I Help Everyone but Nobody Helps Me Quotes

In life, everyone has their own problems. At times, the problems might seem a little more challenging than most, but they’re just problems nonetheless. Everyone gets stuck in difficult situations in life at one point or another.

It’s always nice to be the helping hand for people facing difficult times. There are a lot of times when people fail to repay the favour you have done for them in the past, but that doesn’t mean you should stop helping people.

Have you ever been in a situation when you need help but nobody around you to help? Being alone and helpless must be really frustrating and sad.

These I help everyone but nobody helps me quotes will help you reflect on the feeling of emptiness and the disappointment you get from not being helped when you needed it most and also about how you shouldn’t expect anything in return for helping people.

I help everyone but nobody helps me. It hurts deeply, I’ve been there and I know how much it hurts when you need someone by your side but you don’t get that kind of support. Being a giver is not a bad thing but don’t give too much without thinking of yourselves first.

1. The person who is being helped may forget you, tomorrow but God won’t forget you ever.

2. When you’ve helped other people, it can be disappointing when you’re in need and people don’t step up to help you.

3. I am the one who is always helping people out of difficult situations, and I never expect anything in return. But when I get into trouble, where is my helping hand?

4. I try to be there for everyone, and I go out of my way every day to help people out of difficult situations. But when I am in need, I get ignored.

5. So many people help everybody but when it’s their time for help, nobody is willing to help.

6. Sometimes, I’m so busy helping everyone else that I forget to ask for help when I need it.

7. I’m tired of helping everyone and nobody helps me. When I need help I get let down.

8. I’m tired of being the one who’s always there and never getting anything in return.

9. I’m tired of being the one who is always nice and helpful, but when I need someone they just don’t care.

10. Sometimes, it just feels like everyone is against me because all I do is take take take, and never get anything back in return.

11. Sometimes, even my own family forgets about me, when all I do is try to make everybody happy and be there for everyone.

12. I’m tired of being the one who is always caring and loving but gets no love in return.

13. I help everyone I know when they are in need, but I get disappointed at the end because I don’t get help when I need it.

14. I help everyone I know when they are in need, but nobody seems to help me when I need help.

15. I help everyone I know but it’s not been reciprocated because they don’t help me when I need help.

16. I am the one who gives, I am the one who makes sacrifices, I am the one who helps everybody but nobody helps me when I need help

17. It’s time to stop feeling down, time to stop feeling alone, time to start helping each other out, time to stop being a victim.

18. I help everyone but nobody helps me, I lend a hand, I give them a piece of my mind, I share my time and I share my heart but nobody helps me when It’s needed

19. They say they will help when they are free, but they never come when I needed them the most

20. There comes a time in your life when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who won’t jump puddles for you.

21. Sometimes in life, you have to be selfish with some people so that they realize your worth when you’re gone from their life.

22. I help everyone but nobody helps me, but that’s okay. I did not help them to get their help. I helped them because I wanted to.

23. I have been looking for someone to help me. But all I’ve found is people who will watch me struggle and laugh as I fall.

24. Nobody can do it alone and if you are doing everything yourself, you need to catch up real quick. I help everyone but nobody helps me.

25. Always support those around you and lift those up around you because we tend to fall back on the people who lift us up when we need it the most.

26. I help everyone when they ask for it but nobody helps me when I need it.

27. Sometimes you have to be your own hero and save yourself because sometimes the people you can’t live without can live without you.

28. Nobody can help you when you really need it. You have to help yourself.

29. Don’t rely on help from others. Put your efforts into helping yourself.

30. I am someone who loves giving to others and helping people, so it hurts to be on the receiving end of this.

31. I help everyone, but when I am in trouble, nobody is ready to help me.

32. A kind act done by you may not be reciprocated by the person whom you helped but the good deed will surely come back to you.

33. I help everyone but nobody helps me. It seems like I am the only one that cares about my family, friends and even strangers.

34. You help others to the best of your ability, but nobody helps you when you are in need.

35. I’m always there for my friends and family, but they rarely are there for me.

36. If you help everyone but nobody helps you, it’s time to re-evaluate your life.

37. I help everyone but nobody helps me. I am always there for others but when I need someone, none is around. If this is called caring, then let me never care for anyone.

38. Help others, but don’t neglect your own needs. The best way to help others is to take care of yourself.

39. If you help many people, but nobody helps you when you need it, that means your act of kindness is not being reciprocated when you need help. This might be the time to re-evaluate who you are helping.

40. I’ve learned that I shouldn’t feel bad if someone doesn’t reciprocate my act of kindness because I wasn’t doing it for them to do the same, I was doing it because I wanted to.

41. If someone doesn’t help you when you needed help, don’t feel bad about not helping them again, remember that there are people out there who will truly appreciate your kindness and generosity.

42. I’m the kind of person who will give the shirt off my back for someone in need, but I won’t be used by someone who takes advantage of my kindness.

43. I always give my hundred per cent in everything I do, but I realized that it’s not enough if the other person doesn’t appreciate and reciprocate it.

44. If you are always giving without receiving, you will soon lose yourself in the process of helping others.

45. I help everyone but nobody helps me. I try to make people happy, but when I am sad, no one is there for me. I have given my all to others, but when I need someone, no one is there for me.

46. When we are in need of help and don’t have anyone to turn to, we often feel alone and stressed out.

47. Help is something that we should all give freely and without hesitation to others, but it is also something that we all need from time to time.

48. I am not a great helper, but I help everyone and nobody helps me.

49. I always support others in their hard times and try to uplift them when they are down but whenever I need someone, nobody is there to support me.

50. I am always willing to sacrifice my comfort for the sake of others’ happiness and now when I am not well, no one is there to care for me.

51. I am always there to help everyone out of difficult situations but whenever I need someone, nobody is there to help me.

52. It feels very weird that I have been doing everything for others’ happiness and now when I am moving towards my goal, everybody is trying to pull me down.

53. If you’re always helping other people out of difficult situations then it’s time to learn how to say no, especially when there is no appreciation or reciprocity involved.

54. I have learned that I need to take care of myself first before helping others because if I do not do so, nobody will.

Hello reader, the feeling of helping other people and not getting help can be overwhelming and frustrating. If you like this post then you should share them with your friends. They might like them too.

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