I Have a Crush on My Best Friend Quotes

You may not realize you have a crush on your best friend or that you’ve begun to love your best friend, but it occurs, and you can’t stop it. It takes a lot of courage to tell your closest friend that you love him or her, but it’s not simple because it could ruin your relationship.

You can’t sleep without thinking of your best friend from the moment you realize you love him, and it’s the finest and worst feeling in the world because it can risk your friendship with that person.

But you don’t know how you’ll face him every day because the more you see him, the more you love him, and you can’t ignore him because he’s your friend. If you are in such a situation, then these fantastic I have a crush on my best friend quotes below are for you.

You, my best friend, are the only one who knows all of my secrets, and now I’d want to tell you another one: I’ve had a crush on you since I met you, and I’ve been wanting to tell you about it, but I’m worried of losing you as a friend.

1. I love him, and I am so in love with him. … I have a crush on my best friend and I am so in love with him. He is the kindest, sweetest, funniest, and most wonderful man ever. He has changed me for the better. He’s my rock and my best friend.

2. I have a crush on my best friend and I’m so in love with him. I know we’re just friends, but I’m in love with you.

3. We’re not together, but I have a crush on my best friend, and I’m so in love with him.

4. Some people say that you can’t feel romantic feelings in a platonic relationship. I don’t know if this is true or not, but my best friend is the love of my life, and I’m so in love with him.

5. To be honest, I think love, at first sight, is real because that’s how it happened between us. There’s so much chemistry between us, and we always have a good time together. We are always laughing when we’re together, and it’s hard for me to imagine life without you by my side.

6. He is the kindest and most caring person I know. I have a strong emotional connection with my best friend, and I have a crush on him.

7. I really can’t explain how I feel, but being around him makes me feel so happy. I’m in love with my best friend, and I don’t know what to do.

8. My heart starts beating when I see him, and whenever I’m with him, I get butterflies in my stomach. I can’t stop thinking about him. He is the best part of my day.

9. I think about her a lot and care about her very much. I’ve been crushing on my best friend since we were little kids.

10. I can love her more than a sister. I will always be by her side, through thick and thin. I have never felt this way about anyone other than her.

11. I love having my best friend around and know I can always count on her. I think I have a crush on my best friend.

12. I am so in love with my best friend. He is so amazing and there is no one else like him. I’ll love him until the day we die.

13. My closest buddy and I are crushing on each other. She is incredible, and no one else compares to her. I’ll love her until the day we die forever and ever and ever.

14. You’re perfect as my best friend, and I’ll love you until the day we die.

15. I just can’t believe how much I love my best friend. He means so much to me and there is no one else like him. I’ll keep loving him.

16. We travelled all over the world together. We shared our lives and our experiences. We were inseparable. I’ll love my best friend until the end of time.

17. My relationship with my best friend is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him more than everyone and everything else put together.

18. I have no idea what I would do without my best friend. He’s the most amazing person in the world and I’m sure that we’ll be together forever.

19. I have a crush on my best friend. We’re so close, and I’m so happy he’s in my life. He’s always there for me when I need him.

20. I like my best friend. He calms me down and makes me laugh. He is special to me because he is a unique individual, and I will always appreciate him.

21. We’ve been together for 5 years and I can’t imagine my life without him. I’m still crazy about him, just like when we first met.

22. It was love at first sight. I love the way she smiles and the way she makes me laugh. I would love to spend my life with her and I can’t wait to see what is in store for us.

23. I have a crush on my best friend. He’s so amazing. He’s so amazing that I don’t even want to find out what else is out there. He’s perfect for me.

24. I miss my best friend, who is always there for me. I think about him all of the time, and it makes me smile when I think about our time together. I have a crush on him already.

25. I have a crush on my best friend so much, everything he does makes me want to scream and shout. He can do no wrong in my eyes.

26. I just wanna be next to my best friend and I just wanna be close to her always. I have a crush on my best friend.

27. He’s been my best friend since I was a kid and now he’s more than just that. I never knew it could be like this.

28. My best friend has become the special someone in my life. I never knew it could be like this. I am head over heels in love with my best friend.

29. I am always thinking of my best friend and the excitement I feel when I finally see her is unexplainable. I think I have a crush on my best friend.

30. I can’t wait to hear the voice of my best friend. I always think about how cute she is. I have a crush on my best friend.

31. I always want to learn more about the interests of my best friend. I think I have a crush on him already.

32. I go weak at the knees when I see my best friend. When around him, I can’t help but smile. I have a crush on my best friend.

33. He’s been my best friend since I was a kid, but now he means the world to me. I could spend forever with him.

34. I’ve known him since I was a kid, but we are a million miles away from that now. We’ve grown closer and closer, and I’ve fallen more in love with him every day.

35. It feels like I have known you forever. You are my best friend since childhood, and now you’re just an experience of life. I never knew it could be as good as this.

36. It feels like I have known him forever. He is my best friend since childhood, and now he is just a part of my life. I never knew it could be this good.

37. It feels like I’ve known her forever. She has been my best friend since we were kids, and now she is just an amazing experience in life. I never knew it could be this good. I have a crush on her.

38. I knew you were my best friend since I was just a kid, but I never thought we could have so much fun together. I have a crush on you.

39. You feel like a best friend who has known you all these years. You were once a boy growing up together in the same neighbourhood, but now you are a man. In the beginning, it was amazing, but then it was just a beautiful memory of my life.

40. I can’t wait to see my best friend again. I’m still waiting for the day she will find me and bring me in her arms. I miss her even more than I thought.

41. I want to grow old with my best friend, raise a family and share the best that life has to offer. You are my best friend, the only person I trust with anything.

42. You and I have been friends since second grade. When we met, we bonded right away as if we’d known each other forever. We’re like twins separated at birth or something. You are my best friend and my favourite person in the world.

43. It’s been a long and beautiful journey. We’ve laughed together, we’ve cried together, we’ve accomplished so much together. You’re a true friend and I can’t live without you. I have a crush on you.

44. When your best friend is also the love of your life, the rest of the world fades away. You’re just left with the joy of having each other.

45. Hey, do you remember that day we met? That was so amazing! I remember every detail. I can never forget how it felt that day. There’s a lot more to explore with my best friend. I have a crush on him.

46. I guess nothing else really matters, we just get each other. A best friend is a best friend forever. I have a crush on my best friend.

47. He’s always been my best friend, but now he’s so much more to me. I have a crush on him.

48. When I met him, he was just my best friend. I just code every day but now he makes me feel special and loved.

49. We grew up together and now we’re together. We’ve shared so much love and laughter. I know it’s forever because you’re the one for me, babe.

50. There’s no other feeling in the world like being in love with your best friend. It’s more than just friendship. It’s deeper, better, and more wonderful.

51. My best friend from childhood is the love of my life. He is everything to me. My family, my heart, my home.

52. My best friend from childhood is the love of my life. I am so happening this is happening to us.

53. I don’t know how I survived before meeting my boyfriend. He is everything to me. My family, my heart, my home.

54. My best friend from childhood is the love of my life. We met at a party, fell in love, and have been together ever since.

55. My best friend from childhood is the love of my life. We are elated to share this adventure called life together.

56. My best friend from childhood has become the light of my life. He and I do everything together, and he truly makes my life better.

57. I met the love of my life as a best friend in first grade. He’s my family, my home, and my world.

58. I know that I can count on my best friend to always be there when I need him. He is my rock. My support system. He’s the one person I know who will always stand by me no matter what.

59. My best friend and lover, my husband, who has been by my side since I was 5 years old.

60. For almost my whole life I’ve had the same best friend that has stuck with me through thick and thin.

61. My love for my best friend is the basis for my life. He understands me better than anyone and makes me a better person.

62. I missed him so much that my heart ached. I didn’t think I would ever see him again. Then, one day, we met. And we haven’t been apart since. I have a crush on my best friend.

63. I have loved you since the first day we met. You are my one true love, and I will forever love you, my best friend.

64. I’m so in love with my best friend, my heart just can’t take it! If you could look into my eyes and know how much I love him you would get it.

65. I just miss my best friend and I can’t wait to see her soon! I have a crush on her.

66. If you’re lucky enough to have a crush on your best friend, don’t let any silly little thing come between you.

67. Deep bae-like love. Comes in many forms, but with you, it’s always oh so good. I have a crush on you, bestie.

68. You’re the only one who knows me for who I am. I’m just a girl in love with her best friend.

69. I spent all day with the person I have a crush on and am so in love with him. He makes me feel so good when I’m with him. He is my best friend.

70. I have crushes on my best friends all the time. I just can’t hide it anymore… I have a crush on him.

71. It’s really important to me that you understand – I love my best friend, he loves me back. It Is that simple.

72. One of my favourite things about my best friend is how I feel like I can be myself with her. She makes me feel like the luckiest boy in the world.

73. I love you and the way you hold me. I want to live with you and hold on to you for as long as our hearts beat

74. I would walk a thousand miles if it meant I could be with my best friend. I jumped into his arms and he lifted me. I knew this was it, that I was finally home.

75. Turning on the first snowflake of fall and thinking about how much I love my best friend. I’ve been waiting for you all my life.

76. I can’t believe that I have a crush on my best friend and I am so in love with him.

77. I have a crush on my best friend. I’m so in love with him. Asking him to be my boyfriend was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

78. Our friendship is my favourite love story. I feel like you’re the only person I talk to anymore and I think I’m falling for you

79. Having you in my life makes everything better. I’ve been waiting for you all my life. I love you so much!

80. When you were my best friend, I was secure and confident in my relationship with you. But now I have a crush on you — a different kind of love that’s all mixed up inside me, a desperate kind of love — and I know things will never be the same between us. If only I could reprogram myself, and be your best friend again.

81. Every time I look at my best friend, my heart skips a beat. I have a crush on him.

82. It’s been hard to be around her lately. She’s so beautiful, and I’m just a shell of myself when she’s on my mind. I have a crush on my best friend.

83. The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I have for you.

84. How funny that the thing always right in front of your eyes is what seems the hardest to see. I have a crush on my best friend.

85. I have a crush on my best friend and I am so in love with him, he is perfect and adorable. I want to know what happened to him last night because he is shy to me. But I want to be his friend again.

86. I have a crush on my best friend and I am so in love with him—everything.

87. I can’t get enough of you, you’re the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love our friendship and how it’s grown over the years. I’m so in love with you, even though you don’t know it!

88. You’re my favourite flavour, my favourite movie, my favourite song and all the best parts of me are the ones that are yours.

89. I love him a lot, but I will never tell him, it would ruin our friendship. I have a crush on my best friend.

90. Sharing my life with someone else has just made everything so much better. I feel like I could take on anything, now that I have him.

91. I love the way he adores me. I love the way we have fun. I love the way he looks at me with such love in his eyes. I just love him.

92. I’ve never felt like this about anyone ever. I couldn’t love you more if I tried. I have a crush on my best friend.

93. I’ve been questioning in my head what I should do? Should I tell him how I feel, or leave it be? I think I have a crush on my best friend.

94. Sometimes the best love story is right under your nose. There’s no better feeling than coming home to the one you love.

95. I have a crush on my best friend and I am so in love with him. He’s always been there for me and he knows me better than anyone else. I love him for that, but I also love him for his sense of humour, his lips, his hands and so much more.

96. My best friend makes me smile as no one else can, and he’s the only person who truly understands me. We’ve shared some amazing moments, but we’ve had our fair share of struggles too.

97. This crush is so big I need a hug and maybe a couple more letters. He may be my best friend and the love of my life, but I’ll never share his Oreos.

98. When we first met, I knew he was the one. Things have gotten better with time and now it’s time to take the next step.

99. No one knows me as you do as my best friend. No one loves me as you do. And that’s why I love you the most. I can’t focus when you’re near me. I love it and hate it.

100. You are not just my friend, you are my soul mate. I have a crush on you and I am so in love with you.

You never know when you will fall in love, but once you do, there is nothing you can do but listen to your heart and tell the person you love him. He doesn’t know if you love him or not, and he won’t know until you speak what’s on your mind.

It is the most wonderful thing in the world when friendship transforms into love. Use any of the above awesome quotes to express your feelings to your crush.

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