I Have No Time for Games Quotes

Sometimes you are just not cut out for the whole “funny and playing of games” thing, you want to move directly at what you want and you give no space for laxity, you could look strange and odd to an average mind, but it obviously does not render you a sadist, provided you have a good course for your posture.

They probably don’t respect you because most times people who are very serious about their rulings are cornered and suppressed by such social groups that require fun almost all the time, they tend to judge without giving a chance to run around in circles.

Some may think you’re just too direct, but that doesn’t mean you have to be overly militant with it. It’s ok to be straightforward and sometimes you should let people know how it is.

I used to be silently bothered about my straight attitude and no permission for jokes or games until I shared my stand with these I have no time for games quotes and it was just defining for me, the world did not end and people respected me for it. I hope it inspires you too.

It’s really simple. I don’t play games and I’m not afraid to say it. If you’re going to be involved in this project, you’ll have to be honest and upfront. No excuses. No apologies.

1. I have no time for games. I have a lot of work to do so let me know if you are serious and we can talk better please, I don’t play games at all.

2. I don’t have time to play games. I’m extremely busy, so please only contact me if you’re serious and we can talk more.

3. I do not have time to waste on games. I have a lot to do so I am looking for someone who can take care of business without wasting time.

4. I’m not interested in playing games. I have work to do. If you’re serious, let’s talk further.

5. I’m a straight talker. I’m busy, so I don’t have time for games. Are you serious? If yes, let’s work together.

6. I don’t want to play games. I need to get a lot of work done today, so if you’re not serious, please leave me alone.

7. Don’t waste my time by playing games and I won’t waste yours. Let me know if you’re serious about doing business and we can talk.

8. If you are serious, let me know and we can talk because I don’t play games, I only do business, I don’t play games.

9. I’m focused on my work. If you are serious, call me and we can talk about it because I don’t have time for games.

10. I’m a busy person. If you aren’t serious about getting results let’s not waste each other’s time, I don’t play games.

11. I don’t want to waste my time by playing games. Tell me if you want to talk, or not.

12. I’m very busy. Tell me what you want and get out of my way, I don’t have time for games.

13. If you want to talk business, let’s. Other than that I’ve got better stuff to do than play games.

14. I have no time for games, so I just say what I mean all the time. Sometimes, people don’t like that.

15. I don’t have time for games, so I just say what I mean. Sometimes, people don’t like that.

16. I don’t have time for people who play games. I just tell the truth. And sometimes people hate it.

17. I’m very direct when I speak. And people don’t like that. I’m tired of pretending that everything is ok, tired of all the games being played.

18. You’ll get the straight facts from me, no chaser. Some people have a problem with that, but I don’t have time for games.

19. I don’t want to lie to people about how I feel, think, or what I want. Sometimes, people find that annoying but the thing is I don’t like playing games.

20. I say what I mean and mean what I say. It doesn’t go over well with everyone, but it saves time. I don’t have time for games.

21. I’m blunt, honest, and I tell it like it is. I don’t play games.

22. The truth is, I’m pretty tired of people pretending to be something they are not. Games won’t get us anywhere.

23. I’m not here to waste my time or yours. I’m not here for games

24. I have no time for games. I don’t have time to play games with my kids, and I don’t have time to play games with my husband.

25. I don’t have time to play games with my kids, and I don’t have time to play games with my husband.

26. I try not to play any games, especially the game of getting my hopes up. I really don’t have time for that.

27. I have no time for games let us discuss what we have to discuss and call it a day.

28. The truth is, I’m a busy girl. There’s no time for games, I read, eat sleep and read again.

29. I don’t want or need to play games, I am always ready for the truth at all times, so let us not play the game of lies.

30. I’m sick of this. The kids can’t play with the dog anymore because he keeps getting upset and peeing on the carpet. And my husband doesn’t have time to play with them either.

31. I’m super busy, and I don’t want to waste any more of my time.

32. Game over. I’m sick of these games. I don’t want to play games with anyone anymore. I’m done with all that.

33. I’m not going to waste your time. I’m here to make you successful, plain and simple.

34. I have no time for games. I don’t care what the rules are. If it’s not a game I can play in my pyjamas, I’m not interested.

35. If it’s not a game I can play in my pyjamas, forget it. I don’t care what the rules are.

36. I don’t play games because I was raised in the barracks, I am the wrong person to come to for fun, so bye.

37. Don’t play games with me! tell me the truth! why are you lying, away with you! I don’t want to have anything with you again, don’t you know I don’t play games?

38. I don’t want to play games. I’m done playing games. If I can’t get naked, then it’s not a game I’m interested in.

39. If it is not business then count me out, I am not into all the game playing things.

40. I hate games, If you are not going to marry me, then let us go our separate ways, why should you toy with my heart and down the line you drop me.

41. No time for games. We get it; you don’t have time for wasting. And we’re not going to waste your time — that’s a promise.

42. Hello. I’m here to tell you how to play a game. This game is not actually a game, but rather a series of rules that are meant to be followed.

43. Of course, most people can agree that every now and then a good game is fun. But when someone’s over-the-top or too competitive, it can really turn me off.

44. If there’s something I’m good at, it’s wasting time. While the rest of the world is out there ‘adulting’, I’m here watching soccer in my pyjamas with a cup of tea.

45. I’m focused on making money. If you don’t have a plan to help me do that, find someone else.

46. I have no time for games. If you don’t have the answer, don’t waste my time.

47. I have no time for games. I don’t care if you have a headache or a cold. I don’t care if your dog died or your car broke down. If you’re on my team, you’re expected to be there.

48. I have no time for games. I don’t care if you think it’s fun to play with your friends and family. I need people to do what they are told when they are told to do it. If you can’t work with me,

49. “I’m sorry, but I have no time for games I am a very blunt and serious person.”

50. I don’t have time for games. I’m a very blunt and serious person.

51. I am a serious and blunt person, so please don’t waste my time with games.

52. I am a blunt and serious person. Please do not waste my time.

53. I have no time for games. I will tell it to you straight like a weight lifter bangs out reps.

54. I don’t play games. I tell it like it is and if you don’t like it, please stay away from me.

55. “Look, I don’t have time for any more games. Let’s get to the point! You are already talking too much.

56. If you have time for games then this is not the right place for you, Because I am strict and straight, I would not take anything shady and I take every word for what it means, I play no games, I am down to earth for business.

I hope you love these I have no time for games quotes up there, use as many as you want to and don’t forget to share and comment below.

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