I Love You So Much Babe Quotes

Love is beautiful, there is no denying that. When a man and a woman have come to love each other, the bond they share is unbreakable and almost indescribable.

Saying I love you to your partner is among the finest things to do in a relationship. It strengthens this feeling that exists between each and every couple and, simultaneously, enhances their bond.

Using quotes is one of the perfect ways to express your feelings and emotions. Sometimes you don’t need to find the right words, just a simple quote like this I love you so much babe quotes will do.

These quotes can also be shared on various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to connect with your loved ones and let them know how much they mean to you.

I always thought it was impossible to love anyone as much as I love you. Now I know how much I was wrong. Every day I love you more, every day I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

1. I love you so much babe with all my heart and soul, I want to make you happy and want to be with you always. I will make you proud of me as a man. I pray that we stay together forever.

2. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You make me laugh every day, and our heart to hearts help me push myself through tough times. Everyone needs a best friend that they can always sit with and just have a nice talk with. You are more than my best friend, you are the love of my life, my world! I love you so much, babe.

3. I love you so much, babe! You make me want to be a better person and I’m so glad we met and that you came into my life. Your love is so amazing and I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love you!

4. I love you so much my darling. I know I’m not the best guy around, but I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the one I want to grow old with, hold hands within the park, dance with under the moon. Our souls were made for each other, and no matter what life throws at us nothing can get in our way. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

5. All that is good in my life has come from my love for you. I want nothing more than to make you the happiest girl in the world. You are so amazing and I love you so much!

6. I love you so much! I never knew somebody could feel this way. I am so in love and every day that passes, my love for you grows even deeper. You are amazing and I adore you, sweetheart.

7. I need you near me; I need to hear your voice. I don’t know where I would be in life without you. You are the man of my dreams and I have loved you since day one. I love you so much, babe.

8. I was lost and found all at once when I met you. You bring me more joy than anyone else in the world and without you, my life would be less bright. I LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL.

9. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone in this world. My life is so full of happiness because of you and I promise to be there with you every step of the way no matter what happens. Thanks for being my angel in the clouds.

10. I don’t even know what to say, except when I say I love you my heart says it too. You are my one true love, my soulmate, my prince charming and I am forever yours!

11. You are an amazing person and I feel like I am the luckiest man alive. To have someone so loving, caring and kind in my life are one of the happiest things that have happened to me. Thank you for always being there for me, for listening to all my problems no matter how big or small. I am so lucky to have someone as warm and wonderful as you are.

12. I can’t believe how much I love you. You put up with me even when I don’t deserve it. You are the best man in the world and I am so lucky to have found you. None of my dreams would come true without you by my side.

13. The more I look into your eyes, the more I am convinced that God’s greatest gift to me was you. I love you so much. You are my one. Our forever begins today and it’s never-ending.

14. I love you so much. I can’t express how happy you make me every day. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world getting to be with you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, both inside and out, and I appreciate everything that you do. I know it won’t be easy but no matter what we go through, our love is strong enough to carry us through it all.

15. I love you more than life itself. Now that I have you, I can’t imagine my life without you. We already have so many amazing memories together, but I am looking forward to making many more. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope that we can make even more great memories together in the future. Love you forever, babe!

16. I love you so much that sometimes it’s hard to breathe. You put a smile on my face any time of the day. I am in awe of what we have, and I’m so happy we are a pair. I hope this is forever and always.

17. I love you so much! The thought of you makes my heart skip a beat. I can’t wait to make more memories with you in the future. I love you so much and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

18. I love you so much. I can’t wait to spend another 100 years with you. I hope we last forever! I will love you always!

19. I love you with all my heart. You are the most loving, caring and understanding boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. I want to spend forever with you!

20. I love you, I need you and I want you. I’d love to be the reason why your world is sunny every day! You are the wind beneath my wings and I would fly for miles for you. When we first met my heart felt like it was being pulled from my chest and now, I can’t stop smiling because it feels like it’s bursting with butterflies every time we are together. I love you so much!

21. Is it too late to say I’m sorry? I love you so much. I can’t wait to spend my life with you. You bring out the best in me and I am excited for what is to come. I love our life together and I wouldn’t change a thing!

22. You are my everything, I love you. Thank you for always having my back and being there for me. For every laugh, smile or tear you have given me through the hard times. You mean the world to me.

23. I love you so much babe that it hurts. There isn’t a second in which I don’t think about you and when we are apart I feel an emptiness inside me that only you can fill. All my love to you!

24. Honey, I love you so much. All-day I’ve been wondering if there is anything more beautiful than you, and I cannot find an answer. So now I must conclude that you are in fact the most beautiful girl on this earth.

25. I love you. I wish I could be everywhere that you are. Right by your side and in your eyes. Look into them every day as you smile. You make my life worth living. I am so glad we found each other. You complete me and fill me with love, happiness and joy like no one else can. I will always love you more than anything!

26. I have never felt this way about any other person before. You mean so much to me and I can’t imagine my life without you. You make me so happy, every day is just a little brighter. I love you with all my heart and soul!

27. I never realized true love until I met you. You became the air that I breathe, the sun that brightens my day and the moon that shines at night. I love you more than life itself.

28. Words can not express what I feel when I’m with you. You have had such a great impact on my life, bringing serenity into my chaos, love into my heart, and happiness and comfort in my days. I am so lucky that I found you and that you are a part of my life, each day makes me love you more and more.

29. You’re the missing puzzle piece in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. You make my heart soar, and you give me butterflies when I kiss you. You are my everything. I am so lucky to have found someone like you to share my life with. I love you so much.

30. I want to start out by telling you that I LOVE YOU. I mean it, my life is complete because of you. When we are apart I can’t wait to see you again, and when we do see each other, my heart is filled with so much joy and happiness. When I look at you my knees get weak and when I kiss you all the troubles in the world seem to disappear. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my lover, my life!

31. You are my lover, my best friend, my soul mate, and the love of my life. I don’t want a day to go by without telling you that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, BABE!

32. I am so lucky to have you. You are my first priority, the only one I want to see when I close my eyes at night. You are my everything, life is better with you in it. I love you honeybunny.

33. You are my everything and I love you more than words could ever express. I am so lucky to have you in my life and I feel so blessed to just be with you.

34. I just want to tell you I love you so much! You are the most important person in my life. Your smile lightens up my day, your laughter brightens up my heart and when I look into your eyes I am home. That is why I love you!

35. I don’t know how I survived before you came into my life. You are my soul mate, and my one and only. You are the best thing to ever happen to me, and I love you more than words could ever express.

36. I just wanted to say, I love you. Even when we fight, I know that our love will overcome anything (well almost anything). I’m glad I have you, I’m so proud to call you my husband and so thankful for everything you do for me.

37. I love you so much! I don’t say it enough, but it’s true. I feel like the luckiest girl ever to have you and I hope to spend forever with you.

38. I love you more than words could ever express! You mean the world to me. Having you in my life is everything I ever wanted and more. The more time I spend with you, the more I fall in love with you. More than anything I want to be with you forever.

39. I love you more than you could ever know. Honestly, I think about you all the time. Just even thinking about your smile, laugh or touch makes me smile. I thank God every day for blessing me with your love. You make every part of my life happier.

40. You are my heart, my soul and my life. When I met you, my world turned upside down. You looked at me and smiled your smile and everything fell into place. I love you more than life itself and would give up anything to be with you. I love you so much, babe.

41. If I could freeze time I would do it so I could be with you forever. I love listening to your voice, seeing your smile and being in your arms. You are my world. I love you so much!

42. When I’m with you, the world seems just right. The sun shines brighter, the weather seems more kind, and all my worries melt away. With you, I am complete, with you my life is complete, and with you my world is complete. I love you so much!

43. You are my everything, the reason I breathe, my whole world. Regardless of what life throws at us, you will always mean the world to me. No one else can ever replace you in my heart!

44. You’re the best boyfriend in the whole wide world. I can never thank you enough for all the love you have shown me these past 8 months. Everything I do is for you and you only. You are my everything! I love you so much, babe!

45. I love you more than words can say, I love you so much it’s hard to breathe when you are far away. I have been holding back telling you this but I just have to. I love you so much with every part of my being.

46. I don’t know where I would be without you. You have brought so much joy into my life, which I will always cherish. You are amazing and lovely, and I will never love anyone the way that I love you. I wouldn’t change one thing about you; because you are perfect to me.

47. There are no words to describe how much I love you. I will be forever grateful for you and hold on to your every word and smile. You are the love of my life, a smile sent from heaven just for me. I cherish our time together and look forward to the rest of my days with you. You take my breath away and make me feel so alive! You are truly one of a kind and I love you!

48. You are my soulmate. My life and everything I ever wanted. I am so lucky to have met you and so grateful that you love me as much as I love you.

49. There are no other words to describe how much I love you. I will love you to the moon and back, forever. You are my soul mate, my shoulder to cry on and my rock. Thank you for making me a better person and for loving me every day.

50. You are the one I want to spend forever with. Even though we always fight, It’s not because I don’t love you. It’s because I care so much and love you more than anything in the world.

You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!

51. I don’t know how to thank you for all you have done for me. I love the way you make me feel, I love the way you hold me and I love the way you make the earth stop turning. I love the way you look at me with love in your eyes and a smile on your face. I love everything about our relationship. You are a great boyfriend and one of my best friends. Thank you so much for all that you do!

52. Without you, I’m not whole. Without you, I’m just a piece that fits nowhere. Without you, I’m incomplete. With you comes more than I could ever dream for, more than I ever knew to ask for. You complete me and make my life magical! There is no one else in my heart but you!

53. I love you so much, babe. I try to put into words how much you mean to me, but there are no words. I can only show my love through my actions, which always speak louder than words.

54. I am madly in love with you, and I could never love anyone else. You are my everything; my life, the love of my life, and the beating of my heart. Love you so much, babe!

55. My love, you are the very best in my life, you mean so much to me and I want to be with you forever. You are the girl of my dreams, the one I have always wanted, I love you so much, babe.

56. I love the way you laugh, I love the way you smile and I love your devilish charm. You’re truly an amazing person and you complete me. It’s been a long time since I have been so in love with someone. But as long as we’re together I will never be without you!

57. Don’t take this wrong but I thought that I would let you know what a great lover you are. You bring out the best in me, and your love gives me the strength to be a better person. I love you with all my heart.

58. I love you more than I knew I could love someone. You have brought joy back into my life and I am so thankful to have you in my life. I will spend the rest of my life loving you and chasing after you!

59. You are the love of my life and I want you to know how much I love you. I cannot even put into words how much joy your smile gives me or how happy I get when you wrap your arms around me. You are my world and my everything.

60. If I had to live my life without you I would be lost. I’m so happy you’re a part of it. You are the reason I wake up every morning. I love you so much, babe!

61. I love you so much my dear, you fill my heart completely. I guess compared to how much you mean to me there are no words but I’ll try. You are gorgeous, smart, funny and the best lover I have ever had and I mean EVER! Your smile takes my breath away and your laugh every day is the reason I wake up.

62. I miss you so much. I love you so much, my beautiful girl. You are everything to me. When I am with you, my heart fills with joy and happiness. You are the most amazing person in the entire universe, and no one could ever replace you. I love everything about you and I promise I will never let you go.

63. I love the way you look at me. You always know how to make me feel better and smile. I don’t care who hears it anymore, I might just scream it! I love you more than ever before.

64. I love you so much, even though I can’t be with you it is going to kill me. You are the only thing on my mind and in my heart and life. I will never forget all the good times we had together and all the great times that are ahead for us. I will always love you.

65. I love you so much. My life was complete the day I found you. When I was with you all my worries melted away to be replaced with laughter, hope and fun. I am so lucky to have you in my life!

66. I love you more than words could ever express. You’re my better half, my soul mate and my everything. I can’t wait to spend a lifetime showing you how much I love you! To infinity and beyond!

67. I fall in love with you more and more every day. You are so amazing and sweet I don’t know what I would do without you. You really mean the world to me, and I don’t think that anything could ever separate us, we always love each other.

68. I love you more than you could ever know. I promise to always be by your side, no matter what. You’re my one and only, sweetheart!

69. I will always love you, no matter what happens. You are on my mind every moment of the day. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met. I know I say it often, but I truly and deeply mean it!

70. You are the best lover I’ve ever had (I’m counting myself) and definitely the most perfect for me. I know I say it a lot and you probably get sick of hearing it, but words don’t express how much I love you. I’d give everything to have you in my arms forever.

71. You may not be everything I wanted, but you’re everything I need. Chance brought us together and I am so glad. Our energy is too good to pass up. You are my best friend, my lover, and my soon-to-be husband. I love you more than anything in this world.

72. I love you so much, my dear! Morning, afternoon and night I miss you. You are the most wonderful man in the world for me. You have surprised me with the happiness that you bring to me and I am glad to be your beloved wife. Thank you for all your care, love and understanding! I love you tenderly!

73. I love you, I do. I wish my heart knew how to say it more often but I honestly love you so much. You mean everything to me. I hope that one day you’ll realize how much you mean to me and how important you are.

74. I would climb to the highest mountain, swim across the deepest ocean, and travel to worlds unknown just to be with you. There is no one I love more than you!

75. You are my reason for being. You bring me happiness I will never be able to express. And every day I find more reasons to love you. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.

76. I love you. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. Every day I fall more in love with you. You are my light, my everything and my reason for living.

77. You are my hero, my heart, my soul. You make me feel alive and happy in ways I never thought someone else could. You love me unconditionally no matter what I’ve done, whom I’ve hurt or what situation I’ve been in. With you, I am always whole.

78. I love you so much. I miss you. I wish I was home with you right now. We have a lot of years left yet and I can’t wait until we are older, just the two of us, and able to go on longer trips away. I love you!

79. It’s hard to find the right words to describe how much I love you. But I will be forever grateful that I found you in my life, and everything feels so perfect as if it was supposed to be this way! We have been together for a decade now, and every second with you is more fantastic than the last.

80. I love the man you’ve become, I love your personality and the way you think, I love the way you are, I love that we can be ourselves around one another and laugh until we cry. I will always love you and nothing will ever change that.

81. No matter the distance that is placed between us, you will always live in my heart. You make my life complete in every way and I am so lucky to have found you. We may be miles apart but we are closer than ever. I miss you so much, I love you!

82. You are the love of my life. I wouldn’t trade our perfect love for anything else. You are the sunshine that brightens up my day at every moment!

83. You are my life, my world, my everything. You make me so happy. I am so blessed to have you in my life! I love you

84. I love you and I am so thankful that we met. You are my rock, my soul mate, the other half of me. I think about you every second of the day and can’t wait to get back home to you. Sometimes I really need to show you how much you mean to me.

85. My heart is so full of love because of you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You make me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world and that you couldn’t live without me. My love for you will never fade. I will always be here waiting for you when you need me most.

86. You make me feel like the most special person in the world. I am so lucky to be able to call you my boyfriend, my lover, my best friend. Thank you for being there. You are everything I could ever ask for and more! I love you!

87. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You make each day worth living, each night full of passion and excitement. I love you, sweetheart!

88. Baby, each day that we spend together is better than the last. I loved you yesterday and I love you now. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my one true love. I can’t wait until the next time we meet up so that I can look deep into your beautiful eyes and see all our love in them.

89. Our love is like a flower that is growing every day. The more I’m with you the more I love you. You are my dream come true, forever and always.

90. I just want you to know how much I love you. The joy you bring into my life is something I cherish every day. I will forever be thankful to God for bringing us together. You are my other half and I really can’t imagine my life without you. We are meant to be, so don’t you ever get discouraged!

91. I love you so much. We have been together for five years and I can’t imagine life without you. I love it when you smile or laugh when we are together, like how your eyes light up whenever I walk into the room. I love cuddling with you on the couch watching a movie, or playing outside in the rain. When I think of fun things to do I think of doing them with you!

92. I love you so much. I have never loved another man in my life as I love you. You have filled every part of me with joy. A joy that will last forever. My love for you will always be strong, it fills every part of me and grows every day. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

93. I want everyone to know how much I love you. It makes me so happy that our relationship is working out. All the nights spent together and all of the days I woke up next to you were worth it. I love you more than anything, you are the other half of me.

94. I don’t say it enough. I love you more than words can express. You are a wonderful man and so incredibly handsome. I am so lucky to have you in my life and I love that we grow in love together every day.

95. A few years ago I fell in love with you and it has only grown so much more. I can’t be more thankful to have you by my side whenever I smile you do too. Thank you for being the person I want to see first in the morning and be the last thing I want to see at night. I love you so much, babe.

96. I want you to know how much my life has changed since the day we met. You have brought meaning to my life and happiness I had never known before. I love you so much, babe.

97. You are my one and only. I love you so much. You’ve made me a better person and I am lucky to have you in my life every day.

98. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

99. I love you! It doesn’t matter where you are, or what you’re doing. I’m just so glad that you’re in my life. You mean more to me than I could possibly ever express with words. I can’t imagine life without you.

100. I love you so much, babe. I feel so lucky to have you by my side. You are the most caring person and deeply love you. I never want to lose you for a second, my heart is full of happiness because of you.

101. I love every single thing about you. There is no one I would rather spend my life with, no one as perfect for me as you are. You are the only one I will ever want to hold in my arms, tell good morning to or fall asleep next to.

102. I love you more than you’ll ever know. You are my world and my heart and I wouldn’t change that for anything. From now, until forever, I am yours and forever will be too short a time to enjoy life with you.

103. I could fall in love with you every day. You are simply the best person I have ever met. You make me laugh, you make me smile, and you put my heart through a rollercoaster of emotions. Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for being more than I could ever ask for. I will always love you.

104. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I am really missing you and feel like cuddling with you. I hope that I can see your beautiful smile soon. Our love just keeps growing every single day and it just keeps getting better and better. I love you so much, babe!

105. I love you so much. I want to say it all the time, but I hold back to not get repetitive. I just can’t stop the feeling! These past few years have been the best of my life. I can’t wait for the next chapter in our story.

Loving each other is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. It has been said that if you love someone, it is a reflection of yourself you are loving the other person. Loving yourself is the greatest way to have a successful relationship with someone.

I hope that you enjoyed these love quotes and that you were able to make your partner feel special and loved.

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