I Miss My Sister So Much Quotes and Messages

At times, you miss someone and wish you could reach them at that moment. When you have someone far away, you are affected by his or her absence and this is even more so when that person is a part of your family, like a sister.

A sister is like a best friend, a mean classmate, fiercest rival and hardest critic all wrapped up in a neat package. Having a sister is the biggest love/hate relationship you will ever experience. But still, sisters have an interesting bond like no other.

There are many reasons why your sister went away and she could be living miles away from you and the one way to get in touch with her is through social media, calls or text messages.

If you miss her or just feel like letting her know how much she means to you, here are I miss my sister so much quotes you can use.

Dear sister, I am sending you this message with mixed feelings. Though I am very happy that you are making your dreams come true and I always want everything to be as you want, I cannot help being sad because I miss you very much. No one can take your place, you have touched my life in ways I can’t describe.

1. It is barely a month you travelled and I feel that one year has already passed by. I wonder how I will survive the rest of the years without you. I miss you and I love you, my dearest sister.

2. A lovely sister is a wonderful gift given to a person by the Almighty. You are the loveliest of them all, this is more reason why I miss you greatly, my sister.

3. I miss you, my lovely sister. I still think about your smile and the love that we share. I remember all the fun times we had while we were kids. I miss your laughter and your smile. I will never forget all the great times we had together growing up.

4. Precious sister, I hope everything turns out as you had planned. You know I love you and you can always count on my support. I feel your absence very much.

5. When we were younger I used to tease you and call you ‘smallie’ Now that you are all grown up and I see how much you’ve changed, I am so proud to have a sister like you. You have the most beautiful heart and soul. You are so talented and smart, and I love that we share this bond that no one else could ever understand. I can’t wait to see what our lives will bring us. I love you, sis.

6. You are my angelic sister, my beloved friend and my most trusted companion ever. I can’t wait to see you back home. I miss you, sweetheart.

7. Sister, I love you and I only wish that you are doing fine. I always remember you and pray for you. I miss you with every beat of my heart. Please come back soon and help me find myself again.

8. I fall more in love with you each passing day, my sister. I love how clever you are, your passion for life and your endless creativity. You make me laugh every day and even when you annoy me, I still get warm fuzzy feelings about you. I wish I could spend more time with you.

9. Thank you for the sacrifice and love you show to me and thank you for the moments dedicated to making me happy. I miss you sister, you deserve all the best things in life.

10. I am happy and contented but deep down, I know something is missing. It is the days I spent with you, my sister, I wish I can go back in time so I can spend more time with you. I miss you, my lovely sister.

11. I find myself missing you a little more with each passing day. I miss having my sister around to guide me and to help me get through everything. But most of all, I miss having you near me because no one in this world can comfort me as you do.

12. I love you and miss you with everything that is in me. Nothing can take away how much I love you and admire you. You are so special to me, you are the best sister ever. I hope to be home soon, I can’t wait to see you again.

13. My life is not the same without you. I miss our night conversations and those silly sights. Life was fun when you were around me and I felt all the love my heart can hold. I miss you sister.

14. I want to be the loveliest sister in the world and that’s why I secretly chose you as my role model. I miss you.

15. You have been a blessing to my life, you always sacrifice to put a smile on my face. You guide and inspire me to achieve success. I miss you dearly, my lovely sister.

It seems that time does not go by anymore and there is no more joy since you left, you are my twin soul, I miss you so much. But knowing that you are doing well and that you are happy makes us glad. I am counting the days until your return, I love you, dear sister.

16. I might not tell you as often as I should, but you mean the absolute world to me. I miss you, my beautiful twin sister.

17. I hope you will never get tired of forgiving, correcting, and encouraging me. Stay the same twin sister. I miss you.

18. You are my source of strength during my weakest days. I don’t know how I will cope without you. I miss you so much, my darling sister.

19. I’m thankful for many things in my life, but I’m truly thankful to have such an incredible twin sister who is always there for me and knows me inside and out. I miss you, dear.

20. Sharing everything with you makes memories more beautiful. I miss our time together. Love you, twin sister.

21. When I think of you, dear sister, I love that you’re also my twin and my very best friend. I miss you.

22. You are my twin and my twin soul. I love you with all my heart. I wish we are together now having fun as we used to. I miss you.

23. I am sorry for all the missed chances to bond with you. I promise this holiday will be the best. Love you, sis.

24. Simply being related to me would be enough of a gift in itself, but I got lucky with the double bonus of you being my twin sister. I miss you more and more every second of the day.

25. You’re the most special person in the world to me and the truth is simply that you always will be. I cherish the bond that we share and I miss that you are not here with me right now.

26. Never thought I’d say this but I definitely miss our fights over silly things. I love you, twin sister.

27. I wish I could go back and relive those beautiful moments with you. They were times when we were closest and shared everything. I miss you so much, my twin sister.

28. I couldn’t have wished for a better sister than you, let alone wish for a better twin. I am glad to share everything with you, that is while I am sad that you are not here to share our special day. I miss you.

29. I miss all our fun times together especially dancing to our favourite song in our room. Can’t wait to see you soon twin sis.

30. I miss the long walks you take with me whenever I am having a bad day. You’re the best twin sister ever.

I miss you, my little sister, you are the sweetest sister in the whole world. I really wish you were here because I miss those golden moments we share together. I want to tell you again that I really love you and really care about you. I hope we meet again soon.

31. I am happy you are achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams wherever you are. I am proud of you and I will be waiting here with open arms for you when you return home. I miss you, little sis.

32. It’s only been a week and I miss you already. The room is so quiet and I want to feel you next to me. I miss your soft breathing at night sleeping next to me. You are my little sister and the best possible friend a girl could have. I miss you so much it hurts. I love you always and forever, I know you are with me in spirit. I hope to will see you soon.

33. I have really missed you. You need to come back home so I can see your beautiful face once again. I love you so much, little sister.

34. Dear little sister, I hope that you are well and you are getting used to being away from home. Over here we still miss you very much.

35. We may not have the best of a relationship but I am proud I am your sister and to call you family. You are the most amazing person I know. The amount of unconditional love you have for me and others in our family is a true gift. Every night when I go to bed I pray for you and think about how much I miss you.

36. I miss you, my beautiful sister. You are such a wonderful person, you are special, you are cute and above all the best sister in the whole world.

37. With each passing day my thoughts are always with you. I always ask God to protect you and send you back as soon as possible. I miss you, my sweet sister.

38. I love you with all of my heart. I remember the first time I held you in my arms, I was so amazed by how beautiful you are and grateful for the opportunity to be your big sister. I look forward to seeing where life takes us and sharing it all with you. I miss you, little sister.

39. I miss you so much it hurts. I don’t want to lose my little sister and I hope you are safe wherever you are. I love you so much, sis.

40. I will always be happy whenever I remember that you are my sister. You touch my heart in ways I never knew possible and every time you are coming home, I do a little happy dance on the inside. I miss you beyond the sky and cherish you.

41. The best thing about sisters is that they will see you at your worst, and still love you all the same. I miss your presence in my life.

42. I will seize every opportunity to be with you right now. I cherish every moment we spend together. I miss you sister.

43. You may be my little sister but you have influenced me in many positive ways. I love you and miss you more each passing day.

44. I miss you, my little sister. You were the only thing that kept me happy when we moved and you always told me everything would be okay. I can’t wait till we get to see each other over the holidays. I love you.

45. I must confess that I have really missed you. I have become so lonely since the day I watched you walk away. I so much love you, little sis.

It gladdens my heart that you are pursuing your dreams and achieving your goals, but inevitably I fail to tell you that I do really miss you, my beloved big sister, and that every day you are in my thoughts.

46. You have been gone a long time now and I miss hugging and kissing you before going to bed. You are always in my thoughts. I wish to have you back soon, dear sister.

47. I wish you the most beautiful things wherever you are right now. You make it easy for me to be happy when you were around, you are a blessing to me. I miss you, big sister.

48. I miss you so much dear sister and will love it that you come back soon. You are my role model, your presence is highly needed to inspire me to reach my potential.

49. I am so sad about your absence, nothing is the same without you here. Every day I count the days until you are coming back so that we can hang out as we used to. I miss you, big sister.

50. We used to fight a lot and tease each other but I was never afraid because I know someone is always there to protect me. I truly miss you, my dear sister.

51. You are my best friend and I am so proud of you. I love that we have such a special bond that no one can come between, even though we are not able to see each other every day. You have grown into a beautiful young woman and I hope you always know how much I love and will support you. I miss you sister.

52. I hope to be with you as soon as possible. I love you so much and pray that the Lord opens a great way for you to excel in life. I miss you sister.

53. Your words of advice will never go in vain and I will try to make you proud wherever you are. I miss you, my lovely sister.

54. I miss you so much, my beloved sister. Your soul is as beautiful as you are. I will always remember your laughter, your smile, your depth of wit and wisdom. Love you forever big sister.

55. If I have the power to make you stay with me forever without anyone being hurt, I will use it for I can’t imagine a happy life without you. I miss you so much, dearest sister.

56. I love the way you treated me like a baby while I was younger. You showed me kindness and make sure I am always happy, now I am really missing you, big sister.

57. I know you are out there somewhere watching over me, and I will always love you. I miss you so much, my precious sister. I wish I could be with you all the time. You are the best big sister a guy could ever ask for. I love you so much and I miss you.

58. Despite the fact that I miss you, my sister, I still can’t stop wishing you all the best in all you do. I hope you have a happy life and excel in your endeavours.

59. You’re the best sister a person could ask for. You have always been a shoulder to cry on in trying times. You are the one I want by my side for every victory and milestone. I love you and I miss you.

60. You are plus one today, but I am minus one down because I am seriously missing you. I miss that I am not there to celebrate with you. I love you so much dear sister.

You are the reason my life is full of so much bliss. You always make me smile even when I have tears in my eyes. You are my sister and best friend, I just want to hug you all the time and never let go. I really miss you so much and I am just thinking how blessed I am to have you.

61. Though you are away, I am always thinking about you. If I have to make a wish right now, it would be that you are here listening to me like you always do, I miss you so much, sister.

62. I can’t do without thinking about the best moments we have shared together. I want to see you, I miss you dearly. When will you come home, sister?

63. I miss you so much, my sister. I remember a time when we were always together in the same room talking, laughing, and catching up. Now we are lucky if we get to do it once a month. I know that you are busy with your new life and I am busy living mine but for me not seeing you is like a challenge to my life.

64. Even though we communicate every day, it’s not the same as having you here with me. I am always thinking about you. You are the best sister anyone could ever ask for. I miss you.

65. When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I think about you, It’s like there’s no escape from the feeling of wanting to be around you again. My dear sister, I miss you more than you can ever imagine.

66. Life can become boring when distance separates you and your loved ones. I hope to see you soon so we can catch up on some excitement. I really miss you, my beloved sister.

67. Every day that passes I always pray for you, I pray to the Lord to take good care of you, guard you and make you happy. I am always thinking of you.

68. I miss you my sister and I love you, I love u more than words could ever say or express. Even though we are living apart, for now, I will never stop loving you, missing you or thinking of you. I can’t wait to see you again.

69. Every moment has its own day. The day has come when all I think of is every moment we shared together. I really miss you sister.

70. Whenever I think of you a tear come running down my eyes. I think about all the good times we spend together and how you cared for me. Life is certainly not the same without you. I miss you, dear sister.

Since you left the house after you got married, there has been a void in my heart. My sister things are not the same without you, I feel so restless, there is nothing to do. You know how to put a smile on my face during difficult times and inspire me to be better. I really miss you, sister.

71. I know you are miles away and still, I think of you each passing day. I am so sad because of your absence dear sister. Every day I wish you are here, nothing is the same without you. I miss you.

72. Your absence pains me a lot because there is no other person that can make me happy as you do. You are a special being, you are precious to me, my bestie and a friend I wish to keep forever; I miss you dearly.

73. It’s not the same here at home without you, nothing is as painful as missing you. I wish you live close so I can see you all the time. I wish I could come with you for every family gathering and cookout, but we have to live apart now. Just know that I love you.

74. I love my sister, she is simply amazing and I just couldn’t imagine my life without her. Loving her is not accidental because she’s been there for me and I will always be here for her. I miss you, sis.

75. I miss you so much and love you. It’s been almost two years since I saw you and I want to see you again. I’m sorry that I wasn’t much of a good sister to you before you got married but know that I will be in the future. I hope things get better so I can show you how much I truly love you.

76. It is difficult to find the words that will express how much we all miss you. We have all come to realize how much your presence has lightened all our lives. I love you sister and I miss you.

77. I miss you so much my sister, you are an important part of my life. You were always near to hold my hand whenever I was scared. You are so special to me and I love you.

78. I miss you more each passing day, I miss the role you used to play in my life and all the things we no longer share. Take care of yourself, my precious sister. I love you.

79. I know we live in different cities now, but nothing has changed. You are still my sweet sister and friend. I love you and miss your laughs. I am so excited for this summer when we can hang out and be silly again.

80. Our love was so good we used to be there for each other all the time. I know we can’t stay with each other forever but still, I miss being with you. I love you and miss you, my sweet sister.

Sweet sister, thank you for always caring for me like a second mother. I am blessed to have had your watchful eyes on me, protecting me and loving me. If there is another life, I will live to be your friend in that life. I know you miss me and I miss you too.

81. You never forget about us, you know that we are always aware of what happens to you and that you miss us, we miss you too. We miss so many things about you. Take care, my friend and sister.

82. I miss you more than you will ever know. You are the fire that lights my life and the passion that drives me. I love you more than anything in this world.

83. I learnt how to love because you loved me first. You are an incredible person and I will love you to the end of time. You are a precious sister, I miss your absence so much.

84. Loving you is my number one priority. I will always be there when you need me. I cherish every moment spent with you. I miss you sweet sister and I know you miss me too.

85. I wish I can always be with you every day and night especially when you need me the most. I miss you too.

86. I miss you too every day dear sister. But it gets easier for me because I just try to remember all the sweet memories we had together. I never want to forget any of them.

87. I am glad that I don’t have to wait forever for you to come home. I am so glad that you love and miss me, I miss you too. You are an amazing person and I am blessed to call you my sister and friend. Thank you for showing me what it means to be your sister.

88. I have always wanted to live with you all my life, this is because you have been taking good care of me as your brother. I love you my sister and I think of you every day.

89. I miss you too my beloved sister. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I wish you were here to make me laugh every day. I love you so much, you are always in my thoughts and I can’t wait until I get to see you again.

90. I miss everything about you sister, your face, laughter, joy, and giggles. I miss your fight, advice and scolding style. I hope to see you soon.

You have always been that one person who can make me feel like I need no one else in this world. You always know how to make me feel loved. I will do anything in my power to keep you happy. I miss you so much, my dear sister.

91. Dear sister, I hope you are happy where you are. Thank you for the gift of your friendship and always remember that I love you and I hope you come back soon because I miss you very much.

92. You are a genius and this is why I am always proud of you. Tell me why I won’t miss a gem like you, my beloved sister.

93. I can’t believe I wouldn’t be seeing your beautiful smile every day anymore. It always made my day so much better and now I will have to go through each day without it. I hope you always know that your sister and brothers love you and miss you.

94. Whenever you are not around, I feel lonely and nothing feels right. I miss your loving and caring ways and your concern for me. Love you sister.

95. I miss you so much, my dear sister. I want to spend every day with you and never have to leave your side. I would wait all year long to see one of your beautiful smiles. I love you so much and I am happy knowing that this time apart is only temporary.

96. Love is what makes humans miss each other. I want you to know that we love you and are always happy to be with you. I miss you dearly beloved sister.

97. A day without you is like a voyage of disappointment because there will be no one to put smiles on my face. I really miss my dear sister.

98. I miss you my dearest sister. I love you more than the moon and the stars in the night sky. I love the way we get along together. I am so thankful to have you as my sister.

99. I can’t help that I miss you and the person that I was when I was with you. I was such a carefree and happy person when we were kids because I had my sister right there to guide me every day. How I wish you were here with me right now. I miss you.

100. Your love for me is very special in my life, this is the more reason why I will always appreciate you. I miss you sister.

I hope these quotes and messages show your sister how much you have been affected by her absence, and how much you love and miss her.

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