I Am Tired of Waiting Quotes

Our lives are filled with waiting. We wait in lines, for our turn at the cash register and for a table at a restaurant. We wait for the bus or the subway and we wait for someone to text back. And then, there is the workday. It often feels like eight hours of trapped waiting — punctuated by bursts of busyness as you rush from one meeting to another.

When you are tired of waiting for something, it can be hard to keep yourself from getting impatient. For example, if you are waiting for an important letter, your impatience may grow as the day goes on. The same thing can happen with other types of waiting, such as waiting in line at the store or waiting for someone to arrive.

If you are tired of waiting, it is best to distract yourself with another activity until the time has passed. Then you won’t have to worry about being impatient anymore! But this feeling of being stuck in place can be especially frustrating when you’re waiting on something you want or need very badly — like a job offer or a kidney transplant.

That is why I have here these beautiful I am tired of waiting quotes to help you express how tired you are.

I am tired of waiting for you to make a move. I have been putting all my energy and efforts entirely into you, and it’s getting exhausting. I am no longer interested in your games. If you want me then let me know. Because my heart is breaking over here and I’m ready to throw in the towel.

1. I’m so tired of waiting for you to get it together, and I’m so tired of waiting for your love, that I had to find the strength to forgive you.

2. I am tired of waiting and watching the world pass by. I want to go out in it, play in it and enjoy myself, and feel alive.

3. I have been waiting for that dream, but dreams don’t come in a box. I think I wanted something too much.

4. I am tired of waiting. I want to get on with my life. I am tired of waiting for the sun to shine, and the days to pass so slowly. Waiting for things that will never happen, or for a time when I’m ready, but it never comes.

5. I am tired of waiting for you to say the words that I want to hear the most. I am tired of waiting for you to be happy with me and not wanting what you thought you wanted so badly but actually makes you miserable. I am tired of waiting for you to be happy because I’m right here, and if anything, it makes me feel better knowing that no matter what happens between us, we’ll always have each other.

6. I am tired of waiting for my life to begin. I’m tired of just getting by. I’m tired of settling for less than I deserve.

7. I am tired of waiting for you to notice me because I know you will and I am tired of crying. I am tired of dreaming about what could be when it’s only a dream. I want my true love now!

8. I am tired of waiting for you to understand me, I am waiting for you to show me you care

9. I am tired of waiting for you. I don’t care if it’s tomorrow or twenty years later, but one day you will call me and ask me out on a date. I will laugh at your jokes, smile with excitement in my eyes, and pretend to agree with your opinion no matter how wrong it may be.

10. I am tired, tired of waiting and wondering why things have to be this way. 11. I am tired of waiting for the right time to start living my life. You see, life only happens when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. You have to move forward and make things happen! Trust me on this one!

12. I am tired of waiting. I don’t have time to waste on someone who isn’t aware of how great I can be for them.

13. I am tired of waiting, I want you to get up, hug me and never let me go.

14. I am tired of waiting for someone to be my hero. I am tired of waiting for the perfect moment, to do the things I really want to do.

15. I am tired of waiting for weight loss. I am tired of waiting for success, happiness and love. The longer you wait for something good to happen, the more miserable you will become. Become productive as soon as possible and start living life to the fullest today!

16. I am tired of waiting for my dreams. I know that they are only a step away. I’m just not moving.

17. I am tired of waiting, I have been waiting too long. Let the waiting game begin.

18. I am so tired of waiting, I’m not going to hold my breath anymore.

19. I am tired of waiting, I’m tired of not knowing what tomorrow will bring. I’m tired of living in limbo…and dreaming of the day when would be better.

20. I am tired of waiting for that one person to make me happy. I am tired of waiting for the world to change. I am tired of waiting for my goals to come true.

21. I am tired of waiting, I have been waiting forever, and I am sick of the waiting game. I am tired of waiting to be happy.

22. I am tired of waiting for my dreams to come true and I refuse to wait any longer.

23. I am tired of waiting for you to come back. I’ve stayed up waiting for you, and I’ve gone to sleep hoping that you would return, but it never happened.

24. I am tired of waiting. What is it that you want to accomplish? The greatest achievements don’t come easy, they take time and dedication, so stay true to yourself, and pursue your dreams.

25. I am tired of waiting for you to show me who you are. I am tired of holding your hand, leading the way, only to have you fall. I am tired of looking ahead, seeing us together, and then having you disappear without a trace. I cannot tell if you truly love me or if it’s only infatuation and lust. You say these things to me but I don’t feel them in your touch or hear them in your voice.

26. I am tired of waiting for a miracle. I want to learn how to use the creative power within me to help myself and others. I want to find out who God really is and what He really thinks about me!

27. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of thinking good things will happen when they don’t. I am tired of wanting what I don’t have and wanting to be like everyone else and fit in with everyone else.

28. I am tired of waiting for sleep to come, so please come and take me away. I am tired of waiting for the day to end, so please let me go to bed. I am tired of waiting for my dreams to come true, so please let me sleep knowing that everything is going to be okay.

29. I’m tired of waiting and waiting, For you to come back home. You’ve gone for so long that I don’t know now if you’ll ever be back.

30. I have made plans, worked hard, and waited patiently, but my dreams keep moving further away. I’m ready to take control of my life now.

31. I am tired of waiting, so I will get up and make a change in my life.

32. I am tired of waiting for something bad to happen. I am tired of waiting for someone else to change. I am tired of trying to save myself.

33. I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to live the life that I have always wanted and stop waiting for it to happen.

34. I am tired of waiting for you to notice me. I am sick of wanting you, but knowing I will never have you. I am frustrated and sad because my dreams of us together are ruined forever. I want so much to love and be loved in return; your disdain for me kills any chance at happiness that I may have had with anyone else.

35. Wait, what are you waiting for? Are you sure? Here I am telling you that I am tired of waiting and you still have not done anything. That is not good. Do not make me wait any longer.

36. I am tired of waiting for the time you will finally be mine, I cannot wait any longer. You are here. You are mine and I am yours forever!

37. I am tired of waiting for you to always be there. I am tired of being a second priority and I guess that’s all that you will ever be.

38. I am tired of waiting. Waiting for the focus to be on me, waiting to be returned to my natural condition, waiting for all of the debt I have accumulated to be forgiven. All my life, I have seen others with more and wanted it for myself; only to fail time and time again because I’ve always been so busy trying to compete with everyone else’s life.

39. I’m feeling the urgency to act, but I’m not sure what actions to take. Maybe I don’t even know how to take those actions. I am tired of waiting and really ready to see something happen.

40. I am tired of waiting for you, for more than two decades, despite my faith in you. Sure, you are beautiful, your skin is soft and smooth like a baby’s. Sure, your limbs are flexible and elegant in the dance of life. Sure, you are an angel who is the gift of God to me with the strength and power of miracles that made our dreams come true. 41. I am tired of waiting for those who have been waiting for the world to change.

42. I am tired and sad of waiting, I can’t see the lights at the end of the tunnel.

43. I am tired of waiting. Waiting for someone to hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be okay. Waiting for someone to help me carry the dreams I have in my heart. Waiting until it’s too late to realize what I could have had. I’m done waiting for tomorrow…I want it all today!

44. I am tired of waiting…I have been waiting for as long as I can remember. The wait is over . . . it’s my time!

45. I am tired of waiting for an opportunity that never comes. I am tired of waiting for someone to make a decision that will set me free. I am tired of hearing people say, “If only…” If only they had gotten out more often, if only they had taken more chances and tried new things, then they would have been given a chance at a fulfilling life.

46. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of waiting for someone else to take the first step, find a solution, or even make the first move.

47. Every day, I watch all the other people begin their lives. They’re always telling me to wait, but they never tell me what I’m waiting for.

48. I am tired of waiting because I have been waiting for you to tell me that you love me, wait for you to come home from work and kiss me before I go to sleep. I am tired of waiting for the day when you look at me the way that makes my heart race.

49. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of watching others succeed while I wait my turn. I’m tired of not reaching my full potential. And I’m tired of being the one person working my butt off in this world who doesn’t get any reward for what he does. But you know there is something that kind of scares me… And it makes me nervous to think about change because change always brings forth something new and unknown to us all. Right now, you may feel like I am tired of waiting.

50. I am tired of waiting when life is so short. I am tired of waiting for the right thing to happen and then wishing that it never did. I am tired of waiting for money and security; I want them now so I can live now.

51. I am tired of waiting for a more perfect moment to do what I love. We all have a certain amount of time in this life. I want to use mine doing what I love, making games and being part of something bigger than myself.

52. I am tired of waiting for you to tell me about your feelings. I am tired of waiting for you to make the first move. I am tired of waiting for you to finally realize that this is it, forever.

53. I am tired of waiting for things to be as they should be. When you are tired of waiting for what you want, it is time to bring it into your life.

54. I am tired of waiting for dreams to come true. I am tired of dreaming about things that are not real. The older I get, the more I realize that my dreams will never come true.

All of us have felt tired of waiting. We want our dreams to come true now, not tomorrow. We want to know the truth and be immediately satisfied with it. And we want someone to give us what we deserve right away, without all the painful steps ahead.

55. Tired of waiting? There are few things in this world more pointless than waiting for something that you want.

56. I am tired of waiting for you to do the right thing. I am tired of waiting for you to be who you are. So I am going on without you.

57. Tired of waiting? Tell us what you want and we’ll do it, right now. If you keep waiting and hoping, you will get what you want. But if you just do it, you will get a surprise.

58. You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find…something better.

59. Tired of waiting for your dreams to come true? Now you can live them now. It’s time to get tired of waiting and make things happen.

60. Sometimes, you just gotta stop waiting for the perfect moment and seize what’s right in front of you. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, make it your moment.

61. Don’t wait for a moment of clarity to move forward. There never has been or will be a perfect time to do anything.

62. When it’s too cold outside to keep waiting…you gotta wait no more. Waiting is over. We’re ready for you to order.

63. You know what’s better than waiting for something? You’re doing it now. Keep pushing forward! Don’t wait on someone else to make a change. Make your own.

64. Waiting is the hardest part. Do you know what I mean? One more day, one more week, one more month; if you’re waiting to see results, forget it. You’ll never get there.

65. Waiting is a luxury. You can be in control of your day and make it amazing.

66. It’s a hard life being patient sometimes. But it’s even harder not doing something. Maybe it’s time to start.

67. No longer sitting on the sidelines, waiting for someone else to make a move. This year, let’s make some moves. Let’s not wait for the perfect time to take action.

68. Waiting is a waste of time. Make it count. It’s almost time to check in and get on that dream flight. Don’t let last-minute anxiety stop you from getting there.

69. It’s time to ditch the waiting game and do something about it. Waiting is hard, especially when your favourite shows are on!

70. If you’re waiting for something to be perfect, you’ll wait forever. Just make it. You’re not alone. We’re here to hold your hand as we wait for this darn flight to get to us.

71. Waiting for something feels like an eternity. But it’s nothing compared to the expected wait in this world. So, stop waiting and get going!

72. Waiting for the perfect moment to be in love is like waiting for rain in Spain. We aren’t going anywhere until you say yes.

73. Good things come to those who wait.

74. Good things come to those who wait. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to touch my phone and get that feeling of satisfaction when it vibrates in my hands.

75. When you are tired of waiting for someone to ask you out, you decide to ask yourself out.

76. When you are tired of waiting, the time is right to take a leap. Waiting isn’t always easy, but it’s so worth it.

77. We don’t want to wait. We can’t wait for you to join us. Waiting for someone to come through for you? we can help you speed things up.

78. We are tired of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for things to happen. We want to be part of the change!

79. Waiting helps us grow & become better. But when you are tired of waiting, it’s time to get busy doing something that matters.

80. We’re tired of waiting. We want to make it happen now, not in a few weeks.

81. You’re tired of waiting to see what’s next. If you feel like you have been waiting too long, just jump.

82. Waiting is the most difficult part of life. You can be so tired of it that you don’t ever want to wait again.

83. You know what’s great? No more waiting. Ever. What’s the point of waiting? When you can get it all now.

84. We hardly ever have to wait, so get ready to have the most convenient experience ever. Life is too short to wait for the things you want.

85. Waiting for that next moment when you want to feel the sweetness of love? Be careful. It’ll be too late then.

88. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Just do it.

86. Waiting for a flight, waiting for restaurant reservations, waiting for a bus to come by…every single second is another opportunity to wonder when you’ll get to do what you’ve been waiting for.

87. You know that feeling in your stomach when you wait to eat a delicious meal? The one when you’re too hungry to wait any longer, but also afraid that the food might disappear if you do? Well, we’re right there with you. The only thing that matters is what you do now.

89. Sometimes the greatest thing about waiting for something is how much you learn about yourself.

90. The minute you start doing something, it’s always too late.

91. Wow, it’s been a long time waiting since my last coffee. I’m so tired of waiting that I don’t ever want to wait again.

92. Waiting is not good for you. It makes you tired, frustrated and anxious. The solution? Make it happen!

93. Waiting for the perfect moment is not only a waste of time, but it’s also exhausting. You’re waiting for something? You’re waiting for it to be done? Let’s do this.

94. You know what they say: the best things in life are worth waiting for. There’s no rush to get anything done. Waiting is the hardest part about anything and it can be tiring.

95. Tired of waiting, just catch my breath, We’re past the bridge, we’re safe.

96. You’re tired of waiting for that day when everything will happen for you. Maybe it will happen today. Life is too short to wait for someone who waits for someone who doesn’t.

97. Nothing is more precious than the moment when you get satisfied. We’re not waiting for tomorrow, we’re taking action today to make our future better.

98. I can’t wait any longer I want to say I love you so much but you need to know that I am tired of waiting for you to show me how much you really do care.

99. One of the problems with waiting is it keeps you from getting what you want. You just sit there wishing, hoping and praying that things will change. They won’t. the wait is the hardest part.

100. You can’t keep chasing the dream. You can’t keep chasing the one you love if they won’t stop running away from you. 101. People are tired of waiting and want something different. The world needs us to lead the charge and do something that transforms our communities.

102. You can never get tired of waiting when what you’re waiting for is something good. Waiting sucks. Waiting is boring, waiting sucks balls. It’s our right as human beings to not wait.

When you are tired of waiting, and you say ‘Hey, I’m tired of waiting,’ do something about it. I hope you have enjoyed these I am tired of waiting quotes. Please, share on your socials and do not hesitate to leave your comment in the comment section.

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