I Miss My Aunt Quotes

Aunts have a special place in our hearts. They are like our mothers but with a unique relationship because you may find it easier to discuss certain things with her you don’t feel comfortable discussing with your mom. They can be your friends, guides and confidant.

If it happens you are now distant apart and can no longer access her as you used to, you are definitely going to miss her. Sending her some I miss you quote to let her know how valuable she is to you will be a pleasant thing to do.

Here are some I miss my aunt quotes to help you do just that.

My life has greater meaning because you are my aunty and share your life with me. You are my confidant, I know whatever I tell you stays with you. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for being the best and coolest aunt on the planet. I miss you so much and hope you come back soon.

1. I miss the wonderful moments we share together. I miss the hugs and kisses you always give to me whenever I am having a bad day. Come back soon aunty, I miss you.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes 1

2. I wonder how my life would have been growing up without you as my aunty. You make every day special with your warmth, kindness, and quirky sense of humour. I miss you dearly.

3. As far as I am concerned, you are the best aunty in the world, I miss you so much. Wish you all the best.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

4. It’s really a pleasure having an aunty like you. Your absence is causing me so much sadness but I will console myself by recalling all the good times we spent together. I really miss you.

5. You accepted me easily and was very open to me. You love me in spite of my shortcoming and weakness. You are an am

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

6. I hope you know that you are my favourite aunty. I am always happy and at my best when you are around. You love and care for me like no other. I miss you dearly.

7. You made my childhood better with your presence and love. My teenage years were wonderful because you were there. I am happy you are leaving to chart a new course for your life but I am sad because I don’t know when next I will see you. I miss you my darling aunty.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

8. There is no one to accomplish my schemes with me anymore. No one to help me with my school work and share my secrets with. I miss you so much, dear aunty.

9. As my aunty, you deserve the very best the world can offer, for all the many wonderful things you do for me. But all I can give is my love and gratitude. I miss you.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

10. Aunty, you are such an adorable and loving person. You fill my life with so many pleasant memories. I miss you every day.

11. Thank you for being a loving aunty and a good friend. You always stick out your neck to save me whenever I am in trouble. I just miss you more than I can express. Hope you are doing well over there.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

12. Dear aunty, you are a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart. I miss you every second of the day.

13. You have a way of bringing out the good in everyone and everything. Even in your absence, you still find a way to make sure all is well with me. I’m grateful for an awesome aunty like you. I miss you and I wish you all the best.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

14. Dear aunty, my days don’t just seem right without you here in them. I need you and I miss you. Please, come back soon.

15. Dearest aunty, though you are not here right now, my thoughts of you and love for you grow stronger every day. You are special, precious and dear to me. I miss you.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

16. All the moments we spent together will forever be stored in my mind. No matter how far apart we are or how many miles separate us, I will always hold you close in my heart. I miss you so much, aunty.

17. I miss you, my darling aunty. You made a big difference in my life with your generosity and assistance. I am grateful to have a friend in you.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

18. You have been a wonderful aunty to me, you are my friend, my confidant and my favourite hangout buddy. You understand me more than anyone else and are always particular about my well-being and happiness. I miss you so much.

19. My heart and my mind miss you dearly. I miss you hundreds of times more than you could ever imagine. Hope you are doing fine where you are, aunty.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

20. We may not speak or see each other very often as we used to but you’re always in my heart, dear aunty. I love you deeply and I miss you.

21. I cherish all the occasions we will just sit and talk, they’re one of my favourite moments. The fact that you’re no longer here will always cause me pain but you’re forever in my heart until we meet again. I miss you, aunty.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

22. There is nothing more painful than missing you and not having the hope of seeing you soon. I pray something comes up that will bring you here soon. Sending my love and warm wishes dear aunty.

23. Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. You are not just my aunty but my friend. I feel very lonely without you here. I miss you.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

24. Talking with you is always a treat, you’re one special aunty. Your kindness and love can’t be overlooked, you will always be number one to me. We’ve shared many good times our whole life. My life is boring without you here, I miss you.

25. Miles and distance don’t matter when it comes to those you love because you can always hold them in your heart. Dear aunty, I miss you every moment of the day.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

26. No matter how far apart life has taken us, you will never stop being my favourite aunty. This feeling gives me all the support I need. I miss you.

27. Since you left for your new place of assignment, life has not been the same for me. I miss you every second of the day.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

28. You are present in every single one of my thoughts. I hope to see you pretty soon as I miss you way too much, dear aunty.

29. Words cannot express how beautiful you are to my heart, I miss you every single moment that passes. I remember all the beautiful memories that we share together as aunty and niece. I love you.

I Miss My Aunt Quotes

30. Since you left, I feel like a big part of me is missing. I cannot wait to get reunited with you. I love you so much and I miss you, my dearest aunty.

Thank you for going through this post and for always dropping by. I will like to know how it has helped you in expressing your feelings for your aunt and letting her know how much you miss her by saying something in the comment box. Kindly share with a friend, will appreciate it. Thanks.

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