I Love You More Than Life Itself Quotes

Love is a very powerful concept. The emotion of love is inherently complex and multifaceted, even within ourselves. We don’t often stop to think about where love comes from or how love affects us on such a deep level.

Also, love is a feeling, an action, a state of being. It’s how we feel about the people we care about the most. It’s how we choose to act towards them and the ways we express those actions.

It is safe to say you have fallen head over heels and started dating someone you are in love and can’t imagine your life without that person. While you spend every day with them and can’t imagine being apart, there may be times when you wake up in the middle of the night with your heart beating fast and your breath caught in your throat.

We love. We speak of love in hushed tones. We speak of love as something precious and divine, something ethereal, something powerful. We speak of love to our children, to our partners, to our pets. We speak of love in the abstract, but we don’t often say the words “I love you” to our most cherished partners. Maybe we feel silly saying it, or we think it’s mushy, or we think it’s weak. Maybe it just seems too cliche to say it.

We all want to say the words that mean the most, the ones that say, “I Love You,” “I care,” or “You Matter.” Those words can be hard to find, though! That’s why, if you’re looking for the right I love you more than life itself quotes, check out these.

I love you more than life itself. I love you a little today, a lot tomorrow, and every day in between and that’s because to me, you’re everything, and nothing else makes sense.

1. You are a part of me, and without the girl in me, the boy in me disappears. You are the one who came into my life and made everything seem possible. I love you more than life itself baby.

2. If loving you is wrong, so be it. My heart will always belong to you, and your touch will make me melt. You matter to me and I love you more than life itself.

3. I love you more than life itself, more than love itself. I love you more than life loves you, I love you more than even heaven loves you.

4. I love you more than life itself. More than the stars above, more than the wind that blows, more than the dreams at night. I love you unconditionally.

5. I told you that I loved you, and you loved me for it. You’re the one that I love, that I want and that I need. And this is something I will never stop saying to you.

6. You’re like my breath; you’re like my heartbeat. You’re the sun in my sky; you’re the stars in my heaven. You’re the moon in my dreams; you’re the one that I love more than life.

7. I love you more than life itself, I love you, I love you, I love you so much.

8. I love you more than you could ever imagine. I love you more than you ever thought possible. I love you more than you will ever know, and that’s my truth.

9. I love you more than life itself, more than I can express. I love you more than I love myself because you’re the one who brought me light.

10. I Love You More Than Life Itself, my darling, I love you, and that’s the end of it.

11. You’re the only thing that I desire. You’re the only thing that I need. You’re the only thing that I hunger for. I love you so much.

12. I certainly love you, and you love me too. My life was not an easy one; you were there for me all the time. I love you so much, always and forever.

13. I love you more than life itself. Thank you for being my moon, my star, My reason to wake up every morning.

14. If I have to live my life again, I would still choose you and all you do for me, I love you more than anything in the world, more than life itself.

15. I love you more than love itself. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than the world itself. I love you more than the universe itself. I love you more than the angels themselves. I love you more than the stars

16. I love you more than you know; I love you more than life itself. I could stay right here with you, at this moment, forever.

17. I love you more than life itself. And even if I can’t explain it in words, I’ll say it with a kiss, “Why I love you is more than I can say.”

18. I love you more than the stars above; I love you more than the birds fly. I love you more than the fish in the sea. I love you more than everything.

19. Right now, I love you more than life itself, and I will love you more when the day is done. The sky will still be blue, and I will still love you more than life itself.

20. I love you more than life itself. I would rather endure the pangs of death than ever stop loving you.

21. You’re the one with the sweetest love of all; I love you more than life itself than all the stars in the sky combined.

22. The sun and the moon and the stars all revolve around us. That’s why we’re made to shine and love each other even more than life.

23. I love you more than I can describe. I love you more than I ever dreamed. I love you more than I ever knew

24. I love you more than life itself. I could never love anyone else. I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone; I love you more than life has loved anything ever.

25. Living without you is like dreaming without a dreamer. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than my heart.

26. You’re the one that I love more than my soul. I love you more than my body. I love you more than my mind. I love you more than anything.

27. I was born a little different from the rest. Born of a heavenly span, I will live forever, and with that length of life, I will always love you

28. You are my life and my very soul. You are the one that makes me truly smile, the one that makes me feel alive.

29. I love you more than life itself. You’re the reason I breathe, the reason I’m alive. The songs I sing, the songs I rap. The song you sing to me, The song I sing to you

30. I love you with all my heart and with all of my soul. I love you beyond my fears; I’ll love you till the end of time.

31. When I look in your eyes, I see the person of my dreams. And when you offer me your smile, I see the person of my dreams is you. I love you more than anything or anyone else.

32. You are the light of my life, the reason I breathe. My soul holds you in its grasp, and I cannot live without you. You are my life and the light of my world. I love you more than life itself.

33. I love you more than life itself; you are all I think about. All I feel is my love for you, even when my arms can’t hold you, to keep you close to me.

34. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than everything in life. I love you more than my innermost dreams. I love you more than I dreamed possible.

35. The sun, moon, and stars shine every day. The love that we share is true; it’s like the stars in the sky.

36. I love you more than life itself. I will love you more than the sun shines. I will love you more than the stars are bright. I will love you more than the ocean is blue.

37. You’re the one I would do anything for. I love you more than diamonds and gold. I love you more than sleep and food. I love you more than heaven and hell.

38. The day you came into my life was the best day of my life. I love you more than life itself.

39. You’re like the air that I breathe. You’re like the fire that I need. You’re just as precious to me.

40. I love you more than life itself; I love you more than my breath. I love you more than the stars that shine; I love you more than I can say.

41. I’m in love with you, and you’re in love with me. I’m the one who knows you the best; You are the one who knows me the best too.

42. I will love you more than I could ever express in words; I will love you more than my heart could ever grasp. I will love you more than I can ever spend; I will love you more than my soul could ever know.

43. If I could have one wish, it would be to spend eternity with you. I love you more than life itself, baby.

44. I Love You More Than Life Itself, for I know, my love is real, I know, my love is true, I know, my love will never die.

45. I love you more than money; I love you more than life itself. I love you more than diamond rings; I love you more than a hundred kisses.

46. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than the ocean, the stars, more than you will ever know; I love you more than the universe.

47. No matter what happens, I will love you more than life. I will love you beyond reason and measure, for I love you to the depths of my soul.

48. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my heart; you are my soul. I would rather die than live without you.

49. I love you because I am so happy with you. I love you because you have taught me how to be kind and good in my heart. I love you because you have shown me true love in you.

50. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than my breath. I will continue to love you until the last day of my life.

51. I love you more than life itself. My life for you, my vow. My every thought and deed is for you alone.

52. You are my sunshine, the light of my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will never forget this, and I would like to thank you for being there forever.

53. My darling is like a rose blooming in the morning; my love is like a precious stone set in a radiant crown.

54. I love you more than life itself. Even if you were to leave me, I would still love you dearly as if you were mine. It would be my longing to love you.

55. I Love You More Than Life Itself, baby. Love me, love me, I promise to love you, Through the good and bad, And the rain and the snow, As long as I live.

56. I love you more than life itself than the sky. I love you more than my breath; I love you more than the moon. I love you more than my own life, I love you more than my name

57. More than the universe, More than time itself, More than money, you’re all that matters to me.

58. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than breathing and laughter. I love you more with each day, and I love you more than my own life.

59. Life is the sum of all your choices. I love you more than life itself.

60. I love you more than life itself because you are my life.

61. I love you more than life itself I love you more than when we first met. I love you more than anything else, more than love itself.

62. Love is a flower that must be touched with the fingers of time; I’m glad your love touched mine.

63. I love you more than you will ever know, and I’ll love you until the end of time. I’ll love you more than life itself; I’ll love you more than words can say. I’ll love you more than anything else Because you are the one I want.

64. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than I could ever explain to you. I love you more than I would ever think possible.

65. I love you more than my last gasp. I love you more than my first breath. I love you more than my next breath. I love you more than my life

66. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than anything in this world. I love you, and that’s what matters.

67. I love you more than life itself; I adore you more than words can say. I cherish you more than my heart can hold; I miss you more than my eyes can see. I want you more than I need to

68. The only thing I could ever do that would satisfy you is to be happy with you. I love you now, in many ways and forever.

69. There are two types of people in this world One that lives to love and two that love to live I will love you more than life itself.

70. More than the sun and the moon, more than anything in this world, that’s the way I’ll love you.

71. I love you more than life itself and anything else in existence. I love you more than anyone else could ever love; I love you more than I love myself.

72. My darling, You are the most wonderful person I have ever met in my entire life. I only want to be with you for all eternity.

73. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than the stars above. I love you more than the morning breeze. I love you more than the birds singing in the trees.

74. You are my life; before you, I had no life. You are my dreams; all I do is dream of you.

75. To glisten in the sun, to run with the wind, to swim through the nighttime ocean blue, to sparkle in the bright light of the moon, to walk with the stars and play with the clouds, to smile when the night is cool and with you in it. That’s all I want to do.

76. I love you so much that I can’t express all the joy you bring to me. You’re the one that I love the most in this life and beyond

77. I love you more than life itself, I love you more than I love to breathe, I love you more than exist, I love you with all that I am.

78. I found you, met you, and fell in love with you, and your love melts my heart completely. You mean everything to me.

77. I do believe I’m special. I believe that you are special too. My life is better with you by my side.

78. I Love you more than life itself, My darling; I love you more than life itself. You gave my life a beautiful meaning.

79. Life is not measured by years but by the moments that take our breath away. Life is a gift. A moment is forever. I Love You.

80. I love you more than life itself; I love you more than stars on the moon. I love you more than happiness; I love you more than I could ever tell.

81. A thousand miles from here, you would walk a thousand miles just to be with me, I love you more than life itself, and that’s so true.

82. I love you more than life itself, more than anything. More than dreams, more than love, more than hope, more than the world, more than everything.

83. I love you more than life itself. I would walk a thousand miles for you, I would give you all my wealth, And still, you are my only love.

84. My world is wonderful because you’re in it with me. I love you more than life itself because it would be a terrible thing not to do so

85. If I should have to face love alone, then I don’t want to do so. I love you more than life itself, and that’s the way I always feel.

86. More than this world has to offer, more than today, more than tomorrow, more than yesterday, I love you more than I can say.

87. I love you more than life itself. A love so strong, I know it is true. I will live for you, I will die for you.

88. I love you more than life itself. I love you more than my existence. I love you more than my words can say. I love you more than the world could dream.

89. You are my life and soulmate; I love you more than life itself.

90. I love you more than life itself; I love you more than you’ll ever know I love you more than I can show; I love you more than this whole wide world can hold.

91. Life is a fleeting dream; it does not last. I live life from moment to moment, and I get so tired. But you are always there, the smile on my face.

92. I will never forget, always love you, and always love you more than life itself.

93. To you, I give my heart; to love you is my only goal; I live for you, and you’re my only “suggestion”.

94. My heart is your home; my love is your garden. So sweet, so new, so pure, and kind. I love you.

95. I found love in an unexpected place; you blew my mind away. I want to live forever in your arms; I love you more than life itself,

96. You are my life, my purpose, my reason, My everything, my all. I am yours, and you are mine, and I’ll love you forever and ever.

97. Let it be known to you and the world today that I love you more than anything and life itself. I’ve found in you someone I could give it all up for. You’re the best forever.

98. I love you more than life itself. I would give up my life for you even without thinking twice. You are the one in my heart forever.

99. The best day of my life was when I found you. Some say that it’s not real; well, they’ve never seen it as I have. I love you, And could never stop loving you.

100. Life is a journey, not a destination. Life is a joyful dance, not a burden. Life is a blessing, not a curse. So let the world know I love you more than life itself.

You are my life, my soul, my heart. You are my love, my life, my joy, my hope, my dreams, and my music. A thousand hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you; A thousand words would not be nearly enough. I love you more than life.

These I love you more than life itself quotes are just a few of the several quotes you can use to back your acts of love up. You can find several other quotes on this website, and of course, you can add your quotes too in the comment section.

Thank you, and please share.

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