I Love You Today Tomorrow and Forever Quotes

Love is a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, and the affectionate behaviour between two people comes from this. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.

There is no better feeling in the world than to love and to be loved in return. Nothing is as special as showing someone that you love them and that you want to be with them forever. This feeling is everything, as it reassures them of your undying love for them.

Here are some best I love you today tomorrow and forever quotes that are full of love and affection. These quotes will definitely help your relationship with your partner and give you good love life.

I want you to believe me; I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. You have been the best partner ever, and I couldn’t have asked God for a better person. Thank you for doing this with me.

1. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. You are the best person in my life, and you are always making me happy. I really do love you for that. Love is all around us, and I’d be lost without you.

2. You are an amazingly generous, kind and caring person who has given me so much that I don’t have words to express. Thank you for loving me back and trusting me with your heart. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

3. To be with you is my everyday wish. To know that you care for me fills my heart with bliss. To hear your voice warms me up inside. Being next to you feels so right, I love you today and forever, and nothing will ever change that.

4. I love you so much, and I can’t express it in mere words. Whenever I look into your eyes, I feel like the luckiest girl to ever have existed. Your love is everything to me. If there was more than just one life, I would spend every one of them with you.

5. Forever and always, these are the words I will always use to describe my devotion to you. Along with I love you and forever; these are the only words I need to describe my deep and true affection for you. Thank you for loving me the way you do.

6. I had been searching for the words to tell you how much you mean to me. You are my partner, my best friend and my lover. You bring love, joy and laughter into my life. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but you. I can’t wait to see what our future holds. I love you forever.

7. Telling you how much I love you isn’t enough. There aren’t enough words in any language. When I look at you, my soul is filled with complete joy. On this special day, I want you to know that I love you and will be there for you whenever you need me.

8. They say it takes a second to find love, a minute to appreciate it, a day to commit to it, but forever to forget it. And that is true because I fell in love with you the moment both of us laid eyes on each other, and it has been true ever since. So I hope one day we can look back at our lives together and smile with amazement.

9. Every day, I fall more in love with you. You are my best friend, and nothing would ever change that. You mean so much to me, and I never want to lose you. I want to share my life with you. My heart is too full of joy to even find the right words to describe how happy I am to see your smiling face each morning.

10. Girlfriend, I just want to let you know how happy I am that you are in my life. You mean the world to me, and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you, loving and taking care of you. You have brightened my days and brought a sparkle to my eye. I love you for who you are and all that you do.

11. When we first met, I knew there was something special about you. You were that one person who made me smile and laugh again. The one that made my heart flutter when you looked at me. I knew as we grew closer and our love started to blossom that I would never fall in love again. You are in my heart forever.

12. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. You are the love of my life, my best friend and soulmate. I don’t know what I would do without you. There is nothing I desire more than to spend my life with you.

13. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. You are my lover and my best friend. You have made me a better person by helping me become a better person. I thank you for all that you do. You are the reason I am so happy today. I love you.

14. You are my lover and my best friend, the person I share everything with—the one person who knows how to make me smile no matter what. I want to spend every day of forever with you. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

15. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and I’ll love you forever. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you with all my heart. You mean so much to me, and you bring me so much happiness. There will never be anyone else but you.

16. You are my best friend and lover. You are the only person that makes me feel complete. I feel that our love has the ability to stand the test of time, no matter what life throws at us. I love you, now and forever.

17. I appreciate every little thing you do because I learned to love you more every day and wouldn’t have it any other way. All my friends tell me what a wonderful guy I have, and they are right. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

18. My love for you is eternal. I feel like I can’t stop smiling today and all because I think of you. You are my favourite person in the whole world. Without you in it, life is just a waste of time. I love you so much that words can’t say enough. I want to spend all my life with you.

19. Since we have been together, so much has happened. You always stood by my side no matter what. I am truly blessed to have you in my life. I will love you forever because our love is real and the truest thing ever.

20. Love is a lot like a tree, and I am its roots. Without you, no matter where I may go, I am still on the ground. Our friendship has carved a more solid spot in my heart and will never fade. I love you, and I promise to always be there for you, even when we are old and grey.

21. I am so lucky to have you in my life as my best friend and lover. I wake up feeling blessed to know you every day and can’t wait to come home and see your smiling face. You are perfect for me in every way. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

22. You are a great listener; you are honest, caring, loving, loyal and sweet. Because of you, I am a better person, and there’s still so much more I would be if you remained in my life. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

23. I have so much love for you;0 it’s just too much. I love to see you laugh; your eyes light up every time you smile. When I look into your eyes, they call to me and answer the questions that run through my head. I want to be with you always. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

24. I love you, my darling. You are the best man I’ve ever known. Your heart is bigger than most people think it is, and you always have a smile on your face. I am truly blessed to have an amazing man like you in my life. I love you forever, my sweet prince.

25. I love you with all my heart and soul. I cannot express how much you mean to me, but I’ll try. You are the person that holds me when I cry, the one who knows me better than anyone else and the one who comforts me when I need it most. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you or how lucky I am to have found someone like you. Thank you for coming into my life.

26. I will always love you for the rest of my life. You are my everything, my light in the storm. You are the one I want to grow old with and share my dreams. Thank you for being such an amazing person, and thank you for being my best friend. I can’t wait to see where our lives go from here.

27. I know that you will be by my side till the end. You have shown me so much love, more than I had ever experienced before we met. I know you still have a lot in store for me; I can’t wait. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

28. I know that you will still be there when I get home, to listen to how my day went, and help me forget about it if I want. I need you with me forever. You are the one I want to grow old with, and when we do get old, I hope our love stays young.

29. If I had one wish, it would be for us to be together forever. It will also be to have all your dreams come true, to be happy, healthy and wealthy. My wishes for you are endless, and with every passing day, I love you more.

30. I don’t even know where to begin to thank you for all that you do. You have helped me with everything and have become such a good friend. I love coming home at night, and I love wandering into your life, bringing a little happiness into it. I hope that we can always be lovers because I love spending time with you.

31. In your eyes, I see the light. In your arms, I feel safe and secure. You reach out to me in love, and I take it gladly. Thank you for loving me and for giving me the gift of such a beautiful life.

32. When the sun is shining, and I want to spend the day outside, you are my outdoor companion. When I feel too cold and need a warm hug, you are there. When I want to go walking in the park and enjoy the beautiful views, you are there. And when I want to watch a movie, you are there for that as well. I love you.

33. I want to say I love you so much. I am so glad we met. Every day, it is clearer that you are the one for me forever. Thank you for making my life better. I can’t imagine a life without you. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

34. I thank God every day for our love. I will always be there for you, no matter what. I can’t see myself ever being with anyone else. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I know that you won’t stop loving me too.

35. Today, tomorrow and forever, I will always be in love with you. You are always on my mind, every moment of every day. If I could spend the rest of my life with you, I would live in a world of bliss and joy. You have made me so happy that words cannot describe.

36. I love you, and there is nothing that will ever change that fact. We might have our ups and downs, but I know I love you more today than yesterday. I love you forever, and I’ll always be your biggest fan.

37. I just want to say how much you mean to me. You are more than my lover and best friend; you are my soul mate. When I think of a future without you, I get so sad because I can’t picture it. Every moment with you is an experience in life that I will never forget. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

38. You know I love you, right? Well, I do. I don’t ever want to lose you or let you go, not ever. Even as we grow old and grey together, I will always love you. I will hold your hand and take care of you till the day I die. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

39. Life is a puzzle, and when you put your pieces together with mine, it’s a beautiful picture. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I would be lost without you. I love you more than anything in this world, and I will always be here for you.

40. You can be my lover and my friend. I love you the most out of all men. I love you more than words can ever say. We’ve made it so far, and I’m so glad you are still here by my side. You bring so much happiness to my world. I just can’t stop smiling. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

41. I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

42. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for all that you’ve done. Thank you for all that you’re planning to do. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with the man I love so much.

43. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. I just can’t get enough of you. You make me feel so happy and alive. Your love is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. You are the perfect mate for me, and I will never love anyone more than you.

44. Love is a special blessing designed to make you smile. Whoever you are, love brings happiness into your life to cherish forever. I hope you always remember how much I love you.

45. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes. I don’t deserve such a wonderful person in my life, and the fact that I have you makes me smile. I cherish every moment I spend with you. You mean everything to me. You are one of God’s greatest gifts to me. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

46. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be near you when we are old and still in love, physically and emotionally. You are my best friend, lover, confidant and life partner. When I am with you, every day is like a dream come true.

47. You are my best friend, my rock, and the one who gives me comfort. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Every day, I love you more and more. You are the light of my life, and words cannot express how truly lucky I am to have you around. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

48. I was lost without you; I had no purpose. Then you came into my life and gave your love to me. My heart is so happy that I just can’t keep it inside. I don’t know how much I love you, but I know I can’t do without you. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

49. When I first saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I first met you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I first kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you. I will love you today, tomorrow and forever.

50. There is so much I want to say about how I feel about you, but words are not enough. I don’t know if one day we can stop loving each other or where this will take us. All I know is every time we touch and look into each other’s eyes; I fall more in love with you. We were meant to be together forever.

No matter what happens, I will love you today, tomorrow and forever. Nothing will ever make me stop professing my undying love to you. This quote is just to appreciate you for being there always. Thank you.

51. I have been thinking about what love is. And, I’ve come to the conclusion it is you that defines love for me: your smile, your laugh, your gentle touch, your kind heart. There are no words capable of conveying how much I love you. It’s a fact of life; you bring light into my life and warmth to my soul. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

52. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. I am so glad you have entered my life because everything about you is perfect for me. Every day when I look at you, I see happiness and sometimes tears of joy. I will always love you from the deepest parts of my heart.

53. Here’s to the beautiful and amazing person that makes my life worth living. You bring joy to my world as nothing else could. I can’t imagine ever being without you. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

54. Today, tomorrow and forever, you will always be my love and my closest friend. You fill up all the empty spaces in my life, making me whole. I promise to love you with all my heart and soul.

55. We have been friends for so long now, through thick and thin. I love you with all my heart. I will always be there for you when you want to talk when you want to listen, or just hang out. You can always count on me, baby. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

56. I am the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side. I love you so much more than words can describe. You are such a bright light in all my dark days. You are the most loving and lighthearted person I know. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

57. You make me love life even more, and you help me see how beautiful and amazing everything is. There’s absolutely no one like you. I will always be there for you as you are there for me. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

58. I won’t ever stop loving you, baby. I will never be able to fully express in words how wonderful you are to me and how truly lucky I am to have you. You are my everything, and I just want you to know that I love you more and more each day.

59. Each day we spend together is amazing, filled with so much joy and happiness. You are the best part of my life, and I hope to share many more days with you. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

60. The love which is expressed through words and actions is the true love that lasts forever. There will always be challenges in life, but so long as we are together, I know our love can conquer all. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

61. Every time that I tell you that I love you, it doesn’t begin to express all of the love that I feel for you. Your love and warmth fill my heart with more joy than you will ever know. I am so thankful for your love and for the life that we are building together. I will always love you.

62. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. I never want to live a day of my life without you. Our love is the greatest feeling I could ever experience. My heart bursts every time I look at your beautiful face. Our love is eternal, strong and beautiful. I won’t stop loving you.

63. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. My heart will always be pure and true. With every word I say, it’s to show you how much I care. You are my leading lady and my best friend of all. You make my life complete with your tender touch. You are so full of love.

64. I love you, and that will never change. I have loved you for so long. We’ve been together for so many years. We have spent together, been through thick and thin, and yet, still here with each other. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

65. I love you with all of my heart. I will love you until the end of time and beyond. I promise to always be loyal, loving and faithful to you for the rest of our lives. Thank you for choosing to come on this journey with me.

66. My love for you is endless. Each passing day, I love you more, and every moment we spend together fills my heart with joy. I know that every day brings new adventures and challenges, but at the end of each day, there will always be us, our love and our dreams. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

67. With every breath, it is becoming clearer how lucky I am to have you. This is a reminder to tell you how much I love you, always have and always will, endlessly, eternally and unconditionally.

68. I will love you, always. You are my best friend, and I’m so thankful that I found you. We have a whole lifetime of memories ahead of us, and I hope we make every moment count. I know that no matter where life takes us, we will come out stronger and better for it.

69. You are my soulmate and the only one I want to spend my life with. You are the love of my life, and I know that you will always be there for me. I am so glad that after so much time, we have found each other and that our love is stronger than ever. I will take your hand and hold it forever, to always remind you that you are mine and that I am yours.

70. There is never a second I don’t think of you and love you. You are the most special person in my life. I cherish every moment we spend together, and my heart aches when we are apart. You bring so much happiness to my life, and I thank God for bringing you into my life. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.

71. You are everything I could ever hope for. You are my life and my world. I love you more than words can say. When I am with you, I feel like I have the whole world. You have done so much for me and given me so much. You are the best thing in my life. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

72. You are amazing, the best man I know. I am so happy you came into my life, and I never want to let you go. You are my passion and my dream. You make my heart explode into a billion pieces of happiness every time we are together. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

73. I hope you remember that I love you. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second, every millisecond, my heart beats for you because I want to spend each and every moment of the rest of my life with you by my side.

74. I love you with all my heart and soul. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You bring me more joy than anyone I know. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.

75. I love you today, tomorrow and always. I will never stop loving you. You make my life so much more than I could ever hope for. Thank you for being there through the good times and the bad. Thank you for holding me when I cry and thank you for loving me better than I ever thought possible. I will always love you.

76. I love you now, I love you tomorrow, and I will love you forever. I know we are meant to be together, so there shall be no regrets. You are my soul mate, and I adore you. Thank you for making my life complete.

77. I love you today, and I always will, even when we are grey and old. We are meant to be, young in our hearts and in love; we will stay. Together, you and I will live life to its fullest; the best that we can do is just be true.

78. I am thankful for the love like ours and the memories we have shared. Time does not change my feelings for you, and it never will. Every moment of my life, I love you more with all my heart. I will love you tomorrow and forever.

79. You have made me the happiest person in the world. I know that no matter what happens, you will always be there for me. There is nothing on this earth I would ever replace you with. To me, you are perfect, and all of my dreams have come true because of you. My love for you will never change, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

80. I love you so much that there are days I wonder if I tried a little too hard. I love to hear you laugh and feel joy over the simplest of things. You are my first thought when I wake up and my last thought when I go to sleep. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

81. I want you to know I love you. I realize sometimes I am distracted. But my love for you and my commitment to you is forever. It is with great pleasure that I tell you that the more time that goes by, I am in love with you. Thank you for loving me too.

82. I love the way you are a good friend, yet, steady and strong in your convictions. I admire your strength and determination. You have been such a positive influence in my life. I think of you every day and can’t wait to be with you again. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

83. You are the most amazing friend I have ever had, and your love has touched my heart deeply. I love that we can share everything together. You are always ready to listen, smile and have a great time. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

84. What I love most about our relationship is that it has become a part of me, a part of who I am. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will always cherish our relationship and our promise to spend each day together, always loving one another. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

85. To my lover and best friend, I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. You are the reason I have a sparkle in my eye and the spring in my step. You’re all I’ll ever need. I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea.

86. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and I will love you forever. There is nothing more important than us and our love. The day we found each other was the best day of my life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

87. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and I love you forever. You’re always on my mind, no matter what time or place it is. You make me smile, even when I am sad. Just knowing that we are together makes everything better.

88. This is to tell you how much I love you. Every day that we are together, I remember how lucky I am to have you in my life. Thank you for making me laugh and always being there for me when I need you most. I love you more today, tomorrow and forever.

89. I love you today, forever and a day. I am so lucky to have someone that I can call my own; you complete me in every way. To know that there’s someone out there who loves me as much as you do is such a precious gift. Thank you for finding me. Let’s do this forever.

90. Knowing that I have someone who cares for me in both the darkest and brightest of days makes everything seem like I can accomplish anything. You are the man to whom my heart belongs. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

91. I am the luckiest girl in the world because I have you in my life. You are my best friend, my lover and my soulmate. I look forward to every new day to make you smile. I couldn’t be happier at this moment to know I get to call you to mine forever. I love you, baby.

92. I can’t find the words to describe how much I love you, but I’ll try. You are everything to me, and I’m so glad we found each other. Every single time we talk and I hear your voice, I just melt a little on the inside. When we are together, everything is absolutely perfect. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

93. Loving a person is like planting a seed; you don’t know how it will grow or when it will blossom. The world stops for a moment because all that exists is you and I. Thank you for making me feel so special every day. I love you with all my heart; today, tomorrow and forever.

94. If someone had told me ten years ago that I’d be spending my days with you, I wouldn’t have believed it. You are, without a doubt, the best thing that has ever entered my life, and I hope that we can spend many more happy years together. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

95. My beloved, no matter how angry or upset I may be with you, my heart is full of love for you. You are the only one I want to share my life with and the only one who makes me feel complete. I can’t thank you enough for being here with me and in my life. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

96. I love you today, tomorrow and forever. With you in my life, I am complete. I love how you make me feel and how special I am to you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just wanted to let you know how much it means to me to have met a person like you in my lifetime. I love you so much.

97. You’re a great friend and lover. You help me out in so many ways. Your advice is always spot on, and I love being with you. You are kind, gentle and loving. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

98. My love for you has grown, and will continue to grow, forever. I thought that you should know that. You are my life, my everything. I hope you realize how important you are to me and just how much I love you; I will keep loving you forever.

99. I love and care for you, and I want you to know that I always will. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and any man would be lucky to have you. Thank you for being my lover and my friend. I will love you forever.

100. I love you more than you’ll ever know. I thank the stars above and all that is good in this world. I love my life, especially for the fact that there’s a wonderful man in it. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

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