I Hope She Makes You Happy Quotes

Relationships are sweet but are sometimes complicated, and many factors play into a person’s happiness, from how serious they are about someone they love, to how they communicate and how much they love each other.

If your friend is going into a new relationship or getting married, sharing in their joy should be the top of your wish list for them. That’s what makes you out as a very good friend. Your friend’s happiness is your priority. That happiness is most likely going to come from letting your friend know that you care and all. You know your friend very well, but, how can you know just how well their partner is?

As humans, we aren’t perfect, and may never be. For your friend who’s going into a new relationship or even marriage, you sure have plenty of sage advice. Still, you need to give them space to think or let them figure things out in their path.

If your friend is going through a rough patch in their relationship, he’s just starting, I hope she makes you happy quotes can help you express how you feel about his relationship or his partner without trying to control them.

I hope she makes you happy, I hope she smiles when you walk through the door. Asides from me, she’s one person who truly loves you, she’s the one that knows you best. It’s going to be a long walk with her and I hope you find your happiness.

1. I hope you have found a woman that makes you happy no matter what. She’ll put a smile on your face and make you laugh like you’re always supposed to. I hope she makes you happy.

2. I hope she makes you happy. I wish that she makes you laugh. I hope that’s she is the happiness that you are looking for. I hope the love of your life makes you happy.

3. Right now and where you are with her, I hope she makes you happy and makes your day as bright as you deserve.

4. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she brings you lots of joy. I hope she makes your heart sing and has you longing for more.

5. My friend is one of the good ones out there so you know just how lucky you are. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she gives you lots of love and makes you feel secure.

6. I hope you’re both happy together and that’s she makes you feel special. There’s nothing as good as the feeling of being and you’ll get all of that from her.

7. I’ve seen a lot of her to know that she’s a beautiful girl who adores you. I hope she makes you happy and fills your heart with joy.

8. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she’s everything you’re ever wanted and hoped for. That’s all I ever want her to be for you.

9. I hope she makes you happy and she makes you feel good because, in this life, you deserve all of the happiness that there is.

10. With her hugs, her smiles and eyes and all, I hope she makes you happy and brightens you up always.

11. You’re one very lovable person so it’s just right that you have a good person in your life. I hope that’s what she’s and I hope she makes happy.

12. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she kisses you like would. I hope she loves you like I do, And loves you the whole day through.

13. I hope you’re doing well, I hope your heart is filled with glee, I hope your life is filled with bliss, And I hope she makes you happy.

14. Dearest friend, I hope you are happy with the woman you love. Because if she makes you happy, Then she is the one for you, Just as you care for him.

15. I hope she does what’s right, I hope she makes you feel all right, I hope she makes you feel alive more importantly, I hope she makes you happy.

16. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she’s a vision that you see. Cause she is my inspiration, And I am her muse.

17. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile. I hope she makes you happy like I did when we were together.

18. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile. I hope she makes you laugh Because you deserve this and a lot more.

19. This is for my friend, I hope she makes you happy. I hope she’s all you need, I hope she’s always there for you. I hope she makes your world a better place.

20. Sometimes I wonder If I’m happy, or just content. The thought of you with her does not set well. It causes me to cry, Because “I” want to be with you, not her.

21. It’s been so long but I hope you’re happy now, The way you looked at her, Wasn’t meant for me.

22. I hope she makes you happy, I rea I hope that she gives you everything that you think and you’ve wished for.

23. I want you to be happy and I’m so glad you found love. If only I knew what you’ve been going through, I hope she makes you happy.

24. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile. I hope she would be everything, that I am not to you.

25. It takes a special touch to make someone smile. The little thing that you do is worth a lot to me. Just like you always wish others, I hope that she makes you happy.

27. You are my friend you have been since I can remember. I love you as much as I’m able, I hope that you find happiness and I hope that she makes you happy.

28. I wish I could give you a present that would make you smile. I wish I could give you a present that would make you feel happy, I hope that she makes you happy.

29. For a friend that made you laugh and the moment you shared you’ll never forget, She’s the one I hope she makes you happy.

30. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile, I hope she makes you laugh, I hope she never makes you cry.

31. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile. I hope she makes you feel like you have never felt before.

32. I hope my friend makes you happy. I hope she takes her time and listens to you.

33. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she brings you lots of fun. I hope she makes you smile and makes your cheeks glow.

34. I hope she makes you happy, I hope that she loves you and never leaves you.

35. I hope that you make her happy, I hope you always treat her like a queen. My love for my friend knows no bounds, I hope that she always makes you smile.

36. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she gives you a smile that shines so bright. A smile so bright that when we look at me we smile because we know you’re happy with her.

37. I hope you stay happy and don’t have to suffer again. When you think of me, you’ll have no tears to shed.

38. I hope you’re happy. I hope you smile I hope you find someone that makes you feel like theirs.

39. I hope she makes you happy. I hope that she makes your dreams come true. I hope she makes you smile and I hope she makes you laugh.

40. I hope you make him happy, I hope you make him laugh, I hope he’ll be true to you, I hope he’ll be kind to you.

41. I hope you make her happy. With all your heart, you have to do what makes you happy.

42. I hope you find happiness, I hope you both are full of love. I hope that you live a life full of sweetness. That my friend, I wish for you.

43. She is my friend, she is the person that I share my love with. She is the person with who I share my joy with. she is the person who I share my sadness with.

44. I hope you always enjoy being you, because you make us all laugh and smile, and I hope she makes you happy always.

45. I hope she makes your heart happy, and that’s because I care a lot about you my best friend

46. I hope she makes you happy. I hope you always feel good. I hope you always get the best. I hope she keeps you from being alone.

47. I hope she makes you happy and that she brightens up your day. I know you will be happy though because you’re so sweet to me.

48. May there be peace in your soul. May you have no worries. I hope she makes you happy and I hope you grow old with each other.

49. I hope she makes you happy, I wish you were mine. I hope you fall for me too, but since it didn’t happen, I understand.

50. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she makes you smile. I hope she makes you feel strong.

51. I hope she makes you happy and that you’ll be the happy person you are today, and that every day is the best day that you’ll ever know.

52. I hope that you’re happy and loved And that you have everything you want and need. Because I would never wish for you to be cold, and lonely, No matter how far away you are.

53. I hope your day is filled with love and happiness, I hope your day is filled with laughter. I hope your day is filled with a song because no matter how hard life gets you, you’re never too old to be loved.

54. I hope that you know the love you give, is the only one for me.

55. You are a perfect ten, a beautiful human. But in life, there are so many unpredictables. I hope she makes you happy no matter what.

56. I hope she makes you happy, not as I did. I hope that she’ll be there when you need her. I hope she makes you laugh when times are tough. I hope she’s true, She’ll never fade out.

57. I hope she makes you happy, inside and out. Whatever happens, she’s my friend. I don’t want to control you, I just want her to make you happy.

58. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she doesn’t break your heart. Remember I love you, And I love you always my dear friend.

59. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she holds you tight. I hope you never feel the pain of a broken heart, I hope she’s everything you hoped she’d be.

60. My friend, I just want you to know that you deserve everything good in life. I hope that you find it, with someone who loves you, I hope she’s that someone.

61. I hope one day, you will open your eyes, And see what is right in front of you. You’ll see the woman God has given you to love, cherish and care for the rest of your life.

62. You took her heart and that’s just the start. You took my heart too, and I am left with just a part.

63. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you laugh, I hope she makes you think, I hope she makes you sing, I hope she makes you feel good, I hope she’s not a fake.

64. You’ve been my friend through many troubles and fun. You’ve been there when others were not, I hope she makes you happy, and that she’s all you’ll ever need.

65. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile. I hope she is true to you, more than she ever was to me.

66. I hope she makes you happy and brings you joy. Because you love her, I hope everything will be fine.

67. When I see you, I think of her, the good times, and the bad. I think of all the fun And the prom. I hope she makes you happy, you both deserve each other.

68. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she’s always there for you. I hope you love her, as I have loved her because now, I’ve lost her.

69. I hope she makes you happy I hope she treats you well I hope she’s everything you dreamed of I hope she’s everything I was not.

70. I hope she makes you happy, as happy as you have made her. I hope she makes you smile, as you had made me. I hope she makes you happy, as happy as you have made me.

71. I hope she makes you happy, as much as you make me. You’re a good man to have as a friend, May your friendship be eternal. I Love you, my friend.

72. You and her together at last. That is what I hope for you. May you live out your dreams, and I hope she makes you happy always.

73. The smile on your face, that twinkle in your eyes that glistens as you cry, I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile.

74. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you feel good. I hope she makes you smile all the time, And I hope she never makes you cry or get you heartbroken.

75. When I do something for you, My only thought is that I should Do more and more for you.

75. I hope that she makes you happy and you’re always happy And that every day is bright. I know you’re going to make me proud, And do something great today.

76. I hope her eyes are blue, I hope her hair is long. I hope that she smiles at you all the time, I hope she makes you happy.

77. You’re my friend and you have been by my side. We have laughed, we’ve cried, And we’ve had our fights. I sincerely hope that she makes you happy.

78. I hope she makes you happy, That’s what friends do. To make us smile, they’re like a ray of sunshine.

80. Your smile greets me every day. Your friendship is more than enough, To make me happy.

81. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile. And when you are sad and blue, I hope she does everything to make you feel better.

82. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she’s by your side, I know she does make you smile, I hope she makes you sing!

83. I hope she makes you happy, and I hope she makes you smile. Because she’s the best friend I have, And I love her a lot.

84. I hope she makes you happy like you make me happy, I hope you make me happy like she makes me happy, I hope she makes you happy like you make her happy, That I can tell you how much I love you.

85. You can’t go wrong with someone like her. She’ll see you when you’re looking sad and she’ll surely make you happy.

86. I hope that you always have a happy smile on your lovely face, I hope that you always see the bright side of life, I hope that you always have fun and can dance around the room, I hope that she makes you happy always.

87. I hope she makes you happy, I know she must be very good to make you smile and giggle. I hope she makes you laugh

88. I hope she makes you happy and she knows how much you love her. And she’ll look at you the same way I looked at you.

89. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she makes you smile, I hope she makes you happy, I hope she makes you smile.

90. I hope she makes you happy because you deserve a lot of happiness.

91. I hope you’re smiling with the sun in your hair. I hope she makes you happy and fills your heart with laughter.

92. I hope she makes you happy. She’s your friend, I’m your friend too we all are friends.

93. I see her everywhere I look, I see your face in every new day, I hope she makes you happy, Sometimes I pray she does.

94. I hope she makes you happy and I hope you make her happy too.

95. I hope she makes you happy, I hope she brightens your day and she makes you glad to be alive.

96. I hope you’re happy, I hope you’re with someone who loves you. I hope they treat you right, I hope they make you smile.

97. I hope she makes you happy and doesn’t make you cry. I hope she makes you smile and you’re not a wretch.

98. I hope she makes your day, I hope she gives you all the love that you deserve. I hope that she’s your perfect fit, You are my best friend.

99. I can only wish you all of the best my dearest friend. I pray and hope that she makes you happy.

100. Cheers to the new start you’re having with her. I hope she makes you happy no matter what.

If you are friends with someone, you’ll always want them to be in the best state of mind and happy always. So you can still forward any of these I hope she makes you happy quotes to them so that they know you still care.

Thank you for reading this post, please share before you go, it matters a lot to me.

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