I Am Tired of Being Let Down Quotes

Staying in touch with friends and family is a great way to keep up with their lives, and vice versa. But with each message or phone call, there’s a chance that you’ll be disappointed by something they say or do.

The problem is that we tend to build up expectations about our loved ones. We think they’ll always be there for us and never let us down. But the truth is that humans are fallible creatures who sometimes do things that hurt other people. When this happens, it’s hard not to feel hurt or angry at the person who let us down. And we can get stuck in an endless cycle of disappointment: Each time someone lets me down.

It’s hard not to become bitter when you’ve been hurt so many times by people you thought were close to you or even your best friends. It’s hard not to become bitter when someone tells you they love you one day then goes behind your back and tells others that they don’t want anything to do with you anymore because they are tired of getting nothing in return from their relationship with you.

If you have been let down by people and you want to express your displeasure, you need to check out these I am tired of being let down quotes.

I am tired of being let down. I am tired of getting my hopes up just to have them dashed over and over again. I am tired of spending time with people who won’t reciprocate or even give me a chance.

1. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of seeing my friends and family get hurt by people who were supposed to be there for them. I am tired of people not doing what they say they will do when they say they will do it. I am tired of you not doing what you said you would do or making a mess out of things that could have been fixed but aren’t just because “no one cares”.

2. I am tired of being let down. When we ask for help, I expect to get it. Just like when I offer my support or help out a friend in need, it’s perfectly fine if they decline it. But when we do both at the same time and neither one of us says yes or no, that’s what gets me upset.

3. I am tired of spinning my wheels, driving in circles and going nowhere. I am tired of being let down.

4. I am tired of being let down. I have not ever felt this way before like someone wants to be with me but pulls away when it matters most. It hurts more than any knife could cut and anger more than fire could burn. Sometimes it just takes one person to turn your world upside down and that’s exactly what you did to me.

5. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of getting my hopes up and then getting crushed by disappointment. I’m tired of people who say they’re going to do one thing and then do something else instead. I’m tired of the people I thought were going to be there for me, who aren’t.

6. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of being so vulnerable to disappointment, so fragile in my hopes and dreams. I’m worn out from going out on a limb for something that ends up not happening – over and over again.

7. I am tired of being let down by people who say one thing and do another. I am tired of being let down when those who are supposed to be trustworthy do not keep their word. I am tired of being let down by my coworkers or employers when they don’t keep their promises to me. I am tired of being let down by my family, friends and significant others when I believe in them and then they fail me time and time again.

8. I am tired of being let down. I want someone who isn’t just trying to get their rocks off either. Someone who actually cares whether or not I’m happy. If you are this person, then by all means message me. If not, please do not waste my time or yours.

9. I am tired of being let down by men who I thought had better manners than that. I am tired of being let down by people who are not necessarily bad, but simply mediocre. I am just plain tired of being let down.

10. I am tired of being let down, I’ve been asking for too much this time around. You’d think by now I’d learn to rely on no one. And what I thought was love never came true. My whole world has fallen apart in front of me. I don’t know who or what to believe anymore.

11. I am tired of being let down. Let down by people, by things, by my own expectations. I feel like I’m letting myself down, but no one else seems to see it that way. But you know what? You’ll never be able to please everyone, so why bother trying to please anyone? There’s no sense in putting myself through all this stress just because other people have started expecting more from me.

12. I’ve been let down more times than I can count. so I think it’s time that we all start being real with each other because if you keep letting me down, I will eventually stop caring too.

13. I am tired of being let down. Tired of trying, only to be betrayed. Tired of loving, only to be hated. I don’t want anything if I can’t have everything.

14. I am tired of being let down. I feel as if my whole world is falling apart; that I am floundering and alone, sinking sand into nothingness.

15. I am tired of being let down by people. People do not always do what they promise, and when they do, they don’t do it right the first time. There is nothing worse than a broken promise or disappointment in general.

16. I am tired of feeling let down. I am tired of allowing myself to be hurt, disappointed and sad.

17. You know what I hate? Actually, you probably don’t. Being let down. All the time. It really sucks, for real.

18. I am tired of feeling like I’ve been forgotten, pushed aside, and passed up. I am tired of being thrown to the wayside.

19. I am tired of being let down, I’m tired of feeling abandoned, I’m tired of trying to mend my broken heart.

20. I am tired of being let down by people who say they care about me but never speak up when I need them most. I am tired of being let down by people who tell me that they understand what I’m going through, but look at me and act like it’s my fault. I am tired of being let down by people who promise to be there for me only to forget that they promised at all.

21. I am tired of being let down. I need help, but it makes me feel weak and uncomfortable to ask for it. I need support, but it feels selfish to rely on others. But deep down, I know this is not true. If I ask for help, people will help me because they like me and value our relationship. If I lean on others, they will be there because they want to be — not because they have to be.

22. I am tired of being let down by my only friends.

23. I am tired of being let down by false promises, I am tired of being disappointed by people who say they are going to do something but never follow through, and I am so over waiting for something that will never happen.

24. I am tired of being let down by products I have looked forward to. Tired of being led on, cajoled and teased into believing that the next thing I buy will be better than it has ever been before.

25. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of giving my love, my all, and receiving nothing in return. I’m sick of it.

26. I am tired of being let down, but I promise it will not happen again. You see, I want to trust you but I don’t know who you are anymore. You used to be beautiful and strong; now you seem afraid of everything and everyone.

27. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of the disappointments and failures that have crushed me time after time. Because I am a people pleaser, I try to be the best, even when it costs me dearly.

28. I am tired of being let down. I’m tired of having hope for something, only for it to not happen. I’ve been disappointed too many times. It hurts more each time you let me down.

29. I am tired of being let down when I finally meet someone that I think could be close to perfect.

30. I am tired of being let down, I am tired of being the one who is made to feel guilty that they have come to expect something good to happen and then it doesn’t.

31. I am tired of being disappointed by the people closest to me.

32. I am tired of being let down by my friends. I am ready to move on from the small things, things that shouldn’t matter at all. I want to be in a relationship that makes me feel like I’m the only person in this world and always will be.

33. I am tired of being let down by people. I am tired of being disappointed in you. But most importantly, I am tired of living in this world without you.

34. I am tired of being let down by people. It is just not fair. They are supposed to be there for us and support us when we need them most, right?

35. I am tired of being let down. Tired of being treated like a bad joke. Tired of being insulted when I try and make an effort to be nice to someone, only for them to tell me that I’m not worth it. I am tired of putting on the front that everything is fine when in reality it’s not.

36. I am tired of being let down by people who claim to love me, but at a moment’s notice put me last.

37. I am not only tired of being let down, but I am also upset and angry. I have to know when it is going to end!

38. I am tired of being left out. I have done everything anyone has ever asked me to do and more. Yet, when it comes down to it, I am constantly treated as an outsider, an afterthought, a placeholder for someone who will never show up.

39. You know what I’m tired of? People who don’t do what they say they’re going to do. When I connect with you, it’s because we share the same values and goals. And when you let me down, you are letting us both down.

40. I am tired of being let down, by the people I trust. I am tired of being treated like a child and not respected. I am tired of being used just because they have nothing better to do.

41. I have been let down so many times I have lost count. I am sure you have too. The truth is, we all get our share of disappointments in life so it’s not like it’s just happening to me or you. But it hurts no matter what.

42. I am tired of being let down. My expectations for you were high, but you fell short. You are not living up to your end of the bargain. You let me down again and again, despite promises made.

43. I am tired of being let down by things that were supposed to support me. I was beginning to wonder if I was the problem. The tears have fallen, but now I see; what’s wrong is not me.

44. I am tired of being let down by products that claim to be for me but don’t really deliver on their promises.

45. I am tired of being let down. It is my genuine desire to see you, but you never seem to have it in your plans. I am tired of waiting, yet nothing ever turns out right.

46. I am tired of being let down by the people I care about. They’re always throwing me to the wolves, or so it seems! I just wish they would toughen up, and stop with all these excuses.

47. I am sick and tired of being let down. I am so done with the broken promises, unkept agreements and empty words. I need someone who has integrity and means what they say.

48. I have been disappointed time and time again and I’m tired. Tired of being let down by people. Tired of feeling like I am not good enough, not smart enough and not even wanted.

49. I am tired of being let down by society. I am tired of being let down by the people who I thought were genuine while they were only pretending to care. I am tired of being let down by those who claim they want to change, then act just like all the other people who had caused me pain before.

50. I am tired of being let down by people who are supposed to have my back. I am tired of being let down by the people that I love because those are the ones that hurt the most. I am tired of having my hopes raised and then crushed again and again.

51. I am tired of being let down by people, I am tired of being let down by myself, I am tired of being let down by things that are supposed to be out of my control.

52. I am tired of being let down, I am tired of seeing people slapped across the face and not getting up. I am tired of watching friends and family fall apart and leaving their life behind.

53. I am tired of being let down by people who claim they love me, but instead ignore my calls and texts. I am frustrated and I feel unloved even though deep down in my heart I know there are many happy moments ahead.

54. I am tired of being let down. So many times I have been lied to, time and time again. It’s not like I mind being disappointed. Just that sometimes it gets overwhelming and I wonder if there is an end in sight. I want to be happy, truly happy but how can that happen when the whole world seems against me?

55. I am tired of being let down, I want to be happy.

56. I am tired of being let down by people who promised things they will never do. I am tired of waiting for things that will never happen

57. I am tired of being let down by my roommate leaving out the trash and not doing their share of the dishes.

58. Being let down is the worst. And it happens all the time. So often, in fact, that I’m inclined to believe most people don’t even realize they’re doing it.

59. I am tired of being let down. You may not see it, but deep down I’m hurting. Being disappointed is a part of life, but it feels so much easier to get through when you are supported by those you love and trust in your life.

60. I am tired of being let down by those who claim to care about my well-being, yet look the other way when things go down. I am tired of being told that change is good for me when nothing ever changes. That is why today, I am not just tired of it all but fed up with it!

61. It is a sad fact that for too long I have allowed myself to be let down over and over again by people I trust, people I love and even myself. But enough! This will no longer be my reality. No more will I simply just sit back, take it and move on with life without questioning why.

62. I’m exhausted from the constant let downs in my life. I’ve been told that things that should happen will inevitably never come to be. I am tired of being told “don’t worry we are on it!” only to find out there was nothing being done or every time a plan is in place no one ever follows through as promised. It is utterly exhausting to get excited about something and have it fail over and over again.

63. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of the lies and secrets, tired of the broken promises and half-truths. I want someone who will actually tell me what they mean and will not play games with me. I want a man that is honest and who has integrity because that is all I have to offer as well.

64. I am tired of being let down. I have lost count of how many times I have trusted someone to be there for me and they have failed me. I know it’s not just me. We live in a world where people cannot be relied upon and if this is the future then I will endure it without them.

65. I am tired of being let down by empty promises. I am tired of being disappointed yet again. I am tired of showing up, only to be swept aside. I am tired of being told “I love you” only to later have “I’ve changed my mind” shoved in my face.

66. I am tired of being let down by people around me, I’m tired of being let down by my circumstances and I’m tired of being let down by the people who should love me.

67. I am tired of being let down by people who want to call themselves my friends. I am tired of being let down when someone makes a promise and doesn’t fulfil it. I am tired of being let down by people I thought were great, but turn out to be just like any other common deceiver.

68. Although I am tired of being let down and I really want to be great, I need a hero to help me get along.

69. I am tired of being let down. I want something real, something that lasts for more than a weekend.

70. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of being lied to, backstabbed, or disappointed by everyone around me. This is my story.

71. I am tired of being let down by the people I love. I’m over the lies, the empty promises, and being told that everything is going to be okay when it’s not. There comes a time in a person’s life when they can’t take it anymore. That time is now.

72. I am tired of being let down. My eyes and ears have been opened to the world around me, which is a cruel, beautiful mess. I am tired of being overlooked, impatiently waiting while people trample over me to get what they want.

73. I am tired of being let down by people. From family members, friends and even my significant other. Maybe it is just that I am expecting too much from them or maybe I just have been setting the bar too high for others. But at the end of the day, I feel like no one can live up to the standards that I have created for myself.

74. I am tired of the let down. I wish that you could see it in my eyes or feel it in my touch, but you won’t do that, because for you it’s all about what’s next. It’s not your fault, it’s just who you are. I’ve always assumed that one day you would be ready, but no more.

75. I am tired of being let down. Everywhere I go, every time I turn around. You, you’re the one to blame.

76. I am tired of being let down by people I have given so much.

77. I am tired of being let down by people who are supposed to love me. I am tired of the plastic and false expectations that we weren’t born with.

78. I am tired of being let down. The kind that makes me feel like a useless sack of potatoes. The kind that makes me want to stay in bed all day long. The kind that makes me want a substitute for love. I am tired of being let down.

79. I am tired of being let down by people who tell me that they are going to be there for me and then disappear. I am tired of getting excited about something and having it taken away. I am tired of being so open with people only to have them hurt me in the end.

80. I am tired of being let down. I have been disappointed by so many things and people in my life, that I don’t think I can trust anyone anymore.

81. I’m tired of all the broken promises, words and empty chatter. Truth be told it is not easy to just give up on what you used to think was your future.

82. I am tired of being let down. I see the best in people and expect a certain standard, but it never happens. People say they want to help me, but then they don’t follow through. They give me promises that never come true.

83. I am tired of being let down by people who promised to be there for me, but weren’t. The ones who backed out on plans at the last minute as if it was no big deal. The ones who never said “thank you” or “I love you.”

84. I am tired of being let down. After all the hope and effort we put in, most of it is for nothing. At least I will have some stories to tell my grandchildren someday or at least some good jokes that make you laugh at me when I fail to deliver.

85. I am tired of being let down, I’m tired of feeling like everything is my fault. You try to help me, but only so long as it doesn’t cost you anything—and even then it could still be hard. But when will it be enough? I feel like you expect nothing less than perfection, but the truth is you won’t get that from anyone. You talked me out of my hopes and dreams because they wouldn’t fit your own agenda.

86. No one’s holding me at the end of the day, I am tired of being let down. No one is waiting for me at home, I am tired of being let down. No one cares about what I do with my life, I am tired of being let down!

87. I hate being let down. The truth is, I’m tired of stepping up to the plate only to have you knock me out.

88. I am tired of being let down, but I am more tired of letting others down.

89. I am tired of being let down. I’m tired of being told to wait for things that never come. I’m tired of hearing that everything will work out. And most of all, I am tired of feeling like I’m wasting my time.

90. For all of my life, I have been let down. Whether it be by my family, my friends, or even my God — I am tired of being let down.

91. I am tired of being let down by the people in who I have invested my time, energy and heart. I am tired of it!!

92. I am tired of being let down. I know you’re hurt and that sometimes you don’t feel like it, but I’m tired of being let down.

93. I am tired of being let down, I am tired of feeling unfulfilled. I can’t even remember what it felt like to live the life I had in the past.

94. I am tired of being let down. I keep expecting good things, but they never seem to happen.

95. I am tired of being let down by those who should know better. I am tired of being judged for the way I dress, walk, talk and think because other people want to define me by their own standards rather than my own. I am tired of people telling me that they are “looking out for my best interest” when all they really want is to control me or change me.

96. I am tired of being let down. I just want a boyfriend who isn’t stealing my money, cheating on me and snorting cocaine. Is that too much to ask?

97. I am tired of being let down by my friends, family and lovers. I am tired of being let down at work. I feel like the weight of my world is on my shoulders and it’s too big for me alone. I need help.

98. I am tired of being let down. I have been nothing but loyal, dedicated and committed to you, but like every other time before this one, it feels like this is going to be the last straw. I’ve given you my all, only to be told that my efforts aren’t enough.

99. I have had it with being let down. I am tired of the disappointment and the pain. I just need to know what we are doing here and if you are even worth my time anymore.

100. I am tired of being let down. I don’t know how many times I opened up my heart and gave it to someone only to be broken again.

101. I am tired of being let down. I believe every single person has a purpose in life, and that our purpose is to make other people feel like their lives matter. To make them feel loved, beautiful, important and seen when they are with us.

102. I am tired of being let down by people who don’t respect me, and who think that I’m just someone to pity. I’ve had enough of being put in situations where I’m forced to feel like a pitiful human being because of some useless excuse.

103. I am tired of hearing my friends and family say that they are sad for me. They say they can see the hurt and pain in my eyes. Deep down I want to believe that someone out there cares enough about me to stop lying to my face and just be brutally honest about it all.

104. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of measuring my self-esteem by how well other people treat me. Relationships are hard and I know that from experience, but I don’t deserve to be treated as a “dude.”

105. I am tired of being let down by people that are supposed to care.

106. I’m tired of being let down by the lack of effort. I am over being let down by the phone that never rings. I can’t take it anymore—my patience has run out.

107. I’m tired of being let down. You were supposed to be there for me, but it seems like every time I turn around you bail on me. Drama has become a way of life for you, and it seems like you thrive on putting other people down.

108. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of the expectations, and of their lies. I have been betrayed time and time again, by those who said they cared about me.

109. I am tired of being let down. It makes me feel like I have to hold on to the few things that don’t disappoint me in the world.

110. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of looking for the bad in life when there’s so much good to look forward to. So this time I’m choosing to look forward and not back.

111. I have been let down many times in my life. I keep hoping that someone will come along who won’t let me down, but it seems like no such person exists. If there is, please walk over and tell me who that person is so I can avoid them at all costs.

112. I am tired of being let down. I am weary of the disappointment. Your betrayal is too much for me to bear anymore.

113. I am tired of being let down. I have been disappointed, fallen short and let down by the people I trusted most.

114. I am tired of being let down by those I love. I am tired of giving and receiving pain, from people who are supposed to help me but don’t. I am tired of having nothing left for myself. I am tired of trying when all it does is get me nothing in return.

115. I am tired of entire relationships falling apart because one person is scared to commit.

116. I am tired of being let down. By myself, by others. I am tired of being stiffed out of credit for what I have done, for what I need from the world in return.

117. I am tired of being let down, I’m tired of the way that you treat me If you can’t see what you’ve done wrong; I’d like to help you out a bit and by the way.

118. I am tired of being let down by the ones I love the most, and if you can’t offer me the trust that I deserve then maybe this relationship is better off dead. Tired of being pushed aside for someone else, who means nothing to you? If what we have going on is so important to you why are you spending so much time with her?

119. I am tired of being let down by the people around me and my government. I am tired of being told that the issues I care about aren’t important or that they are trivial, when in fact I see them as fundamental issues for both my own life and for our society.

120. Enough is enough. I am tired of being let down. I am tired of hearing about all the good that someone has done for you, but when it comes to doing anything for me, there is never any follow through.

I hope you liked these I am tired of being let down quotes above. Kindly Let me know in the comment section if these quotes resonated with you. Thank you.

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