I Don’t Know What I Want Quotes

When you don’t know what you want, it can be hard to find it. There are times when you just can’t decide. You know what the options are, and you know what you like about each of them, but you can’t figure out which one is best for you.

It’s a struggle to get clarity on what you want in life when you don’t know what you want. When you’re not sure what comes next, it’s easy to get stuck in indecision or go with the first thing that comes along. But there are ways to dig deep and get clarity on your goals, so that when something great comes along, you’ll be ready for it.

However, when life feels like this, we often feel stuck and frustrated with ourselves — like we’re wasting our time by doing things that don’t really matter or fit who we really are deep inside. But sometimes it doesn’t matter how many times we try something new or look for inspiration because the answer just isn’t there yet — at least not until we can be honest with ourselves about what we truly care about most.

Here below are some of the best and inspiring I don’t know what I want quotes I am sure you will find relatable and useful, go through them and use as many as you would.

With so many options out there, it’s hard to know what I want because the truth is I don’t know what I want. I’ve made big changes in my life recently, but I still feel that better things are ahead and that I’m going to get where I want to be eventually. Yes, life keeps changing and evolving, but I am doing all that I can to keep my goals in sight. In the future, my words will become quotes to inspire others.

1. As of right now, I am still figuring out what I want to do but I welcome challenges in life because they will help me grow, and show me who I am.

2. Every day I celebrate life. I am grateful for the many challenges that keep me going, and teach me more about who I want to be. Although right now, I haven’t yet come to the conclusion of what I want from life.

3. Choices are what make life fun! You’re going to like that you’re making a good choice when you choose us. What’s better than not knowing what you want because there are so many options? The ability and freedom to choose!

4. I don’t know what I want because I’m overwhelmed by all the options. That’s normal people. Get up and get out there! Yes! Sometimes it’s hard to see, but life is always a reason to celebrate.

5. Even though I have accomplished so much in the past, I still feel that better things are still ahead because life keeps evolving. I don’t know exactly what I want right now because life keeps changing.

6. I am grateful for life’s many challenges because they keep me going and teach me more about who I want to be. Though right now, I haven’t come to a conclusion of what I want from life.

7. Options are your best friend! They let you try things out and pick what works for you. I couldn’t be happier with where I’m at. I’ve found something of value and I’m enjoying what this brings to me every day.

8. Today I treasure the small things. It was a different story yesterday and certainly won’t be the same tomorrow. So I’ll give myself some praise today for all that I achieved.

9. We have options. And we love them! They are great! There are so many opportunities! I want to make my own choices; however, I’m limited in the information and options available to me, so right now I don’t know what I want.

10. I’m excited about the opportunities life gives me and I love to be challenged. This is because I don’t know what I want. . Every opportunity is a moment for me to grow as an individual.

11. Life is constantly evolving, and we must learn to adapt to different circumstances. There are many things I am passionate about and I celebrate every bit of it.

12. I can’t wait to discover what’s ahead of me. The world is my oyster and I’m ready for the adventure! I’ve worked hard to get where I am and I’m eager to keep moving.

13. Life will go on and be that beautiful thing in which you are a part. A tiny creature, who will experience pleasure and pain and enjoy the taste of a tasty treat.

14. As you grow, things change, and this can be so exciting! Remember the fountain of youth? The journey is just as fun and rewarding as the destination.

15. I want to be able to decide what I want. When I want it even though right now, I don’t know what I want; it’s about options and choice. I’m not telling you what to do, I’m telling you what you can do

16. I am incredibly grateful for this moment. I get to be here, I get to be a part of this experience with all of you and that is available to you today as well.

17. As of right now, I don’t really know what I want in life because right now, it keeps changing. I have accomplished so many things in my life and it’s been very exciting to see things change over time. Things are constantly changing, but as of this moment, I don’t know where I’m headed.

18. Every time I think I’ve got it one hundred percent, something better comes along. Life is an adventure that never stops moving.

19. I am confident about what I don’t want, but I don’t know what I want. And that’s perfect, because it means I’m open to all possibilities. The world is my oyster and lets me tell you, there are a lot of oysters in this world.

20. As I look to my future, I realize that life keeps getting better and better. Everything I have accomplished up to this point will help me keep improving. So, I am open to saying I don’t know what I want.

21. I’ve got options. I’ve got freedom. I’m the master of my own destiny. And I’m the author of my own story. Go ahead and make it yours.

22. I don’t even know what I want yet. And that’s okay. I can do and go anywhere I want. The world is mine!

23. I’ve come to the conclusion that I will never know what I want to be when I grow up because life keeps evolving. Already in my short life on earth, I’ve gone from a naive child to an innocent teenager, and now an awkward young woman.

24. Congrats! You have so many good options to choose from, it’s impossible to decide. I am living my life to the fullest, each step at a time. I feel satisfied with myself and my accomplishments.

25. Let me tell you – I am super excited and feel really fortunate that I have a lot of good options. I’m not sure what I want, but I know it’s out there, and one day it will find me. I might just find it too. There are endless possibilities awaiting me. And they all excite me. Let’s do this world!

26. I don’t know everything, I don’t come across as a know-it-all, but I do like to learn new things. Wow! I feel incredibly confident and successful right now. Things are really falling into place for the better and I feel good about it.

27. With so many delicious choices, there’s no such thing as making the wrong one! Every choice is top-notch, so let your palate be your guide.

28. Throughout my life I’ve done amazing things. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished and the person I have become. Life keeps evolving so right now I’m still creating my vision.

29. I have a burning desire to know what is right and true. If I’m not sure, I will find out. If I get it wrong, that’s okay too, because each experience has a lesson in it. And if I stay curious, I will see at each moment how great life is!

30. I don’t want to make a boring choice so I will be selective. I don’t know exactly what I want, but I’m excited to find out!

31. I’m proud of the person I am and the life I’ve built. I can’t wait to see where I go from here. I don’t know what I want and I don’t know exactly what it is. And that’s perfect. There’re no limits on what I can do and where I can go, and the world is my oyster.

32. I am a living paradox. What I know for sure is that there is only one person who has the power to choose between what I want and what I fear. That is me.

33. I don’t welcome people telling me what to do but I welcome them giving me options and allowing me to decide, but right now, I don’t know what I want!

34. It may sound weird but I don’t know what I want. Yay! I’m being spontaneous and it’s wonderful. The world is mine and I can do anything. Any place in the world, huh?

35. I don’t know what I want, but I know enough to know that whatever it is, I’ll make up my mind.

36. I don’t know what I want. I feel like I’m on a hamster wheel. I’m running in place, going nowhere.

37. I am at a crossroads in my life. I am a full grown adult, and still have no idea what I want to do with myself. I feel like I should be doing something but I don’t know what that is.

38. To say I don’t know what I want is me realizing that the accomplishments I have achieved so far are still not enough. It is an illusion to think that I am in control of my life. There is so much more ahead of me, and I am excited to discover what it is.

39. I don’t know what exactly I want for now but I celebrate life challenges because they keep me going and teach me more about who I want to be.

40. Isn’t it great to explore all the infinite possibilities that your future can hold? There are so many exciting things you can do, and there’s no one to stop you.

41. I’m open to every possibility. And that’s what makes life so exciting! I celebrate challenges because they keep me going, and teach me more about who I want to be and what I want to do.

42. Why settle when there are so many options to choose from? I am overwhelmed with possibilities. The world is my oyster and lets me tell you, there’re a lot of oysters in this world. Sometimes, it’s good to not know what one wants because you have the power to choose.

43. This is amazing, I can’t believe how perfect this is. I am truly blessed, and my life has never been better. My openness in life gives me room to explore because I don’t know what I want.

44. I think it’s time to celebrate! I don’t know what I want, but that’s okay. You have to get excited about the endless possibilities that are available to you. Whether you’re looking for a job or an apartment, there are a lot of great options out there.

43. I’m open to all possibilities. Though I don’t know what I want I can tell you what I don’t. The world is my oyster and let me tell you, there are a lot of tempting options out there.

44. I am the chosen one! The saviour of my people; the best decision maker among us. I can’t wait to see what’s next. I celebrate challenges in life because they keep me going and teach me more about who I want to be.

45. It’s wonderful to have options, especially when I have no idea what I want. I like having choices. And during this time, I need you more than ever to help me make the right choices because I don’t know what I want.

46. I’m glad I don’t know what I want to do with my life yet. The future is mine to conquer. I don’t know what I want for now but I celebrate challenges in life because they keep me going and teach me more about who I want to be.

47. I have learned so much about myself and this life from the challenges I face. Though, I still don’t know what to do with my life.

48. I am confident of what I don’t want but I don’t know what I want. I am satisfied at all sides and everything seems to be working well for me.

49. Don’t tell me what to do, but give me options and allow me to decide. I don’t know what I want yet, and that’s okay. I have all the time in the world to grow and change.

50. The world is yours to explore! Get out there and enjoy life. Make your own destiny. Travel the globe, try new things, and have crazy adventures.

51. I won’t give up at any moment because I trust myself and my hard work. I use any challenge as an opportunity to prove myself and make my life an amazing journey.

52. Wow! I have so many choices! I’m open to all possibilities in this wide world of oysters and other delicious things. The world is yours to discover. You have the freedom to explore, see, and do anything and everything you want.

53. Every day is an exciting new adventure, one filled with curiosity, wonder and a sense of joy. Life’s true gift lies in your freedom to design it beautifully. With each rising of the sun, you get to chase the opportunity to fill your days with meaning – to live your life the way you choose.

54. I’m in the mood for celebrating. But, I can’t quite decide what to do. Perhaps you could offer up some options? I’m feeling like I’d love to get dressed up and go out somewhere nice – or just stay right here with you! To be honest, I don’t even know what I want!

55. I don’t know what I want yet. And that’s okay. I can do and go anywhere I want. The world is mine. Now, I can do exactly what I want and be my own boss because I have lots of options!

56. I’m lucky to have many great opportunities in my life. I work at the best company in the world, where everyone works together with intense teamwork and collaboration. I have amazing friends and family who support me in all situations and make each day worthwhile.

57. It’s so easy to let fear hold you back, but it’s important to keep pushing. You’ll never find your next opportunity if you don’t let go of the past.

58. I am so blessed with everything that I have got. I don’t need anything more. Everything is working out well for me and my family. Grateful!

59. I never learned how to be satisfied. I’m a person who naturally looks to the future and thinks about what could be in it. Because of that, I don’t stop when something is good enough. I keep pressing forward for something more perfect.

60. I’m psyched to have options. This is a momentous day for me. I’m headed towards all my potential goals. No limits, no fears, and no regrets. Bravo!

61. One of the best parts about my job is being able to help people on their journey to success! By being able to help them reach their goals, I am truly celebrating alongside them. I love that I get to be a part of this process and that I get to make a difference in other people’s lives, even if it’s by a small amount.

62. There’s always something new to discover and the adventure never ends, so you can explore for as long as you want. That’s the joy of not concluding on what you want.

63. I am not sure what I want; I just don’t know it yet. And that’s perfect. There’re no limits on what I can do and where I can go, and the world is my oyster.

64. I’m a free spirit. And I celebrate that. The sky is the limit and I can do anything I want though I don’t know what I want.

65. Not knowing what I want has given me the opportunity to try random things! After all, I’ve got limited time on earth.

66. I have great taste, which is why I know exactly what I don’t want. The good news is that my taste is so good that I know it’s possible to find the things I’m looking for. Because I’m open to trying anything, the world is my oyster and there are a lot of oysters in this world.

67. I’m not confined to limits. I can reach for the stars and accomplish anything I put my mind to. The choice is yours! Explore all of your options and find the best one for you.

68. When I think I have achieved it, then I realize that it is not exactly what I want as better things are still ahead. I don’t know what I want right now because life keeps evolving.

69. I am celebrating life’s change, so I don’t know and can’t conclude on what I want. I am so done with people telling me what to do, how to think, and what to feel. Now, I want everyone to listen. I don’t know what I want.

70. I celebrate life for the challenges it brings me. Every problem is not only an opportunity to learn and grow stronger as a person but also a reason to appreciate how blessed I really am.

71. I’m so grateful that I get to experience life alongside all of you. Let’s keep inspiring each other and, most of all, loving each other!

72. Even though I have accomplished so much in the past, I still feel that better things are still ahead because life keeps evolving. I don’t know exactly what I want right now, but I’m confident that the best is yet to come.

73. I love that you’re here, but I want to know who you really are. I’m looking for someone that is strong, beautiful, and smart.

74. Our wide variety of choices means there’s something for everyone. Don’t feel overwhelmed. There are so many options because we want you to decide the best way to do your job.

75. I like people to give me advice because they want me to win. Even if I decide not to do what they recommend, it’s nice to know that people are rooting for me.

76. It’s your day, so enjoy as many choices as you can! Don’t worry, we’ll help you narrow down each choice by what you tell us. Ready?

77. What’s better than not knowing what you want because there are so many choices? Being able to choose! You have so many options, and it’s okay to feel a little overwhelmed. Indecision can be a good thing!

78. It used to be that I questioned life so much, and now, I’m living my best life. I’m all about choices. I want to see the range of options available to me. The more, the merrier!

79. Yay! Isn’t it fun to not know what you want and just dither around until you find something? I know I want something, but how will I find it?

80. Celebrate the challenges of everyday life with a daily challenge that makes you stronger. There’s nothing like being able to choose what you want because there are so many choices.

81. There is always a choice and you are free to choose anyone you wish. There’s something to be said for not having a set plan. I have the freedom to go to different countries, take on exciting projects, and dream big. That’s what life is all about

82. I’m still young and unsure, but I know I can handle anything the universe throws my way. I’m ready for the future.

83. I don’t want to be told what to do, but I want to be given options and the power to decide. Right now, I don’t know what I can and can’t do, only you can tell me.

84. I’m always up for learning something new and seeing the world from a different perspective. There is no wrong answer, which makes exploring options and seeing what happens enjoyable.

85. What’s better than a huge selection of choices to pick from? I’ve always been a hard worker. As I continue to strive for what I want and think I’ve achieved it, something better comes along and shows me that my journey is never-ending.

86. I don’t know exactly what I want right now because life keeps changing. But in life, things will always be changing and you should embrace it!

87. There are so many options out there; it’s hard to know what to choose. As a result, we’ve done the work for you, so you don’t have to.

88. Every day I think I have reached my goal, but then I realize that there are still better things ahead. Life keeps evolving and this is the most beautiful thing we have.

89. Get out there and find new experiences, it will put a smile on your face and help you grow as a person! I don’t know what I want because I’m overwhelmed by all the options.

90. I may not know exactly what I want, but I’m excited about all of my options! I literally cannot decide. I am so excited to go running so many new possibilities through my head!

91. LIFE IS EXCITING! You get to choose what you want in every situation because there are so many choices.

92. I’m more than satisfied with the way things are going and are confident I’ll be able to get the results I want. I have the knowledge and ability to be successful.

93. I don’t know what I want because all around me are equal and pleasant options. What a lucky person I am!

94. I’m the type of person who likes to make their own decisions but right now, I don’t know what to do!

95. I love the challenges that life throws at me because they give me a chance to learn and grow as a person. I don’t know where life will take me, but that’s part of the adventure!

96. Having a wide variety of choices to choose from is the best thing in life! I don’t know what I want but I am happy that everything around me gives me pleasant options.

97. What I want doesn’t exist, not yet anyway. And that’s okay! It’s exciting. I’m free to create whatever my heart desires, and the sky’s the limit!

98. I may not know who I am, but I’m going to get there. Tons of people are cheering me on, so there’s no way I can fail!

99. I consider myself fortunate to have already accomplished so much, yet still, have dreams and goals I look forward to achieving. I am open to them all; I don’t know what I want.

110. I don’t know what I want but I am sure of the things I do not want. Yet, life has been fair to me because all around I see joy and satisfaction.

If you are one of the many people passing through a season where they are with what to do or what they want then I hope these I don’t know what I want quotes were it for you. Kindly drop your comments below about what you think about the quotes.

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