I Love Being In Your Arms Quotes

It is the sweetest thing to hold the one you love. The touch, the feel; it’s a bond that tells the both of you how much you love each other without saying a word. It doesn’t matter what kind of day your lover has had, when they come home to be held by you, they know everything will be okay.

You can do a lot of things in life, but nothing like being held in someone’s arms. The warmth, that feeling of protection and the devoted feeling the person you love gives you is unbelievable. Holding your love’s hand may not seem like much for some, but for others, it fills their heart with joy. There are many things in love that cannot be talked about but we feel them.

A good way to express your love to your loved one is through words. If you’re having a hard time coming up with just the perfect words to express how much you love being in his or her arms, here are some lovely I love being in your arms quotes that I have compiled to make you and your loved one swoon. Enjoy!!!

I love being in your arms, where you can feel my heart beating against yours. You are my everything, my world and my future. I am so lucky to have met you and that we found each other again. I love you!

1. I love being in your arms. I love the things you do to me with your body. I love being around you and knowing that you love me. There is no other place I’d rather be than in your arms.

2. I love being in your arms. The safest and warmest place in all the world. You are my love, my best friend and without you, I feel like I would simply cease to exist. Thank you for showing me that not all people are bad and that there is such a thing as true love.

3. The way you hold me, the way you look at me…I love it all. I love being in your arms and feeling safe from the world. I love finding new ways to melt into you. I love when we can’t keep our hands off each other. I just hope that for the rest of my life it gets better than this.

4. I love the way you hold me. I love being in your arms more than anything in the world, nothing else compares.

5. Your arms are the perfect place to be because you are my one and only. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

6. My love, you are like a warm fire on a cold winter night. You swept me off my feet and into your arms. I love being in your arms because it makes me feel safe, secure and complete. I am lost in your warmth and love, my heart soars with delight each time you hold me close. Holding you brings peace to my soul that is indescribable.

7. I love being in your arms. Every night I sleep so soundly and peacefully because you are holding me close.

8. I love being in your arms because you make me feel safe. There’s no place I’d rather be than right beside you, holding your hand. You are my best friend and my soulmate, and I love you more than anything.

9. I love the way you smile, the way you talk, and the way you hold me. I love it when you hug me. I just love being in your arms.

10. I never want to leave your arms. I never want to be away. I just love the feeling of you holding me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and don’t you ever forget that!

11. I close my eyes and I am in your arms, safe and warm and surrounded by your love. I can hear you breathe and feel your heartbeat. I’m home and it feels so good.

12. I love the way your arms fit around me. I love you for who you are and for everything you’ve done. Thanks for putting up with me. I’m proud to call you mine!

13. My heart is full of love and appreciation for you. You are the only one who could ever make me feel this way. Every time I hold you in my arms I know that it’s where I want to be forever.

14. I love being in your arms, lying next to you. Holding you close, feeling how safe and warm you are. It makes me relax and forget all my worries. You give me more joy than the entire world. I love you forever!

15. I love the amazing feeling of being in your arms. I love waking up next to you every day and seeing you smile. I’m so lucky to have you in my life because no one else could ever make me feel this way. I love you so much, baby.

16. To be honest, I fell a lot more in love with you because the thought of me being in your arms makes the butterflies in my stomach go nuts. It sounds cheesy, but it is so true. I really do love being there, in your arms and I want to stay there every day.

17. When I am in your arms, I feel like there is nothing in the world that could ever hurt me. You are my sanctuary and I feel so safe and content when I am with you. No matter what happens, you will always have my love.

18. I love being in your arms, able to feel your heartbeat next to mine, entwined in your fingers, hearing your breath whisper across my cheek. The world disappears when you hold me.

19. Your arms are my favourite place. They have the ability to make me feel like nothing can go wrong in the world if you are holding me. I love your sweet voice and simply adore hearing you say “I love you”.

20. I love the way your arms feel around me. I love the way I feel when you are close to me. I love the way I feel when we dance. But most of all, I love you!

21. I love how you wrap your arms around me, it makes me warm and tingly. I love how you hold me as if I’m the most precious thing in the world. I love how you tell me that you would never hurt me, ever. I will always be yours and only yours.

22. I love being in your arms. When I’m there, the world is perfect and nothing can go wrong. I love being in your arms so much because they are the safest place to be and everything feels right. It’s where I can truly be myself, no secrets, no lies, just you.

23. I love being in your arms because I know that you will protect me, cherish me, and never make me feel like I’m a burden. Being in your arms means that I can rest well at night knowing that no harm will come to me while I dream of our future together.

24. I love being in your arms. Thank you for always showing you care, because I know it means a lot to me. You’re so giving, caring and loving, and such a great friend who’s always there for me. I love you!

25. I love being in your arms, I love that no matter what you always hold me tight. I love the sound of your heartbeat and the warmth of your breath. You are my soulmate, my best friend, and now forever my husband.

26. I love being in your arms, I love it when we’re outdoors and everyone else is too busy to see how much in love we are. I’ve never imagined a love so wonderful and perfect. I’m glad you are a part of my life.

27. When I am in your arms, I feel like the whole world just disappears, leaving just you and me. I feel like I can do anything and that everything is possible. It’s like when two people are in love, a whole new world is opened up to them. I will never want to live a day without your arms around me, keeping me safe from all the bad things in this world.

28. I love being in his arms because I feel safe, warm and comfortable. I like the way he holds me tight when he’s close and how he covers my body with his. I feel so loved and cared for when I’m in his arms.

29. You’re the best cuddler I’ve ever met. You make me feel warm, safe, and secure. You have no idea how much you mean to me!

30. You are my perfect fit. There is an ease in being with you, it’s comfortable and natural. I want to spend forever giving you my love. I want to spend eternally wrapped in your arms, feeling your heart beating with mine.

31. I love being in your arms, where I can hear your heart and feel your breath, as we look into each other’s eyes and see the love in them. I love you holding me at night when we lie down and go to sleep, but most of all I love waking up next to you every morning.

32. I never told you that I love being in your arms. But now that I think about it, I just can’t get enough of it. You are the reason why I am so content. Your light touch and masculine scent just make me feel at home. Thank you for giving me everything I need.

33. I love being in your arms. It’s so comforting to know that there is someone out there who loves me just as much as I love him. Every day, I have the blessing of looking into your eyes and seeing your devotion to my heart. You are my hero, my hope, my everything. I am so blessed to be in your arms!

34. I love being in your arms…your nearness, the warmth that you give me and the security that there’ll never be any other man in my life but you.

35. I love being in your arms because I know that I am safe and secure. No matter where I go, or what I do, I just want to be in your arms again. These arms that hold me high above the ground are quite the most loving and caring ones that could ever be found.

36. Your touch and your smile are a bright light that keeps me going through the darkest of days. You are my hero and my inspiration, your love keeps me going like an endless fire in my heart that spurs me on to greater heights. I won’t lie, I love being in your arms.

37. I’m weak in the knees when you wrap your arms around me. I feel safe. I feel like I can take on anything. You are my hero and I love being in your arms!

38. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be in your arms. Love, baby.

39. I love being in your arms because it means I’m in the safest place possible. The place where all my pain and sorrow wash away with each passing day, and happiness starts to take over. I love being in your arms because when I look into your eyes there is not a worry or care that enters my mind. I live in a peaceful place when I am in your arms.

40. I love being in your arms. There’s nothing more comforting and loving than seeing your strong arms wrapped around me. You fill my heart with happiness and look forward to the day we spend our future together growing old. You mean everything to me!

41. Being in your arms makes me feel like nothing else matters like the rest of the world doesn’t even exist. I love the way you make me feel. Your hugs make me feel invincible. With you, everything is right in my world and I just can’t stop smiling because I am with you. You are the reason my days are so much brighter.

42. I just wanted to tell you how much I love being in your arms. I never thought that I would have someone to hold onto all my life, but having you here with me is the best feeling ever.

43. I love the way you hold me and how you take care of me when I’m sick. I love your strong arms, the way they pull me in close and make me feel safe. You’re my only man and no one else could ever compare. Every time I look into your eyes or feel your touch, my heart races and I lose myself for a moment. I love being in your arms.

44. I love the way you smell, I love the way you feel, I love your eyes, I love your smile, I love being in your arms, that’s why I stay there.

45. There’s nothing in this world that compares to the feeling of being in your arms. Everything feels better. The stress melts away and all I feel is contentment, happiness and love. Nothing can compare to being with you.

46. You are my everything. I love waking up next to you in the morning and going to sleep with your arms wrapped around me every night. I never want to let you go, as long as you let me hold on tightly I will be happy.

47. I love being in your warm, strong, arms. It makes me feel so safe, secure and loved. Nothing could ever be more romantic than just laying here in the quiet and feeling your breath against my hair as we hold each other tight!

48. It is so wonderful to be in your arms and makes me feel so loved, treasured, and special. A part of me feels deeply for you, my love. The other part of me just wants to hold you tightly.

49. It’s like every cell in my body fits with you perfectly. I never want to let go of your arms.

50. I love being in your arms because it makes me feel safe. I love the way you hold me close. You are my one true love and I can only hope that nothing brings us apart.

51. There is something about you that makes me smile when I turn around to look at you. There’s just something about the way you smile my heart melts into happiness. I feel your soft touch and look into your wonderful eyes and I realize, I love being in your arms.

52. I love being in your arms. I love the smell of your skin. I love the way you look at me and how much you adore me. I love how you hold me tight and I love everything about you.

53. I have loved being in your arms, the warmth of your embrace. The soft-touch of your hands, the quiet lull of your voice, the gentle strength that protects and nurtures me. There is no other place I would rather be than with you. You are everything I ever wanted in a man.

54. When I am in your arms, life feels whole again. Without you I feel so incomplete but when in your arms, everything just falls into place. Whenever we are together all I want to do is stay and hold you forever even if that means we would never be able to leave each other’s side. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me!

55. Your arms have always made me feel safe. Your heart has always been a place I could call home. You have always been my best friend first, and I would rather be in your arms, than anywhere else.

56. I love the feeling of your arms. They are my favourite place to be! I love it when you hug me and then whisper how much you love me. I feel so lucky to have a guy like you. You will always be mine and I will always want to be yours!

57. I am so happy to feel your arms wrapped tightly around me. It makes me feel so secure and loved. I love the smell of you, the warmth of you and the sound of your heartbeat. You are my special place and I never want to let you go!

58. Being in your arms is all I want to do. Being alone is not an option. I love being in your arms. I feel so safe and secure like nothing can go wrong ever again. Being in love, with you completes me!

59. I love being in your arms. I love how safe you make me feel and how special you treat me. I love how it feels when we are close, how close our hearts become.

60. I love the way that you hold me. It’s like our bodies are made to fit together like we were meant to be. When I’m in your arms I feel so safe and completely loved. My heart feels light and I forget about everything bad in my life. I just want to stay here forever with you. Every time that I’m in your arms my love for you grows larger and larger.

61. There is this beautiful and amazing feeling that I get when I am in your arms. It’s like nothing else in the world. That feeling comes from you, and it makes me feel so special. I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

62. I don’t know what I would do without you here to hold me. You have given me everything in life, a love like no other. I would be nothing if it wasn’t for you. You are my one love, my perfect mate. I love being in your arms and never want to let go.

63. I close my eyes and I’m in your arms, I think of you and I’m there with you. Whatever happens in this crazy world, I’ll always have your love to get me through! I love you so much!!!

64. Words can’t express how much I love you. I open my arms when I’m with you and feel like I have come home. I flip my hair, laugh freely and tell you everything because I know you will still love me even when I cry. If loving you is a crime, then lock me up.

65. I love to be in your arms. I love the happy, exciting feeling that comes each time that I see you. You have the key to my heart and I love being in your arms.

66. I love being in your arms, knowing you’ll always protect me from harm with your strong embrace. I love feeling your gentle touch that comforts me whenever life is hard. I love the way you make me laugh until I cry, and then hold me till my tears dry. I just love being in your arms!

67. I love being in your arms. You are so warm, so comforting and so loving. You make me feel like the most beautiful woman on this planet, which I know deep down I really am. I love you!

68. Though I am away you’ll always be in my heart. I love being in your arms, knowing that one day we will meet again!

69. I love being in your arms, I feel like I’m where I belong. When I lay in your arms everything else fades away. You are the only thing that matters to me.

70. I love wrapping myself in your arms, laying my head against your chest, and feeling your heartbeat against my face. I never want to move they’re so comfy. My love for you grows stronger every day!

71. I love being in your arms. Knowing I’m safe and loved, that I am yours and only yours. You took my breath away, putty in your hands, caged by your arms, yet feeling so free.

72. In your arms, I fell in love with the most wonderful man in the world. Thanks for loving me back and always putting a smile on my face. You are the best boyfriend and what more could I ever ask for? We are so cute and I can’t wait to be with you forever!

73. I love the way you hold me. There’s a feeling of security and a sense of belonging I never knew was possible. You make me feel safe, protected and cared for, like nothing in this world will ever be able to hurt me. When I’m in your arms, I wish there were no limits to how long our holds could last, cause the feeling is so amazing.

74. I remember our very first day together. I knew then that this was someone special that I didn’t want to let go of. The way you look at me no one has ever made me feel. You are the greatest person I have ever met and all I can say is, “I love you”.

75. I love being in your arms and I love how you feel when we cuddle. I love how I get butterflies when I hear your voice, and I love how the house seems brighter and louder whenever you walk in. This is the most passionate moment of all time, and I love every bit of it.

76. I love being in your arms! It’s like I’m meant to be there. I feel safe and protected as if nothing can hurt me. When we are together I don’t want to ever leave.

77. I love being in your arms, knowing you will keep me safe. You are always there to hold me and tell me it’ll be ok. I can’t imagine ever living without you in my life. You are my safe haven and my rock! I love you so much!.

78. My heart belongs to you. I love being in your arms because it’s where I feel safe, warm and protected… And this feeling makes me know that I’m home.

79. I love holding you in my arms. Feeling your warmth and feeling you next to me is the best feeling in the world. I love you so much that words just don’t suffice to express how much I love you. You are the reason for my being; you are and always have been my world.

80. There are many things I love about you, but one of my favourite things is when you wrap your strong arms around me. It makes me feel like there is nothing that could ever go wrong. You make me feel safe, protected and loved.

81. I love the way you smile and look into my eyes. I love the way your arms feel around me.

82. I love being in your arms. I feel so safe and protected. When I’m in your strong arms, I feel like nothing can go wrong in my world, even if it can. Honestly, you have no idea how much I need your love.

83. I love the feeling of your arms wrapped around me, the feel of your breath on my neck. I love how safe and secure I feel in your arms. Thanks for showing me what real love is.

84. If I had my choice, I’d spend all my time wrapped up in your arms. I love the scent of you and the way you make me feel when I’m with you. You make life worth living and just being with you is all I could ever want.

85. In your arms is the only place I want to be right now. Holding you close to me, never wanting to let go. I love every inch of you and all the lovely things you do.

86. I love the way you feel when I’m with you. There’s an unexplainable comfort and ease in being with you. You are my favourite place to be, no one else can make me feel this way.

87. It’s like I can breathe better when you hold me like the world stops spinning when your arms are wrapped around me. You make my burdens disappear and you let me feel whole again.

88. Every night I go to bed with you on my mind and think what a lucky man I am to have you. You are my rock, my soulmate and my everything. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

89. I love being in your arms. You’re always there when I need you the most. I’m so grateful to have met you, and I love being able to call you my boyfriend. You are my one and only love, and our love will never fade away.

90. I love the way you hold me. It is so comforting. I can fall asleep in your arms and wake up feeling safe, secure and well-rested. I love being in your arms.

91. Your arms are so strong, yet so gentle. I feel safe and protected. I am a better person when I’m in your arms. You are my one true love, my soul mate, my best friend. Our love is destined to last throughout eternity.

92. If there was one thing I could do for the rest of my life, it would be to stay in your arms. My love for you is so strong that I can’t imagine being anywhere else. You are my world and I would give up anything to be with you.

93. The thought of you makes me smile, The feel of your embrace makes my heart sing, Being with you is such a wonderful feeling, That I long for it every single moment.

94. Hold me in your arms. Whisper sweet nothings. Stay with me forever.

95. I love being cuddled by you. I love how safe and warm you make me feel. You are the only person with whom I can let my guard down around and feel completely comfortable.

96. I love being in your arms. They always make me feel so safe and protected. I love that feeling more than anything in the world. It gives me peace, happiness and a sense of belonging. I always feel loved when you hold me in your arms.

97. I love being in your arms. It makes me feel so safe and wrapped up in your love. I have never felt so loved as I do when I’m in your arms. You are the man of my dreams and the future husband of my dreams too. I can’t wait to spend forever with you by my side!

98. To be in your arms is home. I love being there. I feel so protected and secure. It feels like we are the only two people in the world even if we are surrounded by people. I know that you would never let anything or anyone hurt me because you love me.

99. One of the most amazing feelings in the world is being in your arms, feeling your warmth and strength around me. Nothing could make me happier. I love you!

100. I love feeling your arms wrapped snugly around me. Every time you hold me, it melts away all the stress of the world. I can’t get enough of your hugs, I’d be happy if they lasted forever!

101. My love for you has no boundaries. I want to spend every moment with you and never let you go. I want to hold you in my arms, touch your hair and tell you how much I love you. I’m ready to commit my life to yours and do whatever it takes to make you happy, as long as we are together.

102. I love being in your arms baby. I love how warm and comfortable they are, the feeling of floating on air when you wrap them around me. You’re my safe place to be, as your strong arms protect me from the world. I can’t imagine a life without you now.

When we are in love, it’s a beautiful and heart-warming feeling. That’s why most people want to share their love quotes with their loved ones. So, if you want to express your heartfelt affection to your significant other then these I love being in your arms quotes will help you to express your feelings and you can send such quotes on his/her favourite social media platforms.

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