorry for not being perfect, but I just wanted to let you know it’s because I’m human and I screw up sometimes.

42. I am sorry for not being perfect. Though I sincerely try my best, I know deep in my heart that at times I fail.

43. I am sorry for not being perfect. I didn’t mean to let you down, and I hope you can forgive me someday.

44. I am sorry for not being perfect and I apologize for any harm I may have caused you.

45. I am sorry for not being perfect. I try to be the best person I can be, and I make mistakes as everybody else does. I just hope that you will accept my apology for my past actions and continue to let me know that you are there as a close friend.

46. I realize that there are things I do wrong and I’m trying to improve on them. But it’s so hard to admit it, because if someone knows about my flaws then they might not like me as much. And if that happens, then I’ll hurt more than anything in this world.

47. I apologize for being human, for making mistakes, and for not being perfect. I am sorry that I can’t always be the friend or partner you want or need me to be.

48. I’m sorry for not being perfect. I’m not sure that I ever will be, but I’m doing my best to improve myself every day.

49. I am not perfect. There are a lot of things that I could have done differently, or better. If I could go back in time and do them right, I would. If I were perfect and did everything right, maybe I wouldn’t be where I am now.

50. I wish I had done everything differently. I wish for a second chance to make things right. If I could go back, I would make better choices.

51. I am sorry for not being perfect. But I am doing everything I can to be there for you, no matter how many mistakes I make.

52. I am sorry for not being perfect, but I do strive to be the best version of myself.

53. I am sorry for not being perfect as I should be. I’m sorry for not being able to give you everything you deserve. I always try my best but it may not be what you expect from me. Please forgive me for my shortcomings and imperfections.

54. You know that I can’t possibly be perfect all the time, so I apologize for not being as good as you wanted, today. I am sorry for not being perfect.

I’m sure you learned a thing or two from the list of I am sorry for not being perfect quotes up there. Please do well to spread the word by sharing the post with other people. Thank you.

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