I Love You Not Your Money Quotes

Love is the greatest emotion that can ever be felt. It’s boundless and endless, unlike money. Love cannot be measured in terms of how much you have received or given. Love is selfless and can’t be bought with money.

The world is filled with false beliefs, overused expressions, and mangled definitions—especially when it comes to the topic of love. For generations, people have operated under the delusion that love and money can be exchanged, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The world is populated by people with money on the mind, and it’s often become quite trendy to flaunt wealth. This, however, makes it somehow difficult for some people to believe there’s true love, especially when they have acquired some monetary values.

Therefore, it’s necessary to convince and reassure them that true love exists. If you have someone you love but you feel they think you are after their money, you can always prove your love to them. And with the compilation of I love you, not your money quotes here, you have the best words to use.

True love isn’t about money. Or about making someone else happy all the time. It’s about being with the person who makes you happiest of all. I love you not for the prospect of gain but, pure and simple, because I love you. I promise to love you and cherish you until the day we’re together again in the hereafter.

1. True love is not about money but about loving someone. I’m not in this relationship for your money, I’m here because of you. Every time I see you my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute, I fall more in love. You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know.

2. Love is found in the little things—things that have nothing to do with money. I love you not because of who you are or the money you have, but because of who I am when I am with you. I love you so much that sometimes I can’t even breathe.

3. Life is not about how much money you make. It’s about making a difference in the lives of others. I love you, not for what you have, but for who you are. I didn’t start a relationship with you because of your money. I am in love with my best friend and the most handsome man alive.

4. The most beautiful things in the world are imperceptible to the eye, but they touch us deeply. I’m not with you for your money. I’m with you because I love you and trust you with all my heart.

5. The truest love is not about superficial things like money and status symbols. It’s about sharing a life with someone who brings out the best in you. I love you not because of anything you have, but because of something you are.

6. Giving is the greatest gift you will ever receive, and true love has nothing to do with money. If money was the answer to my problems, I’d be rich. But if love is what you want from me, I’m already there. I will always love you, no matter where life takes us.

7. True love is not contingent on physical attraction, financial wealth, or age. That’s one thing I love about you. You’re not out to impress anyone. You are who you are and nothing will change that. I love you for that and not your money.

8. A real relationship is when you are able to put love before money. It’s not about how much money you have, but about how you manage it. I’m not a gold digger, I’m a heart digger.

9. Money will never buy love. I love you not how much money you have or how much you make, I love you for who you are, and I always want to be by your side. Because that’s where I want to be the most.

10. Love is not something that can be bought with cash. Love is invaluable. I love you not for your looks, money or status. But I love you for your heart and soul. I will never stop loving you even if I have all the money in the world.

11. I love you not because of any material things you have, I love you for the potential that you have. You are my best friend, my lover, and my other half. And the reason I fell in love with you is that you aren’t perfect but there is a little bit of perfection inside of you.

12. I love you not because of anything you have, but in spite of it. I believe in you and I want to be by your side forever. Loving you has made me the happiest man on earth.

13. If I ever had enough money to do everything I want in life, then the only thing I would spend it on is you. You are a million times more valuable than all your possessions combined. I love you, nor your money.

14. Our lives are intertwined in their very fibres. What could be more perfect than you and me? Money? No. I love you, not your money.

15. There are many reasons why I love you. The simplest of them all is that you are my best friend. I really do love you, not your money, not your possessions. I love the person in you.

16. I love you not for what you have but for who you are. You are sweet, smart and beautiful. You mean the world to me and know I will always be there for you. You are my forever friend.

17. Most people start thinking the worst, that their man/woman is after their money and not them. We have all said this before. But think again, I love you not for what you have but for who you are.

18. If there is one thing I can say with complete confidence- I love you not your money. You have enough savings in the bank to take care of us for a while, but that is not what makes me happy. I love you because you make me happy, not your money.

19. I love you not for your money; I love you for yourself. Yours is mine, and mine is yours, for life and forevermore.

20. I love you because of the person that you are, not because of anything that you have. I love everything about you, including what has happened or is happening to you and what will happen in the future.

21. I love you, not your money! That’s crazy to think, But it’s true I do. Yes, I love you totally, Without your rich estate. Your banknotes don’t mean a thing to me.

22. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. I love learning about new things and it has opened up my eyes to a lot of new things. You mean the world to me. You were there through both the greatest joys and the hardest times in my life.

23. I love you not for the obvious things that you have and I will never have, but for your heart, mind, soul and beautiful smile. You’re my best friend and I wouldn’t trade our love for anything!

24. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it, by my side. You’re my best friend and soul mate. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, not your money.

25. I kept hearing the phrase over and over again in my head. I love you not for your material possessions, the big house, or fancy cars. I just love you because you are you.

26. You make me so happy and no one will ever be able to make me feel the way you do. I’m so lucky to have you and I know that we will make it through anything together.

27. I love you for everything you are and for everything we’re going to be together. I don’t care about your bank account balance – all I care about is how you make me feel when we’re together.

28. There is nothing I would want more in this world than to keep spending the rest of my life with you by my side. Please never leave. I love you, not your money.

29. You are the best and perfect friend anyone could ever have. There will never be anyone else for me because I love you, not your money and you make my life perfect.

30. I don’t love you just for your body, or the way you make me feel. I fell in love with your mind, your smile, and the way you make me laugh. I love you, not your money.

31. I love you not for your money, but ’cause you’re a sweetheart. I love you not for your looks, but ’cause I love your heart. I love you not for your stuff, not for your cash, but only for you.

32. I am not with you for your money or for your car, house and other material things. I want nothing but you.

33. You are the man of my dreams, the one that I have been looking for all my life. You are my soul mate, someone who makes me happy and fills me up inside. I love you and will always be by your side. I love you, not your money.

34. I love you not for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I want you to know that I want nothing, absolutely nothing in this world that you cannot provide for me. All I want is your love.

35. People who want money without working for it are like blind men with eyes. The reason I am with you is far from your wealth. I love you truly.

36. I simply adore you. You are all I ever wanted in a man and more. To me, you are perfect and there is no one else in the world that could make me feel so loved and cared for. I love you, not your money.

37. I love you, not your money. When I’m with you, my heart is content, nothing else matters but being able to be by your side.

38. I am very lucky to have you in my life. You are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. You are beautiful on the inside and out and I thank God every day for you. I love you, not your money.

39. Loving you is the only thing that makes sense in my life. I’m thrilled that you are in my life and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, not your money.

40. I’m not in this for the money. I could care less about it. I am in love with your eyes, your lips, and that beautiful smile of yours. You are my daydream, my nightmare, my most vivid of dreams. You don’t need a dime to be worth loving.

41. The good things that happened to us makes me realize how much you are needed in my life. You’re a man that deserves only the best things in life regardless of what others think. I love you, not your money.

42. I love you because you are really kind and caring that’s why I treasure our relationship more than anything else, not because of your money.

43. Money can’t buy me love, but it can get you heartbroken. So make sure that you are only spending your heart’s money on that person who will cherish and never break your heart.

44. I thought our love couldn’t get any stronger. I’m wrong. It grows every day and I feel so lucky to be in your life. I love you so much with everything that I am and you mean more to me than anything in this world. I love you, not your money.

45. Love is a choice and we both made that choice the day we met. No amount of money could possibly outweigh our love for each other.

46. No matter what, remember that I love you forever and the gift of my love is the only thing that matters today. Yes, our lives have taken us in different directions and we may not be able to spend every moment with each other. But, to me, you are still the most precious person on earth.

47. Money won’t make you happy. But everybody wants it. It’s just a status symbol of how much you’re desired by everyone else.

48. I remember when we first met, you had nothing and that bummed me out. It made me feel like I wasn’t enough for you, but then I realized how much of a jerk I was being. You don’t need money to be attractive because your mind is richer than any bank.

49. We are crazy, stupid fun together. I love the way we make each other laugh, I hope laughter is always a part of our relationship. I love you, not your money.

50. I love the way you look at me when we’re relaxing, I hope there are many more mornings to come. I love that your hand fits perfectly in mine, I hope we will finish our journey together. I love you, not your money.

51. You mean the world to me, not your money. I would do anything to make you happy. I want our love to last forever and ever. I want to grow old with you. We’ll be together forever. I will love you until my dying day.

52. Being in love is the most wonderful feeling in the world, although it can be hard. Everything else pales by comparison. I love you, not your money.

53. Having you in my life means the world to me. You have helped me through so many tough times and we have seen so much together. I just wanted to say that I love you more than words can express. I love you, not your money but your heart.

54. I want to tell you that I love you not because of the material things you buy me or the fancy dinners out that you take me on. I love you because of your loving devotion, your thoughtfulness and most importantly your kindness.

55. I love you for who you are and not just how much money you make. People can buy love but true love needs no money. I really appreciate you for who you are.

56. I’m not in this relationship because of your wealth, it’s the one that stands before me that makes my heart sigh. Whenever we meet eyes my heart melts because I’m so in love with your gaze. You are my treasure and I would cherish you until the end of the day.

57. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met. You make me laugh and smile every day. I love how you always find a way to put a smile on my face, even on my worst days. I love you, not your money.

58. Thank you for staying by my side through everything and making me feel more loved than any other person could. I love you, not your money.

59. We have gotten so used to each other’s company and lives. We enjoy every minute we spend together, whether it’s having dinner at a fancy restaurant or walking around the park. I really love you, so much that it’s hard to put it into words. I love you, not your money. I hope that you feel the same way.

60. Love is being stupid together. Being so vain has its advantages too, I love you, not your money.

61. I love you not for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for being my friend, my companion, my lover and my soul mate.

62. Thank you for shining your everlasting light into all the dark corners of my heart and filling them with hope, joy and love that I never knew possible. I look forward to spending a lifetime of happiness with you. I love you, not your money.

63. Your money may be green and it may grow on trees, But it will never buy me I love you. We may have our ups and downs, but through it all, your love keeps me going.

64. I am so lucky to have you in my life, my love. You are more precious than anything I own and every day I feel lucky to have you by my side. I love you, not your money.

65. The best things in life are free and so are you. You are kind and loving and generous, two traits that I value most. Thank you for being you, and making me into a better person. I cherish your love and am so happy to be with you.

66. My life wouldn’t be complete without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn’t live another minute without you by my side. Your love completes me. You may not know this, but you are the love of my life.

67. I love you, not your money. I want to know all about your past, view your present and share with you your future.

68. I love you for you and that’s what matters the most. All I want to do is make you happy, the money is just a bonus. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life.

69. My love for you is not dependent upon your wealth or status, but on the true love that lies in my heart. I have loved you since the day I saw you and I will continue to love you till eternity. I will always make time for us because the only thing that matters to me is your happiness.

70. You have given me a place to stay and restored my broken soul. You have brought me from a life of crime to an honest day’s work. You have become more than just a friend, you are family. I love you for who you are and not for your money.’

71. If I didn’t have you, I would have no one. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have a reason to live. You are the very air in my lungs and the blood in my veins.

72. Your arms are home to me and your heart is my home. I love you with all of my heart, not just because of the riches that you might bring but for who you are as a person, I want to grow old with you.

73. I love you not for the things that you have, but for the fact that I have you. Our love grows stronger every day and I feel more in love with you than ever before.

74. You mean so much to me and I just want to let you know that if there is anything I can do, please just ask me.

75. If there were more than 24 hours in a day I would spend them all with you. I love being with you and can’t ever get enough of you. You are such an amazing person on the inside and out and I feel so lucky to have found you. I love you, not your money.

76. I love you because you are funny and charming. I love you because of your beautiful eyes and because you aren’t scared to show your feelings.

77. I love it when we hold hands my heart beats faster than it should. I wish with all my might that we can be together forever.

78. I admire and respect you. You have taught me to think outside the box and to have faith in myself and my abilities. I love you, not your money.

79. I could never lose you, without losing a part of myself. Good friends stand by each other and our love will last forever.

80. I love you not for the things you have, I love you for who you are inside. I am glad that God gave me a heart big enough to love you.

81. I love you for who you are. Not for what you have. I love spending time with you. The simple times are the best. It’s all about being together and enjoying life, not just showing off what we have.

82. I never thought I would be able to fall in love again let alone meet someone as loving, caring, and amazing as yourself. I count my lucky stars every day that out of all the people on the planet I met you.

83. I love you not because of anything you have, but because of who you are. I don’t want a dollar more than I make, we are happy with the way we live. I don’t care how big your car is or how big your house is. All I care about is that we are together.

84. I don’t care about your money. I sincerely believe it is better in my heart than even in our bank account. No matter how much we have you still love me and treat me like your queen. I will remember that forever.

85. You are my love, my life. I value what we have over any amount of money. I think about you, day and night and love you with every fibre of my being.

86. I would give you all the money in the world if it meant that you were back in my arms again. I love you not only for your money but also for your own charming self.

87. I love you for who you are and not for the things you do. The only things that matter to me are love, happiness and success. I know we have our ups and downs, but that is what makes up our story. I love you more than the world.

88. It doesn’t matter how much money, how many houses, how many cars and how many watches. I will always care for you and only you and no one else. Only you can make me smile brighter than anyone else I’ve ever known.

89. I don’t want your money, your car or your pretty things. I want you, just you. Money can’t buy my love, but it can get me a handsome man like you who will supply my heart’s needs.

90. I’ve always wanted to be with someone kind who would treat me right, and I found that in you, amongst other things. I love you not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

91. The happiest day of my life was when I found out you were all mine. There’s no one else I want to play video games and watch movies with, and there’s no one more special to me than you.

92. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I’m with you. You make me feel complete and whole, like once my life was dark and now it’s bright and perfect.

93. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me.

94. I love you for passing through my life, leaving behind a trail of laughter and smiles that everyone who has known you can still see and cherish. I love you for your heart, not your money.

95. I love you not for what you have but because of who you are. I love you not for your money, but for your heart that’s filled with generosity.

96. I love you not for what you have, but for who you are. I love you for the person that you are and the person I know you can be. I love how we finish each other’s sentences because our hearts are bound together.

97. Your love is more valuable than money. You make me a better person. I don’t want to let you go because you are my one and only true love.

98. Money doesn’t make the man, but it sure makes life a lot easier. It can get you a house and car, but money can’t buy me love because I’ll always love you.

99. Sure, money is great to have, but you’re what’s most important in my life. I may not be able to buy you diamonds and clothes, but I would trade all my cash just to see you smile.

100. Love is not about how much money you have, cars you drive, or the size of your home. Love is about the little things that mean so much. Love is about looking out for each other, being a shoulder to cry on in tough times, and being there through thick and thin.

There are many people in this world. Some of them are busy with their own lives, loves, and careers. They don’t take time to think about someone unless they can benefit from it. This has made it difficult for some to believe in true love.

You can always make the ones you love know that you are of the opinion that it is not money that matters when it comes to true love. With the I love you, not your money quotes up there, you can do that easily.

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