I Do What Makes Me Happy Quotes

Happiness is a state of mind that we can all strive for. We often think of happiness as something that will happen to us, but the truth is that it’s something we can create for ourselves.

Doing what makes you happy is a common goal for many people. The problem is that we often don’t know what will make us happy. It’s easy to get caught up in the routine of working, eating, sleeping and nothing more. Things can become so monotonous that one often doesn’t remember what it was like to be happy.

There’s no doubt that we all feel happier when we’re doing what we love to do. It’s not always easy to do what makes you happy. Life gets in the way, responsibilities pile up, and it becomes difficult to take time for yourself. But it’s important to remember that happiness is a choice, and if you want it badly enough, you will find a way to get it.

Doing what you love is so important. It feeds your creativity, feeds your soul, and can sometimes even feed a family. If you love doing what makes you happy, then you need to see these I do what makes me happy quotes below.

Being happy is hard for a lot of people, and it even takes time to decide what makes one happy. I have been thinking about my own happiness and have accumulated a few quotes that I find interesting regarding being happy with the self, the work one does, and what makes one happy in general.

1. I never live my life for anybody else, I find and do what makes me happy, and I know that one day I will be happy all the time.

2. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it. My life isn’t perfect, but it is good. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it.

3. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile. I do it all because I know that I am my own best friend.

4. Happiness is something that everyone can achieve; it’s not hard to find when you have a smile on your face and a kind word to say.

5. Every day is a new day; if every window was a door, all we’d have to do is walk out and into a new one.

6. I am my own best friend. I do the things I like to do every day, and as long as I’m happy, who cares what others think?

7. Every day is a new day, a new way to learn, to discover more and more. It’s the day to do what makes you smile.

8. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile if you do what you hate and love what you get – if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life,

9. When I love what I have, I have everything I need, it makes me happy when I’m happy, and that is why I love doing what makes me happy.

10. I am not going to stop doing what makes me happy because you say so or because others say so. I am free to do whatever I want with my life, and as long as it makes me happy, then it is fine by me.

11. One thing I learned over time is, If you want to be happy, be what makes you happy if you want to be free, be what makes you free if you want to be true, be what makes you true, and if you want to be loved, be what makes you beloved.

12. Every day is a new day, and I am blessed to be alive; I’m grateful that I’ve been given a chance to be the one I am now.

13. Do I do what makes me happy? I do what makes me happy. I can do what I like, I can make my own rules, I can say what I feel, I can be what I like, and I am happy doing what I want.

14. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes me happy. I am sure it’s not so easy to make somebody happy, but I’ve found that the best way to make someone happy is to be happy yourself

15. When I love what I have, I have everything I need. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes me happy.

16. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile – but I could do more of that and spend more time with people who make me frown, so I choose to be happy.

17. I wonder if I’ll be scared of what comes next and what it will mean to me I’ll be nervous and jumpy, but I don’t know why I’m happy at this moment

18. There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things that are beyond the power of my will.

19. It’s what makes me happy when I’m doing what I love. It’s what makes me happy, and I stay happy with what I do.

20. Do what makes you happy, and make your life a better place.

21. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it. The more you learn to do what you want to do, the happier you’ll be doing what you do.

22. I do what makes me happy, and I have no regrets, I have no regrets, I have no regrets.

23. Happiness is free; it’s a thought that can’t be bought. It’s a rhyme that will hold you tight when life doesn’t have a grip.

24. Do what makes you happy, do what makes you smile, do what makes you happy, and do what makes you smile.

25. I do what makes me happy, and I don’t care what others think I don’t care if someone’s watching me ‘cause I know that I’m doing what I was meant to do.

26. I do the things I want to do for my happiness and well-being. I let myself have fun and take risks.

27. Life is a gift. You can waste it. Or you can make it a joy. If you want to make life a joy, you must realize the freedom you have to choose the way you want to live.

28. Do you know what I have found? It’s all to do with what makes me happy. If I do what makes me happy, then I live a happy life, and I don’t have to worry too much about whether people like it or not.

29. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes me happy.

30. The most important question I can ask myself is, “what makes me happy?” and the most important thing I can do is to be a good person.

31. To enjoy life to the fullest, I must keep myself happy with whatever I do. Doing what makes me happy has helped me more than anything. When I enjoy life, it shows, and then others enjoy being around me too. I’ve made many great friends that way.

32. I do what makes me happy. Happiness is doing meaningful things… My happiness was found in the feeling of doing meaningful things.

33. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile, and that’s where I’m meant to be, I’m happy with what I do, and I’m ready to play the game.

34. I do what makes me happy. Happiness is doing meaningful things. I blend my music, and they play my songs – make my words, and they read my book, and from my mouth comes all the sound that makes their heartbeat.

35. If you want me to be content, I’ll be happy to be in your world; if you want me to be included, I’ll be happy to run and play.

36. I do what makes me happy, I follow my dreams, I do more of what makes me happy, and I spend more time with people who make me smile.

37. I never hesitate to do something that makes me happy. I never hesitate to do something that makes me happy.

38. Happiness is free, and when you come to find it, you will never want to leave.

39. Happiness is free for those who can accept it, but the one who owns it is the person with no worries.

40. Happiness and comfort mean so much when you’re young. You are always around to make others happy, be sure to live as you please.

41. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it. I don’t have to become somebody. I already am somebody.

42. Happiness is like a ball, and you have to catch it ‘cause if you don’t, it’s gone, and if you do, it’ll roll away.

43. It’s the rain that makes the rainbow. It’s the beat of my heart that makes me strong. It’s the touch of your hand that makes me whole. I’ll never live my life for anybody else.

44. If I could only do one thing, I would do what I loved, and nothing would stop me from doing that except for my own heart.

45. My happiness is my own to give; if happiness is what you want, you are entitled to have it all.

46. No matter who you are, you’ve got a life of your own to live. And when you start to feel afraid, don’t hesitate in something that makes you happy.

47. Life is precious and unpredictable. It’s not what we take but what we do with the things we do get.

48. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile. I make my music; I read a book, I write a letter, I spend time with a friend.

49. I do what makes me happy and stay happy with what I do, or I’d be broke. I do what makes me happy and stay happy with what I do, or I’d be too sad. I do what makes me happy and stay happy.

50. I do what makes me happy, and I do my best to urge others to be happy, happiness is not a bad thing, but for many, happiness is a dream.

51. I do more of what makes me happy, and I spend more time with people who make me smile I do it because I know that it’s right, and I do it because I know that it’s true.

52. I never live my life for anybody else. I have my way of taking care of myself. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes you happy.

53. I do what I love, I keep smiling, and I do it all for me. I want to be happy, and I want to be me, so I do what I love, I keep smiling, and I do it all for me.

54. Once, I believed in where I am, and now I do it. The sky is the limit. Do what makes you happy, stay happy with what you do, and live a life of passion. I always used to say that out-of-season clothes are hard on me, but then I realized it’s nature, not fashion, that made my wardrobe change every day. You never know what may happen; make sure you have an enjoyable time when it does!

55. I do what makes me happy. I don’t care what others think as long as I’m having fun. I like you because you are positive, wild, and crazy, and that’s the kind of person I am, so let’s spend the rest of our life having a blast!

56. I got so caught up in what others expected of me that I forgot what I wanted. I didn’t like who I was becoming, and I had let fear control my life. You need to let go of everything that has been holding you back. Do what makes you happy, stand up for yourself, follow your dreams, and don’t settle for anything less than what makes you truly happy.

57. I am so happy. I just do what makes me happy and stay happy. All the hustle and bustle of daily life is disheartening, and that’s why I chose to do what makes me happy, and I stick with it. Not all that glitters is gold, sometimes, you need to grab your dreams and goals. Take your ideas and make them a reality.

58. I never hesitate to do something that makes me happy I never bother to question why. I just do what I wish to do, that’s how I’ve always been, and it makes me happy.

59. I do what makes me happy. It is all about self-love for me. My happiness is key.

60. I do what makes me happy. Happiness is doing meaningful things. And the reason I feel this way is the knowledge that I’ve got to keep on living.

61. I never hesitate to do something that makes me happy I don’t care what others think

62. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile. I’m a happy soul, and I’m an angel in disguise.

63. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile, but I’m still here, keep accepting the love, friendship, and joy of these seers.

64. My dream is to be happy; it is my wish to be free. I’m not afraid to say what I want to be, I do what makes me happy, and I am happy doing it.

65. When I love what I have, I have everything I need. When it’s all said and done, it’s all you need to know that I’m complete and don’t need anything else.

66. There was a time when I was living my life for somebody else, and that was a cause of great mental distress. I knew it was hurting me, and it was holding me back. I needed to find myself to achieve my dreams.

67. I do what makes me happy, with my mind and my body, because I’m sure that happiness is finding my place in the world.

68. When I love what I have, I have everything I need, but when I love what I don’t have, I may be lost.

69. When I love what I have, I’ve everything I need to make my dreams come true, and if I ever seem to be in need, I don’t quit, I don’t give up, and I don’t take no for.

70. So when the morning sun appears, and the vultures start to dip, worrying about which way the wind will blow is no longer worth the time.

71. I may not be the best at what I do, but I try my best to make people smile, and I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile.

72. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes me happy. I believe what makes me happy will make me happy.

73. Happiness is free, so why not make it last with happiness, do what you do best, and never stop to think about the sad ones.

74. I don’t think about the future I don’t think about the past I just don’t hesitate to do what I want to do.

75. I do what makes me happy and don’t care what others think I don’t change for anybody I don’t care what they say.

76. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes you happy, not what makes me suffer. I don’t care what other people say because I know that it is not real.

77. I do what makes me happy I do what I feel like doing I do what I like doing I do what’s good for me I do what makes me happy.

78. I’m not some kind of a loser I’m not a sad example of a human being I don’t need anybody or anything to tell me what I should do. So I don’t live my life for anyone I live my life for myself

79. I do what makes me happy and don’t care what others think. I don’t care what people say cause I do what I do to make me happy; in the end, I’m happy with what I do.

80. I do what makes me happy. Happiness is doing meaningful things

81. Not only am I happy, but I’m also a better person. I’m glad I’m making the world a better place, and I’m more sure than ever before. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people.

82. I do what makes me happy and don’t care what others think I know that it’s wrong to do things that make me happy, but I do it anyway.

83. “be happy and do what you love to do” yes, be happy and do what you love to do. Why I’m sure, you’ll know as you do it that doing what makes you happy is very important to living.

84. I do what makes me happy because happiness is key I never give up, I never stray from what makes me happy, I follow my dreams, and I will never stop being happy!

85. I do what makes me happy. I like smiling, laughing, and being silly. I love to make others laugh and smile. I’m a very positive person who always tries to be kind to others and shows that kindness will get you far in life.

86. My happiness is not my own; it’s a gift I found, a gift I have to share, and that happiness I share with you.

87. I never live my life for anybody else. I find and do what makes me happy; I walk with my head held high, like a child without care; I’m happy how I am; if that makes you sad, I don’t care

88. I smile, I laugh, I dance and sing, I live as I please I never hesitate to do something that makes me happy.

89. I do what makes me happy, and the things I do are okay; I don’t need to be the same and stop being so sure of what I do.

90. I don’t care what others think I’m not afraid to do something that makes me happy I’m not afraid to show my true self to everyone I do what makes me happy I don’t care what people do I do.

91. Doing what makes me happy is very important to living. I take the time to do what I do because doing what I do is what makes me happy.

92. I do what makes me happy. I try to see the good in everyone and live my life free of hatred and stress. You can judge me all you want because I know I am living a fulfilled life. If you were truly happy in your own life, you would focus on that instead of being annoyed with mine!

93. The day I realized that my happiness was not dependent on others, or what others had or didn’t have, but instead on what I had or did not have, was the day I began to take control over my life.

94. I do what makes me happy, happiness is doing meaningful things, and I do what I want – I am myself, I do what makes me happy, happiness is doing meaningful things, and that’s all that matters to me.

95. I never hesitate to do something that makes me happy because I know that makes me smile.

96. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it. It is not what I have achieved; it’s what I’ve wanted to achieve, so success is all mine.

97. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile, it is not the things that I do, but now I do them. I like being me, and I’m just fine

98. My happiness depends on my being, not on the fact of being, on my doing, not on the fact of doing, on the hour and the day of my being alive, not on the momentary issue of my doing or not.

99. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile is the reason that I am happy today, and I know it will last forever.

100. I do what makes me happy and don’t care what others think. I don’t worry about what will happen tomorrow because I know you’ll be there for me. You’re there for me when no one else is, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

101. I do what makes me happy and don’t care what others think. I’m far too busy with that to let their little critiques of my personal decisions get to me. I’m not hurting anyone, especially myself.

102. I do more of what makes me happy and spend more time with people who make me smile I’m the centre of their attention because they care.

103. Happiness is free, and it comes from within; if you want it, you must look within yourself and find it; it is not in the world we live in but in our hearts and souls, so open your heart and let

104. I do what makes me happy because happiness is key. I do what I love because life is full of opportunities. I do what I love because life is full of opportunities.

105. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it. I do my own thing, and I do it right. I do what I want to do, and I am happy doing it.

106. What makes you happy? It’s ok to be sad at times, but live your life the way you want to, and don’t let anybody tell you what to do.

107. I do what makes me happy, and it is always meaningful and it’s genuine, so I’m happy, I do what makes me happy.

108. I do more of what makes me happy, I spend more time with people who make me smile, I’ve got a pretty good life, and I’m happy with the things I do.

109. I don’t live my life for anybody else; I find and do what makes me happy. I don’t need your permission to be myself, I know it’s a boring song, but it’s something I can’t help but sing.

Being happy not only beats being miserable, but it also makes your work better and more creative – so get happy and get creative! Saying that you’ll do what makes you happy is easy. Doing it is a challenge. Be brave and take action. The universe supports you—it should be easy to do what makes you happy!

In the end, it’s very simple: if doing what you love could make you happy, then don’t deprive yourself of that joy. Life is too short not to do what makes you happy, so take chances and go for it.  I hope you liked these I do what makes me happy quotes above. Kindly share this post with your friends and loved ones.

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