I Love to Capture Every Moment Quotes

Life is like a box of cherries, it’s sweet and sour at the same time. It contains happy and sad experiences with joy and sorrow. Every event that occurs in our life from birth to death can be compared to sweet and sour experiences in a box of cherries. A life without these things is dull and boring.

As a person, I like to capture every moment because it helps me recall every event in my life; whether good or bad, happy or sad. I don’t let a moment pass by without capturing it.

From the ordinary moments of life that we take for granted, like getting up and brushing our teeth, to the extraordinary moments like taking pictures of a beautiful sunset of a great achievement like a graduation or wedding ceremony. These precious moments are all around us and it is such a wonderful thing to capture them because these moments pass by in an instant.

Don’t let a single amazing moment pass by without capturing and noting down the good and bad details in words or with a picture. These I love to capture every moment quotes will help you to preserve sweet and sour memories for future reference.

It’s an exciting way to live Because life is a roller coaster of moments-heart-warming, tear-jerking and otherwise. So, whether you’re scribbling notes on a plane or snapping mobile pics at a loved one’s wedding, capture every moment and make sure it stays fresh in your mind!

I love to capture every moment and make sure I remember events and experiences that come my way. It’s an exciting process to do something I love and still realize that someday when I look back on this, these moments will give me a lot of happiness. I love to capture every moment, so I can enjoy it twice.

1. I love to capture every moment because memories make for good reflections in the future.

2. I love to capture every moment, they are precious gifts of life. It’s the feeling of being satisfied, complete, safe and content. These are the things that we remember for a lifetime.

3. I love capturing every moment to preserve the sweet memories of today.

4. I love to capture every moment. You never know when it may be the last.

5. I love to capture every moment. Life is beautiful, live it to the fullest. Don’t forget that to recall the past, you need not wait for things that happened yesterday or today, just open your eyes and live in the present moment.

6. Don’t let a moment pass by without catching and noting down the good and bad details in words or with a picture. I love to capture every moment to preserve sweet and sour memories for future reference. It’s an exciting way to live.

7. If you love to capture every moment, you’ll cherish and remember the good times.

8. I love to capture every moment but not because I am a photographer or a writer. Capturing moments is an art. Keep it alive by taking photos and recording moments of your day, good or bad.

9. I love to capture every moment, make memories for future reference, never let a moment pass by without catching and noting down the good and bad details.

10. I love to capture every moment so that I can look back and remember the good old days.

11. I love to capture every moment of my life because I really love every moment.

12. I love to capture every moment that makes me feel like: I’m living the life of my dreams

13. Life is a beautiful journey. I love to capture every moment and every step of my journey

14. I love to capture every moment of my life with my camera to keep the memories alive.

15. I love to capture every moment, not because I’m worried about forgetting them, but because I want to remember them in detail.

16. I love to capture every moment that has a story to tell. It’s awesome reliving past events while flipping through old pictures. I think it’s a great idea to make little notes of what happened or was said in each picture. You can then read the notes and see how much you have grown over time.

17. The past is priceless, and when you look at old pictures it can take you on a nostalgic journey. I love to capture every moment that has a story to tell. It’s awesome reliving past events while flipping through old pictures. I think it’s a great idea to make little notes of what happened or was said in each picture. You can then read the notes and see how much you have grown over time.

18. I love to capture every moment in my life, the good and bad memories. I will keep them alive by noting down and taking pictures of the moments that matter.

19. I love to capture every moment, so I can look back and understand life better.

20. Don’t let your memories die. Capture every moment of joy and sorrow before it’s too late. Keep memories alive with words.

21. Thank you for all the precious moments you’ve given me! I love to capture every moment with my camera so that even when we are apart I feel you very close within my eyes.

22. I love to capture every moment. If you don’t, you will regret it later.

23. I love to capture every moment, be it vacations, parties, and even your birthday.

24. I love to capture every moment with a camera. There’s always something about a picture that brings back sweet memories.

25. I love to capture every moment of my life so that I can relive them when I am old and grey.

26. Capture every moment that you can. Good times and bad, they are all moments to cherish because they will never be back.

27. Capture every moment, because someday you will realize they have become memories.

28. Capture every moment you have with your loved ones so you will have many memories to look back on

29. I love to capture every moment. This is my way of keeping memories alive. I don’t want any moment to pass by me without noting down the good and bad details in words or with a picture.

30. Capturing moments is my way of keeping memories alive. Whether it’s a photo or a couple of sentences about the good and bad. I do not want to let any moment pass by me without remembering it in full detail.

31. I love to capture every moment. Life is made of moments, I’ll try to make mine memorable

32. I love to capture every moment. Don’t let a moment pass by without catching and noting down the good and bad details in words or with a picture. It’s an exciting way to live.

33. Never be without a camera! Capture every moment – good and bad, sweet and sour. I love to capture every moment.

34. Do you ever look back and think where did the time go? Capture every moment to preserve sweet and sour memories for future reference.

35. I love to capture every moment, from the happy to the sad. It’s a way to preserve memories and bring back good times.

36. I love to capture every moment. It has helped me keep track and revisit some of my sweet memories as well as learn from mistakes I may have made in the past.

37. Live life as you have never lived before. Capture every moment and keep memories alive.

38. I love to capture every moment to preserve sweet and sour memories for future reference.

39. I love to capture every moment, because every second matters.

40. I love to capture every moment because you never know when something wonderful can happen.

41. I love to capture every moment of my life, it allows me to remember every little thing that makes me who I am today. I love to capture every moment of my life, real or fake.

42. I love capturing every moment of my life. It makes me smile when I see my old pictures.

43. Stop living in the past and live in the present. Keep your memories alive by capturing every moment that comes your way!

44. Capture every moment and make it last a lifetime. Don’t miss a chance to keep a memory alive in your heart and mind.

45. I love capturing moments that tell a story, and I want to capture every moment that has a story to tell. Looking at old photos, seeing the people in them, and reading what’s written on them is a great way to relive those moments. It’s also a great way to see how much you have grown over time.

46. Keep remembering and capturing every moment. It will be your best experience ever!

47. Capture every moment, so that you would never forget the beautiful life you live.

48. Capture every moment in a way that will make you smile.

49. Capture every moment, those sweet memories will come in handy someday.

50. The greatest moments in your life won’t necessarily be the things you do, they’ll also be the things that happen to you. Simply enjoy every moment as it comes and capture it because this is a lifetime adventure.

51. Our life is a gift from the Almighty. So don’t waste a single moment, seize it and live it to the fullest. The adventures never end!

52. Do you know how powerful and exciting it is to be able to look back on old memories? Flipping through old photos brings back so many good times and laughter. I took some time in life to write small notes of the events happening and the conversations being had. It’s great to see how much has changed.

53. You will cherish the experience for a lifetime. Make notes about each picture and you can reflect on how much you’ve grown over time. Write down dates, funny things that were said or other important details that happen throughout your special day.

54. I encourage you to add notes to your pictures. Each picture has a story to tell and every time you see it or talk about it, you can relive the event in detail. It will also serve as a reminder of who you once were and how far you have come.

55. You’ll capture more than the scenery. By including little notes along with your photos, you’ll document moments in time that are worth sharing for years to come.

56. Your photos are one of your most treasured possessions. They are a wonderful way to bring back happy memories. What if you could capture those moments and the emotions felt at the time? If you do, then you will have the ability to relive these moments whenever you want to. People who make notes in their photos are able to see their growth in life more easily, which helps them appreciate the present moment even more.

57. Give your photos a voice with notes. Reliving the past and reminiscing in the future will become even more fun as you read through your personal stories from photos.

58. The very act of taking photos makes time stop, and the objects in those photos have a chance to live forever. The moments you cherish will be there for you to hold close, reliving them every moment of every day.

59. You can now capture memories and memories for all occasions. Life becomes more enjoyable when you can relive and share events with people you love.

60. Do you have a bunch of photos stored in your phone, computer or on a USB? You can make notes on the photos to remember your story.

61. You can relive past events by looking at pictures you have taken. It’s a great idea to make notes of what happened or was said in each picture. You can then read the notes and see how much you have grown over time.

62. There are moments you want to remember and moments you don’t. But every moment is worth capturing. There’s always time for a story. Don’t let time slip away

63. I’ve had so many memories in the past five months of my life. I’ve had the privilege to meet so many people who may seem like strangers now, but will be cherished and remembered forever. I don’t want any moment to pass me by without taking notes on the things that have happened, or on what is most important to me in life.

64. I believe that the best way to live life is to cherish each and every moment. This can be done by capturing it through words or a picture, no matter how big or small the moment was.

65. I’m working to capture every moment so I don’t forget the good moments or the bad ones.

66. Every moment is special and it’s my passion to capture them in words and pictures. I am inspired. I am in awe of the power of life. I am a captive of its beauty.

67. I want to feel everything and when I look back on my life, I want to remember every heartbreaking moment, every detail and every smile. I want to be able to experience that feeling again just by reading over a few words in my journal.

68. Memories don’t fade when you have journals and scrapbooks. Memory books give you the opportunity to get lost in the moment and describe it as if it was happening right now.

69. I love having memories I can return to. It’s like flipping through a book, but with real life instead of words on a page. When you pass the same places, you remember what you felt when you were there before. You experience it again in your mind and in your body, and you get to feel it all over again.

70. My mother has always been my biggest inspiration. Always make sure you take the time to stop and appreciate what’s around you.

71. Ever since I was just a little girl, I knew there was something special about my life due to all the exciting things happening in it. Growing up fast and seeing so many positive things happening around me were so encouraging to me.

72. You’re faced with a crossroad. There’s the path where you’ll either be on the side of good or evil. If you pick the right path, you’ll end up in the lair of greatness and bliss. Still, only you can choose your destiny. But at the end of your adventure, I hope that memories prevail.

73. Time flies faster than you think. I love to capture every moment because time is never coming back.

74. I love that I get to capture all of my favourite moments.

75. Every moment, we are creating our memories. Don’t miss the beauty and love.

76. Life’s a journey, and a life well-lived is a collection of amazing memories. Whether you choose to document your life story or journal your daily thoughts will be up to you, but one thing is for sure: If it’s written down, that moment will last forever.

77. When I capture every moment, there is no feeling of regret because I will always have the moments that I cherish the most in life.

78. Don’t let your special moments pass by unnoticed. Capture them with a click of a button and make the most of life. You’ll be happy you did.

79. Capturing the memories is an amazing way to relive the past, time and again.

80. Everyone says that time flies when you’re having fun, but I still manage to catch every moment of it.

81. Don’t waste your time on explanations, people won’t hear you anyway. Live your life and do what you love, and do it often.

82. Life is an adventure, and what better way to remember it than with frequent snapshots and a list of words to go along with each picture. When you start to dream, capture it.

83. I love to capture every moment to preserve sweet and sour memories for future reference. It’s an exciting way to live.

84. Don’t let a moment pass by without catching and noting down the good and bad details in words or with a picture.

85. I love to capture every moment. Life is about capturing moments for many years to come.

86. Life is a puzzle, and I love to capture every moment! When you create memories, you may find yourself being able to go back and see how each moment has impacted where you are now.

87. I live to capture every moment because they’re only there for a few moments. I’m more of a spontaneous person, I like to capture every moment.

88. Life is full of amazing surprises, capture them all! Life is about creating yourself, grab a camera and capture yours!

89. I love that moment when you look back and realize how far you’ve come.

90. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

91. The secret to having it all is knowing you already do. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in everyday life.

92. Life is short, live it to the fullest. Don’t forget that you don’t need to wait for things that happened yesterday or today to remember the past. Just open your eyes and live in the present moment.

93. Recall the past, you need not wait for things that happened yesterday or today, just open your eyes and live in the present moment.

94. I love capturing every moment. Life is beautiful, live it to the fullest. Remember the past by living in the present moment, just open your eyes and live!

95. Life is beautiful, live it to the fullest. Remember that the past is always with you: open your eyes and live in the present moment.

96. There are so many important moments to capture. When you open your mind and appreciate life, you’ll realize how many amazing things are happening right now.

97. A picture paints a thousand words, but sometimes a second is all you need. So pick up your camera and start capturing those special moments!

98. Photography is my passion. I love to capture the feeling of happiness and joy, the emotion that can sometimes be lost in the blur of a moment.

99. Moments are good memories that you can never forget. Memories mark your path in life, leaving footprints behind. Every now and then, you should look back on your path and see how far you have come or what mistakes you have made.

100. You need to live in the moment. The past has gone, so forget it. The future is full of suspense and unknowns, so don’t waste time worrying about it. Make the most of your time now.

We never know what today would have in store for us, but we should always reflect on what has happened as well as make preparations for the future. Sometimes, yes, we can ignore some good things that happen to us, because we thought it’s a common thing and our life would be better than that.

However, if only we remember to capture every sweet moment, those sweet memories would bring us back to the past and perhaps some small changes would occur in the present.

I really do hope you loved the quotes above, I’d love to see your comments below and would also be happy if you’d kindly share this post.ife.

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