I Hope You Get Well Soon and Feel Better Quotes

Do you have a friend or loved one who is sick, or in the hospital? The best way to let them know they’re always in your heart, aside from paying a visit to them, is sending them a little I hope you get well soon card or some little present just to let them know you have them in mind and wish them a quick recovery.

These therapeutic prayers and wishes are written specially, to make your loved one feel good, and smile, even on the sick bed… Read on.

One of the ways to make your loved ones know you have them at heart is to show them concern when they are down. Get Well Soon Prayer Quotes for Loved Ones are available for you to send to your loved one that is sick.

1. We are humans, eternal souls in fragile bodies. We fall sick, but that doesn’t mean we’ll keep being down. One day, you shall rise, on your feet. Hale and hearty. And I pray that “One day” comes as soon as possible. Get well soon, Brother.

2. Oh, sweet friend, I fell sick too, hearing you were sick. I’m as empty as a man who just lost his beloved spouse. I know you shall be well, soon. This sickness won’t see your end. You shall see its end. And, it’s going to be very soon. After this test, a testimony would come. I wish you a very speedy recovery, Sweetheart.

3. As we grow old, sicknesses sneak into our imperfect bodies, to steal our happiness. To make us weak. However, we are stronger than sicknesses, and weaknesses. And, we can always conquer everything and anything, once we stay strong. I pray you get well soon, leave the hospital filled with the unpleasant smell of drugs, and have a breath of fresh air. Stay strong, Dad.

4. We can’t stop illnesses from visiting our bodies occasionally since we are humans. Howbeit, these sicknesses are not meant for our bodies. I wish you a quick recovery, Mum. You are free and cured already. Just believe it.

5. My dear Sister, I know how hurt and down this illness makes you feel right now. I feel your pain and plight. I just need you to stay strong and positive. I just need you to accept you’re completely fine, no matter how hard it is. You will be fine, soon. Sooner than you expect. Expect miracles.

6. Sicknesses hurt our bodies, not our souls. Truly, we grow weak when we get sick, but we are strong. This sickness will leave you soon. And you’d become stronger. Stronger than you ever were. Get well soon, My friend.

7. You may be down now, but you will rise tomorrow. You shall see the end of this sickness. Certainly. Dad, you’re cured.

8. The pains you are going through are much. I would ask for a part of it if it were possible. This is but a trial, after which, you shall triumph. Get well soon, Sweetheart.

9. Everything fades away. Even illnesses. I pray you get well real soon. And remember, this, too, shall pass. You’re cured, Dad.

10. I heard you are sick. Smile, my friend, smile. The universe is smiling at you already. You are healed. Believe. I wish you a speedy recovery, Mum.

11. I pray your weak body gets the strength it needs to be completely whole. I believe you’re stronger than this ailment. You shall conquer. Get well soon, Sister.

12. Dear Mum, soon, you’ll become better than you are now. Expect miracles!

13. If I had the power to heal you this instant, I wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Get well soon, Love.

14. I feel so bad you are not feeling well. And there’s nothing I can do about it. Please, get well, sister.

15. Dear Dad, I want you to stay strong, even if it’s so hard to. You will be fine.

16. People fall sick, but when someone as beautiful as you are falls sick, I just don’t like it.

17. I miss the days when you’re healthy and I come around to disturb you. Get well soon, I can’t wait to disturb you again.

18. May this message heal you. Take your drugs. You will be fine.

19. You’ve always been strong. I never thought you’d succumb to any sickness. This shows you’re still human. Get well soon, demigod.

20. You’re so lovable, even to this darn sickness. Perhaps, that was why it hasn’t left you. Please, become loathsome… To the sickness.

21. I don’t want to ask you to get well soon. Soon may take longer. I need you to get well this moment. Now.

22. May the heavens provide you with enough strength and peace throughout this period. Get well soon.

23. Accept my warmest regards. Please, get well soon.

24. I’m praying for your quick recovery. Do get well and bring my dreams to reality.

25. You must have forgotten to take lots of water. Now you have to visit the Doctor. Get well soon, sweetheart.

26. I wish I was a cop. I would have arrested and arraigned that little ailment that has been disturbing you. Get well soon, my Queen.

27. I just want you to know that I’m always praying for you. You’re always in my heart, and I really hope you have a quick and total healing.

28. It’s true that getting sick isn’t a new thing, but seeing you sick breaks my heart. Get well soon.

29. If scheduling your recovery were in my powers, I’d make it happen immediately.

30. The fact that you’re broken and out of gas hurts me so much. May the doctor repair you quick, so you get well. I need to start driving you crazy as usual.

31. Dear sister, please get well soon. I’m tired of eating the chef’s meals.

32. I’ve seen you sick for a long time. I’m already sick of that. Get well soon.

33. I’m glad you had a successful surgery. Do not worry about doing the laundry; I’ll be around to do it on Saturday.

34. I’m glad you are getting better, brother. I need us to start playing games in the sitting room again. It’s been long.

35. I never knew angels do fall sick till you fell sick. Please get well soon angel.

36. I’m always thinking of you, mom, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

37. Every single day that I do not see you around me, sweetheart, I feel a deep vacuum that needs to be filled within me. Get well soon and come back to me.

38. With all the prayers I offer for you daily, no malady is strong enough to hold you down. Arise! Be healed.

39. Today, I pray the heavenly angels visit you upon your sick bed and set you free from all shackles of sicknesses. Amen.

40. The news of your ill health saddened my heart. I pray you get well as soon as possible.

41. At times like this, I always wish I can perform magic so as to wake you up from your sick bed. Feel better soon.

43. We all in this family miss you, and we can’t wait to have you back here. We wish you a speedy recovery.

44. I really miss everything about you: the way you talk, your laughter, your face… Please, be well. I want you back.

45. May every day that passes by make you better and stronger, my princess. Feel good soon.

46. I pray you recover sooner than you think, sooner than you expect, sooner than the doctor’s expectation too. I love you mate.

47. I wish I had the power to make a single wish right now. I would just wish you rise from your sick bed immediately.

48. The blowing wind, the shining sun, the beaming moon all want you to be well. Get well soon, darling.

49. Dear brother, your absence has made me feel so empty. I’m no longer happy. I can’t even eat. Please get well soon, and come to me.

50. Do not lose heart, sweet sister. The angels will heal you soon.

51. There are times when mere words aren’t just enough to show the feelings I have for you. I hope and pray you come back home, as soon as possible, hale and hearty.

52. Your faith is what you need to get out of this ill time. Do not lose it! I hope you get well real soon!

53. I feel so bad that you aren’t feeling good. Let’s feel ill together. I’m not leaving you to be sick alone. I love you.

54. I don’t stop wondering why God had to let this sickness come upon you. I hope you conquer all these sicknesses and come back home.

55. Seeing you feel sick is so hard for me. I know you will get completely well again. Get well soon, dearest!

56. I hope you are aware that you add so much joy to my life; I will be so glad if I see you feel great again.

57. You have been such a dear friend to me. I am aware that you will be OK soon. Forever, sweetheart, I love you; bear that in mind and come back to me soon.

58. Whenever you feel bad, I feel sad. I’m coming over to take care of you, and to love you, till you get well, till the world ends. Please, get well soon.

59. I lack joy and comfort whenever you aren’t around me. I’ll be with you until you get better until this sickness that stole your presence from me disappears.

60. We swore an oath to be together in health and sickness. I’m not going anywhere else until you’re fully recovered from this illnesses. I love you.

61. My beautiful sister, and friend, I’ll always stick with you. Always. And I know very soon, you’ll feel great again.

62. To me, you’re the world. Believe you will get well soon. Drink lots of water, and stay positive. My heart is always with you.

63. I am sending you strength and faith. The good Lord shall help you conquer this sickness, soon.

64. I don’t care how long you’ll be here. I’ll always be with you until you feel great again until you get back on your feet. I pray you get well soon.

65. We will go through this hard time together. I’ll stand by you until you get completely healthy. May the Lord heal you, quickly.

66. Being in a depressed state won’t make you feel any better. Those blessings you think don’t count, count them! They really count. And, don’t forget that you’re the love of my life. Cheer up!

67. Lots of friends are coming to check up on you. And their prayers will go a long way to heal you, day after day until you’re completely healed.

68. I’m sending you my prayers and positivities. This illness will leave you soon, and you will be well, again.

69. Times like this are when you discover who your true friends are. It doesn’t matter whether you’re being visited or not. I’ll always be by your side.

70. The news of your illness broke my heart to pieces. I’m assuring you of my ceaseless prayers and well wishes. You’ll conquer this hard time!

71. The love we have for each other will make you feel great again. To me, you’re the world. I believe you’ll be fine soon.

72. Do not give up, ever! No matter the height of this sickness, the height of your faith can take it away. Get well soon, mum.

73. You know you’re my closest friend. So, have in mind that I’m always praying for you to be well. Your health is my priority. God will see you through.

74. Accidents are inevitable. In this bad time, be strong. For after this bad dream, you will have a good awakening.

75. My heart and prayers are with you in this trying time. You’re stronger than this sickness. I know you will be OK soon.

76. Dear Mum, you have to start feeling better. I’ve missed our discussions. I’ve missed you. Just get well soon, for me.

77. Dear Dad, I want to let you know that you will see the end of this illness. This illness won’t see your end. I’ll be with you, and I’ll keep praying for you.

78. You’ll never be alone in this hard time. I’ll always be by your side and be your friend.

79. Though much time may be needed to get you back on your feet again, I will always be with you. Until you are healthy again. Please, get well soon.

80. Every day, I pray for you to get well. I look out the window, expecting you. And I believe your wellness will knock on your door soon.

81. My dear friend, I understand the state you are in. All you need is patience and time. You will be fine soon!

82. We’ll all be very happy whenever you return from the hospital. You have no idea how much we’ve missed you. We believe you’ll be healthy soon.

83. This is really a bad time for you. Do not let this sickness bring you down. I wish you a quick recovery.

84. My angel is feeling down. I can feel it too. I never knew angels fall sick. I will pray for you, and you will feel perfect soon. love is feeling sick.

85. My heart bleeds, I hate it when you’re sick. What do I do so you get well? I’ve started praying for you already. That illness will vanish as soon as you wake up. Don’t forget that you’re the love of my life.

86. Dear sister, we all miss you, and we pray you get well real soon so you come home and make us delicious meals. We have missed you.

87. Don’t let this sickness sap your inner strength. Don’t give up. Expect miracles. You’ll be healthy, soon.

88. I look forward to having you around soon. Home is empty and boring without you. I love you, brother.

89. You are recovering really fast. I’m glad and grateful to God. You’ll be completely healed soon.

90. My one and only. It won’t take much time before you’re totally healed. I wish you a quick recovery.

91. May God see you through this hard time. May he show you mercy and love. Get well soon.

92. I’m not just promising you my wishes and prayers. I’m promising you my presence too. Get well soon, my love.

93. I hate the pale look on your face at this time, but I believe you will be healthy soon. I can see it. I hope you can, too. I wish you a speedy recovery.

94. Keep your mind positive. Try to eat well and hydrate your system. Gradually, you will fully recover. I’m always praying for you.

95. Do not feel your world is ending because of this sickness. It will only get better. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Cheer up, dear cousin.

96. Don’t allow this illness weigh you down, dear sister. You’re winning the battle already. Smile, sister. Smile.

97. I want to let you know that even in sickness you’re still beautiful. May the angels of the Lord be with you now and always.

98. You will conquer, as always. And you’ll be glad you never gave up. Get well soon!

99. Our prayers and good wishes for you will never be in vain. You will soon rise from your sick bed.

100. My heart noticed your absence. My body, soul and heart miss your presence. Be well and back soon, and feel this empty space in my heart.

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