I Just Want a Normal Life Quotes

Life can be crazy at times and even when things are going pretty well, we often want something different or something more. It’s just a normal thing to do in life.

There are many things in my life that can create stress. If we are not careful, it is easy to get caught up in the stress and anxiety of the day’s events. We all have aspirations and dreams, but sometimes life can be magnificent when we let go of things, people and situations that no longer serve us. That is why it is so important to just have a normal life.

Let’s face it, we live in a world that is incredibly fast-paced and every day there are millions of new things to learn. As a result, you may have found yourself feeling like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to make all you want to happen.

Finding ways to simplify your life is a great way to start making some of the time go back in your favour, and that is why this amazing collection of I just want a normal life quotes was written just to motivate you about living a more fulfilling and normal life.

I just want a normal life, I don’t want to be a CEO. I don’t want to be in front of the camera. I don’t want any of that because I know it’s not for me. I just want a normal life, is that so much to ask?

1. I just want a normal life, where I can be myself and explore my own boundaries.

2. I just want a normal life. Where it doesn’t take an hour to find my keys, because they’re always in the same place. Where I can just leave my wallet on top of the dresser instead of hiding it behind stacks of books.

3. I just want to have a normal life. People need me: the people I love, the people who love me, the people who depend on me.

4. All I ever wanted was a normal life, a husband, and kids.

5. Just want a normal life? Get yourself some coffee and get to work.

6. A normal life for me would be with you, that’s all I really want.

7. I want a normal life, I just want someone to act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me more than anything.

8. There’s enough drama in my life right now I really don’t need this craziness.

9. I just want a normal life with a handsome man who loves tacos and appreciates my sarcasm.

10. I just want a normal life. A life where I don’t have to walk into the middle of a war, look at my friends dead on the ground and drink poison so I can fight alongside them.

11. Give me Saturday mornings and cosy blankets, give me late-night phone calls and early morning goodbyes – Give me a normal life.

12. I want to get away from the world, live a normal life, live a life I choose. If I need company to just go somewhere else.

13. I’m just trying to live a normal life in an abnormal world.

14. There are days when I just want to be normal, and then I remember how boring that would be.

15. I don’t want to be a King, I just want to live like a normal person.

16. I don’t want a fancy life. I just want a normal one.

17. I just want a normal life. A normal boyfriend. A normal family.

18. I just want a normal life. Where I don’t have to care about anything or anyone but myself.

19. Life is a beautiful struggle. I just want a normal life.

20. I just want a normal life, with an abnormal amount of coffee.

21. I want to be a normal girl, with a normal life.

22. I just want a normal life where I can sleep on rainy days and eat ice cream with my friends.

23. I just want a normal life where I can sleep on rainy days and eat ice cream with my friends.

24. Sometimes I just want a normal life where everyone isn’t trying to fight me.

25. I don’t want to be rich and famous. I just want to live a normal life.

26. I’m just a normal person trying to live a normal life.

27. If only a normal day could exist without any problems or stress.

28. I just want a normal life! I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.

29. I really just want a normal life. You know, I want to go out and do simple things like sit at home and watch a movie without working.

30. I don’t want an exceptional life. I just want a normal one. With one exception: YOU.

31. I just want a normal life where I go to school, do my homework and hang out with my friends.

32. I just want a normal life. None of this like, ‘Let’s get caught in a tornado and live in a magical land’ nonsense.

33. I just want a normal life. Where I can be a normal person and not some celebrity or human circus attraction for gawking tourists to take pictures of.

34. Sometimes I just want a normal life with no drama. Is that too much to ask for?

35. I just want a cosy life with a little cottage, a golden retriever, and the best friends I could ever ask for.

36. I just want a normal life. I want to be able to hang out with my friends, go to the mall, and have fun with my family, but I never can. You guys are always following me around.

37. I just want a normal life, the kind of life I see other people living.

38. I just want a normal life. Wherever that may be.

39. I just want a normal life, one where I don’t have to worry about waking up dead or dying.

40. Just looking to live a normal life with my dog and husband and a house that I own. Is anybody with me?

41. I just want a normal life with a gorgeous boyfriend and college and friends and no drama

42. I just want a normal life. I want to wake up late on weekends and go to my favourite coffee shop. I want to spend the day at the beach with my friends and binge watch movies in bed all day with someone special stressing about when we will have time for homework. That is what I want.

43. I don’t want any special life, I just want a normal life with my family and friends.

44. I just want a normal life, where I can eat like a normal person and not be afraid of food.

45. I don’t want to be special, great, or beautiful. I just want to be normal.

46. I just want a simple life, is that too much to ask?

47. I just want a normal life. I want to drink coffee in the morning, gossip with my girlfriends, and snuggle on the couch. All while knowing that I have a hardworking guy with a plan supporting me every step of the way.

48. I just want a normal life. But if that’s not possible, can someone please tell me where I can get implants and a cool alien name?

49. Life is not always perfect. It’s messy, complicated and sometimes you just want a normal life!

50. I just want a normal life with a guy who likes me for me.

51. I just want a normal life without any drama and stress.

52. I just want a cosy life, with a cosy husband and cosy kids and lots of pillows.

53. It’s hard to be a normal person when you’re a celebrity. There’s no way around that

54. I just want a normal life where I can get a job, buy my own things and not always be judged because of my appearance.

55. I just want a normal life with a little bit of drama.

56. I just want a normal, homely life with my family.

57. I want a normal life. Where do I sign up?

58. Sometimes I just want a normal life; isn’t that what everyone wants? I don’t need to be rich.

59. I just want a normal life and love, is that too much to ask?

60. I just want a normal life. I don’t want to be at war with my body, other people, or my own mind.

61. But I just want a normal life, where I’m not afraid to wake up every morning.

62. I’m just a regular guy who wants a normal life.

63. Just want a normal life with a normal job, with a normal friend.

64. Someday, I just want a normal life where I do regular things with regular people.

65. Sometimes all I want is a normal life. You know, a wife and kids, a house with a white picket fence.

66. I just want a normal life…I don’t want to be a princess, I just want a normal life.

67. I just want a normal life with a normal job and normal friends who have regular pets no vampires no werewolves no faeries.

68. I just want a normal life. Going to school, hanging out with friends and doing nothing.

69. I just want a normal life where nobody knows who I am.

70. Sometimes all I want is a normal life with my family and friends.

71. I just want a normal life. But I’m a superhero. And apparently, I’m also a firefly. What else am I?

72. I don’t want big glamorous things. I just want a normal life, whatever that is.

73. A normal life means making mistakes. We have to learn how to make mistakes because we have to learn how to forgive each other and love each other.

74. I just want a normal life. I know everyone says that, but seriously, I mean it.

75. I just want a normal life with a person who loves me.

76. I just want a normal life and a normal family.

77. When everybody on your timeline seems to be going places and doing things, the only thing you truly want is a normal life.

78. I just want a normal life. The kind where I get up, get ready, go to work, grab a coffee, and come home to the person I love.

79. I want a life that’s filled with laughter, family and love. A normal life where I’m not in a rush to get anywhere or do anything. Just sitting on the couch watching movies, or walking down the street holding hands. That’s the life I want.

80. I just want a normal life. Where I can watch football with the boys and go on dates with the girls.

81. I just want a normal life where I don’t want to die every day

82. Just want a normal life, family, husband and kids.

83. I just want to have a normal life, travel and enjoy my friends’ company.

84. Sometimes, you just want to have a bit of normal in your life. Other times, you just want the opposite.

85. I just want a normal life, I don’t wanna be on the edge of society.

86. I just want a normal life of loving and being loved by my friends.

87. People say normal people are boring, but I just want a normal life.

88. I don’t want to live fast, get older, and die young. I just want a normal life that doesn’t suck.

89. I just want a normal life. Where everyone is happy.

90. I just want a normal life, I thought as I scrolled throw social media and saw photos of people with perfectly curated homes, perfectly clean kitchens, perfectly organized playrooms and laundry rooms.

91. For me to be happy, I just want a normal life . . . normal people, normal problems (maybe a little less than normal problems)

92. All I want is a nice cup of tea and a normal life.

93. I just want a life where I can go to the grocery store and buy myself food without wondering if I will be judged or not.

94. I just want a normal life where I don’t get murdered.

95. I just want to have a normal life. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. Sadly, it is.

96. I want a normal life, I want to go out and do things then stay in and watch a movie with you.

97. I just want a peaceful life. No drama. No stress.

98. I just want to be normal. God, I’d give anything to be normal! I’d give everything to not know what I know.

99. Sometimes I just want to escape reality and have a normal life with some normal drama.

100. I just want a normal life. I want to be able to have friends, relationships, and normal conversations!

101. All I really want is a normal life. I wanna eat pizza and see movies and go shopping.

102. Sometimes I just want to live a normal life with no drama, nothing fake and people who are real!

I just want normal life quotes that can be funny, inspirational and cute but they all have one thing in common, they are all saying the same thing only in different ways. I hope you enjoyed this collection of inspirational quotes about living a normal life or we hope that you will enjoy them if you haven’t already come across them before. Thanks for reading

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