I Am Tired of Being Alone Quotes

Being alone all the time can be very exhausting and lonely. Life is about sharing and connecting with others, so spending too much time alone can harm your mental health. It’s good to have some alone time occasionally, but being alone all the time can lead to depression.

Most of us are tired of being alone because we want to have someone who loves us, cares about our feelings and emotions, understands us when we don’t say anything, and will be there when we need someone the most. After all, loneliness can be worse than any physical pain but most people don’t understand that torment.

Have you ever felt this way? I know I have. Life is hard, love is messy, and it’s not always pretty on the outside. There are times when even if you’re surrounded by others, you feel alone. Life tends to dish out sadness and happiness in equal measures.

Sometimes you also have difficulty expressing this feeling, but these I am tired of being alone quotes can help you out by giving very relatable quotes.

I am tired of being alone. I am tired of people telling me that I should be happy when I am sad because it makes me feel that my life is not worth living. I want to stop feeling like this and know that someone out t there sees me in all my glory, flaws, and all.

1. I am tired of being alone; I am tired of being unwanted. I am tired of people passing me by because they think that my life is dull and meaningless

2. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of being afraid. I want to connect with someone who truly understands me and makes me feel less alone.

3. I am tired of being alone. I want someone to pick me up, hug me and say: “I love you.”

4. I am tired of being alone. I need someone to tell me that about myself.

5. I am tired of being alone in this world; I want to be loved and cherished by someone.

6. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of being sad. I am tired of being angry. I am sick of being bored.

7. It’s not that I don’t want to be happy; it’s just that I’m exhausted from all the loneliness.

8. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of the expectations I put on myself and others. I want something to happen in life that makes me feel like I matter.

9. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of not feeling heard or seen. I am tired of my life unfolding before me with no one to share it with.

10. I am tired of being alone. I can’t live like that anymore.

11. I am tired of always being alone. I need someone to love me, hold my hand and be there when I fall.

12. I am tired of being alone and the only one who knows my feelings.

13. I am tired of being alone. I want to stop feeling lonely and start feeling alive.

14. I am tired of being alone; I am tired of sitting in the dark.

15. I’m tired of being alone, I’m tired of being lonely; for once in my life, I want to be loved and receive love.

16. I’m tired of being alone; I want to be with someone who understands me. I want to feel safe and secure in their arms.

17. I’m tired of the shame and self-loathing I’ve accumulated over the years. I am tired of not being loved. I am tired of having to live someone else’s dream, not my own. I am tired of trying to please people who don’t want anything other than me to be happy.

18. I am tired of being alone. I am sick of caring and responsible for myself. I need someone to help me find my dream and make me realise the beauty of life.

19. I am tired of being alone. I want to fill my life with love and laughter, not loneliness.

20. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of feeling like an outcast. I am tired of wishing and hoping for something real. I don’t want to feel like this anymore.

21. I am tired of being alone. I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know how to be or how to live or how to act or how to react, or how to cope with the fact that I am lonesome and afraid and lonely

22. I’m tired of being alone, but I don’t want to let anybody in. I want my story to be told so that others may know what it is like to feel so lonely.

23. I am tired of feeling alone. I am tired of being afraid to be happy. It’s time for me to find a new way out of my self-imposed loneliness.

24. I’m tired of being alone; I need someone to share my life with.

25. I’m tired of being alone. It’s time for me to fall in love with myself and show the world who I am.

26. I am tired of trying to be someone I’m not and always being alone.

27. I’m tired of being alone. This is so frustrating, and I just can’t take it anymore.

28. It’s hard to be alone. I just want somebody who can keep me company.

29. I am tired of being alone. I want to be with someone who has my back, understands me and isn’t afraid to show it.

30. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of no one seeing me, caring about me, loving me the way I deserve to be loved.

31. I am tired of being alone. I want to be with someone. I want to feel what it is like to be loved by someone.

32. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of being in a relationship that doesn’t make me happy. I am tired of feeling like I have to compromise my entire life because of someone else’s feelings.

33. I am tired of being alone, but I can’t be too sure if I’m ready to settle down.

34. I’m tired of being alone in a world where no one can see or hear me. I want to be seen by someone who sees me for what I am and not for their own needs.

35. I’m lonely; I’m tired of being alone. It’s not that I never have friends over or have moments when it feels like I’m surrounded by people. But then you go to bed and wonder why you’re still so lonely.

36. Sometimes I feel alone and think about how it would be nice to have someone who can understand me.

37. I’m tired of being alone. I am tired of waiting for the right person to come into my life. I am tired of living in loneliness, and I am done waiting.

38. I am tired of being alone. I like having people around me, but then again, it’s been a while since I had someone in my life to share that with.

39. I am tired of being alone. I want to love, be loved, and belong again.

40. I am tired of being alone, I want to be loved, cared for, and appreciated. I’m tired of living in the shadows and not feeling wanted. I need a change, I need someone new.

41. I am tired of being alone with my thoughts and feelings.

42. I am tired of being alone. I am not the strong person that I was used to be. The thought of enduring another day, week, month, or year by myself makes me despair.

43. I am tired of being alone. I think about those moments often when I feel lonely or sad—those moments when my heart is aching from missing someone so bad.

44. I’m tired of being alone. This feeling of loneliness is killing me, and I need to take action.

45. I’m tired of being alone. I want someone who will hold my hand when I’m sick. I want a friend to talk with and share my life with. It’s difficult to find someone who makes me feel like this, and I’m afraid that no one will ever be able to fill that void in my heart.

46. I don’t know what else to do, but I’m tired of feeling like this. I know how I’m supposed to act, but I can’t help later. No one around seems to understand me or care about my feelings.

47. I’m so sick of being lonely. I have tried to escape my loneliness by surrounding myself with people. But it hasn’t helped much, since I feel even lonelier when I am with them.

48. I just need someone to understand. I feel like I’m not good enough for anyone.

49. I don’t know how to talk to people. I feel unlovable and unwanted, always feeling lonely.

50. I’m tired of being lonely. I am tired of faking smiles to hide the tears that fall from my eyes, I need someone to be my friend.

51. I’m tired of being alone. I’m ready for companionship and love.

52. It’s not fair I am tired of sitting in the dark and wishing. I’m tired of being lonely and alone.

53. I’m tired of being lonely. I’m tired of feeling sad. I’m tired of coming home to an empty house with no one waiting for me.

54. I’m tired of sleeping alone and feeling lonely. I want to find the person who will be my forever partner.

55. Being lonely is awful and unbearable. I am tired of loneliness, and I want to be loved and appreciated

56. I’m tired of going home to an empty house.

57. I’m sick of being lonely. I’m lonely. It’s a terrible feeling to feel as if you’re all alone.

58. I’m tired of being sad. I’m tired of trying to make friends. I’m tired of feeling lost without a purpose. I’m tired of feeling like no one understands me. I’m tired of feeling like an outsider in my own family.

59. I’ve been alone for way too long. I have a lot of problems, but nobody to share them with. Nobody to talk to.

60. I’m ready to let go and surrender to what’s supposed to be. I’m tired of being lonely

61. I’m tired of being alone. I just want to be happy. I can’t do it by myself.

62. I’m tired of being alone. I just want someone to love who will love me back.

63. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of the lonely nights, the unpleasant food and the boredom of living with no one to share it with.

64. Tired of being alone and feeling unloved, I’m ready for someone who understands me.

65. I’m tired of not having anyone to enjoy my life with instead of just going through the motions.

66. I’m fed up with being lonely. Life is like a box of chocolates. It’s better when you share but no one wants my box of chocolate.

67. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I need someone to talk to and someone that cares about me. I’m not looking for love or anything like that, just someone to be there for me when I need them most.

68. I am tired of being alone. I want someone just like you to hold me at night and tell me that everything will be all right.

69. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of waiting for that one special person to come into my life and make everything better.

70. I am tired of being alone. I want to be understood.

71. I am tired of being alone, but I know it’s my choice to do so.

72. I am tired of being alone. I don’t want to live like this anymore.

73. I am tired of living life alone. I am tired of being afraid to admit my emotions, and I am tired of feeling ashamed. I want someone to open the world to me again as they did when I was younger.

74. I am tired of feeling alone in this world. I am tired of not having someone to tell me their problems. I am tired of being unhappy with myself and my life. But at the same time, it is hard for me to open up and share my innermost feelings with others. I want to be loved and cared for but do not know how to go about it

75. I am tired of being alone, filled with fear and doubt.

76. I am tired of the pain; I am tired of the fight. I want a new life, one that is good and bad. I don’t want to be alone anymore.

77. I am tired of being alone and don’t know why.

78. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of not belonging anywhere. I am tired of having no one to talk to. I want to feel again and live again, but my heart has been broken so many times that it’s hard for me to love again.

79. I am tired of being alone. I want to be loved and cared for again.

80. I am tired of being alone. I want to be with someone who feels the same way.

81. I’m tired of being alone; I’m tired of feeling lonely. I want to feel loved and cherished again.

82. I’m tired of being alone. I want to feel something again—and soon.

83. I just want somebody to love me. I’m tired of being alone.

84. You should never be bored with life. You can always change it, and you’ll always be surprised at how good it gets when you take the time to make it happen.

85. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of eating alone, sleeping alone, and walking down the street with no one to talk to.

86. I never imagined it would be so hard to find someone. I’m tired of being alone.

87. I am tired of being alone; I am tired of living my life like this. I need a companion, a friend who doesn’t matter and is never there. I want someone to come in, cup my face with their hands and tell me everything will be okay.

88. I am tired of being alone, but I can’t save myself.

89. I am so tired of being alone. I wish I could start over with someone new.

90. I am so tired of being alone. I don’t know what to do to make myself feel better.

91. I am so tired of being alone. I am tired of the pain and heartache. I need someone to stand by me that is why I need you!

92. I’m tired of being alone and don’t know what to do about it.

93. I have always felt alone in life, and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of feeling like nobody cares.

94. I am tired of being numb. I am tired of not feeling. I am tired of not letting myself live.

95. I am tired of being alone. I have tried to fix myself, but nothing seems to be right.

96. I am tired of being alone. I want to belong to someone, to be loved and appreciated for who I am.

97. I am tired of being alone. I have been chosen, and I am ready to follow the path of my destiny.

98. I’m tired of being alone. I never thought it would be so hard to find someone who makes me feel like a complete person, not just an alternate side of myself.

99. I am tired of being alone. I need someone to smile, laugh, and have fun with me.

100. I am tired of being alone, I’ve been searching for a person who can make me feel whole; I want someone to share my life with. I want to see your smile and hear your voice.

101. I’m tired of being alone; I have to try harder just to be myself.

I hope you loved these I am tired of being alone quotes, kindly drop some comments with the most relatable quote for you in the comment section below and do well to share this post.

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