I Am Tired of Being Blamed for Everything Quotes

One of the hardest things for people to do is to accept blame, so they try to shift it to others. I have been a constant victim of this, and it’s so frustrating, especially when you’re not given a chance to defend yourself.

We’ve all been in this situation, and if you don’t handle yours well, it can destroy your self-esteem and make you start blaming yourself even if you’re not wrong.

I know you want to change this situation. That’s why these I am tired of being blamed for everything quotes were compiled to help you build a positive response to being blamed and help you handle the situation wisely.

Being blamed for everything gets me tired. I love to tell people that I am not the one who instigated the problem, but that’s a hard message to deliver when they’re not listening. I am so tired of being blamed every time.

1. I’m tired of being blamed for everything. I don’t deserve to have to live in fear that someone will hurt me.

2. I am so tired of being blamed for everything. It’s not my fault; I didn’t do anything wrong! So I’m done hiding my real self from you.

3. Being blamed for everything makes me tired, I’m only human, and you can’t blame me when you’re a jerk.

4. I am truly tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong. I’m not perfect, and neither are you. We both have flaws and faults.

5. Everyone just makes me feel like I’m the worst person. I am tired of being blamed for everything that didn’t go well. Please cut me some slack.

6. I’m tired of being blamed for everything. I’m tired of being the bad guy, and I’m tired of being judged by everyone.

 7. I’m tired of everything. I have flaws, I have faults, and I’m being blamed for it, but I’m not a villain, and neither are you.

 8. Life is hard, but it’s made even harder if everyone around you thinks you’re the problem. This is why I’m frustrated; I’m tired of being blamed for everything.

9. Everything I do, I get blamed for it, and that makes me tired; being alone makes me feel safe.

10. How I wish that I could do everything well and not be blamed for my wrongs, I am just soo tired.

11. Tired of being blamed for everything that has happened in my life. I wish things had turned out better, but I have no superpowers. I shouldn’t be blamed for the unpleasant outcomes.

12. Being blamed for everything make me tired. I am not perfect, but I am a great person with a lot to offer.

13. I’m tired of being told that my feelings are wrong, and that I am blamed for feeling the way I do.

14. Stop blaming me for everything. It is not my fault, I did not make the circumstance, and I can’t control it.

15. Tired of everything. I do not create the circumstances for which you feel I should be responsible, So please stop blaming me; thank you.

16. I’m tired of being blamed for everything wrong. I have feelings, too; I also get hurt, just like you.

17. Tired of everything! Yes, I have made a mistake in life, and I always try to do better and learn from them. But don’t blame me for that.

18. Being blamed for everything makes me tired, especially when it is not my fault.

19. Tired of people blaming me for their mistakes, like I’m bad. Anyone can have a bad day, don’t judge me because of one mistake.

20. You can keep playing the blame game, but I’m sick and tired of being blamed for everything, even when it has nothing to do with me.

21. Blaming me for everything is annoying. They say I have low self-esteem, or they don’t like my personality, just so tired.

22. Blaming me will not fix everything. These are just soo untrue, and they get in the way of good days, just to make me tired.

23. There are a lot of things I’m tired of, like being blamed for everything. But I’m doing my best to keep calm and carry on.

24. Being blamed for everything is getting old. I’m tired of doing it, so please stop blaming me.

25. I’m not responsible for the world’s problems. I’m also a bit tired of being blamed for everything.

26. I don’t want to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in my life, I’m tired of all this.

27. Being blamed for everything, I’m tired of always having to apologize.

28. I just want to live my life without a lot of drama. Blaming me for everything that goes wrong is tiring.

29. I am blamed for everything that didn’t go positive. I’m tired of being told that every mistake is my fault.

30. I’m tired of being told that I don’t deserve better. Blaming me for everything isn’t going to solve the problem. Let me be in peace.

31. I’m not going to stop trying to do something about it, but firstly, stop blaming me for everything.

32. I’m tired of being blamed for everything. How about giving me a break?

33. I’m tired of being blamed for everything that I should have been more “like” this person or that person. 

34. I’m tired of being told I’m too emotional and blaming myself for everything.

35. Tired of people blaming me. Everyone has their own story and circumstances to deal with.

36. When you’re tired of being blamed for everything, sometimes you have to turn your back on everyone else and just do things for yourself.

37. Sometimes, I get tired of everything. Stop blaming me for your lies and mistakes.

38. Blaming me all the time makes me tired. It drains my energy and makes me lose confidence in myself.

39. Being blamed for everything is the new normal and gets me tired, and that’s a problem.

40. I’m so tired of this whole being blamed for everything and getting nothing in return. I’ll blame you for it now.

41. I’m tired of being blamed for everything; It’s time for me to take better care of myself.

42. So tired of being blamed all the time; it’s just not fair.

43. What did I do wrong? I’m tired of being blamed for everything that didn’t go as blamed. Everyone has their faults.

44. I’ll go to bed before I get blamed for everything; so tired of all this.

45. If you want to blame someone for everything, go ahead. I’m tired of all this, and I don’t have time to play games.

46. Don’t blame me for everything. If not, you will get tired of me.

47. I’m not blaming everyone for this. I’m just saying that sometimes I fall and it’s hard to get up; really tired of this thing.

48. I’m already tired of all the blames. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but it’s not because of everyone.

49. Being blamed for everything gets me tired; please let me be. Everyone has got their bad days; today is just one of mine.

50. I hate being blamed for everything; I’m tired of everyone blaming me for their problems.

51. I can’t handle being blamed for everything. It’s just bad karma; I’m tired.

52. I’m so tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong. I worked hard to make things turn out better, but I couldn’t control the circumstances.

53. No one is perfect, but when you’re always being blamed for everything, it’s a bit much, and I’m tired.

54. It gets tiring when people blame you for everything that happens. This is how I’m feeling right now, and I’ve had enough.

55. How come I’m always blamed for everything? I am not perfect; I can make mistakes.

56. I’m not a bad person; I’m just human. So stop blaming me for everything because it makes me tired.

57. When everything that happens to you is somebody else’s fault, and you still get blamed for everything. Tired of all this.

58. I’ve made mistakes, and it might be time to move on, so stop blaming me for everything; it makes me tired.

59. Leave me alone and stop blaming me for everything in this world; I am tired.

60. I wonder what I did wrong when I got blamed by people for everything. This is frustrating; I’m tired. 

61. Being blamed for everything is exhausting. I do not want to get tired of anything, so please let me be.

62. I want the focus to be on me, not what I did or didn’t do. I’m tired of being blamed for everything.

63. I know someone needs to take responsibility, but it shouldn’t be me every time. Stop blaming me for everything because I’m tired.

64. I’m tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong in my life. I’m not a victim, and I am a Warrior.

65. Getting blamed for everything and anything is never a good look, especially when it happens to me. I’m really tired.

66. No wonder I get so angry. I’m always being blamed for everything that goes wrong in my life. I didn’t do anything to deserve this.

67. I’m tired of being held accountable for everything. It’s ridiculous. Someone needs to take ownership of their actions.

68. I’m tired of taking all the blame. Let’s start doing our jobs instead of looking for someone to hold accountable.

69. It seems that everyone is getting away with everything. And no one is been blamed for their actions but me, and I am so tired of it.

70. There’s nothing to do but vent my anger. I am tired of being blamed for every single thing that goes wrong. Can I please be left alone?

71. I don’t care if you hate me. I’m tired of being blamed for everything, though.

72. I’m sorry that I was blamed for everything; it was my fault. I’m tired of being held responsible for things I didn’t do.

73. It’s time to admit that we are all being blamed for everything. Especially by our children, just so tired.

74. I’m just a human being with emotions who makes mistakes; I’m tired of people blaming me for everything.

75. You get blamed for everything, but it’s not your fault. This is what I’m passing through, and it’s so mentally and emotionally tiring. I just want a break.

76. People should learn to take responsibility and stop putting blames on others. I am tired of being blamed for everything happening to other people. It makes me tired.

77. Why do people blame me for everything? I deserve better than this. It’s frustrating, and I need to voice it out.

78. I don’t care about your feelings. You’re the one who’s always blaming me for everything, And making me feel bad and tired.

79. I am tired of being blamed for everything. I’m a grown person now; I don’t need your approval or validation.

80. If anything goes sour, I get blamed for it, and I’m tired. It’s not my fault that everything is falling apart. I won’t take it anymore.

81. Being blamed for everything get me tired. Once in a while, I need to get away and find myself again.

82. I’m tired of being blamed for everything. It’s not my fault that I just mind my business.

83. I’m tired of being blamed for every mistake you guys make because you don’t know any better.

84. Stop blaming me for everything. Learn to see the best in me. You’re getting me frustrated and tired.

85. So tired of being blamed for everything; I don’t even know why they keep blaming me.

86. I’m not a control freak. I just don’t like being blamed for everything; it makes me tired.

87. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to be blamed for everything. I am tired, and it’s time to grow up.

88. Being tired is one thing I don’t like, and stop blaming me for your mistake and everything else.

89. Too many people blame me for everything. Why! What did I do to deserve this? I’m tired of all this nonsense.

90. For every person who blames me for everything and makes me tired. Thank you, all of this only makes me wiser.

91. I even blamed myself and everyone for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, but it was my fault, and I should have known better.

92. Being blamed for everything can be very tiring, but I won’t give up. I would keep giving my best.

93. I am tired of being blamed for everything. I just want to be left alone to do my things my way.

94. Nothing is going right today because I’m being blamed for everything, and that makes me tired.

95. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. Why are they always blaming me for everything? I just want to have some fun, but now I am tired.

96. Seriously, I’m tired and have had enough of being blamed for everything I’ve never done.

97. I’m tired of being blamed. This is one wild ride. It’s time to let go, relax, and enjoy everything this crazy world has to offer.

98. Tired of being blamed for everything. I might not be in charge, but that doesn’t mean I’m not important.

99. Stop blaming me for everything. I am already getting tired; instead, let’s go ahead and do something fun together.

100. I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of being the problem. I’m tired of hearing people blame me for their problems.

Being blamed for everything can make you feel wrong, which can tire you. Not only that, but it also makes it hard to know who you are because there is always someone else looking at you differently. It’s better just to be yourself and see what happens.

Hope these I’m tired of being blamed for everything quotes helped you know how to handle the situation of being blamed continually.

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