I Know You Love Me Quotes

Love is a strong word…a strong word indeed. While some crumble under the weight of this word, it is not something to be afraid of. Love is the most beautiful thing in life. When you love someone, you are willing to do anything to see the smile on his or her face. When you love someone, they will always be on your mind.

Love is a complex topic. It’s one of the most important feelings you can experience, but it is also one of the most difficult to understand. You know someone loves you when they tell you. They show you. They make you feel like the most important person in their entire world.

However, since everyone expresses their feelings differently, there’s no way to know for certain whether someone loves you or not. You could try asking the person directly or waiting for them to tell you on their own.

Here are the best I Know You Love Me Quotes. They will make and help you get to a better place in your relationship or marriage.

I know you love me. I just need to hear it more! My life is so blessed with you in it. I will always be there for you because we are a team for life. I promise to always be honest with you and open my heart to you.

1. I know you love me, I feel it in my bones. You care for me and my feelings deep down. I can always see a look on your face, that tells me I’m loved by you.

2. I know you love me, even if you don’t say it. I know you love me, even though you are mad at me. I know you love me, even when I make mistakes. I know you love me, and I do too.

3. I know you love me when you stop breathing for a few seconds as I walk into the room because it makes our moment that much more special. I know you love me when you hold my hand and it’s so tight it cuts off circulation because it’s what I want forever.

4. I love you. I know you love me. Nothing else matters. Every day is a gift and there is no need to waste it. Love me today like you do tomorrow, and today I will love you back ten-fold.

5. Every day when I look into your eyes, I am reminded that you are the man of my dreams. You bring the sunshine into my life and when I look into your eyes I know that you love me.

6. Maybe you don’t know how much I love you. If you did, then you wouldn’t worry so much about other things. But it’s ok, I know that you love me in a way that only my true soul mate is capable of. And that’s good enough for me!

7. I know you love me not because of what you say but because of what you do. I don’t need to hear the words to know how you feel.

8. I know you love me because I understand what a big sacrifice it is for someone like you to be with someone like me.

9. I Know you love me because you always want to be with me. I know you love me because when your eyes meet mine, you smile… I know you love me because my heart knows and nothing else can capture this feeling.

10. I know you love me when you look at me with your gorgeous eyes. I know you love me when you wrap your arms around me and hold me tight. You tell me I’m beautiful, that I turn your world around. You are the greatest love of my life and I will never forget our story.

11. Knowing that you love me makes me feel amazing. My life is so blessed with you by my side. I’ll always be there for you because we are a team. I promise to always be truthful and in every moment, my heart belongs to you

12. I know you love me. I can feel it in your touch, the catch of your breath, and the way you stare. Sometimes I feel like I am reading your mind because you have no fear of showing me how you feel.

13. I know you love me because every time I need you to be there for me, you’ll always be. Trust me when I say this, though. I don’t want to change the way you feel about me. Because the way you love me is perfect.

14. I know you love me because the entire world says so. The moon and stars in the sky, the trees and flowers on the ground, the sun and rain above us all – they all agree that you love me. Why else would our love go on?

15. Hey baby, I know you love me and this is just to remind you that I love you too. Have a good day!

16. I know that you love me because if you didn’t, I wouldn’t get so much love from you!

17. I know you love me because your feelings are expressed by the things you do for me. I’m so happy that our relationship has been blessed with this type of love. Enjoy this day and the ones to come because with me by your side, you’ll always be happy. Have a wonderful day!

18. Words cannot do justice for how much I love you. The time we spend together is the time of our lives, and I would give anything just to spend a few moments with you. No matter what, I know you love me and you are the love of my life.

19. Words cannot describe how happy I am to be with you. You make every moment of our lives together special, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what, I know you love me and you are the love of my life.

20. Your love is my heart’s only desire. The moments we spent together alone in each other’s arms are the happiest moments of my life. No matter the distance, I know you love me and you will always be my one true love

21. I can’t describe how much I love you. When I’m with you, it’s the happiest time of my life. You are everything I could ever want and more, and I know that you love me just as much as I do.

22. Darling, I know you love me. Of that, I have always been certain. Your strength of character, your kindness, your endless devotion to our relationship: these are the things you could never hide from me. Deep down in your soul, when your guard is down, I know you love me.

23. I know you love me. I love you too. I don’t need to hear it every day, but sometimes it’s nice to hear the words. It reassures me that we’re meant for each other and no one else.

24. I know you love me because of the things we do together, the tender and passionate moments we share and how you look at me with those gorgeous eyes of yours. I’m lucky to have you in my life.

25. You are so beautiful. No one else in this world can fill the hole in my heart that you have created. You are my one true love and will always bring my happiness. Your existence makes me believe in the beauties of life, and I will always be grateful for your affection and love.

26. I know you are in love with me and that’s why no matter what I say, your eyes dismiss it all. I know you are in love with me and that’s why you always have time to kiss me, hold my hand or even hug me. I know you are in love with me and that’s why we have those secret smiles when no one is looking.

27. I know that you love me. I see it in your eyes when you look at me with love, and I hear it in your voice when you tell me sweet nothings.

28. I know you love me because of all the things you do for me, and how much you care. There’s no one else I’d rather share my life with than you!

29. I know you love me because of all the things you do for me, and how much you care. There’s no one else I’d rather share my life with than you!

30. What is love? Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It’s an addiction, a compulsion that you can’t get out of your heart and mind. When we’re together, I feel like we’re one person. I love that you love me because I know you care about me so much!

31. You’ve forever touched my heart and taught me how to love so deeply. I know that you love me because you’re always there for me, and never stop showing me how much you care by all the wonderful things that you do! There’s no one else I’d rather share my life with than you.

32. You’ll love me forever because of all the things you do for me, and how much you care. Whether we’re apart or together, in this life or the next, my heart will always be yours. Love is so sweet when I’m with you!

33. You’re my one and only. You fill my heart with love, happiness, and joy. There’s no one else I’d rather share my life with than you!

34. There is nothing sweeter than our love. Our love is an addiction we can’t get enough of. It’s in our hearts and minds, a necessity for joy. Love is what makes us grow as individuals and be happy together.

35. Loving you is the only thing I want to do. You are my best friend, the one person I can trust and talk to about anything! I love when you hold me close, and tell me everything will be okay. It makes my heart melt when we’re together, it just feels so right. Love is an amazing thing because without love life wouldn’t be as wonderful as it is now.

36. Love is in the air, and I feel it every time we are close. Thinking of you makes me smile, your presence makes my heart flutter. The way you look at me melts away all my problems and makes me feel so special. You’re the most caring person I have ever met, and I am thankful to have such a wonderful partner in life! My love for you is endless.

37. My love, I just want you to know how much you mean to me. Even though we’ve spent so much time together, I still think about you every day. We’ve been through so much in our life together, and we’re stronger because of it. Having you by my side has made everything better. You’re my best friend, my soulmate, and the only person I could imagine spending my life with. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in the future!

38. I love you, my heart. I love you because of your soft lips, caring eyes, and the way you look at me. You make me happy and full of life. You mean everything to me.

39. You know how much I love you and how much I miss you. I think of you every day. You are everything to me and the most important man in my life. I know that you Love MeI want to be yours now and forever because with you is where I belong.

40. You are my love, my life, my everything. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I think of you every day. You make me feel special in ways that nobody else can, and I enjoy being with you. I know that you

41. I’ll always love you. I think of you every day and can’t wait to be with you again. You’re everything to me, and together we will have a long life filled with happiness and love. Believe me when I tell you: I only want to be with you.

42. I love you so much my heart aches for you, even when you’re not with me. It’s a beautiful kind of suffering to be so obsessed with someone and always want the very best for them. I always, always think about you, my love! You are everything to me and I don’t understand how I can live without your love, but if I have to die just to see you happy and safe, then that is what I will do. You have my heart forever!

43. Every day that I’m away from you, my love for you only grows stronger. You are the one and only man for me, and I can’t wait for the day when we are reunited forever.

44. Do you know why I’ve been thinking about you tonight? It’s because you’re the answer to my dreams. You make me feel alive. I want to be with you forever and ever because that’s where I belong.

45. I see my love for you like a rose, with the light of your eyes reflecting in it. The colours showed to me what I could never put into words: How beautiful you are, and how much I love you. The thorns remind me that with great love comes great pain. It’s scary sometimes knowing how much my life revolves around you and how deeply I feel for you, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

46. I’ve been looking for you my entire life, and we’ve known each other for a year now. This year of knowing you have been better than the rest of my life combined. Being with you is everything to me.

47. We’ve been through so much together, and somehow I know we will always make it through. I know that you love me. There’s nothing that could keep me away from you because there is nothing I want more than to be with you! I love you more than anything in the world!

48. I know that you love me and there’s nothing about me that you don’t love. You’re the one who makes my heartbeat, who makes my happiness. You’re the person I want to spend all of my time with, and I know that you love me too! I love you so much and I will always be here for you!

49. I will never give up on you. I have always believed in love at first sight, but I knew it was real when I saw you as a baby. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are my best friend and the greatest love of my life! I cannot even imagine living without you. My heart is yours forever!

50. You will always be there for me and I know that we will make it through anything. You are my life, and I love you more than anything else in the world

51. I’m in love with you! I feel like you are the most important person in my life. I want to spend every waking minute with you because I can’t imagine spending time without you by my side.

52. There are not enough words in this universe to describe how I feel when I’m with you. You have changed my life; you have made me a better person. My world has only begun with you, and I cannot imagine spending another day without you. You are the love of my life, and I will forever be yours.

53. I think of how my life has been with you, and I see all the good. The way you smile when you hear a song that reminds you of us and how excited you get when we find out we’re going to see each other. The way your eyes light up when we get close; makes me want to hold my breath so I don’t miss one second of this perfect moment. You always know what to say just when I need it most.

54. There are many things that make me feel helpless, but I am so glad that you’re not one of them. You’re always there for me when I need you the most. I love you.

55. You take my breath away. You bring sunshine into my life. My world would be an empty place if you were not a part of it. My love for you helps me forget everything else and focus on you.

56. You’re the kind of person I can see myself growing old with. I don’t think I could fall any more in love with you. Because every time I look into your eyes, my love for you grows stronger and more unwavering. My love for you is beyond the grasp of these words, only art can express it fully. The way I feel about you is infinite, unchanging and enduring.

57. I have been your lover for many years but never your friend. The time has come to be both. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life. You have changed my life for all time and my only true happiness is being with you. As we journey through life together seated in love’s chariot, we will find new places to play. I love you and I know that you love me too!

58. There is not one moment that I don’t want to spend with you. I don’t think I’ve told you in a long time how wonderful you are and the effect you have had on my life. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, nothing else mattered. You shine brighter than any star in the sky. I know that you love me.

59. My darling, my sweet, how I love you. You awaken every sense in my body. Your touch, your smell, and the way you look at me. These are all things that make me want you and miss you when I am not with you. You are everything I had dreamed of in a partner and I know that you love me. I promise to love you forever, from this day forward and forevermore.

60. I love you, sweetheart. Your smile gets me through the day. Your touch makes my heart skip a beat. I miss you so much when you’re not with me. You are everything I had dreamed of in a partner and I know that we will love each other forever, from this day forward and forevermore.

61. You are my everything. My entire life I’ve dreamed of meeting you and now that I have, I can’t imagine a life without you. Your touch, your smell, the way you look at me: all things that make me want you and miss you when we’re not together. I promise to love you forever

62. My darling, my sweet. I love you more than anything else in the world. The way you look at me, the way that you touch me and the way that you smell make me want you so badly, I can’t even explain it to you. You are everything I ever wanted in a partner, and I am so happy that I get to be with you for the rest of my life.

63. My beautiful, sweet darling, I love you with all of my heart. Waking up in your arms gives me the greatest joy and satisfaction. Being with you makes me feel warm inside, and not just because of your touch and your beautiful body, but because of your sweet smile and the way you look into my eyes. You are everything I had dreamed of in a partner and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.

64. Oh my love, the things you do to me. The way your hand reaches for mine. The sounds of your voice as you whisper in my ear. Your scent as it lingers on my skin. The way you say ‘I love you and the promises you make to keep me safe. You are everything I’ve ever wanted and I promise to cherish you from this day forward, till death do us part.

65. Every dream I have ever had, you were there. Every fantasy I’ve ever had, I saw you standing in the crowd watching me. Every desire that I could ever want, was to be with you. The way you smile, the way you look at me, and the way every part of me gravitates towards you. You are all that I need in this life and I wouldn’t trade anything in the world to be with you. We may not always agree on everything but we will find a way to work it out together.

66. You’re a dream come true. You’re everything I imagined and more. From the moment we met, I’ve loved you more than words could ever describe. There’s no one like you. You have my heart forever and always.

67. Who would have thought love existed in this cruel world? It’s all that I can think of. I cannot get you off my mind, no matter how much I try. You are the only one for me, the one who makes me happy, and I promise to be there for you for a lifetime and beyond.

68. You are my heart, my love, and my reason for living. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again. You light up my life and make the dull moments shine so brightly. When I close my eyes at night, I feel your touch on my skin and your smell in my nostrils. I feel a longing to have you in my arms again.

69. I cannot imagine ever being apart from you. You have become the centre of my attention and everything I do revolves around you in some way. I love you with all of my heart and know that it will only get stronger with time.

70. I love you so much that being away from you, even for a minute, is more agonising than all the heartbreaks in the world. As long as I’m with you, nothing can break me down. I promise to always love you.

71. Every morning I wake up to a Starbucks cup filled with my favourite coffee next to a single rose and heart-shaped doughnuts. The fact you remember my favourite things and do so much for me is more than I can ever ask for from anyone. All of these makes me know that you love me.

72. This morning I woke up to a Starbucks cup filled with my favourite coffee next to a single rose and heart-shaped doughnuts. The fact you remember my favourite things and do so much for me is more than I can ever ask for from anyone. These are memories that I will always cherish, and will make me know you love me forever.

73. In the morning, I wake up and see roses, heart-shaped doughnuts, and a cup filled with your favourite coffee. It’s like you just know what I need and always take care of me.

74. I love you for all the little things you do for me. I adore the fact that you remember my favourite things and go out of your way to make my day unique and full of surprises. You are so precious to me.

75. Every morning, I wake up to a day filled with your love. The clothes that you picked out for me. The coffee that you made for me and the doughnuts I see every morning, despite my dieting, makes me know that you love me no matter what.

76. I love waking up to you every morning. You’re sweet and thoughtful, strong and compassionate. You treat me like a princess. I hope you know how much I adore you.

77. I feel like I am the luckiest man on this planet to have you. You make my heart melt every time and I could not ask for anything more because now that I have you, I already have all that I need.

78. You speak my love language loud and clear. I can’t believe how thoughtful you are. Thank you for being you and for loving me so much! I know you love me. All of these makes me know that you love me.

79. You make me feel so special. You tell me I am beautiful and that I make you laugh every day. You let me be myself and never hold back your feelings. You mean the world to me, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. All of these makes me know you love me.

80. I love how you always know exactly what I need before I even ask. I love how you make everyone around you feel like they are a special part of your life. When you hold me in your arms I feel like I’m home. I love how you can be so rugged and manly, yet so gentle and soft with me. You really are one of a kind! All of these makes me know you love me.

81. You’re my favourite distraction. I smile when we are together. You are the reason our memories are so beautiful. I find myself looking into your eyes and getting lost in them over and over again. I am thankful every day for you being in my life, bringing light and love with you every day. You make me a better person. All of these makes me know you love me.

82. I know you love me because… I stand on a mountain top and scream I love you and you still won’t hear me! But if I hold you in my arms, you hear me whisper it as day turns to night.

83. Don’t ever forget how much I love you! I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are everything I ever wanted. There is nothing I would change at all because you are perfect to me.

84. I think all my heart wants is to be by your side. You are the only one I want in this life, and I’ve never been happier. You mean the world to me and I love you more than words can say.

85. I am ridiculously in love with you. At first, I didn’t think I was capable of loving someone like this. I just knew that I would spend every waking moment thinking about you. Now it has been days, weeks and months together and I still can’t get enough of you.

86. Love is the greatest gift of all and you’ve given me so much! I just want to be with you, to touch you and watch you forever. Life without you would be nothing but a hopeless ending. I love you and I will always love you.

87. A life without you is like a year without summer. I love the way you smile, laugh, and run your hands through your hair. It’s that time of night when everything is quiet, but I am awake. Wide awake thinking about you, wondering what you are doing, and knowing that by morning I will be in your arms again.

88. I know you love me – I can feel it in my bones. You care for me and my feelings deep down. Whenever I see your face, I know I’m loved. No matter what we go through, you are with me, supporting and comforting me through it all. You have my heart, the one thing that’s true. Now rest easily beside me, my love.

89. I know you love me and I feel it right down to my bones. You care for me and my feelings deeply. You always give me a look that tells me you love me. No matter what we go through or what difficulties we are in, you’re able to calm me when things get tough. Because of this, I rest easy knowing that I’ll always be yours.

90. I know you love me and that I am loved by you. You care for me and for my feelings. I can always feel your affection for me. I am loved no matter what the difficulties we face or the situations we find ourselves in.

91. You are always able to calm and reassure me in times of trouble, so take solace in the knowledge that I love you and always will, now and forever. I know you love me.

92. You love me and I know it, I feel it in my bones. You care for me deep down, no matter what we face, you’re always there to calm the storms. Thank you for being with me through everything.

93. I really love you, and I think you know that. I can always read on your face that you’re happy to see me, and I notice how much you care for me. You will ease my fears no matter what problem we face. You are the only one I trust and the only one I need.

94. There is never a doubt in my mind that I’m loved. You love me and I feel it in my heart. Whenever there’s trouble, you calm my fears. I don’t need to guess, I know for certain that the feelings we share our feelings of love beyond compare.

95. I love you and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. We can’t always be together, but know I’ll always be by your side, even when you’re far away. No matter what happens, we’ll face it together.

96. Yes, of course, you love me. I know it without having to ask you. I only have to look at your face or listen to you talk to know that we will always be together. Everything got stronger since the accident when our eyes met in that elevator and nothing could change that.

97. I know you love me when you stop breathing for a few seconds as I walk into the room. I know you love me when you hold my hand and it’s so tight it cuts off circulation.

98. I know you love me when you stop breathing for a few seconds as I walk into the room because it makes our moment that much more special.

99. I know you love me when you stop breathing for a few seconds as I enter the room. It makes it more special to know that it was my presence that caused such a ruckus in your body and left you breathless. I know you love me when you hold my hand and squeeze so hard it cuts off circulation because that kind of forever is what we are made for. When I feel safe with you and when our hearts connect, I know you love me.

100. I know you love me when you touch my hand. It’s tight and cuts off circulation because it’s what I want forever.

101. I know you love me when you see me for the first time because it makes our moment that much more special.

102. I know you love me for the little things. The way you look at me and smile. The sound of your voice when you say my name. It’s those little things that make our moments so special.

103. I see your love in the way you look at me, the way you smile when I am with you. Your eyes, your hands, and the way you kiss me… tells me everything I need to know.

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