I Have an Angel in Heaven Quotes

What does having an angel in heaven means to you? What does your angel in heaven do for you? If you are to talk about your angel in heaven, what will you say about him/her?

Having an angel watching over you is a beautiful experience. You feel safer and bolder, and we all need that to live a happier, more comfortable life. There’s so much to say about having an angel in heaven. And today, I am exploring as many as possible with these quotes.

Find something in here to use, whether you want to talk about how your angel in heaven is the reason you have your dream job or not, whether you feel his presence or not or something else about your angel in heaven.

Jump into the quotes and see different meanings of having an angel in heaven.

“I have an angel in heaven. He’s the one who keeps me strong and happy and the one who makes me feel good. He’s the one who gives me hope. He’s the one who sends my spirits soaring. Having an angel in heaven makes life easier.”

1. I have an angel in heaven. She is the reason why I’m still happy to be alive, and she is more than enough for me. I’m thankful I have her.

2. I will never be lost or drowned in life’s problems because I have an angel in heaven who is helping me to live above them. He keeps me safe and strong. And because of him, I live happily.

3. I have an angel in heaven. She’s an angel of love and faith, and she does a good job of watching over me.

4. I have an angel in heaven who wants me to be happy all the time. She’s always by my side, and she’s someone who knows how to make me happy.

5. I have an angel in heaven looking after me, so don’t worry about me. The angel is in heaven doing all he can for me to be fine.

6. I have an angel in heaven. She’s always been there for me. She’s always been in my heart, to show me the way.

7. I have an angel in heaven. He watches over me. With him, I never feel left behind. He’s my angel and my friend.

8. I have an angel in heaven. He’s the reason my heart is so bold. He’s the reason I’m not afraid. He’s the reason I can look beyond all that’s to come.

9. I have an angel in heaven, a guardian angel on high. She knows all my dreams and thoughts, and she’ll guide me to success.

10. I have an angel in heaven, I look up, and she is there. She takes care of me. She is here to make me well.

11. I have an angel in heaven who is helping me to fly and to stay clean. She’s the one who’s watching over me. She’s the one who’s taking me higher.

12. I have an angel in heaven who watches over me and the good things I do. She tells me I can be happy in what I believe and what I do.

13. I have an angel in heaven. She’s my guardian angel, and she’s always with me. She’s my guide and my protector. She’s one who will never let me fall.

14. I have an angel in heaven. She’s been there since the day I was born. She keeps me on my feet and reminds me why I know everything will be alright.

15. I have an angel in heaven. She’s like a friend — always there for me. Bet that she is not always by my side, and you’ll lose.

16. I have an angel in heaven. She’s in my heart and works her way through my soul. I was told the world was full of evil, but she kept me strong. She’s my protector, my guide.

17. I have an angel in heaven. She’s my guardian angel. She will help me with my problems and keep me from all my cares.

18. I have an angel, one that watches over me and always protects me. She’s an angel I can always depend on, for I trust in her fiercely. She always knows what to do.

19. I have an angel in heaven who was instructed to take my happiness seriously and make me stay positive.

20. I have an angel in heaven. He has been sent to guide me. He has been sent to teach me. He has been sent to set me free.

21. I have an angel in heaven, so I know everything will be alright. She is always with me in my darkest hours. She guides my steps through the night.

22. I have an angel in heaven. He blesses me with his soft light. He takes the bad from my life and gives joy to me for free.

23. I have an angel in heaven. There’s a little voice in me saying I should let things be as they are and let my dreams unfold.

24. I have an angel in heaven, one who tells me not to be afraid. She is there if I ever need her, and if I’m ever in doubt, she’ll bring me to my senses.

25. I have an angel in heaven. He’s the one who protects my life, and he watches over me all the time. He’s my guardian angel, and he’s so much more.

26. I have an angel in heaven. She never rests, and I know why. She’s always with me, and she does a good job of watching over me.

27. I have an angel in heaven who never leaves my side. She’s a guardian angel with a special place for her sweet baby till the end of time.

28. I have an angel in heaven with a smile that is always bright. He is the one who always helps me to stay happy and to smile more.

29. I have an angel in heaven, who looks after me at night and day, and no matter how far I go, he’ll keep me afloat.

30. I have an angel in heaven, flying over my shoulder, looking down at me, looking after me.

31. I have an angel in heaven. He will always protect me. Every time I’m in need, he’s my guide and my strength.

32. I have an angel in heaven. She has never spoken to me, but I know she’s there, and I know she loves me, and I know I won’t fail because I have her.

33. I have an angel in heaven who is teaching me how to love. He also comes to me when my mind is troubled, and he comforts me through the night.

34. I have an angel in heaven. Even if wolves and bears come to me, my angel will keep me safe in her glow. My angel sings me to sleep every night.

35. I have an angel in heaven, and she’s looking down. She’s always watching out for me and telling me to be good.

36. I have an angel in heaven. She does a good job of watching over me. She does not show me all the things that are wrong, but she is always there when I need her most.

37. I have an angel in heaven who wants me to be happy all the time. She walks beside my shoulder, and she’s there when I’m scared. She always makes me smile.

38. I have an angel in heaven who is teaching me how to love. It’s a lesson that I have to learn cause there’s no other way to go.

39. I have an angel in heaven, and she does a good job of watching over me, and on the days when I feel down, I think of her, and everything is alright.

40. I have an angel in heaven, and I’ve known him all my life. He’s a sweetheart and the reason that I’m still alive.

41. When there were storms in my life, I turned to my angel. She came to me, and in her arms, I was safe. She is my angel, and she is always with me to protect me from the pain.

42. I have an angel. She does a good job of watching over me. She makes sure that I never miss a beat, she makes sure that I never take a fall, and she always keeps me in the right frame of mind.

43. I have an angel in heaven. He comes when I call, and he comes in any form I need. He makes me feel like I’m the only special person on Earth.

44. I have an angel in heaven, her name is encouragement, and she is my true friend. She is the one who’s always there to jump in and tell me don’t give up!

45. I have an angel in heaven who always tells me where I’m wrong, how to speak, how to act, how to feel, and how not to feel.

46. I have an angel in heaven, and he’s always looking down from above. He has one mission, and it’s to never let me fail.

47. I have an angel in heaven. It’s her wings that cover me while I sleep. Her eyes keep me warm while I’m cold, and her smile gives me happiness when I’m sad and blue.

48. I have an angel in heaven, and she’s teaching me how to love, how to live beyond myself and be a better person than I ever thought I could be.

49. I have an angel in heaven, and that angel is my mom. It’s not a dream, but it sure feels like one.

50. I have an angel in heaven. He tells me what I must do, he watches over me and keeps me safe, and he wants me to be happy all the time.

51. I have a wonderful angel in heaven who looks after me and is with me always. When my eyes get tired, and my mind is lost, he’s there to guide me and take care of me.

52. I have an angel in heaven who watches over me. He keeps me from all harm. He protects me. He helps me to be better. I am so glad I have an angel in heaven.

53. I have an angel in heaven. She does a good job of watching over me. She helps me to love and to choose my friends. She also helps me when I’m feeling blue.

54. I have an angel in heaven. She is a special friend. She is a light in the dark. She is a path to success and happiness.

55. I have an angel in heaven who whispers the best words in my ear. She makes me feel and believe that everything will be all right.

56. I have an angel in heaven. I know that my life will be alright as long as I have my angel in heaven. And I know she will keep me strong.

57. I have an angel in heaven who takes my happiness very seriously. She gives me good news. She tries to make sure that things I need to know have a way to get to me.

58. I have an angel in heaven. His job is to give me a reason to smile, and he does a good job even on the darkest of days.

59. I have an angel in heaven, and she does a good job of watching over me. She’s always there. She’s always near. I know she is watching over me right now.

60. I have an angel in heaven. She’s been in my heart since I was a small boy. I’ve always felt safe with her by my side.

61. I have an angel in heaven, a guardian angel that protects me. When the challenges of the day scare me, she whispers, “don’t be afraid!”

62. I have an angel in heaven who keeps me excited. she says, “you can do it!” and then she tells me what to do.

63. I have an angel in heaven. He smiles at me and never frowns. He’s the only one who makes me feel that I’m not alone all day long.

64. I have an angel in heaven. She is one of the reasons I will survive. I know that she will give me strength, and she’ll keep me strong through this life of mine.

65. I have an angel in heaven. She looks very pretty, and she’s been there for me since I was a little boy.

66. The only thing that’s keeping me from falling is an angel in heaven that is mine. I don’t know what I would do if he weren’t here.

67. I have an angel in heaven who keeps me going and inspires me. It’s a gift I really can’t explain.

68. And I have an angel in heaven. He comes to me every night. He whispers his love in my ear. He tells me the things that make me feel good.

69. I have an angel in heaven, and she does a good job of watching over me. She makes me feel good, and she makes everything feel better.

70. I have an angel in heaven, with wings as white as moonlight and a truly angelic smile. I have been given an angel in heaven, so I walk around with boldness.

71. I feel safe and free because I know I have an angel in heaven who looks out for me and keeps me safe from the spirits of the other side.

72. I have an angel in heaven. She keeps me warm and safe. She’s always right there beside me. She’ll never let me fall.

73. I have an angel in heaven. She speaks to me daily. She says everything is alright. She says she’ll be with me always.

74. I have an angel in heaven who will never let me fail. She’s my angel, and she’s my best friend. She’s there to help me realize my dream.

75. I have an angel in heaven, tall and strong and brave. He’s a warrior, and he keeps me strong. He’s my best friend and always will be.

76. I have an angel in heaven. She is my guardian angel. She is kind and gentle, and she will watch over me to make sure I don’t fall.

77. I have an angel in heaven. He gave me his wings to fly above the world and the clouds and dark weather.

78. I have an angel in heaven. She is the one who keeps me happy and tong. She is the one who makes me feel like everything will be okay.

79. I have an angel in heaven who watches over me while I sleep. This watchful protector is leading me to a better, sweeter life.

80. I have an angel in heaven who stands by me all the time. She’s in my life, and I know she’s here. I ask her to do a lot for me, and she does a lot for me.

81. I have an angel in heaven; she watches over me. She cares enough to know when my smiles are genuine and when I’m sad, and I love her so much because she cares.

82. I have an angel in heaven who never loves to see me cry. She is an angel that loves me very much, and she is always there by my side.

83. I have an angel in heaven. She helps me stay excited. She helps me to be great, to be kind, to be strong.

84. I have an angel in heaven. She’s beautiful and strong. She has taught me how to love, and she’s the best teacher I’ve ever had.

85. Even if the stars and the moon and the sun leave me, I know everything will be alright because I have an angel in heaven.

86. I have an angel in heaven who watches over me and has my back. He’ll never let me fail. I have to trust that he’ll always be there.

87. I have an angel in heaven who has been my guardian and my guide. She never lets me down. She’s always there to help me out.

88. I know I won’t fail because I have an angel in heaven. I am in a safe place, and I know my dreams will come true, thanks to my angel in heaven.

89. I have an angel in heaven. She watches over me. She keeps me from getting hurt. She helps me make decisions that are sounder.

90. I have an angel in heaven who is helping me to stay excited and who will lead me through the dark and light. She’s my ray of sunshine. I love her.

91. I have an angel in heaven. She has wings to lift me up, hands to guide me, love to caress me, and she is so much more than I could ever imagine.

92. I have an angel in heaven, and she watches over me, and I know that she’s always there when I’m feeling afraid.

93. I have an angel in heaven. She loves me more than anyone else. I wish I could be like her and look down from up above at my friends.

94. I have an angel in heaven. He talks to me when I’m confused, and he helps me to realize that happiness is in the everyday.

95. There is an angel in heaven, and she’s all mine. She’s my guardian angel, and she watches over me.

96. There’s an angel in heaven for me. He’s always been there looking after me, and he shows me the best way to take care of myself.

97. I have an angel in heaven. She is the best one you could ask for. She makes me feel safe, and she protects me. She watches over me and keeps me sound.

98. I have an angel in heaven. She will always be there for me. I’m sure she’ll never leave. She brought me up, and she’ll keep me strong.

99. I have an angel in heaven, and she watches over me at night. She has hair of spun gold, and her face is as calm as a summer’s day.

100. I have an angel in heaven, and she does a good job of watching over me. She’s there for me. She guides me. She protects me from all the things that will ruin my life.

101. I have an angel in heaven. He looks at me and smiles. He touches my hair and kisses me, and says, “you are perfect. I love you.”

I’m sure you have found many quotes about having an angel in heaven that you relate to, that you love, and that you will love to use. Go on and use them freely.

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