I Can Forgive but Not Forget Quotes

I Can Forgive but Not Forget Quotes

Forgiving someone after a quarrel is vital to keeping your relationship with that person strong. Nothing hurts more than hurting someone you truly care about. And in the process of hurting, you are also hurting yourself since a broken heart has no cure. When you hurt someone, it becomes difficult for them to forget about the wrong that has been done to them. Therefore, it is advisable not to do anything hurtful because even though someone can forgive or forget it, it is almost very difficult.

The wounds of hurt received from people may last a lifetime. As humans, we learn from our mistakes. So, when you choose to hurt someone, think about how it would affect them for the entirety of their lives. That’s because humans are gifted with the ability to retain memories.

Since there are many ways of expressing your feelings to others, these I can forgive but not forget quotes are such that they convey a big message and, at the same time, serve as a flag warning everyone to be careful of what they do to another person. And if you make it yours, you are simply telling people: watch what you do to me. Swipe down to read more.

Make no mistake, my friends. I will quickly forgive you once. Make that mistake twice, and forgiveness may not follow suit. It’s not that I don’t believe you; I’m just disappointed. I know it will be hard for you to prove yourself to me again. Quote me anywhere: I can forgive but not forget, so watch it!

1. I can forgive but not forget the hurt and pain you caused me; they’re forever etched on my heart. I wish you always to be happy and have a good life.

2. I hope to forgive you, but I will never forget your betrayal. I’m not happy with what you did. I need to know that we can trust you again if our relationship continues.

3. I’ll forgive you, but I won’t forget. You betrayed my trust, and I can’t forgive you until I believe it won’t happen again. To move forward, I need you to communicate your remorse in a way that convinces me you’ve changed.

4. I can forgive but not forget. I can forgive you but never forget the pain that was caused.

5. I can forgive the people who hurt me. But I will never forget what they did and how they hurt me.

6. I am working on forgiving you, but I have difficulty forgetting.

7. I don’t regret anything we had. Even though it didn’t work out, at least I have the memories. I wish you the best in your future endeavours and hope that one day I will forget it though it’s difficult for now to forget the pain.

8. I wish you the best in your future endeavours and hope that one day I will forget it though it’s difficult for now to forget the pain.

9. I don’t hold any grudges against you. I wish you the best and hope that one day I can be friends with you again. I wish you the best in your future endeavours and hope I will one day forget it.

10. I hope to forgive you, but I will never forget your betrayal. I’m not happy with what you did. I hope to forgive you, but I need to know we can trust you again.

11. I want to forgive you because I want us to be together. But before we can move forward, I need to know that you’re serious about our future relationship and not just flirting.

12. I need this chance to be honest, and tell you that I am still angry with you. However, I will forgive you if you apologize for your part in our conflict.

13. I’m sorry, but we need to take some time apart. We can’t be together until we’ve both forgiven each other and proven that we can trust each other again.

14. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I understand you’re hurt too and are confused about how to move forward. I hope we can talk about this. You don’t have to tell me now, but let me know when you’re ready.

15. I can only forgive you if I know you won’t betray me again. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt your arms around me, but I hope we can make this work.

16. To forgive others is divine. To hold a grudge against someone is human. I’m not happy with what you did. I need to know that we can trust you again if our relationship continues.

17. I want to forgive you, but I will never forget what you did. I need to know that we can trust each other again if our relationship continues.

18. I have forgiven you, but I will never forget what you did. You must prove that we can trust you again if our relationship continues.

19. I need to know that we can trust you again if our relationship continues. Tell me what you need from me, and I will do my best to give it to you.

20. I hope to forgive you if that’s what you want. But if our relationship is to continue, I need to know that we can trust you again. Please let me know how I can make that happen.

21. I hope to forgive you, but I will never forget what you did. I can’t move forward with our relationship until we can trust one another again. I need to know that I can trust you again if our relationship continues.

22. I’m not happy with what you did. I want to move past this and be able to trust you again. I forgive you for being dishonest with me. I’m not happy with what you did, but I can’t change your past and won’t let it hold us back.

23. I want to forgive you, but I need you to understand that I am not happy with what you did. We can’t continue as a couple if I can’t trust you again. I am sorry for letting this happen, but now I need to move on with my life and find someone truly worthy of me.

24. I’m not happy with what you did. I need to know that we can trust you again if our relationship continues. I forgive you. But I will never forget what you did to me. I need to know that we can trust you again if our relationship continues.

25. You deserve to be happy. I hope to forgive you, but I will never forget your betrayal. I want to be able to trust you again if our relationship is to continue. Please don’t make me doubt that we can do this.

26. I hope to forgive you for what you did, but I need to know that you can trust me again. Do you think you can just sweep this under the rug? I need closure if our relationship is to continue. I can’t do a “forgive and forget” because I will never forget what you did.

27. Today, I’ll try to forgive you, but I will never forget your betrayal. Forgive me, but I will never trust you again. I know you’ve made mistakes in your life, and I trust you. But our relationship is important to me, and I need to know that I can always trust you.

28. You’ve broken my trust, but I’m here to make amends. I’m asking for your forgiveness and trying to move forward from this. I forgive you, but it’s not enough. We need to talk about this again.

29. I want to forgive you, and I will, but I need some time to heal. I’m ready to forgive you if you are ready to reach out and let me help you.

30. I’m not happy about what happened, but I know we can move past this if you are willing to work with me on it. You can’t fix the past, but you can be forgiven for it. And I know I can trust you again.

31. You made an impact. I hope that we can learn from this experience and move forward positively. To move forward, I need you to communicate your remorse in a way that convinces me you’ve changed.

32. I forgive you for betraying my trust. I know it will never happen again, but I need to be sure that you won’t betray my trust in the future. If we move forward, you have to earn my trust back.

33. I can’t forgive you until I know you won’t do it again. I’ll forgive you. But the one thing I can’t do is forget. If you truly care about me and want to move forward, you need to give me more than a list of excuses—I need to know you’ve changed.

34. I won’t forget, but I can let it go. I’ll forgive you, but you have to prove it’s more than just words. If you sincerely ask for my forgiveness, I will give it to you. If you don’t ask, and I forgive you anyway, that’s on you. When people violate my trust, they deserve a chance to say sorry before I decide whether or not to let them back in.

35. The first step to forgiveness is admitting you were wrong. Don’t waste time and energy arguing with me – use your words to show me that you understand what caused this situation and how it won’t happen again.

36. I want to move forward and trust you again, but I need your commitment to change. You can’t properly cleanse your soul of the resentment you felt when I betrayed your trust. Forgive me, but I need to know it won’t happen again.

37. I’m sorry. I won’t allow myself to be deceived again, and if you love me, you’ll make a change so that this doesn’t happen again. I’ll forgive you if you show me that you mean it.

38. I will forgive you if you tell me why. I’m sorry. I wish I could take back everything I did wrong and undo it. I will change and do better in the future.

39. I can’t forgive you until I believe it won’t happen again. To move forward, I need you to communicate your remorse in a way that convinces me you’ve changed. I’ve forgiven you, but I can’t forget. You betrayed my trust; I need to know it won’t happen again.

40. Working to repair a relationship is hard. Communication is the key to repairing it. I’ll forgive you, but I won’t forget.

41. You have to earn my forgiveness. Show me that you’ve changed by letting me know how you will handle this in the future. I can’t just forgive and forget. I need to see that you’ve learned from your mistakes and will do better next time.

42. I will forgive you if you can convince me it won’t happen again. I forgive you, but I won’t forget.

43. I can’t change what happened in the past, but I can choose to forgive you. It’s not enough to feel sorry for my mistakes; I need you to take responsibility for your actions and make amends.

44. I know it’s hard to take responsibility for your mistakes, but I need you to admit that you were wrong. I’ll forgive you if you can show me that you are ready to make amends.

45. I’ve forgiven you, but there’s a limit to how far I’m willing to go. If you continue with your behaviour and I have to choose between risking our nuptials or ending the engagement, I’ll have no choice but to end it.

46. I’ve forgiven you. Now it’s time to move on and build a better future together. I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy, and it’s been hard to reach you, but please know that I want to move forward in our relationship. Will you try to remember this mistake and never make it again?

47. This is not a place for excuses. There’s no excuse for cheating on me, breaking my trust, and then walking away. I’m forgiving you, but I need evidence that you can be trusted. Show me proof that you’ve learned your lesson and won’t let this happen again

48. You have some things to make up for, and I hope you’re willing to take the necessary steps. I am willing to forgive the people who hurt me. But I will never forget what they did and how they hurt me.

49. I forgive the people who hurt me. But I will never forget what they did and how they hurt me. I forgive those who have hurt me, but I will never forget what they did.

50. I will always remember the pain that was inflicted upon me. But I can forgive those who caused it and be free from their negative energy. We may not forget what they did to us, but we can forgive them and move on.

51. It was suffocating to be with someone who made me feel like I couldn’t breathe, saw anything but a burden and a nuisance, and did not want children or commitment. I am truly sorry for how it all panned out, but I hope that someday you find what makes you happy.

52. I’ve always been a person who moves on quickly with my life. You taught me not to put too much value on things that can’t be changed, and the best thing is that the love we had will stay with me forever.

53. I’m learning to forgive the hurts. We all make mistakes. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten, and it doesn’t mean that you’ll never be cautious of that person again.

54. Forgiveness means you’re no longer harbouring the pain and hurt; you’ve let go of the negative feelings, the anger, bitterness, etc. You may still feel a twinge here or there, but that’s normal; it takes time to get over something like this.

55. I’m working on getting over my anger, but I can’t let it go. But one thing is sure; I have forgiven you even though the memory lingers.

56. When we forgive someone, the pain is mostly gone. But forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. It’s just a matter of time—not distance.

57. Both forgiveness and forgetting take time. We can never truly forget what happened, but we can forgive and move on. So, this is to let you know that I have moved on and forgiven you though forgetting it may not be instant.

58. Forgiveness takes time. We can never truly forget what happened, but we can forgive and move on.

59. I’ve come to realize that forgiveness is not about forgetting. It’s about letting go of the past and moving on with your life.

60. Forgiveness takes time and can never be forgotten, but we can forgive and move on.

61. I think I’ve found the perfect words to describe forgiveness. It’s the rubber band effect – you forgive the one that hurt you, and in doing so, it sets them free. And with that freedom, you can move on and not hold on to resentment.

62. I can forgive you because it sets me free, but I have no control over my memories. The past will always impact your future, but to truly heal from the pain and move on with your life, you must first let go.

63. Forgiving you is borne out of the desire to move on with my life, but this scar shall remain for as long as possible. When we forgive ourselves and others, we are no longer chained to the past. We can look forward to a new future filled with happiness and joy.

64. While the effects of past behaviours remain, the future is always a clean slate. I’m still working on forgiving you, but I’m trying to forgive you.

65. It’s amazing how we can hurt those closest to us without even realizing it. I have forgiven all those who hurt me, but I’ll be careful in dealing with them.

66. There are many ways to forgive someone. But forgiving does not mean forgetting. It means holding on to what is good about them, even when you don’t like what they did.

67. I have forgiven you, but I will always know you as a betrayal. When you forgive someone, it doesn’t mean forgetting. It means you keep their good traits, even when they do something bad.

68. You are free to move on with your life because I am moving on. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.

69. I can always forgive, but to forget? That takes time. You can’t forget the pain. You can’t forget the struggle. But, you can forgive and gain back your happiness. It takes work, but it’s worth it.

70. One thing is certain: I can forgive you, even though you shocked me with your shameful act but forgetting it so soon is impossible. Allow yourself to let go of the anger so you can forgive him, maintain a good relationship with him and just be happy.

71. Forgiveness, simply put, is the desire to go on with life as if the offence had never happened. It’s proof of inner strength and maturity. I have forgiven you and moved on.

72. Forgiveness is not just a response to being hurt, forgiven is also a gift to the other person. By allowing them to go on with their lives, we let ourselves off the hook from doing the impossible task of holding on to the hurt forever.

73. When you forgive, the person you forgive forgets it ever happened. When you forget, the pain remains and gets a chance to grow.

74. We never forget, but we forgive. And then, in our hearts, we forgive ourselves for everything we have done wrong. Be the kind of person who forgives first!

75. It’s never too late to apologize, but it’s always too late to start over. Forgiveness is a gift reserved for those willing to put their needs behind. I can forgive you but forgetting depends on the circumstances around it.

76. We’re only human, and sometimes it’s hard to let go. But forgiveness is always the right thing to do. I can forgive you; I have forgiven you, but to forget is to deal with time.

77. Forgiveness is important because it allows us to move on from something that has hurt us in the past. However, forgiveness doesn’t mean we forget or let go of the hurt. It means we forgive and move forward with our life.

78. When we forgive, it’s not just about letting go of the past. We are also saying yes to a new future. Forgiveness is the ability to let go of something hurtful and painful. It’s the act of letting go of bitterness, anger or sin.

79. I’m learning to forgive, and I’m trying to forget. It’s not easy to forgive, but forgiving is an important lesson with time and determination.

80. I’m a work in progress. I forgive, but I cannot forget. My wounds are deep. However, I forgive you and ask God to return the favour.

81. I forgive, and I also forget. I will not let the past destroy my present happiness nor be jealous of people who have better lives.

82. There is no use for hatred, anger, or revenge. There is only the power and love that comes from forgiveness. We are committed to continual improvement in every aspect of your life.

83. I will forgive you, but I will never forget. You can’t forget and forgive at the same time. You have to choose. It’s hard to forgive, but forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting.

84. I have learned that forgiveness is a personal decision, not one to be made lightly. I am still working hard to forgive him.

85. You don’t know how difficult it is to forgive. But forgiving enables you to let go of your bitterness and move on with your life. We all make mistakes, but no one wants to hold onto them longer than necessary.

86. Forgiveness is a healing balm. If you cannot forgive, then all your happiness is built on sand and in the end, you will find that it has all evaporated when someone’s hand touches your shoulder again.

87. Forgiveness is not always easy, but it’s never impossible. Forgiveness isn’t always easy, but it’s important. It’s the key to everything.

88. Sometimes forgiveness takes time, but it’s never too late to apologize and move forward. Forgiveness is a decision. It’s not easy, but it’s a choice that can change your life.

89. A forgiving heart is the sign of a true friend. I’m not happy with what you did. I need to know that we can trust you again if our relationship continues.

90. Forgive. In your mind, forget it ever happened. Move on with your life, and don’t let what they did define you. True forgiveness is about letting go of all hurt, anger, and bitterness memories. It’s about putting yourself in a position to let love through instead.

91. Forgiveness is empowering. It is an act of strength, one that allows you to move forward with your life without the burden of bitterness and resentment.

92. It’s not easy to forgive, but it’s always worth it. Sometimes we forget to forgive people for their mistakes, but we have to forgive because that is the best way to let go.

93. I’m counting on you guys to forgive. Let’s stay strong and move forward together. Let’s make a pact to forgive everyone and everything. Because when we do, we are setting them free and ourselves at the same time.

94. Don’t hold on to the past; let it go. You never know what’s waiting for you around the corner. I can forgive the people who hurt me in the past as long as they have learned from their mistakes. I will never forget what they did and how they hurt me.

95. The people you love can hurt you the most. But it’s okay because I forgive them for it. Forgiving the people who hurt you is a huge step toward healing. But it’s only the first step. After that, you need to learn how to forgive yourself for being hurt again and again.

96. Forget the words. Forget what they said. Forget how they make you feel. Because forgiving them doesn’t mean forgetting how they made you feel.

97. Forgiveness is the ability to let go of what happened and move forward. Forgiveness is a choice, not an emotion. It’s time to choose compassion over resentment. Forgiveness is not a feeling. It’s a choice.

98. Forgiveness is a choice. It’s not a feeling or a thought; rather, it’s an action. From the deepest part of your heart, forgive. Forgive whoever hurt you, and take care of yourself. You deserve so much more than you have been given.

99. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning the other person’s actions. It means letting go of the hurt, anger, or resentment that can keep you from moving on with your life.

100. There’s nothing to forgive when it comes to the past. It’s been done. And if you want to move forward, it’s only going to happen if you let go of those who hurt you and acknowledge that they can’t hurt you anymore.

101. I’ve been there, and I understand how you feel. We may not have gotten the best of each other in the past, but I hope our friendship can be stronger than that. The past is another country, but it’s still part of me. I will never forget what happened and how it hurt me, but I can forgive those who hurt me.

Pains and disappointments from friends and families hurt more than those from random people, and sometimes one needs the extra strength to forgive and move on, yet, the memories live on.

I hope you like these I can forgive but not forget quotes.

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