I Miss You Mom Messages and Quotes for Sweet Mothers

Mothers are super amazing; they go out of their way to see that we have a good life. Honestly, some mothers do it all, even without the help of the father. They teach us everything we need to know, from how to jump, sing, eat, sleep, relate with others, with absolute love and care.

They make sure to always check on us, whether or not we are with them. Mothers are priceless, and I’m sure yours is too. Being away from someone like this will only make things worse if you’re someone that finds it difficult to deal with emotions. A mother’s touch is everything. I’m sure you miss your mom because that’s the only reason you could be reading this.

To ease up this feeling, the I miss you mom messages and quotes for sweet mothers below are what you need. You should send it to your mom, so you both can feel better. And if she is in heaven already, you will find the right messages to express how much you miss her too.

No amount of quotes can tell exactly how much I miss you, mom. I honestly didn’t know how much you mean to me, until this time. This is quite challenging, and I hope I can get through it. If I do, I promise to love and value you more. I miss you, my sweet mother.

1. Hey mom, words can’t describe how much I miss you right now. I miss all the late-night talks and all. There’s no other person who encourages me as you do. I’m doing all of these for you, and I hope you’re proud of me at the end of the day. I miss you so much mother.

2. Considering how strong our bond is, we shouldn’t spend a day without each other, but life has its way of doing things. I’m thankful to be where I am today, because of your love and sacrifice. All of these won’t be possible without you. I owe it all to you, mom. I’m sure you miss me as much as I do.

3. We might fight every now and then, but we’re still the best friends ever. I’m so happy to have a mother who listens to me, despite how much my excesses are. You’re too kind for this world, mother. I hope that God makes things easy for me, so I can take care of you. I love and miss you too much.

4. Who sat and watched my infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed? You were the one, mom. You’ve always been there, even when I didn’t know my right from left. You’ve been an amazing mother since inception. Thank you for always being there for me. I will keep making you proud. I miss you, my mother.

5. Even though everyone can’t tell exactly how much I love you, they all know I do. I don’t take your years of support and love for granted, mother. I love you with all of me and I will continue to prove it. I hope you’re doing very fine. All these will be over soon, and I will be home. I love you, mother.

6. I have never seen a mother as wonderful as you. This stage of my life could never have been possible without you. Every single day, I thank God for giving me the best mother in the world. I desire to make you proud, by being the best daughter in the world. That will surely happen. I miss you, mom.

7. I know I’m far from being the best daughter, but no one comes close to you, mom. You’re the best mother in the entire universe, and I’m thankful for your life. Thank you for always laying good examples for your children. We all will make you proud, someday. I miss you, mom.

8. A few days away from you, and I can’t even think straight anymore. I miss you so much, mom. I miss our long talks, your food, your words of encouragement and lots more. I wish you were here with me. All I’m doing is to make you proud, and I can’t wait for that to happen. I love you.

9. So many people keep criticizing me because of the amount of love I have for you. If only they knew how much you had to give up before I could be where I am today. Mom, I’m thanking you today because everything is now working fine. I have a good job, and I know there’d a bright future ahead of me. I love you.

10. Saying I miss you is an understatement. You have no idea how wrecked I feel right now. Having to stay away from you for such a long period of time kills me. I wish I could appear beside you right now. I miss you so much, mom and I hope to see you soon. Take care of yourself for me.

11. If there’s anything I’m planning to do with my life right now, it’s to keep taking good care of you. You deserve this and so much more, mom. You literally gave up your career to see me prosper. Honestly, I doubt there’s a mother who can do this. I won’t disappoint you; trust me on that. I miss you, my mother.

12. It’s been weeks without you, and I honestly don’t know exactly how I feel. I wish I didn’t leave. I’m just glad that you keep calling to check up on me. You keep praying for me, even though we’re so many miles apart. I can feel your prayers, mom. I know you miss me, and I miss you even more. Love you.

13. Never have I thought I would later be in a situation like this. You’ve been my best friend from the beginning of my life, and I have never spent this long without you. Even though it’s killing me slowly, I’m still optimistic, because it’s all for the best. I miss you, mom. Mwah!

14. I can imagine how dad felt when you accepted to be his wife. He must have felt like the luckiest man in the world; he still is. I’m also the most blessed daughter in the world. Thank you for putting me in the way of the Lord. I will never let this depart from me. I miss you, my mother.

15. Honestly, I never knew staying without you could amount to a rise in BP. Every day, I think about you; I just can’t help it. Hey mom, I think I need to be home soon. I just want to see you again. Please, let me come home. I promise not to disturb you. I love and miss you so much. See you, soon.

I never knew my education will bring so much gap between us, mom. Honestly, I wouldn’t have considered going this far. But no matter what, I will always be with you, even though it will be in my thoughts and thinking. I miss and love you, mom.

16. Dear mother, ever since you left the sinful world, I have never stopped missing you. Things have never been the same. I wish you were here, you would’ve corrected so many things. Now, how do I cope without you? How do you even feel knowing you won’t see me again? I miss you so much. Keep resting in the Lord.

17. No mother can give up her life for her children like you keep doing. You’re an exceptional mother. Even though I don’t have it all figured out now, trust me, I will never stop doing what’s expected of me. I will make you happy and proud. You mean the world to me. I miss you, my mother.

18. I don’t care what anyone feels about us, all I know is that nothing is ever going to come between us. Your life is an open book to me, and this has made me learn the right way. Your life is like a guide to me. I’m grateful to be your daughter. I hope you miss me as much as I do. I love you, mom.

19. I have never done anything outside of your approval; that’s how much I love and respect you. I always trust your judgement, because I know something good always comes out of it. I have promised never to do anything without your knowledge. I need you to survive, mom. I miss you.

20. I hope you know how much you mean to me, mom. I work day and night, so I can give you the finest things of life. You have really tried for me, and now is the time to start reaping the fruits of your labour. Just sit back and relax. Thank you for being the best mother ever. I miss you.

21. No matter how far I am, your happiness will always be of paramount importance to me. You’re the reason I do all of these. You’re my backbone and encourager. I feel so confident in myself because I have you. I just hope you don’t leave now. I have so much in store for you. I miss you, my mom.

22. I want to thank you for seeing me through the most difficult times of n Yb life. Without you, I won’t be here. In fact, I would rather starve than see you hungry. You have been in this possible for me, in the past. Now, it’s my time to reciprocate, and I promise to do my best. I miss you, my mom.

23. I don’t care what my siblings do, my goal is to make you proud. My goal is to put this family’s name out there; for good, of course. You have done nothing but give us the best. If we decide to do the same now, there’s nothing bad in it. You’ve just signed up for premium enjoyment, mom. I miss you.

24. You’re the closest person to me, in the whole wide world. I feel so safe and covered, knowing that I can discuss anything with my mother. Others can’t say the same for their mother, but I’m thankful to be in this position. Whatever you want, mom, I will do. I miss everything about you. Be good for me.

25. Of all mothers, you have the award for the most prayerful mom. In fact, you’re a prayer warrior, mom. There’s nothing you won’t do for your children. You constantly go out of your way to make us happy. We might not be with you now, but all we think of is how to give you the best life. Watch it happen, mom. I miss you.

26. Until I started hearing people talk so good about you, I had always thought that you’re only nice in the house. Mom, you’re the best support system anyone could ever wish for. You always have the right words/quotes for every situation. The best mother award goes to you, my mother. Keep basking in God’s grace. I miss you.

27. I can’t even tell exactly how much I miss you; I just know I am missing you badly. This stage of my life is so challenging and tasking. I have never been so far away from you. I just hope it’s all worth it, at the end of the day. How’s everything at home, especially daddy? I miss you guys so much, and can’t wait to see you. I love you.

28. There’s so much I have in store, but I won’t spill now. I want it to be a surprise to you because you’ve always lived your life surprising me. Mom, I just want you to know how it feels to live the best life, and I will make that happen. Please, don’t leave me now. I miss you a lot, ma. Kisses.

29. My vision has never got so clearer. Mom, you see everything even before I think about it. I don’t know how you do it, but you’re good at being the best mother. How I wish other people were lucky to be your children. Thank you for giving it all up for your children. You will live long to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I miss you, my mother.

30. God is my witness, all I have on my mind is how I’m going to change your status. You have been at this same spot for way too long. Now is the time to change your level. I owe it all to you because you made this reality. I will never make you shed a tear, mom. If at all, it’s going to be tears of joy. I miss you a lot.

Starting my own life has been quite challenging, mom. I have never been away from you for such a long period of time. Your encouragement is all I need to get through these hard times, mom. But no matter what happens, your image in my heart will always remain. I miss you.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages

31. Honestly, if I have my way, I will be just right by your side. Being here without you makes it seem like I’m losing focus. I miss everything about you. Even though I can’t do anything about, this right now, telling you will ease off the trauma a little. I miss you so much, mama.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages


32. I see other children and I can’t imagine how much their upbringings lack. Mom, you never hesitated to sit back at home, just to make sure we did the right thing. You were always there to guide us. In fact, none of these will be possible without you. I owe it all to you, and I honestly can’t wait to start doing the needful. I miss you, mom.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages

33. Right from when I was a little child, I already knew how much you love me. Your heart is so beautiful, mom. You don’t discriminate against other people’s children. We all are equal, to you. Thank you for instilling in me, the right choices and values. I promise never to depart from them. I miss you, my mother.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages


34. Even though you don’t say it, I know you miss me. Nothing is easy without you. If I were there, I won’t be facing all these difficulties. You have a way of making things regain their shape. You speak positivity into everything, no wonder I am far from where I used to be. I hope you don’t ever stop, mom. I miss you.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages

35. I’m the best girl in the world because I was trained by the best mother in the world. Who would’ve thought that I would one day be a highly respected and loved woman? Looking back, I can only thank God for giving me the best mom ever. Dear mother, let’s keep breaking ground. I miss you so much.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages


36. I have never thought of going back. Whenever I remember all your words of encouragement, I’m encouraged to keep moving; I’m encouraged to keep pressing forward. This can only be your effect on me, mom. Even though you’ve tried, I hope you don’t ever stop. I miss us so much.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages


37. I’m glad because one day, my children will have the best grandma in the whole world. But I’m gladder that I get to enjoy all the fullness of your beautiful life. You’re so amazing, mom, and this girl is grateful to be your daughter. I wish you all the best. And also, I miss you like the world is about to end.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages

38. I don’t even know where to start from or how to start. I just know that the level at which I am missing you seems not ordinary. I mean, I have been away for more than this, and it has never been like that. I’m sure it’s because you never change. You’re still that gorgeous and beautiful mother. I miss you, ma’am.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages


39. Having the best daughter is a blessing, but having the best mother is greater than a blessing. In fact, the feeling is surreal. I don’t ever feel that you lack anything. I don’t I’m left behind. Everything keeps happening as planned. I’m most grateful to God for a wonderful mother like you. I miss you, my mom.

I Miss You Mom Messages
I Miss You Mom Messages


40. This is coming straight from my heart because I have tried my best not to cry, but I can’t help it. Dear mom, I miss you a lot, that I can’t even concentrate on what I am here for. You’re all I keep thinking about, and I don’t know how to get myself out of this mess. How about you show up here, tomorrow? I miss you, ma.


41. While others are ranting about how hard things are, I’m here, jumping for joy, because I have the best mother who keeps making everything happen for me. Mom, what if I tell you how grateful I am? I know I have started doing the right thing, but I am also happy I never stop. I miss you, my beautiful mother.

42. For you, I will go far and beyond. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You literally suffered to get me where I am now. I’m sure you’re proud of me, but I will do everything in my power, to see that you are prouder. I hope you’re doing well, mummy. Your daughter misses you so much. I can’t wait to reconnect with you.


43. Two things I am thankful for in life; a good life and the best mother. The former wouldn’t have been possible without the latter. The latter strives to make things easy for me. The latter is always there, no matter what. The latter is my mother, and I will do anything for her. I miss you, my sweet mother.


44. Nothing makes me happy than watching you laugh, while you rest on my shoulder and tap me so hard. Hearing you smile on the phone can never be enough, mom. I miss our connection, and I hope our reconnection brings a stronger bond. I love you so much, mama. I miss you as well. Please, take good care of yourself.

I wish I can become a baby again, so, I don’t ever have to go away from you, mom. I always want to be with you because you’re the most special and beautiful mom ever. This quote is coming straight from my heart. I miss you, mom. With love, from your daughter.

45. Things have never been so easy, but you keep striving for us. Despite that we are now grownups, that doesn’t make you back off; it only gives you more encouragement to be fully involved in our matters. Mom, you deserve a gold medal for being the most supportive mother. Someday, we will make this dream come true. I miss you.

46. When it comes to your children, you go harder. You don’t care who’s watching or what people say, your focus is always on loving and supporting your children. Mom, even though we don’t have too much now, you are always on my mind and I have so many plans for you. I miss you a lot, and can’t wait to see you.

47. Dear mom, I know you love me, and I love you right back. I have never met a more compassionate mother. You’re even compassionate about other people’s children. The way you look out for others is so commendable. You’re all we’ve got, so we’re going to make sure you never lack. I miss you, mom.

48. Adulthood has been really frustrating, but all thanks to a mother who is always there for me. Honestly, you have never allowed me to think about my failures, for once. You keep counting my successes and making me see reasons to focus on my wins. Trust me, mom, you are the best. I miss you so much.

49. The only thing I won’t do in this life, is to watch you suffer. I mean, you’ve been suffering almost all your life. You don’t even sleep. The only thing you keep doing is pray for us. I’m happy to let you know that your prayers are being answered. Things are getting better, mom. All thanks to you. I miss you.

50. Right from being a child, I knew I was going to have a good life. In fact, other people can testify to how passionate you are, when it comes to doing the right things for your children. Mom, I’m a better woman, because I have you. Even if I get married today, it will never threaten our relationship. I miss you.

51. Right from your womb to this stage of my life, I have always been happy. All thanks to you for being a happy woman. You literally put me first in all you do. I come first, even before you start thinking about yourself. Mom, no daughter can be luckier. I am eternally grateful. I miss you so much.

52. Without a mother like you, I wonder what my life will look like. Probably I could have been worth nothing. You gave me a life I am proud of. You pushed me till I reached the top. Mom, I do not take any of these for granted. In fact, I owe it all to you. Keep being the best mom. I miss you.

53. Dear mother, I just want you to prepare for something great. You’re about to be the most celebrated mom in the entire universe, just because you raised the best girl in the world. Both male and female, everyone is happy to have me in their lives. In fact, they can hardly do anything without me. You deserve all the accolades, mom. Lest I forget, I miss you.

54. I probably could have been an object of shame and ridicule by now, if I didn’t end up being with the best mother. Sometimes, I keep imagining how it would be if you weren’t in my life. Thank God this isn’t my reality. My reality is much more beautiful and inspiring. Shout out to the best mom ever. I miss you.

55. I just want to be like you when I finally grow up. I have been following in your footsteps, since the beginning of my life, and I have never regretted it. I love how intentional you are about living life because you know that you have a child who possibly watches all your moves. Thank you for not relenting. I miss you.

56. It’s no news that I have the best mom in the world, and there’s absolutely nothing I can do without her. Mom, I have grown so fond of you that I can’t do anything without your permission and help. You’re the one who keeps pushing me. If not for anything, I will keep going because of you. I miss you, ma.

57. I wonder what the world will look like, without a woman like you. You were first a woman before becoming a mother. I wonder how you’ve managed to balance both roles so well, in all of these years. I definitely have a lot to catch up with. How are you doing, mom? I miss you a lot.

58. You are both a career and family woman. You never leave one for the other. You kill both roles like the queen that you are. Mom, I honestly need to know how you do something because I will be getting married soon. I want to be the best wife to my husband and the best mother to my kids. I’m coming for some lessons. I miss you.

Even though I am a man, I have never felt the need to be away from you, mom. I have always wanted to be with you, but no one understands me better than you do. I miss you so much, mom, and that’s why I have decided to send you this quote. Love, your son.

59. You’re the most beautiful woman in the whole world. When people talk about how good I look, I gladly show them your photos. Even at this age, your look is still breathtaking. Far above all of these, your heart is much more beautiful. I’m grateful to have a mother who is beautiful all around. I miss you, my sweet mother.

60. What would I do with my life, without you? When the rest of the world felt the need to castigate and judge me, you stood by me. Mom, I know of mothers who would have left me, because of the shame. But you kept your cool through it all. You surely deserve the award for being the best mom. I miss you, mama.

61. To prove my love to you, I will give you the whole world. You’ve been the best, ever since I knew you. You haven’t stopped putting me first in everything. You’re always about my happiness and well-being. I’m grateful to have you in my life. My whole life is dedicated to you, mom. I miss you loads. Kisses!

62. What matter of mother leaves everything she has, just to focus on the life of her son? Mom, you have helped me live my life the best way while living yours behind. How selfless can you be, mom? There’s nothing in this world that will make me stop being grateful. In fact, I owe you a lot. I miss you, mother.

63. You have everything, yet you are not proud. You made everything available to me, yet I am the best son, father and husband in the world. If I were some other daughter, I would’ve been tagged “a spoilt brat”. Mom, thank you for taking your time to train me. You raised a king, mom. I miss you.

64. I have friends who always talk about wanting to have a mother like you. They never stop telling me how blessed I am to have you. Honestly, I feel the same way, but hearing it from their people, gives me some kind of joy and gladness. Mom, you’ve made me a proud son, I won’t hesitate to make you a proud mom. I miss you.

65. If we’re being honest, you have done enough. I mean, I’m now married and can do everything on my own, but you still feel the need to always come around to help with the kids. Mummy, we’re all happy to have you in our lives. In fact, your grandkids are the happiest. We love and miss you so much.

66. A day of my life without you, feels like the world is going to end. You’re a very important part of my life, and so many things will not be in shape, without you. I’m still surviving the storm, because of you, mom. You’re all I need to get out of this for life. Never leave me, mother. I miss you.

67. I don’t mind giving it all up for my mother, because she has always done the same. You have never felt uncomfortable having your grandkids around, despite their destructiveness and stubbornness. You keep correcting them with love. They’re fond of you already. We all miss you, and can’t wait to have you around.

68. Nothing in the world will make any meaning, without you. For so many years, you’ve been the only one actively involved in my life and affairs. It doesn’t bother you whenever I bring my problems; you’re always ready to share in the burden and proffer solutions. You’re the kindest mother, and I miss you.

69. Traveling for such a long distance feels so uncomfortable. I never I wasn’t going to function well because my better half is far from me. I miss everything about us, mom. I wish you were here with me. I will soon be done with my assignment. I will head home, immediately it’s done. I miss you a lot, mama.

70. I loved how I always crawled into your arm when I was a little child. You still stretch those arms to hug me, whenever I am down. Being your son suppresses my pain. If there’s anything like an afterlife, then I would love to be your daughter again. You don’t want to imagine what it feels like without you. I miss you.

71. Life is like a game; you lose some, you win some. I’m glad that I am winning in this aspect of my life. If I had lost this, then other things could’ve gone bad as well, even if I won initially. Thank you for playing the roles of a mother and father in my life. You’re killing this role, mom. I miss you so much.

72. I wonder how you were able to pull up, as a single mother. It must have been tough. In fact, it was, because I witnessed some of your struggles. Thank God such days are over. You’re now onto greater things, my mother. What do I bring for you, on my way back? I miss you so much.

If there’s anything I would love to live my life for, then it’s to keep loving and celebrating you. In fact, you deserve much more. I hope you love this beautiful quote when you eventually read it. I miss you so much, mom. Take care of yourself.

73. My love for you is so deep, and I will go any length to prove it. You’re the love of my life and the reason I work very hard. I just hope you quit asking me about getting married. I’m doing all these for you because I don’t want any woman coming between us. I miss you, mom. I can’t wait to be back home.

74. Whenever I feel down, your voice is all I need to hear, and my worries will be gone. Even though we’re far from each other, things are still the same; they never change. I hope you’re not missing me too much, mom. Don’t worry, your son will be back in your arms, soon. I miss you like there’s no tomorrow.

75. I’m sorry, mom, but sometimes, I thank God for making me your only child. Honestly, I can’t imagine sharing you with someone else. I believe you’re mine alone, and that’s exactly how it will be forever. I miss you so much, my sweet mother. I can’t wait to be done with all of these. I love you.

76. You have really gone through a lot, mom. I know you’re enjoying your life now, but you seem not to have forgotten all your struggles. I want you to forget them because this is a new page of your life. On this page, it’s all about enjoying God’s grace and blessings. Cheer up, mom. Those days are over. I miss you.

77. I won’t stop thanking God for another amazing and sweet mother like you. You make my dreams come true, by encouraging me. Even if the dreams don’t seem to make any sense, you still contribute in your own little way. You have never killed nor talked down on my plans. Thank you for being the best. I miss you, my mother.

78. Whenever I have any plan, the next thing is to let you know about it. I trust your judgement because I am very sure you want the best for me. Your decisions for me have never made things go bad, instead, things keep getting better. It can only be due to the effect of a mother like you. I miss you, mom and I can’t wait to get back in your arms.

79. Life is a lot easier, because of a mother like you. I’m yet to understand why God has chosen to bless me this much. Honestly, I feel I’m not worth a mother like you. I’m not even the most obedient daughter, but still, your love for me never changes. With a little tear in my eyes, I miss you, mother.

80. You have no idea how much I honour you, mom. Everywhere I go, I tell everyone about my mother. So many people are already jealous of me because they can’t relate to having a mother like mine. I’m the happiest daughter, because of you. I can’t wait to change the world, just like you have done. I miss you, my lovely mom.

81. Because you care so much about me, things have never been bad for me. I have recorded a few losses, but that’s on me. All of my wins come from you. You work so hard behind closed doors, just to make sure I don’t miss it in life. I don’t know how best to make you know, but I am grateful. I miss you, mom.

82. Even now that I can stand alone, you still haven’t left my side. You have ways been like this. You feel like there’s nothing more important than your children. You feel so concerned about us. Mom, we are very grateful to be your children, and we hope to do much more for our kids. We miss you, mom.

83. My husband won’t stop talking about your love and act of generosity to other people. He always feels like you were his mom. You have gladly filled the space of a mom in his life, ever since he lost his biological mom. He’s so happy to have you, but I’m happy because you’re mine. I miss you, my sweet mom.

84. What more can one ask for, than an amazing mother like you? You make every day beautiful and exciting for everyone around you. You constantly check up on me, whether I am right in your house or far away. The only thing on my mind right now is your food. I miss eating from your pot. I miss you so much, mom. I can’t wait to see you.

85. I know you miss me, but I doubt it’s as much as I do. I can’t even think straight, right now. I keep dreaming about you, mom. Well, I want you to keep praying for me because I really need to win this contract. As you already know, my win is your win. Now, go to God in prayers. I miss you, my prayer warrior.

86. Even though you’re not God, there’s nothing too big for you to do. If it seems too big, you pray to God. Your prayer is all that has kept this family going. It’s all that keeps the devil far away from us. We are seeing the effects of your prayers, and we hope you never stop. I miss you, mom. I can’t wait to be there with you.

Mama, you are so special to me. You’re the most interesting and joyful mother ever. Your life is full of lessons for everyone too. I’m lucky to have you as my mom. My children and I are missing you, mama. We can’t wait to see you again.

87. I don’t know how best to say this, but you’re undoubtedly the best mother in the world. Even when you have so many problems on your shoulders, you still put on those beautiful smiles, while tackling them like a warrior. Mom, you’re my hero and I owe it all to you. I miss you, mama.

88. How about we talk about how effortlessly you kill your role as a mother? It can be very tasking and frustrating, but you make it seem like it’s nothing. I had always thought this way until I started having kids. I’m coming to take lessons from you, mom. I miss you.

89. You taught me never to discriminate because we are all one and equal. You taught me to love everyone equally because I never know what might happen tomorrow. Mom, I’m glad I did just as you instructed. I now know what it all means. Thank you for being right there in my corner. I miss you, mama.

90. My mother-in-law always calls me a responsible and sweet lady. Every time she says this, she prays for my mother. Your struggles are evident on me, everyone can see them. I can’t thank you enough for making the life of my dreams a reality. I am really enjoying it. I have so much to tell you. I can’t wait till our next meeting. I miss you, mama.

91. Our love keeps growing stronger because we both have made it an assignment to be the best mother and daughter. Nothing has ever been so easy, mom. I don’t even want to become a doctor anymore, all I want is to be the best daughter to you, everything else will fall in place. I miss you, mama.

92. I miss you so much, my mom. One of the things I miss about you is how you call my name. I could pretend not to hear you while you keep calling my name, just because I love how you call it. Even though I am here for things to be better, I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss my room, but I miss you more.

93. I can’t wait to come back into your warm embrace, mom. Your arms are the only safest place for me and I miss running into them. I know you miss me, mom, but some things must be done. We will soon start spending quality time with each other. I will be with you soon. I love you so much, mama.

94. Wherever I go, I am always the topic of discussion for the luckiest daughter in the world. This keeps happening, only because of you. How luckier can one get again? This has literally brought me all the luck in the world. I honestly can’t wait to make you prouder. I miss you, mama.

95. The moment I discovered I had the best mother, I began to work towards being the best son. Today, I’m proud to say that I am one of the best sons in the world. Mom, this is only possible because you raised me. If you weren’t in the picture, it could’ve been worse. I love you for loving me, mama. I miss you too.

96. Because you are the best person in the world, you deserve to be celebrated every single day. It’s not your birthday, but I just wish to let you know how much I love and appreciate you for all you keep doing, mom. It’s a lot of work, but you suck it all up. You are the best ever! And I miss you too much.

97. You are the one who never gives up your faith in me even when I fail. I wonder what gives you the courage that I am going to do well. You give me the strength to stand alone and to reach my dreams. You believe so much in me than I do in myself. Thank you for everything, mom. I just want to let you know that I miss you.

98. You know every single thing about me. Even when I don’t feel like telling you, you already know. I don’t even hide things from you, because you can read my heart. Thank you for taking your time out to study me well. You are the loveliest mother and I miss you so much.

99. In the whole wide world, you are the person I love the most, you are the person to whom I can open up my heart. You’re the person I can’t do without. With you, I always feel safe and secure. It’s not the same without you, mom. Right now, I miss you so much. Wish there’s something I can do about it. I love you too.

100. You are the best friend I have in life; you are the only true companion who can sacrifice everything just for me to be happy. I love you, mom, and will like to appreciate you for all your advice that shaped me into who I am today. Because of you, I am doing very well. I miss you, mama.

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