I Am Tired of Fake People Quotes

Most of us have been in some fake relationship, fake friendship, or situation where we have to either tell someone that they are being fake or just decided to stop talking to them because they are pretending and they don’t even know it.

Fake people are not cool. They can be frustrating with their fake laughter, fake smile, and fake attitude until you get sick and have some “I am tired of fake people quotes” on your status.

But the good thing is you are at a stage in your life where you are trying to surround yourself with people that are real. You don’t want people that will put up a fake front for you and try to impress you but in the meantime put your feelings through hell.

Thus, these “I am tired of fake people quotes” are just what you need to cut a fake person off, rant about them, or scare them off. I’m sure you’ll find one of these quotes below useful.

I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people pretending to be something they’re not. I am tired of people who are always on the go when it doesn’t serve them. I am tired of people who try too hard to pretend they don’t care.

1. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of their false smiles and sweet words. I am tired of their fake promises that they won’t keep. If you want to be with me, then be authentic, be real, and be someone worth sticking by.

2. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of the ones who only think about themselves and never give anything back to someone else. I am tired of being alone.

3. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of those who act like they care, but don’t and those who are fake and always lying. I want real life and real moments with real people.

4. I am tired of fake people who pretend to be something they are not. I am tired of people who don’t put their all into every situation in life. I am tired of people walking around with a smile on their faces when actually inside they are feeling empty and sad.

5. I am tired of fake people. They are never happy. They make you feel bad about yourself. I am tired of always feeling like I’m not good enough, I don’t work hard enough, or I’m not doing enough. It’s exhausting and ultimately pointless.

6. It’s no secret that I am tired of fake people. I’m tired of them using their Instagram accounts to show the perfect life they live behind closed doors when in reality they’re nothing more than masks and lies.

7. I am tired of fake people who wanted to be friends with me but all it took was a connection to get them to like me only for them to abandon me after the friendship had gone sour.

8. I just don’t have time for fake people. Life’s too short to live a fake life.

9. You know a fake person when you see one. They are the people who put themselves first and leave others behind. They care more about what they look like than the feelings of others. They only give lip service to what they say they believe in.

10. Don’t be a fake person. Be real. Don’t get caught up in the game. Look for the real thing, even if it’s hard to find.

11. I am tired of fake people. A fake sense of humour. Fake smile. Fake love. Fake clothes, fake everything.

12. I am tired of fake people, who project their ideals on me. Their false image and personality, something they are not.

13. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people who pretend to be something they are not. I am tired of people who lie for the purpose of being liked.

14. I am tired of fake people. Fake people don’t exist until they’re called out. They are a burden and a waste of time. I will never be fake, so you should stop trying to be fake with me.

15. I am tired of fake people. I’ve had enough of fake people that say they are real when they’re not, and I’ve had enough of people saying they aren’t real when they actually are.

16. I’m tired of fake people who are fake nice and full of pretence. I am tired of trying to understand people’s personalities, why they do what they do, and what they’re talking about without actually talking to them.

17. You are looking at a person who is tired of fake people who have nothing to say and aren’t original at all (except the fact that they are completely fake). I am so sick of it.

18. We need to stop tolerating toxic people, fake people, and people who are “too good” for us. We need to start loving the real you and accepting that all people on this earth are simply human, imperfect, and beautiful.

19. I am tired of pretending to be something I’m not. I am tired of living my life as if this is all that matters—as if the ultimate purpose of existence is to achieve a materialistic goal as if my worth and value depend on how much money I make or how good my credit score is.

20. Fake people make you feel like you’re not good enough for them. But the fact is, you are exactly who they need.

21. Fake people are the worst. They always have to be themselves and if you tell them they’re fake, they get mad at you.

22. Fake people are impossible to deal with. The only ones who really mean anything are the ones that you can’t see coming.

23. Fake people are the worst. If you’re not authentic, that’s fine. But if you promise a thing and deliver something else, then don’t call yourself genuine.

24. I am tired of fake people. Tired of fake friends. Tired of fake shoes. I’m so over it. I just want real people, who are real and authentic.

25. I am tired of fake people. I don’t want to be someone who is just pretending to be something they aren’t.

26. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people who try to be someone they aren’t. Because deep down they don’t want to be that person and they need you to see it so they can confront it.

27. Tired of fake people, tired of liars, tired of pretending. Are you not tired of friends who don’t have the courage to tell you what’s on their minds or what they’re thinking?

28. I’m tired of fake people who smile and say they like you but really don’t. I’m tired of fake people who say they care but really don’t, that have a plan but then change their minds as quickly as they do. I’m tired of pretending to be someone I’m not when all you can see is the person inside.

29. Fake people are the worst kind of fake. They don’t even pretend to be human. So you can trust me when I say, there’s no room for them in my life.

30. Fake people are everywhere. Fake people are the reason you’re not getting what you want. Fake people are the reason you’re not getting what you need. Fake people hide under a cloak of kindness, but they’re still fake because their only real intention is to take advantage of you. Be careful when someone tries to deceive you or use you because it could be a fake friend.

31. Being fake isn’t cool. Be yourself, that way you will be unique and people will notice how great you are.

32. There are some fakes in this world. Don’t let them fool you and take you for granted. They may seem friendly but they are really just there to deceive you.

33. I am tired of fake people. I want authentic friends who are willing to be real, upfront, and truly loving.

34. I am tired of fake people. Who are they? They are the ones who act like they are your friend, but only in public. In private, they ignore you and avoid eye contact. They pretend to be who you want them to be and then turn around and say things that hurt your feelings or that they know will hurt your feelings. Who are those fake people? They are the ones who are in your circle of friends but never include you when the work is done.

35. I am tired of fake people. I’m talking about the fake people who pretend that everything is okay, even when it isn’t. Fake people say they are doing fine even though they aren’t. Fake people want you to believe that their life is full of happiness and fulfilment because they are afraid to be alone. The only thing worse than fake people is the ones who convince themselves that what’s real is fake and what isn’t.

36. Fake people say fake things. Fake people pretend they can see me. When I see the truth, they disappear.

37. Fake people are everywhere—it’s easy to spot them. They create drama, steal your time, and have no idea how to treat others. You’re not fake, don’t let anyone make you feel that way.

38. I am tired of people who use their fake smiles to mask the real pain they feel inside. Don’t be one of them.

39. The world is filled with fake people. People who don’t understand you, love you and respect you. You’re not an underdog, but rather the definition of a winner. Keep doing what makes you happy and continue to be a leader in your life!

40. Fake people don’t really exist, but the ones who do, are more of a nuisance than anything else.

41. We all have those people in our lives that say what they think we want to hear, not really meaning it. If you can’t be honest about who you are and what you believe, then why bother?

42. We can’t all be authentic, but we can choose to be better.

43. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of the weak and the strong, the good and bad, the rich and poor, who have nothing in common but their false pretences. I am tired of it all.

44. I’m tired of fake people. Don’t you ever forget that feeling when you meet somebody and they’re just like, “Hi!” I’ll be like, “Let’s talk about the weather.”

45. I am tired of fake people and fake news. I am tired of being blacklisted for my opinion. I am tired of a world where people are afraid to say what they think for fear of being seen as racist or sexist. We should never have to live with that kind of fear.

46. I’m tired of fake people. I’m tired of feeling like I have to choose between who I am and what I believe in. I want to live my life on my terms, not someone else’s.

47. Life is so much better when we find real people who make us laugh, make us cry and really look out for us. We don’t need fake people in our lives.

48. Fake people are everywhere. You can’t pick them out right away because they blend in with the crowd, but they do have a tell that you can spot if your eyes are open and alert. I am tired of fake people.

49. Fake people will always be fake. They’ll never be honest, never live up to their potential, and always try to act like they’re someone they’re not. It’s exhausting. I’m tired of dealing with fake people who are so desperate to blend in that they become fake themselves. Be the real you!

50. Fake people are everywhere, but they’re especially abundant online. Don’t let them deceive you.

51. Fake people are hard to be around. They’re fake in their appearance, fake in their behaviour, and fake in their voices. And the worst thing is they’re fake in their thoughts and ideas.

52. I am tired of fake people. I want real friends who will help me when I’m down, will listen to me and love me as I am.

53. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people who want to be something they are not. I am tired of people who just don’t get it.

54. I am tired of people that don’t know what to do with their life in the real world and ended up settling for the easy way out. I am tired of hearing “I just want to be good enough for you.”

55. I am tired of fake people. I want to meet someone who has real dreams and a sense of humour. Have you heard of the saying: “fake it till you make it”- but if you want to succeed, you have to be yourself!

56. I am tired of fake people who are more concerned with getting attention than they are with you.

57. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of the ones who are only here to make you feel small, insignificant, and worthless.

58. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people who lie about what they are really about, who try to be someone that they’re not, who put on a mask so that others won’t know them as the real person behind the mask.

59. I am tired of fake people who talk about the things they do not do.

60. Fake people are everywhere. But real people know if you want something in life, you have to work for it!

61. We’re tired of the fake people who pretend to be something they are not.

62. I’m not fake. I tell the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. I’m tired of being a tool for people who just wanna have fun.

63. I don’t want to be fake, but I also don’t want to ignore the reality that sometimes I am fake. Trust me—I know what you are going through. I’ve been there before. It’s okay to be genuine, even when it is not as easy as it used to be.

64. Fake people can be so convincing but only if they act like the others around them. So be yourself, but don’t be foolish.

65. I’m tired of pretending to be friends with people who only want to use me.

66. Be yourself and you’ll never be lonely. Life is short, break the rules and save a life.

67. I am tired of fake people. Fake news. Fake smiles. Fake laughter and fake happiness. I am done with it all.

68. I am tired of fake people. I am done with the BS. I am done with the lies. I am done with the drama. I am ready for something real, and it starts with me taking care of myself.

69. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of the person you weren’t meant to be but became because of your desire to fit in. I am tired of pretending, and being forced to fit in.

70. I am tired of fake people who want to be something they’re not. Be yourself. Be authentic, and you won’t be disappointed with your results.

71. I am tired of fake people, who have mastered the art of pretending to be something they aren’t.

72. I’m tired of fake people who say they understand but just don’t. I’m tired of pretending to be okay when I’m not. I’m tired of hiding my true self. Show me who you are, and let’s see if we connect.

73. I’m tired of fake people. I’m tired of pretending that the way they are and speak to me is okay. I’m tired of when they suddenly decide to become someone else, someone who never existed at all.

74. Life is too short to spend with fake people.

75. I’m tired of people who only pretend to be what they are not. I’m tired of people who have fake Instagram accounts and don’t post real things, wearing fake clothes and makeup, and hashtagging.

76. Fake people are everywhere. We shouldn’t waste our time on them.

77. Fake people are everywhere, keep your guard up and always know who you can trust

78. Fake people are hard to spot. They don’t make eye contact, they’re one-word answers, and they avoid the questions that keep coming up. Fake people are made of stone.

79. You’ve never seen a fake person before? It’s like they’re always trying to trick you.

80. I am sick of people who don’t mean what they say and always say things to get you to do something they want.

81. I am tired of fake people. I want real relationships which are built on trust, honesty, and respect.

82. I am tired of fake people. I want authentic, real, and genuine people around me—even if they don’t agree with everything I do.

83. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people who are afraid to be real with me. I am tired of people expecting me to be something I’m not. I am tired of being taken for granted and expected to be grateful for life’s little blessings.

84. I am tired of fake people, who put on a mask and pretend to be someone else. I am tired of the lies, the pretences, and the empty promises. I will not make any more excuses for those who hurt me. I am tired of trying to please everyone but myself.

85. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of superficial people. I am tired of those who live for the moment, who don’t care about tomorrow or the next day. It’s not that they don’t want to be happy or that they don’t care about things but they are lacking something—a real purpose, a set of values and beliefs that is bigger than their own selfish needs.

86. As a woman, I am tired of fake people. I am tired of being told that my thoughts, ideas, and words are wrong.

87. I’m tired of fake people. I’m tired of all the cookie-cutter people who are supposed to be perfect and have it all together, but secretly feel like they don’t fit in and don’t know how to connect with other people.

88. Fake people hurt people and make everything feel like a lie. Fake people are everywhere and they make you feel like you’re not good enough.

89. I am tired of people who look for shortcuts in life, I am tired of people who aren’t themselves.

90. Fake people have a very strong influence on us, they are usually the ones that make us feel bad about ourselves and stop us from being our true selves.

91. I am tired of fake people. I am tired of people who say one thing and believe another. I am tired of the person whose only intention is to make me fall in love with them because they want to sleep with me when they get bored. I don’t want that in my life.

92. I am tired of fake people, who pretend to be something they are not. I am tired of so-called friends, who never really care.

93. I am tired of people who treat others like their possessions and never want to share with them. I am tired of these types of relationships that are so shallow and empty, and I want to leave them behind for good.

94. I am tired of fake people, who only pretend to care. I am tired of pretending to care about people who do not care about me. And most of all, I am tired of pretending that I care about you.

95. I am tired of fake people. They say they are different, but they’re not. I hope you can see them for what they really are: fake.

96. I’m sick of fake people. I’m tired of people who hate their families, hate themselves, and hate the world. Fake people waste time that could be better spent with real people.

97. We’re all tired of fake people. Like the ones who tell you they support you, but don’t really. We’re tired of the ones who say they love you, but don’t really know you.

98. There are fake people. Look around you—they’re everywhere. I’m tired of living with them and being told how I should think, feel, and act by people who aren’t me.

99. It’s not what people say about you that matters, it’s what they do. It’s fake people that make you feel like you’re being judged. So I’m better off without them.

100. When you see one fake person, there are a thousand fake people under the sun.

In conclusion, I am hoping these I am tired of fake people quotes will trigger people to stop wasting time on people that are not worth it. Our time is limited, so don’t give it to the wrong person who will waste it. Friends and family are important, but I have come to realize that many of my friends are not really friends and there are just acquaintances. I would rather be alone than spend time with someone who I know truly dislikes me or is simply out for themselves.

If you loved reading these quotes please let me know in the comments below. Also, share with others to help end the reign of fake people.
I love you.

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