I Miss My Soldier Wife Quotes

Being in the military is an exceptional decision by any person, particularly for married spouses. It is more common to have military husbands, but when you have a wife who is a soldier then, you are a special man with a special assignment. The hazards and challenges of the job will take conscious effort and determination to make your marriage a haven of love and romance.

Having a soldier wife comes with its own demands because they face the same challenges as their male counterparts. It can be tasking and difficult to always have your soldier wife around you because of various factors such as deployment or assignments. So, it will take a lot of sacrifices and commitment to be a loving husband of a soldier.

It’s definitely not easy to have your wife away from you for a long time; the lonely nights can intensify your desire to have her around. So, when she is away, always let her know that she is on your mind. Make sure that she knows that even if you are not always there physically as expected, you will always dedicate time to tell her how much you miss her.

That’s why these I miss my soldier wife quotes have been specially written to help you let her know how much you miss her throughout her time away. What better way to grab her heart and be honest about how much you miss her ever-present impact made in your life than these quotes.

When you are away, there is nothing that I miss more than your beautiful face. My soldier wife, I miss you so much. I ache to hold you and I’m incomplete without you. Dear wife, your military service is a lifetime commitment. While you are away, remember that I will always miss you.

1. My arms have felt empty since the day you left. Are you this lonely too? I miss you so much, my soldier wife. I want to be with you and no one else. I love you, my soldier wife.

2. It’s been far too long. I’m dying to see you. I’ll be waiting breathlessly for your return, my darling husband. I wish you the best wherever you are. I will always remember you and love you.

3. You are a soldier!! You are loved!! You are so wonderful and amazing. I love you, and I will always pray for you. No matter where you go, I’ll be here waiting. Soldier wife, I miss you.

4. Hi honey, I am so excited to see you. You are my world! Come home early. It’s the little things that make him a great guy. It’s his baseball cap, his sense of humour, and the way he treats his family and friends.

5. I love you so much. You’re always on my mind. I’ll be praying for you every day. And I can’t wait to see you again! I miss my soldier wife. She is my rock and my pride. My love, I’m always waiting for you to come home. I miss you, my soldier wife.

6. Dear wife, I am so in love with you. You are my inspiration, my strength, and my undying motivation. What I miss most while you are away is your beautiful face. Dear soldier wife, I miss you so much.

7. I wish to hold you in my arms and never let you go. I miss you so much, my soldier wife. Loving you is the only thing I can do. You’ll always be my man. Every day without you is torture. I can’t wait for the day when you return home to me baby.

8. I wish you could be here with me, making my days more enjoyable. I can’t wait to hear from you and have your arms wrapped around me again. I love you so much, baby. My love, I am always waiting for you to come home. I miss you and want you back with me soon, my warrior sweetheart.

9. I miss your sweet kisses and warm hugs. My heart aches with my thoughts of you and those precious moments we had together. My Darling, I love you so much, I count the moments until you return. I am yours forever. My love for you is never-ending.

10. No matter where you are, I am with you. My heart is yours and yours alone. I will love you forever Please come back to me as soon as possible, I can’t wait to see you. My love for you is like a river, never-ending, always flowing from one end to the other.

11. You’ll always be in my thoughts and prayers. I’ll miss you, honey. You’re such a brave person for serving our country.

12. My loved one, I would give anything to hug you again. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and every day you are away is like a punch in the gut.

13. My dearest wife, I miss you ever so much. I adore you with all my heart and God knows I wish to be forever by your side. No matter where you go, I will always pray for you. I would be here waiting. I miss my soldier wife.

14. My wife is a warrior in every sense of the word. She has done more for her country than any other person in existence, and I am so grateful to her for all that she’s done. I love you, babe!

15. The day we spend together and all the moments we share in my heart are simple things, and yet they’re priceless. Just knowing you’re with me, I feel safer, more secure, and more loved than ever before.

16. My darling, you are my treasure and I will do everything to love, protect and cherish you. I’ll never forget that moment when our eyes met. I miss you. My soldier wife is a beautiful soldier and a lovely mother of three. I miss her so much

17. My dear soldier wife, I am missing you so. Know that no matter where you are, there’s a void here that can only be filled by your awesome presence. Dear Wife, we have been through so much I will always wait for your return with open arms. I miss you, my soldier wife

18. I feel so fortunate and blessed to have a great life and an even better husband. My dear, I think about you every single day. The light in my eye and the smile on my face is all because of you.

19. I miss you so much, honey. Your bright smile and focused eyes encourage me to follow my dreams. I will always be right there by your side. No matter where you go, I will always be thinking of you. You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine a day without you.

20. Since you are away I miss your tender kiss, your warm embrace, and your amazing personality. Dear soldier wife, I miss you so much.

21. My darling, I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. Just thinking about you makes me look forward to retirement.

22. My darling girl, I long to hear your voice, and yearn to see your sweet face. I have been here patiently waiting for you, my love. Please come back soon. Dear soldier wife, once you are away, the left part of my heart pauses. You complete me and I miss you daily.

23. I love my soldier wife. She is so brave. I will love her forever. I am proud to be a husband to a soldier.

24. Dear soldier wife, I am amazed by your strength. You are a superwoman. I will always be here for you. Because of you, I have learned what it is to love unconditionally.

25. My love, there is no greater joy for me than every time you come back home after another successful mission. I’ve always hoped to have a partner like you. You’re everything I wish for in a person and more.

26. I have the world’s greatest husband. I am so proud of him! He always brings the best out in me. I am so lucky to have him here with me!

27. I love you and miss you so much. The only thing that gets me through this deployment is knowing I’ll be back in your arms soon. I accept that you are a soldier and must serve your nation. I still miss you.

28. Dear wife, I long to see you in my arms once again. Until we’re reunited, know how much I miss you. Every time my phone vibrates I pray it’s you to tell me that you’ll be home soon, my soldier wife.

29. Dear my dear soldier wife, I miss you like crazy, I hope to see you soon. It’s been a year since I saw my wife. My world has turned upside down and I miss her like crazy. She means everything to me and I can’t wait to hold her again.

30. I cannot wait to see you and the kids again. I’m sure your own kind will take care of your house, dear soldier wife. Dear Amanda, your sacrifice is appreciated, but I miss you terribly. Please make sure to visit at some point so we can finally see each other again.

31. I’m thinking about my soldier wife. She makes me so happy. I love her and she feels like home to me. I send her all a warm hug. My soldier wife is my heartbeat. She is my life and my all. I miss her dearly.

32. Dear soldier wife, I’m thinking of all the good times we had together. All I want to do is hold you in my arms and kiss you on the lips until the sun comes up. My soldier wife is the beat of my heart. She is everything to me. I miss her terribly.

33. Dear wife, I’m proud of you. I love that you’re a strong and independent woman. However, I can’t help but feel sad when you’re not around. All I want is to spend time with you.

34. My wife is the heartbeat of my life. She is everything to me and I miss her so much. I love my gorgeous wife Sharon. We met at a military concert when I was ten and she was 12, and it was love at first sight. She’s everything to me; my strength and my reason for being.

35. It means more to me to see you by my side in a bar filled with fellow soldiers than to see mere mortals. I miss you, my soldier wife.

36. I often find myself thinking of my lovely wife and mother of my children. She is the most caring, considerate person I know, and one of the hardest working women. Her dedication to our family knows no boundaries.

37. Life is hard without you being here, my love. I’m always thinking about you. I cannot wait to have you back home so we can be together again, dear soldier wife.

38. I remind you that my soldier wife loves me, makes me feel at home, and brings me warmth. I miss my wife deeply every day. She’s my strength and she’s everything to me. I think about her all the time and I look forward to every moment with her.

39. To an amazing wife, you’ll never know how much I really miss you. Dear soldier wife, I miss you so much. I cannot wait to see your smiling face again. Dearest wife and soldier, I really miss you and I can’t wait to see you again.

40. I miss you, my soldier wife, and I can hardly wait to see your smile in the bar full of soldiers. Dear soldier wife, I love you and miss you so much. Dear soldier wife, how I’ve missed you and how I’m longing for your return.

41. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are an amazing woman and I love you, soldier wife. Hey soldier wife. I miss you. I miss everything about you. We haven’t seen each other since that day and all I want to do is bring you home and hold you in my arms for the rest of my life.

42. Dear soldier wife, when you’re six thousand miles away, missing you becomes a way of life. And loving you becomes part of who I am. I miss you so much. I love you and I miss you, baby. You’re my Queen, you’re my one and only true love.

43. I can’t wait to be reunited with my soldier wife. She’s always smiling and laughing and I just want to spend more moments with her. I love being around her and I love that she loves me.

44. Just thinking of my wifey makes me smile! She’s the love of my life, and I can’t wait to hug her again. Your voice will forever be in my head and in my heart. I miss you every day and every night. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

45. Dear soldier wife, I long to see you in my arms once again. I miss you so much. My love, I’m so sorry that you’ve been deployed to such an unforgiving place. I hope your stay will be over soon and that we could see each other again.

46. Dear soldier wife, I miss you more than anything and the only thing I can think about is getting home safely so that we can spend eternity together.

47. Dear soldier wife, wherever you are today and whatever you do, I hope you know how much I care about you. I miss you so much, my soldier wife. I hope that you are safe. I love you and can’t wait to see you when you come back.

48. I miss you, my soldier wife. To the woman who never gave up on me and my fellow soldiers, who stood by me today and all these years, I will always treasure what you have to say. I miss you so much! I’m working on doing better and I hope to see you soon, my soldier wife.

49. When can I see you? Could you come and visit this weekend? I miss you. With love, your husband. You’re the best. Thank you for all that you do. I send you a warm hug. My heart aches to think of you, my beautiful soldier wife.

50. I love my soldier wife so much. My heart filled with happiness every time I see her and can’t wait to see her again. I miss her so much when she is away and want to spend as much time with her as I possibly can.

51. Hi soldier wife, do you have any idea how much I miss you? Thinking about you makes the world a better place. The sight of you by my side in a room full of fellow soldiers, as opposed to just anyone, more than makes up for all other forms of nonsense. I love and miss you, my soldier wife.

52. Dearest soldier wife, I miss you like crazy, sweetie. Everything I am belongs to you, from the moments we’ve shared to the children we’ve made together. You are everything that matters to me. I’m counting down the minutes until we’re together again, my love. Let me know if you make it on leave for the holidays. Give my best to your girls—stay safe, and come home soon.

53. Hi soldier wife, I love you and miss you very much. Every place I go reminds me of you. Thinking of you with love on this special day. Dear soldier wife, as another day goes by, I long to see you in my arms once again. I miss you so much.

54. Hi dear, I get that you’re working for our country, but I’m missing your presence right now. I love you and miss you, my darling. You are in my dreams every single day. I think about my soldier wife. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me. She makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. I send her all my love!

55. Dear wife, I love you and I miss you so much. I know you will have to leave soon but let’s make the most of the time we have together. I reminisce about my soldier wife. She is the love of my life and makes me feel at home. I send her a warm hug.

56. I long for the moment when I can hold you in my arms again. Please, come home soon. Dear beloved soldier wife, everywhere I turn I am reminded of you. Even the air I breathe smells of your precious fragrance. You are constantly in my thoughts and miss you with all my heart.

57. I miss you, my soldier wife. You are doing a great job serving our country and I am proud of you every day. Dear soldier wife, hurrying home to see you.

58. I miss my soldier. It’s been hard on both of us, but we get through it together. She is the best person I have ever known and makes me feel love every day. I will see her soon!

59. Your presence in my life has turned me around to be a better man. You are not only serving your nation, you make me better too. I miss you, my soldier wife. My soldier wife is my best friend, the love of my life, and the woman I will fight for until my dying breath.

60. When you’re with me, I’m the best of me. You help make me a better me. And when you are away, it’s all about missing you and looking out for your safe return. Dear wife, thank you for your service and I miss you.

61. I miss you so much, my darling soldier wife. I hope you’re safe and healthy in there. I’m missing you like crazy, my dear soldier wife. I miss you so much. Life is not the same without you. I can’t wait to see you soon.

62. Dear soldier wife, I’m writing to let you know I really miss you and that my heart is with you all the way. Dearest, you’re a brave woman; I know you will serve your nation well. But I miss you very much.

63. I miss my soldier wife every day. She’s my strength and she’s everything to me. I think about her every minute of the day and I look forward to every moment with her.

64. Dear soldier wife, I’ll be counting down the days until we are together again. I love you so much! Dear dearest wife, every breath I take smells of your presence. Every place I go, I see your image all around. I miss you so much, my soldier wife.

65. Dear soldier wife, every breath I take smells of your presence. Every place I go, I see your image all around. I miss you, my dear soldier wife. My soldier wife is my heartbeat. She is my life and my all. I will always be missing her.

66. Every night before I go to bed, I think about the day my wife, who’s in the airforce, will be home. I can’t wait for our next kiss. Without your presence in my life, I was lost. I became a better man with you by my side. You are not just serving our country, you’re making me a better soldier too. I miss you.

67. My amazing wife is the love of my life. I miss her every minute she is away. She is my soul, my life, and my everything. I think of you every day, wondering if you’re safe. I really miss you and can’t wait to come home to you, my soldier wife.

68. To my dear wife and loyal soldier, very few know how much I really miss you. My soldier wife in my heart. She is my life and everything to me. I miss her very much. Dear wife, I accept that you are a soldier and you must serve your nation but I miss you dearly.

69. I love the fact that you’re helping your country. I learn a lot from you and appreciate how much you make me a better person. I’m proud of you! Dear wife, I understand that your country calls for you to serve but I miss you terribly.

70. My wife, my best friend, my rock. I miss her so much, every day she makes me smile and every minute of her day is spent thinking about what’s important in life. I miss you, my soldier wife.

71. Hey soldier. I know you are busy, And I never want to regret this letter by asking questions. But how are you holding up? I love you. To my soldier wife, I miss you with all my heart. You are in my thoughts and dreams at all times. I will see you soon and remain strong for you.

72. Dear wife and soldier, you’ll never know how much I really miss you. My wife is incredible, she is my hero, and I love her more than words can express. My wife is my love, my protector, and a soldier. I miss her greatly and thank God for her safety.

73. Hey wife and soldier, I finally found a place to relax. My soldier wife is my strength and my soul mate. She makes me incredibly happy, and I am so proud of her. Dear soldier’s wife, I hope to see you in my arms once again. I miss you so very much.

74. I’m just a super hard worker who puts in all the time he can to provide for my family. I know they are proud of me and proud to have me around. I miss my soldier wife as she is the love of my life. I may not be there with her but I hope this message from me will make her feel that I am closer to her.

75. My beautiful wife is a soldier. She’s my strength and my love. I miss her every minute of every day. I can’t wait to see her again soon. Hi dear, Take care of yourself and keep safe while serving our great country. I want you to know that I’m always thinking about you. I love you and will see you soon.

76. I always think of my soldier wife when I have free time. She is the love of my life and makes me feel at home. I send her a warm hug. Hey soldier wife, your perfume lingers in the air I breathe. Your beautiful face is imprinted on everything I see. Hurry home. Love, your soldier.

77. I’m thinking of my wife, the love of my life, and sending her a warm hug back home I can’t wait to see you again, my soldier wife. I miss hearing your voice, seeing that big smile of yours, and feeling your warm hug when I get home!

78. I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. You’re my best friend and I’m so excited to see you, my soldier wife. The look on your face when you hear a good joke. The way you love to hold hands with me in public places. Your sweet touch and your wonderful smile. My soldier wife, I want to celebrate you today like it’s your birthday.

79. Hey honey. I want you to know how much I respect and appreciate everything you do for our country. But I miss you every minute of every day, too I miss you when I close my eyes and see your face. I miss you when I rise each morning because it’s time to start another lonely day. That’s why, when each night falls and there is no one here but me, I spend the whole evening looking at pictures of you.

80. I love the thought of my wife coming back from her tour. She is a hero, and I am proud to be by her side. I will always pray for you. No matter where you go, I’d be here waiting. I miss my soldier wife.

81. I miss my soldier wife so much. She is my heartbeat and my joy.

82. I wish to hold you in my arms and never let you go. I miss you so much, my precious rose.

83. Oh, my love! It’s so hard being away from you and our life together, but I’m so proud of you and how bravely you are serving our country. While I feel a little lost without you and your beautiful face by my side, I know that it’s short-term. Our whole life is ahead of us and the time will pass quickly.

84. Hi honey. I hope you are well. You are such a special person in my life. Thank you for joining the army and helping to keep our country safe.

85. I am so lucky to be married to the bravest woman in the world. I can’t wait to see her again!

86. No one is as proud to be a husband to a soldier as I am. I miss her so much.

87. Dear soldier wife, I miss your beautiful face. I’m thinking about you this Thanksgiving and missing your warm laugh and a great smile.

88. Dear wife, I spend every day looking forward to the sound of your key turning in the door. The house feels so empty without your home. I can’t wait until we’re reunited, my love.

89. As a husband to a soldier wife, I have come to realize that she is the best woman in the world. I miss her so much. Dear wife, I cannot wait for you to come home. I miss you and hope that you are coming back soon.

90. I’m so proud to be the husband of our nation’s true hero. I miss her so much and can’t wait to see her again.

91. My wife is a soldier and my love runs deep. I will never forget you. I’ll always be here for you, baby. No matter where you are and what you do, I’d be with you always. I miss my darling.

92. My beautiful soldier, my heart is always with you. I love you. Dear soldier wife, no matter where you are deployed to, my heart will always follow you. I miss you.

93. My wife is a soldier, and I’m proud to be her husband. I’m so proud of my wife, who is a soldier. I miss her so much!

94. The happiest moments of my life were spent with you, my love. I miss you every day and cannot wait to come home to you soon.

95. I’m thinking of you right now and I can’t wait to see you. It breaks my heart being away from you for so long. Please come back home soon.

96. Dear wife, I would always be waiting to hear you ring the doorbell on your return. I miss you, my soldier wife.

97. Dear wife, I’m so thankful for you. I can’t wait for you to come home to me. I love you, my beautiful wife. The only thing I would like to do is walk into your arms, even if only for a moment.

98. Darling, my heart aches while you are away fighting for our nation. I miss your smile, your warmth, your heart.

99. My dear, until the day I see you, I will count the seconds.

100. Let’s put happy faces on and make the best of this situation. Please don’t think that this sends a message that I’m not proud of you because I am very proud. You’re doing well over there; it’s just that I miss everything about you and our life together. Stay strong and come home safely soon!

These short and sweet I miss my soldier wife quotes will make your soldier wife know that she’s always on your mind and that you are thinking of her.

You should send her one or more of these quotes to create some memories. You’re encouraged to also use these quotes as social media posts.

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