I Have The Best Boyfriend Ever Quotes

Everyone wants to have the best boyfriend ever, but not everyone can do it. I know that you might be wondering what makes a boyfriend the best. But the truth is, a man who knows when to be serious and when to keep things light; is a man of faith, and he loves you even when no one else does.

Having the best boyfriend ever is a dream for many of us. We want to feel appreciated and cherished. We want our partners to make us smile, support what we do, and stand by our side even in hard times.

When you have the best boyfriend ever, you want to shout it to the world right? And what better way to do it than with these I have the best boyfriend ever quotes below.

I have the best boyfriend ever. I love him for everything he does for me. I am comfortable, happy and lucky to have him all this time. He is a good boyfriend to me and treats me so well. I feel lucky and blessed to have him always beside me.

1. I have the best boyfriend ever. I love him so much, and he makes me smile no matter what. He is the man of my dreams, and I can’t wait to spend many more years with him.

2. You’re the best boyfriend ever. You always make me smile; you’re funny and goofy, and you always make me feel like a princess. Don’t ever forget that I love you more than anything.

3. I love you so much, babe. You are the best boyfriend ever. You always do things for me that make me happy. Every time we hang out is great, and I have so much fun with you.

4. You are an amazing man. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love everything about you. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever. I love you.

5. I am so lucky to have you. You make me feel like the luckiest girl alive. You are the smartest and funniest man I know. I love your laugh, your smile and your style. Thank you for being such a great boyfriend.

6. You are the greatest boyfriend ever. I love how thoughtful and patient you are. You make me smile all the time, and you’re always there to help me out. Thanks for being my partner in crime and my best friend. I love you.

7. I want to look back when I am old and say that I was so fortunate to have a great life and the best boyfriend when I was young. I love you, honey.

8. My boyfriend has been with me through thick and thin, and I know he loves me. I cannot imagine my life without him. He accepts me as I am and makes me very happy. He is my best friend, lover, and everything else I could ever want or need.

9. I have been thinking about you all day now. I miss you more than words could ever express. We have such a strong love and connection that words can’t describe. I can’t get enough of you, and having you in my life forever is mind-blowing. You are the world to me, and I want to spend forever with you.

10. You have a way of making me smile that no one else can. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I’m so glad you are in my life.

11. You are the most thoughtful, helpful, caring person I know. Being with you makes me feel warm inside, happy and loved. What more could I ask for?

12. I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend. You are the best man I know, and you have such a big and loving heart. Your love keeps me going, no matter what, and I don’t know what I would do without it. So thank you for being the amazing boyfriend you are.

13. Thank you so much for being the best boyfriend ever. I know many people don’t appreciate what they’ve got until they lose it, but I’m so lucky to have you. You are my biggest supporter, and I love that about you. Keep up the awesome work.

14. I don’t think anyone could ever be luckier than I am to have you as my boyfriend. I feel so safe and happy when I’m with you. I just know we will last forever. Always and forever.

15. So glad that this day could come when I can officially call you my boyfriend. You’ve been there for me through thick and thin, and I am so thankful for that. We have so much fun together, and I look forward to it every day.

16. Although I know we will sometimes fight or disagree, our relationship is strong, and we deeply love each other. I love you with my heart, and I am the luckiest girl alive.

17. Your love makes me happy, and I will never let go of the hand of my soul mate, the man of my dreams. You are everything to me.

18. You’re officially my best friend, soul mate, and boyfriend. You’re always there for me, and I love you so much. Your caring ways and warm heart are why I love waking up next to you every day.

19. The joy I get from loving you is immeasurable. You have my heart, and I hope that never changes. We are a perfect match, and nobody else is there for me. I love you.

20. We have been dating for a few months, and I just wanted to tell you that I love you. You are thoughtful, goofy and interesting; three things I look for in a potential partner.

21. I’m so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring person. I don’t want anyone but you. You mean the world to me, and I love you with all of my heart.

22. I’m so glad we found each other. I can’t wait to see what the future brings us. Thank you, baby, for making me so happy and loving me just the way I am. I love you.

23. Being with you, I feel like I am in the company of an old friend. Someone who listens and cares loves me for all that I am, not just what they want or need me to be. The feeling I get when you are near is hard to describe. All I know is that there is a warmth that fills me up and makes me feel safe and happy. I love you always.

24. I have the best boyfriend ever you can imagine. As much as I try to let you know how great you are, nothing beats hearing it right from your lips. You mean everything to me, and I love you so much.

25. You are the best boyfriend in the entire universe. Your kindness and thoughtfulness make me fall more in love with you every day. Thank you for being my rock; you always pick me up when I start to slip. You’re perfect just the way you are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

26. Dear boyfriend, thank you for always taking the initiative to hang out and spend time with me. It means a lot. You’re always making me laugh, and I’m so thankful to have you in my life. I love you.

27. My boyfriend keeps me laughing; he always knows how to cheer me up when I’m down. No matter how many times we go through hard times, we come out stronger than ever. I love my boyfriend more than anything in the world, and he always knows exactly what to say and what to do to make me smile.

28. I never know what to say because there are never enough words to express how much I love you. I can’t wait until the next time that I get to see you and tell you how much you mean to me. Your heart is as big as Texas, and I love it.

29. You are my best friend and the one person I can talk to about anything. Thanks for being there for me. You are a great boyfriend, and I’m lucky to be with you.

30. You are the happiest moment of my day, and I can’t believe how lucky I am. No matter how many times I tell you or how many times I show you, and no matter how long we’ve been together, I’ll never stop being grateful to have you and all you are. You are my best friend. I love you more than words can ever express.

31. I am so lucky to have you. You make me very happy, and I hope we never take one another for granted. You are my best friend, and the thought of losing you makes me too sad to even think about.

32. I love many things about you, but the most important thing is that you make me laugh. Thanks for sticking around even though I’m crazy.

33. I have the best boyfriend ever, whom I love more and more every day. He is my life, my identity, and I can’t live without him. I am going to marry him as soon as possible. We are meant to be together forever.

34. I have the best boyfriend ever, and I’m not just saying it because I’m so crazy about him. He’s smart, sweet, kind and romantic. Even though he’s out of town for work all the time, he still finds time to text me just to say “I love you” or ” I miss you”.

35. I’m so proud to say that I have the best boyfriend ever. You make me feel safe and loved as I can conquer just about anything. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my warrior, my knight in shining armour and more. I love you.

36. You are the most amazing guy I have ever known. When we first met, I had no idea what I was getting into, but now that I have come to know you better, I would never trade our relationship for anything in the world.

37. Every moment that we spend together is something I will cherish for the rest of my life and every day that passes makes me love you more and more. You are not only a great boyfriend but one of the best friends a person could ask for.

38. You are the best boyfriend ever. I love you so much. When we go out, everyone wants to know who you are and why you aren’t their boyfriend. If I had to describe you in one word, it would be “perfect”. I love you, hun.

39. My boyfriend is the best. I’m going to say it’s because he loves me and treats me so well, but deep down, I just want him around.

40. You are the most amazing boyfriend I could have asked for. You always make me smile. I’ve never been treated so well. You are truly a blessing, and I’m so lucky that you’re my boyfriend. I love you so much.

41. You are truly the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You make my life better every day. The love I have for you is deeper than anything I’ve ever felt before, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

42. There is no one else I would rather have spent my time with. No one makes any day brighter than you do. You are a blessing to me, and I love you so much, more than words can ever say.

43. You know everything about me, the good and the bad, but you still think I’m the most amazing person. You make me feel like I can do anything and say anything to you. I mean everything I say to you, right down to my last breath.

44. You are my best friend, and I want you to know that I love you and appreciate everything you do for me. I believe we can make it through anything together, as long as we have each other and are not afraid to fight for what we believe in. I’ll fight for us.

45. I have the best boyfriend ever. I was so lucky to find you. You are very special, and there isn’t any day that goes by where I don’t think about how much I love you and thank my lucky stars above that we are together.

46. I have the greatest boyfriend ever. He’s not only kind and considerate to me, but he’s also just a fun person. I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I’m glad that he loves me as much as I love him because we are the perfect match.

47. I am so lucky to have you. You inspire me, care for me, comfort me and help me keep things in perspective. I’m grateful for having such a wonderful person in my life, and I hope I can be the same for you. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever.

48. You are the best boyfriend ever. I feel so lucky to have you as my guy. You’ve been there for everything, and I love you for that. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. The more time I spend with you, the more I like you.

49. I’m so lucky to have you. I’m never going to give up on us because I love you too much. You’re the sweetest boy in the world. You are the best boyfriend ever, and I’m never letting you go.

50. I love you more every day than the last and always will. Thank you for being here for me, keeping me safe in your arms, and letting me know that everything will be okay. You’re the best boyfriend ever.

51. You are the best boyfriend in the entire world. I love you as long and as much as I can. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side and you with mine, holding hands while crossing our love’s colourful rainbow. The best part is that I know we will cross it together. I love you, my boyfriend.

52. I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much. You are the sweetest, most amazing guy ever. Seriously, we should get married. We’d have the cutest, funniest, and best kids ever.

53. I can’t thank you enough for everything you do. It isn’t easy being a boyfriend, but it is worth it. You are worth it.

54. You are one of the most genuine, hilarious and silliest people I know. You make me feel like a million bucks just by your smile, and you can always bring out my goofy side. I never want to let you go.

55. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are the greatest boyfriend ever, and I appreciate you so much. It’s not just because you’re so sweet, thoughtful and caring. It’s because you get me.

56. You know how to make me smile, laugh and feel like nothing can bring me down. I wish we could do everything together, but only until you come home so we can hug and kiss more often. I love you.

57. You always do the little things that make my day great. You are such a good boyfriend, and I know I don’t deserve you. You are always there for me when I need you. Thanks for being a great boyfriend.

58. My boyfriend is the sweetest man I’ve ever met. He loves me like no other and treats me like a queen. I wish everyone could have a boyfriend as loving as mine.

59. I know I am not the easiest person to get along with sometimes, and this card is to remind you that I love you. I could never imagine spending my life with anyone else. You complete me and make me a better person. I can’t express how much I love you; you prove it to me every day. My life is perfect as long as I have you by my side.

60. I am so happy to have you in my life. You are more than a boyfriend; you are my best friend. You’re my favourite person, and you mean so much to me. I’m so glad you came into my life and that I get to wake up to you every morning. I love you.

61. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I can’t stop thinking about how better my life is when you’re in it. I love everything about you. I don’t want to say goodbye.

62. Everything with you is perfect, and nothing will change that. I promise always to love you and be here for you through anything and everything.

63. I’m lucky to have you. Someone else loves and cares for me so much it hurts sometimes, but it doesn’t matter. I want you to know that I love you very much, and nothing can change that.

64. I’m so glad to have you in my life. I love you, and I am glad that you are my best friend. I don’t ever want anyone else. I’ll take you as you are and love every little imperfect thing about you. You make me laugh smile, and we have a lot of fun together. You’re the greatest man I know.

65. There’s not a soul in this world who is as kind and loving as you are. Of all the wonderful things your love has brought me, the greatest is you.

66. I have the best boyfriend ever. He makes my life so much better. We’re so close that sometimes it hurts to breathe. Little things like text messages or jokes can make my whole day. I love you so much, boyfriend.

67. I would never do anything to risk losing you. You are the best boyfriend ever. You are the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. You never cease to amaze me, and I love the person you are. Every day is better than the last because I am lucky enough to be spending it with you.

68. To my amazing boyfriend, your every word and action makes me realize how lucky I am to have you in my life. With you, I find a way to see the good in any situation, even when all hope seems gone. You make me feel so much love that I give it to those around me with open arms. Everyone should be so lucky as to have someone as wonderful as you.

69. You make my heart skip a beat whenever you walk into the room. You make me feel so accomplished, and you motivate me to become a better person in every sense of the word. I could not ask for a better boyfriend than you, and I love you more every day.

70. I got the sweetest boyfriend around, and I want everyone to know how amazingly special he is. He is an amazing cook, spoils me rotten, and has the smoothest phone voice. He treats me like a queen, always texting me sweet messages throughout the day to tell me how much he loves and misses me. I love him.

71. You are the sweetest, funniest and most adorable boyfriend I have ever had. You are always there for me, no matter how bad things get. I will never trade you for anything in the world. I love you so much.

72. My boyfriend is the best. He’s handsome, fun and romantic. We have so much fun together, and I never have to wonder what my boyfriend will do next. My boyfriend always surprises me with love notes or singing in his car. My boyfriend also says I look beautiful when I dress to impress or wear no makeup. I love him a lot.

73. This simple fact is why I love you so much. Words can never describe my adoration for you. You are an amazing boyfriend, the kindest, sweetest, most generous man I have ever known.

74. I love you more than anything. Every day that passes, I fall deeper in love with you. My life has never been better since we met. I am so lucky to have you as my partner in crime and my best friend.

75. No matter how rough the waters get, I know you’re there to keep me safe. You are the most loving; your love continuously strengthens the kind-hearted man I have ever met and my life. I admire everything about you, and I always look forward to our time together. You mean the world to me, and I love you more than words express.

76. I hope you know how much I care about you and love you. We are like peas and carrots; we are perfect together. Always remember how special you are.

77. I have the best boyfriend ever, and I never thought I would find someone like you. I hope that we can stay together forever because you make me feel like I am the only girl in the world that matters. You are the man of my dreams.

78. I do have the best boyfriend ever. I couldn’t ask for anything more. When we first started dating, I thought you were perfect, and you still are. There’s never a time I’ll get tired of being with you. Your love is the best thing that ever happened to me.

79. How did I ever get so lucky to have you? You are the best boyfriend ever. Going out with you is always so much fun. You are my favourite person to talk to and laugh with, and I love our heart-to-heart talks. Thank you for being you.

80. You are the best boyfriend ever. I love you so much. You make me so happy I can never stop smiling. Thanks for always brightening up my day with your loving words; it shows that you’re always there for me. I love you.

81. I love you more than you can imagine, my dear. You are the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. You are the world’s greatest boyfriend. You constantly make me laugh, and you always know how to cheer me up. I love you very much and treasure you forever.

82. You are the best boyfriend in the whole world. I love you so much. You’re always aware of my moods and know exactly what I need. Every girl’s dream is the way you look into my eyes and hold me close to your heart.

83. I am so lucky to have met you and fallen in love. I hope you know how much you mean to me. I wish I could tell you just how wonderful you are in a thousand ways, but all I need is for you to know that I love you more every day.

84. You are my best friend, my other half. I’m so glad we found each other. You are such a great boyfriend, sweet, affectionate and loving. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

85. I count my lucky stars each day we found each other. You are the nicest, most caring man I have ever met. Your smile and laugh light up my life. I love you so very much.

86. I will always love you. You are my best friend, the one person I can always talk to. You bring so much joy into my life by just being you. No matter how small the world gets, you will always be there, and we will never be apart. Thank you for everything that you do.

87. I have the best boyfriend ever. He gives me all his heart, and I do the same for him. We never stray far from each other and are always making memories together. All I want to do is spend time with him and make him happy.

88. My boyfriend is so kind to me and does everything he can to take care of me. He supports my dreams and makes sure I’m okay when things get hard. Our love has been tested but only makes it stronger. I love you so much.

89. I have the best boyfriend ever, but that’s not why I love him; it’s because of his personality. He’s thoughtful, kind, funny, and so sweet. He appreciates my way of thinking, and he makes me happy in a way no one else can. I feel so lucky to have him and can’t imagine a better man to spend the rest of my life with.

90. You are the best boyfriend ever. I have never had someone take care of me as you do. You make my life so much better, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I can’t wait to spend the next 50 years with you, to love and care for you forever.

91. You are the best boyfriend ever. You’re so caring, thoughtful and sweet. Although we’ve only been dating a few months, I feel I’ve known you my whole life. I’m so lucky to have met you.

92. You are the sweetest boyfriend ever. My life would be nothing without you. I appreciate your love, honesty, and everything else you do for me. I am so lucky to have you.

93. You are my best friend, and I love you. I feel like I never have to try with you because we’re both just so perfect for each other. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I’m so lucky to call you mine.

94. One of the reasons I love you so much is because you challenge me to be a better person. I wouldn’t say I like how we fight sometimes, but I know our arguments are only pushing us closer together. I want nothing more than to make our relationship last forever and spend every day with you. I love you.

95. The best way to describe you are; that you are perfect. You are kind, generous and caring. You always make me happy, but more importantly, you always make me feel safe to be myself.

96. No one can replace you. You are so special that I see every side of you, but it is still not enough. You are the love of my life, and as long as I have you, I will never need anything else.

97. What can I say? He’s perfect in my eyes and the only one that brings me true happiness. He’s funny, sweet, smart, loves to cuddle, and the list goes on. My best friend and the love of my life. He knows how to make me laugh when I’m down, and he’s always there to listen.

98. You’re the best boyfriend ever; I mean it. I’m so lucky to have you and the great times we share. You are so special to me, and I can’t get enough of you. You are my dream guy, and I love you.

99. You are my amazing boyfriend. I love everything about you. You have everything I’ve ever wanted. We have fun together, and I can’t stop smiling when we’re together. You bring laughter and love into my life, and you make me a better person than I could ever be without you.

100. You are the most amazing boyfriend and the person I know. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for making my life better and brighter. I love and trust you with everything that I am.

I hope you got some beautiful ones out of the “I have the best boyfriend ever” quotes for your boyfriend. How did you feel about them? Drop your comments below, and don’t forget to share. Thank you.

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